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Burgener F., Kormano M. — Differential Diagnosis in Computed Tomography |
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, inhalation see "Silo-fillers disease"
Abdominal aorla 318
Abdominal disease, pleural effusion 215
Abdominal wall 288 288
Abdominal wall, abnormalities 289—292 289 291—292
Abdominoperineal resection, iatrogenic pseudolesions 364
Abnormalities, air in 290
Abnormalities, topography 311
Abscess, abdominal wall 290 292
Abscess, adrenal 344
Abscess, appendiceal 306 307
Abscess, Brodie's 178
Abscess, epidural 24 25 132
Abscess, extraperitoneal 362 363
Abscess, intraperitoneal 312 313
Abscess, liver 256 257 258 258
Abscess, lower carotid space 118
Abscess, lung 208 209 217 217
Abscess, mediastinal 226 227
Abscess, pancreatic 282
Abscess, parapharyngeal 96 97
Abscess, pelvic region 348 348
Abscess, perinephric space 338 339
Abscess, peritoneal 360 361
Abscess, peritoneal, fluid 311
Abscess, pharyngeal 96 97 111
Abscess, posterior cervical space 118
Abscess, posterior fossa 30
Abscess, psoas 321 339
Abscess, renal 327 336 337
Abscess, retroperitoneal 320 321
Abscess, retropharyngeal 96 97
Abscess, soft-tissue lesions 150 151
Abscess, spinal cord 126
Abscess, spinal epidural 132 132
Abscess, splenic 276
Abscess, subphrenic 215
Abscess, tonsillar 96 97
Abscess, tubo-ovarian 350 351
Abscess, visceral space 111 111
Acetabulum fracture 152—153 153
Achalasia, megaesophagus 234
Achondroplasia, spinal stenosis 136
Acoustic neuroma 66
Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome see "AIDS"
Acromegaly 76 226
Acromegaly, spinal stenosis 138
Actinomycosis, chest wall 217
Actinomycosis, pulmonary 210
Actinomycosis, spondylitis 131
Acute disseminated encephalomyelitis see "Encephalomyelitis" "Immunemediated"
Adamantinonoma 168
Addison's disease 226 344
Adenitis, tuberculous 118
Adenocarcinoma of stomach 295 295
Adenocarcinoma, colon 308 308
Adenocarcinoma, mucinous thoracic 242
Adenocarcinoma, pancreatic 284 284—285
Adenocarcinoma, small bowel 298
Adenocarcinoma, vaginal clear cell 354
Adenohypophysitis 38
Adenoma of middle ear/mastoid 64
Adenoma, adrenal cortical 341 341
Adenoma, liver 254 255
Adenoma, parapharyngeal 94
Adenoma, pelvic region 350
Adenoma, pituitary 6 34 35 43
Adenoma, pulmonary 204 205
Adenoma, renal 332 333
Adenoma, thyroid 114 115
Adenoma, villous of colon 307
Adenomatosis, hepatic 254 255
Adenomatous hyperplasia, thyroid 114 115
Adenomatous polyp, colon 306
Adenomatous polyp, stomach 295
Adenomyomatosis, gallbladder 269
Adenomyosis 352
Adenopathy, metastatic 118
Adenopathy, suppurative 118
Aditus ad antrum 56
Adrenal glands 340
Adrenal glands, anatomy 340
Adrenal glands, cortical carcinoma 324 343
Adrenal glands, enlargement 341—342 341 343—344 344
Adrenal mass vs. gastric diverticulum 295
Adrenoleukodystrophy, childhood 8
Adult polycystic kidney disease 286 330 331
Adult respiratory distress syndrome 192
Agammaglobulinemia 186
AIDS 12 13 see "Pneumocystis pneumonia"
AIDS, benign lymphadenopathy 320 321
AIDS, cytomegalovirus colitis 304
AIDS, gastric wall thickening 296
AIDS, lymphoepithelial parotid cysts 104 105
AIDS, pneumatocele 214
AIDS, pneumonia 192 193
AIDS, spleen abnormalities 276
AIDS, splenomegaly 274
AIDS, tuberculosis 118 300
Air in abdominal wall 290
Air in small bowel 302
Air, bronchograms 188 189
Air, free intraperitoneal 311
Air, trapping 184
Air-space disease of lungs 188—189 188
Aldosteronism, primary see "Conn's syndrome"
Alexander's disease 8
Alpha-1-antitrypsin deficiency 184 187
Aluminium pneumoconiosis 196
Alveolar cell carcinoma 190 191 205
Alveolar microlithiasis 189 194
Alveolar proteinosis 189 192
Alveolar soft-tissue sarcoma 150
Alveolitis, extrinsic allergic 196 197
Alzheimer's disease 14 15
Amebiasis 211 211
Amebic abscess, liver 258 258
Amebic colitis 304
Ameloblastoma 90
Ameloblastoma, bone 168 169
Amino acid metabolism disorder 8—9
Amniotic fluid embolism 201
Amyloidosis, bone 176
Amyloidosis, colon 306
Amyloidosis, diffuse air-space disease 189
Amyloidosis, liver 264
Amyloidosis, pulmonary 208
Amyloidosis, retroperitoneal 320
Amyloidosis, thoracic calcification 243
Amyloidosis, visceral space lesions 112
Aneurysm see also "Pseudo-aneurysm"
Aneurysm, aortic 232 233
Aneurysm, aortic, retroperitoneal 322 323
Aneurysm, arterial of brain parenchyma 24 25
Aneurysm, basilar artery 5
Aneurysm, calcification 4 24 36
Aneurysm, cerebellopontine angle 32
Aneurysm, extraperitoneal 360 361
Aneurysm, iliac artery 361
Aneurysm, innominate artery 232
Aneurysm, intrarenal 336
Aneurysm, popliteal artery 150
Aneurysm, renal 327
Aneurysm, sellar/juxtasellar 36
Aneurysm, soft-tissue 150
Aneurysm, subclavian artery 232
Aneurysm, third ventricle 43
Aneurysmal bone cyst 162 162—163
Aneurysmal bone cyst vs. ependymoma 130
Aneurysmal bone cyst, paranasal sinus 90
| Aneurysmal bone cyst, spinal stenosis 138
Angiofibroma, parapharyngeal 94 95
Angiolipoma 146
Angiolipoma, renal 332 333
Angiomatosis, cystic 164 165
Angiosarcoma see also "Hemangioendothelioma"
Angiosarcoma, soft-tissue 150
Angiosarcoma, splenic 278
Ankle fracture 154—155 154
Ankylosing spondylitis, sacroiliac joint 152 153
Ankylosing spondylitis, spinal stenosis 137
Anterior pararenal space 318 318
Anthrax, acute 226
Anticoagulation therapy 344
Antrochoanal polyp 84 88 89
Aorta, abdominal 318
Aorta, retroperitoneal surgery 322 323
Aortic aneurysm 232 233
Aortic aneurysm, retroperitoneal 322 323
Aortic arch, double 236
Aortic arch, left 236
Aortic arch, right with aberrant left sub-davian artery 236
Aortic arch, right with mirror-image branching 236
Aortic arch, right, circumflex 236
Aortic coarctation 232 236 237
Aortic dissection 232 233
Aortic dissection, retroperitoneal 322
Aortic stenosis, idiopathic hypertrophic subvalvular 238
Aortic valve disease, thoracic calcification 245
Aortocoronary bypass 222
Apical cap lesion 219
Appendicitis 306 307 350 351
Appendicitis, peritoneal abscess 360
Appendicular mucocele 314
Arachnoid cyst 34 40 43 130
Arachnoid cyst of inner car/internal auditory canal 66
Arachnoid cyst, suprasellar 38
Arachnoiditis 130
Arcuate eminence 56
Arteriosclerosis, thoracic calcification 244
Arteriovenous fistula 130
Arteriovenous malformation 24 25 30 204 205
Arteriovenous malformation, cerebellopontine angle 33
Arteriovenous malformation, renal 327 336
Arteriovenous malformation, spinal 130
Arteriovenous malformation, ventricular margin enhancement 52
Arthritis, septic 156
Asbestos exposure 215 see
Asbestos exposure, pleural thickening 217
Asbestos exposure, thoracic calcification 244 245
Asbestos-related pleural disease 217—218 218
Asbestosis 188 196 197
Ascaris spp. 306
Ascites 215 216 266
Ascites, biliary 314
Ascites, hypoalbuminemia 312
Ascites, loculaled 311
Ascites, mesenteric tuberculosis 312 316
Ascites, peritoneal 312 312
Ascites, peritoneal, carcinomatosis 314 317
Askin tumor 150
Aspergillosis 192 193
Aspergillosis, allergic, bronchopulmonary 210 211
Aspergillosis, allergic, pulmonary 186
Aspergillosis, pulmonary 186 210 211
Aspiration, chronic 186
Aspiration, pneumonia 202
Aspiration, postobstructive 213
Asplenia syndrome 275
Asthma 187
Asthma, attacks 184
Astrocytic hamartoma 73
Astrocytoma 16 17 see
Astrocytoma of cerebellum 26 26—27
Astrocytoma, fourth ventricle 44
Astrocytoma, intraventricular 50 53
Astrocytoma, spinal cord 126 127
Astrocytoma, subependymal giant-cell 43
Astrocytoma, ventricular margin 52
Atclactasis 184—185 186
Atclactasis of upper lobe 219
Atclactasis, adhesive 185
Atclactasis, cicatrization 185
Atclactasis, passive 185
Atclactasis, round 185
Atherosclerosis 232
Atherosclerosis, retroperitoneal 322
Atlanto-odontoid subluxation 140
Atlantoaxial dislocation, rotary 140 141
Atlas fracture 140
Atrial myxoma, thoracic calcification 245
Atrial septal defect 238
Atrial thrombus, thoracic calcification 245
Axillary space 220—221 221
Axis, fracture of arch 140
Azygos dilatation 232
Bacillus anthracis 226
Bagassosis 196
Barium sulfate 294
Bartholin's cyst 354 355
Basal cell nevus syndrome 4
Basal cistern 40 42
Basal ganglia 4 5
Berylliosis 196
Bile duct, abnormalities 270 271
Bile duct, extrahepatic 266 267
Bile duct, intrahepatic 266 266
Bile pseudocyst 258 259
Biliary ascites 314
Biliary cystadenocarcinoma 252
Biliary cystadenoma 256
Biliary obstruction 266 268
Biliary obstruction, disease of the Chinese 270
Biliary tract 266 266 267 268 268
Biliary tree 248
Biliary tree, abnormal 269 269 270 271 272 273
Biliary tree, contrast 268
Biliary tree, damage 268
Biloma 272 314
Biloma, trauma 258 259
Bird-fancier's lung 196
Bladder, carcinoma 356 357 358
Bladder, diverticula 358
Bladder, lesions 356 357 358 359
Bladder, outlet obstruction 358
Blastomycosis, chest wall 217
Blastomycosis, pulmonary 210
Blebs, pleural 214
Blebs, subpleural 215
Bleomycin 197
Blowout fracture of orbit 82 83 86 86
Bochdalek hernia 221 221
Bone, cyst, aneurysmal 162 162—163
Bone, cyst, unicameral 162 163
Bone, disease, generalized 156—158 157—158
Bone, disease, localized 159—160 161—180 161—181
Bone, island 132 166 167
Bone, lesions, localized 161—180 161—181
Bone, lesions, temporal bone primary 68
Bone, sclerosis with radiolucent nidus 159
Bone, sequestra 160 160
Bone, tumor with thoracic calcification 244
Borrelosis see "Lyme disease"
Bourneville's disease see "Tuberous sclerosis"
Bowel, colonic obstruction 308
Bowel, congenital malrotation 293
Bowel, herniation 293
Brachial plexopathy, traumatic 118
Brain, abscess 10 10—11
Brain, abscess, pyogenic 10—11 22 23
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