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Burgener F., Kormano M. — Differential Diagnosis in Computed Tomography
Burgener F., Kormano M. — Differential Diagnosis in Computed Tomography

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Название: Differential Diagnosis in Computed Tomography

Авторы: Burgener F., Kormano M.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Технология/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Год издания: 1996

Количество страниц: 390

Добавлена в каталог: 20.02.2014

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
CT-myelography      123
Cushing's syndrome      327 341
Cyst      see also "Pseudocyst" "Renal "Splenic
Cyst, adrenal      341
Cyst, bronchogenic      202 203 238 242
Cyst, colloid      43 46 49 114 115
Cyst, congenital splenic      278 279
Cyst, Mullerian duct      356
Cyst, pancreatic      286 287 295 330
Cyst, pelvic region      350
Cyst, pineal      20 21
Cyst, residual in paranasal sinus      90
Cyst, retention in paranasal sinuses      86 87
Cyst, soft-tissue lesion      146 147
Cyst, thyroglossal duct      104 110 111
Cystadcnocarcinoma, biliary      252
Cystadcnocarcinoma, ovarian      314 315 317
Cystadcnocarcinoma, peritoneal      360
Cystadenoma, biliary      256
Cystadenoma, pelvic region      350
Cystadenoma, peritoneal      360
Cystic adenomatoid malformation      204 205
Cystic fibrosis, bronchiectasis      186
Cystic fibrosis, lung disease      194 195
Cystic fibrosis, pancreatic fatty replacement      280
Cystic fibrosis, paranasal inflammatory polyps      86 87
Cystic foci, prostate      356
Cystic lymphangioma      104
Cystic lymphangioma, parotid      100
Cystic lymphangioma, retroperitoneal      321
Cystic medial necrosis      232
Cystic tumor      see also "Cystadenoma"
Cystic tumor, mucinous pancreatic      286 287
Cystic tumor, nerve root      134
Cystic tumor, serous pancreatic      286
Cysticercosis      4 12 34 36
Cysticercosis, fourth ventricle      44
Cysticercosis, intraventricular masses      50
Cystitis      358
Cystitis, emphysematous      358 359
Cytomegalovirus      12
Cytomegalovirus, colitis      304
Cytomegalovirus, gastric wall thickening      296
Cytomegalovirus, infectious enterocolitis      348
Cytomegalovirus, neonatal infection      4
Cytomegalovirus, pneumonia      192 193
Cytomegalovirus, small bowel thickening      293
Dandy — Walker cyst      34
Dandy — Walker syndrome      44 45 48 48
Dandy — Walker variant      48 48
Deep cervical lymph nodes      108
Deep cervical lymph nodes, reactive hyperplasia      118
Demyelinating disease      5—6 14 16
Dens, fracture      140 141
Dentate nucleus of cerebellum      4
Dentigerous cyst, paranasal sinus bone lesion      90 91
DeQuervain thyroiditis      114
Dermal sinus, dorsal      128
Dermatomyositis, lung disease      198 199
Dermatomyositis, thoracic calcification      244
Dermoid      30 78 79
Dermoid tumor, dorsal dermal sinus      128
Dermoid tumor, fourth ventricle      44
Dermoid tumor, sellar/juxtascllar      39
Dermoid vs. parapharyngeal lipoma      94
Dermoid, oral/sublingual/submandibular      104
Dermoid, pelvic region      350 351
Desmoid tumor, abdominal wall      290
Desmoid tumor, peritoneal      316
Desmoid, extraperitoneal      362
Desmoid, periosteal      164
Desmoid, soft-tissue      148 149
Diabetes mellitus, pancreatic fatty replacement      280
Dialysis, acquired cystic disease      330
Diaphragm      215 216 217—221 218—219 220 221 221
Diaphragm, eventration      221
Diaphragm, hernia      221
Diaphragm, rupture      293
Diaphragm, scalloping      248 249
Diastasis, traumatic of sacroiliac joint      152 153
Diastematomyelia      126 126 136
Diastrophic dysplasia      136
Diatrizoate      294
Disc      see "Intervertebral disc"
Disseminated intravascular coagulation      192
Disseminated medulloblastoma, ventricular margin      52
Diverticular disease, small bowel      300
Diverticulitis      306
Diverticulitis, pelvic region      348 348
Diverticulitis, peritoneal abscess      360
Diverticulosis      306 307
Diverticulum of bowel vs. gastric diverticulum      295
Diverticulum, bladder      358
Diverticulum, esophageal      230
Diverticulum, gastric      295
Diverticulum, pericardial      238
Diverticulum, ventricular      48
Diverticulum, Zenker's      110
Dressler's syndrome      215
Drowning, near      202
Drug-induced pulmonary disease      197 198 199
Drusen      74 74
Ductus arteriosus, patent      238
Ductus arteriosus, thoracic calcification      245
Duplication cyst      230 298 314
Duplication cyst vs. gastric diverticulum      295
Duplication cyst, pelvic region      350
Dura      4 5
Dural sinus occlusion      54
Dyke — Davidoff — Masson syndrome      see "Cerebral hemiatrophy"
Dyskinetic cilia      186
Dysmyelinating disease/disorders      5—6 8
Echinococcal cyst      256 257
Echinococcosis      4 162 see
Echinococcosis, pulmonary      210
Echinococcosis, thoracic calcification      242
Echinococcus granulosus, splenic      276
Echinococcus spp.      36 272
Edema, abdominal wall      292
Edema, congestive heart failure      266
Edema, pulmonary      192 193 243
Ehlers — Danlos syndrome      184
Elbow      155 155
Emboli, septic pulmonary      208 209
Embryonal cell carcinoma      228
Embryonal sarcoma      252
Emphysema      184 186 187 187
Emphysema, bullae      187
Emphysema, centrilobular      187
Emphysema, compensatory      184
Emphysema, congenital lobar      184
Emphysema, irregular      187
Emphysema, mediastinal      215
Emphysema, panlobular      187
Emphysema, paraseptal      187
Emphysema, pulmonary interstitial      184
Empty sella      36 37
Empyema, loculated      216 217 217
Empyema, pleural thickening      217 219
Empyema, thoracic calcification      244
Encephalitis, herpes      9 10 11
Encephalocele      82 83
Encephalomyelitis, immune-mediated      10 11
Encephalopathy, subacute necrotizing      9
Encephalopathy, subcortical arteriosclerotic      14 15
Encephalotrigeminal angiomatosis      see "Sturge — Weber syndrome"
Enchondroma      164 165
Enchondromatosis      164
Endometrial carcinoma      352 353
Endometriosis      360
Endometriosis, abdominal wall      291
Endometriosis, bladder      358 359
Endometriosis, pelvic region      348 350 351
Endometrium, benign proliferative conditions      352
Endometrium, hyperplasia      352
Endophthalmitis      72
Endophthalmitis, sclerosing      see "Toxocariasis ocular"
Enostosis      see "Bone island"
Enterocolitis, infectious      348 349
Enterogenous cyst      see "Neurenteric cyst"
Enteropathic spondylarthropathy of sacroiliac joint      152
Eosinophilic granuloma      64 176 200 201
Eosinophilic granuloma, button sequestrum      160 160
Eosinophilic granuloma, lung honeycombing      188
Eosinophilic granuloma, paranasal sinuses bone lesion      90 91
Eosinophilic granuloma, stomach      296
Ependymal cyst      49
Ependymitis, chemical      52 53
Ependymitis/ventriculitis      44 45
Ependymoma      18 28 28 130 131
Ependymoma, fourth ventricle      44
Ependymoma, intraventricular      50 51
Ependymoma, lateral ventricle      43
Ependymoma, spinal cord      126
Ependymoma, ventricular margin      52
Epidermoid      30 31 32 78
Epidermoid cyst, spinal cord      130
Epidermoid tumor, carcinoma in chronic osteomyelitis      178
Epidermoid tumor, dorsal dermal sinus      128
Epidermoid tumor, fourth ventricle      44
Epidermoid tumor, sellar/juxtasellar      39
Epidermoid, bone lesion      162 163
Epidermoid, oral/sublingual/submandibular      104
Epidural abscess      24 25
Epidural abscess, spinal      132
Epidural fat      120 121
Epidural hematoma      22 23 132
Epidural veins      120 121
Epigastric hernia      289
Epiglottic carcinoma      109
Epiglottitis      112
Epitheloid sarcoma      150
Epitympanic reaction pocket      63
Epitympanum      56
Epitympanum, fracture lines      59—56
Erlenmeyer flask deformities      156 157
Esophageal carcinoma      110 111
Esophageal diverticulum      230
Esophageal neoplasm      230 231
Esthesioneuroblastoma      84
Ewing's sarcoma      150 172 173
Ewing's sarcoma, paranasal sinus      90
Exophthalmos      71
Exostosis      62
External auditory canal      56
External auditory canal, atresia      57
External auditory canal, carcinoma      62
External auditory canal, congenital anomalies      57
External auditory canal, focal lesions      61—62
External auditory canal, fractures      60
External auditory canal, metastases      62
Extraconal space      69
Extraglobal calcification      69—70
Extrahepatic tumor      252
Extraocular lesions      76 77 78 79 80 81
Extraosseous plasmacytoma, soft-tissue      150
Extraventricular tumors      46
Eye, primary layers      69
Facet joint, degeneration      134 135
Facet joint, fracture dislocation      140
Facet joint, synovial cyst      137
Facial fracture      82 83
Facial nerve      57
Facial nerve, anomalies      57—58
Facial nerve, canal      56—57
Facial neuroma      64 65 66
Fahr's disease      4 5
Falciform ligament      309 310
Falx      4 5
Familial cerebrovascular ferrocalcinosis      see "Fahrs disease"
Familial Mediterranean fever      215 217
Familial polyposis      298
Farmer's lung      196
Fat embolism, lung      201
Femoral canal hernia      364 364
Femoral head, avascular necrosis      157
Femoral head, fracture      152—154 153
Fibrinoid leukodystrophy      see "Alexander's disease"
Fibroangiomatous polyp, visceral space      112
Fibrolipoma of filum terminate      128
Fibrolipomatosis      117
Fibrolipomatosis, renal sinus      329
Fibroma, chondromyxoid      164
Fibroma, desmoplastic      166
Fibroma, juvenile aponeurotic      148
Fibroma, nonossifying      164
Fibroma, ossifying      90 180 181
Fibroma, pelvic region      350
Fibroma, perinephric space      338
Fibroma, pleural      149
Fibroma, recurring digital      148
Fibromatosis, congenital generalized      148
Fibromatosis, palmar/plantar      148
Fibromatosis, peritoneal      316
Fibromatosis, soft-tissue      148 149
Fibroplasia, retrolental      69 70 72
Fibrosarcoma      148
Fibrosarcoma, bone      168 169
Fibrosarcoma, retroperitoneal      324
Fibrosclerosis, idiopathic      226
Fibrosing alveolitis      see "Fibrosis pulmonary
Fibrosis, central peribronchial interstitial      188
Fibrosis, pleural      217
Fibrosis, progressive massive      188 212 213
Fibrosis, pulmonary      189
Fibrosis, pulmonary, idiopathic      188 194 195
Fibrosis, pulmonary, interstitial      188 243
Fibrosis, retroperitoneal      324 325 362
Fibrous dysplasia of bone      180 181
Fibrous dysplasia of bone, temporal      59 59
Fibrous histiocytoma      164
Fibrous histiocytoma, malignant      168 169
Fibrous histiocytoma, malignant, soft-tissue      148 149
Fibrous histiocytoma, retroperitoneal      324
Fibrous polyp, visceral space      112
Fibrous tumor vs. adenomatous polyp      295
Fibroxanthoma      see "Histiocytoma fibrous"
Filum terminate, fibrolipoma      128
Filum terminate, tight      128 see
Flexion-distraction of spine      140
Fluorosis      156
Focal nodular hyperplasia, liver      254 255
Foot, fracture      154—155 154
Foramen lacerum      56
Foramen of Bochdalek herniation      234
Foramen of Monro      43
Foramen of Morgagni hernia      234 234
Fossa of Douglas      309
Fossa of Rosenmilller      see "Pharyngeal recess asymmetric
Fracture      see also "Spinal fractures"
Fracture, acetabulum      152—153 153
Fracture, ankle      154—155 154
Fracture, atlas      140
Fracture, axis arch      140
Fracture, blowout of orbit      82 83 86 86
Fracture, carotid canal      60
Fracture, dens      140 141
Fracture, dislocation of facet joint      140
Fracture, external auditory canal      60
Fracture, facial      82 83
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