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Kline M. — Mathematical thought from ancient to modern times |
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Jones, William 251 258 404 448
Jordan canonical form 810
Jordan curve 1017
Jordan curve theorem 1017 1179
Jordan, Camille 756 766—769 971 1017 1020 1040 1043 1044 1144 1159 1162 1168
Jordan-Holder Theorem 762 767
Jordanus Nemorarius 211 212
Journals 397 624 625
Jurin, James 428
Justinian 43 130 190
Kant, Immanuel 862 1032
Kastner, Abraham G 440 754 869 871
Kellog, Oliver D. 726 1178
Kelvin, Lord (Sir William Thomson) 648 649 772 933 1100
Kepler, Johannes 219 220 231 286 290 299 331 620
Kepler, Johannes, biography 242 243
Kepler, Johannes, calculus 347 349 383
Kepler, Johannes, heliocentric theory 241 243—246
Kepler’s laws 44—45 367
Kervaire, Michel 1151
Khayyam, Omar 191 194 195
Kidinu 4
Killing, Wilhem K.J. 1155
Kirchoff, Gustav R. 694
Kirkman, Thomas Penyngton 766
Klein bottle 1168
Klein, Felix 726 728 730 852 871 893 904 1003 1019 1024 1033 1037 1139 1140 1145 1159
Klein, Felix, Erlanger Programm 917—921
Klein, Felix, non-Euclidean geometry 909—913
Klein, Felix, topology 1167 1168
Kline, John R. 1015
Klugel, George S. 867 869
Kneser, Adolf 747
Knopp, Konrad 1183
Koch, Helge von 1020
Koebe, Paul 939
Koenigsberg bridge problem 1163 1164
Kowalewski, Gerhard 955 1059
Kowalewsky, Sophie 702
Kramers, Hendrik A. 1102
Kremer, Gerhard (Mercator) 235
Kronecker, Leopold 755 763 979 988 1003 1034 1037 1138 1146 1150
Kronecker, Leopold, algebraic geometry 941 942
Kronecker, Leopold, algebraic numbers 824 825
Kronecker, Leopold, foundations 1197 1198
Kummer surface 859
Kummer, Ernst Eduard 819 820 822 1028
l'Hospital's rule 383
La Geometrie 270 271 281 305 307 317 345
La Hire, Philippe de 289 298—301 321 840
Lacroix, Sylvestre-Francois 433 465 466 618 948 949
Laertius, Diogenes 44
Lagny, Thomas Fantet 404
Lagrange, Joseph-Louis 406 426 547 603 614 615 678 835 948 1024 1029
Lagrange, Joseph-Louis, algebra 598 600—606 796 800 801
Lagrange, Joseph-Louis, astronomy 493—495
Lagrange, Joseph-Louis, biography 493
Lagrange, Joseph-Louis, calculus 430—432 618 949 964
Lagrange, Joseph-Louis, calculus of variations 582—587 739 740
Lagrange, Joseph-Louis, conformal mapping 570 571 687
Lagrange, Joseph-Louis, differential equations 477 478 486 487 497 498 510—514 519 521 525 532—535 541—543 730
Lagrange, Joseph-Louis, group theory 764—766
Lagrange, Joseph-Louis, infinite series 446 458 459 463 465
Lagrange, Joseph-Louis, mechanics 739—743
Lagrange, Joseph-Louis, theory of numbers 609—611 813 826 828
Laguerre, Edmond 906 907 1114 1115
Lamb, Horace 468
Lambert, Johann Heinrich 234 404 460 570 868 869 879 887
Lamd functions 712 713
Lame, Gabriel 687—689 712 713 819 900 901
Lancret, Michel-Ange 559 560
Landsberg, Georg 942
Laplace coefficients see "Legendre polynomials"
Laplace transform 1052
Laplace's equation see "Potential theory"
Laplace, Pierre-Simon de 436 502 972 1052 1098 1099
Laplace, Pierre-Simon de, algebra 607 796 800 801
Laplace, Pierre-Simon de, astronomy 496
Laplace, Pierre-Simon de, biography 494 495 628
Laplace, Pierre-Simon de, differential equations 477 478 497 502 527—529 542 543 682 687
Laplace, Pierre-Simon de, philosophy of science 628
Laplacian 785 786 900—902 1129 1130
Lasker, Emanuel 1153
Latent roots see "Characteristic equation"
Latitude of forms 210 211
Laurent expansion 641
Laurent, Pierre-Alphonse 641
Law of excluded middle 1202
Law of inertia 799 800
Le Sturgeon, Elizabeth 1080
Lebesgue integral 1044—1050 1071
Lebesgue, Henri 954 961 1044—1050 1159 1162 1186 1199
Lebesgue-Stieltjes integral 1050
Lefschetz, Solomon 1180
Legendre polynomial 526—531 711 712
Legendre polynomial, as sociated 531
Legendre, Adrien-Marie 1098
Legendre, Adrien-Marie, calculus of variations 589 590
Legendre, Adrien-Marie, differential equations 525—531
Legendre, Adrien-Marie, elliptic integrals 420—422 646
Legendre, Adrien-Marie, Euclidean geometery 58 865 866 1032
Legendre, Adrien-Marie, number system 593
Legendre, Adrien-Marie, special functions 424 526—528 530 531
Legendre, Adrien-Marie, theory of numbers 611 612 813 815 826 830
Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm 252 258 335 380 391 395 492 862 1028
Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm, algebra 281 408—411 412 599 600
Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm, biography 370 371
Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm, calculus 371—380 384—389
Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm, calculus of variations 575
Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm, differential equations 471 472 474 475
Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm, differential geometry 556 557
Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm, function concept 339 340
Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm, infinite series 438 439 441 446 461
Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm, mathematical logic 1187 1188
Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm, philosophy of science 219 619
Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm, topology 1158 1163 1164
Lemniscate 320 416—420 549
Length, projective definition of 908 910 911
Leon 57
Leonardo da Vinci 223—225 233—235 580
Leonardo of Pisa 205 206 209 210 237
Leray, Jean 1178
Les Methodes nouvelles de la mecanique celeste 735 1105 1170
Leucippus 37 150
Levi ben Gerson 273
Levi, Beppo 945
Levi-Civita, Tullio 1123 1131 1132
Levy, Paul P. 1077
Liapounoff, Alexander 736
Library of Alexandria 102 180
Lie algebra see "Abstract algebra"
Lie, Sopus 920 921 1030 1139 1140
Liebmann, Heinrich 906
Lindeman, Ferdinand 981 982
Line coordinates 855
Line curve 848
Line, structure of 52 53
Linear algebraic equations 606 803 804
Linear associative algebra 791—794 1151—1153
Linear transformations 768 769 917—920
Liouville's theorem 667
Liouville, Joseph 624 625 650 667 713 715—717 719 766 824 933 981 1054 1101 1102
Lipschitz, Rudolph 718 899 902 1030 1122 1127 1128
Listing, Johann 1164 1165
Lobatchevsky, Nikolai Ivanovich 873—881 914 921
Locke, John 619 862
Logarithm function 354 403 404
Logarithms 256—258
Logic 52 53 see
Logicism 1192—1197
| Logistica 131
Logistica numerosa 261 262
Logistica speciosa 261 262
Lommel, Eugen C.J. 710
Lull, Raymond 1187
Luncs of Hippocrates 41 42
Luroth, Jacob 937
Lyceum of Aristotle 27
L’Hospital, Guillaume F.A. 383 387 557
Maclaurin, Colin 428 429 442 461 522 523 552 553 606
Maclaurin’s theorem 442
Maestlin, Michael 243
Magnitudes of Eudoxus 48 49 68—73 see
Magnus, Ludwig Imanuel 933
Magnus, Wilhelm 1143
Mahavira 184 185 187
Mainardi, Gaspare 885
Malus, Etienne-Louis 569
Map problem 1166
Map-making 161 162 235 236 286 564 565 570 571
Mariotte, Edme 468
Masaccio 232
Mascheroni, Lorenzo 235 840
Maschke, Heinrich 1145
Maseres, Francis, Baron 592 593
Mastery of nature 226 307
Mathematical design of nature 153 213 214 218 219 326 328 329
Mathematical induction 272
Mathematical logic 281 1187—1192
Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy 334 335 358 364—369 380 395 440 470 492 493 497 573
Mathematical societies 625
Mathematics and reality 392—394 879 880 1028 1031
Mathematics and science 325 335 394—396 616 617 see of
Mathieu functions 713 714
Mathieu, Emile-Leonard 689 713
Matrices 804—812 see "Characteristic
Matrices, congruent 811
Matrices, elementary divisors of 809
Matrices, equivalent 809
Matrices, Hermitian 808
Matrices, infinite 811
Matrices, invariant factors of 809
Matrices, inverse 807
Matrices, minimal polynomial of 808
Matrices, orthogonal 809 810
Matrices, rank of 809
Matrices, similar 810
Matrices, trace of 808
Matrices, transpose 807
Maupertuis, Pierre L.M. 469 581 582 620 740
Maurolycus, Francesco 223 229 272
Maxima and minima 97—98 343 347 348 838 839
Maxwell, James Clerk 684 698 699 785 786 790 870 931
Mayer, Frederic-Christian 404
Mecanique Analytique 493 541 615 949 1029
Mecanique Celeste 495 498 499 530 542 972
Mechanics 129 162 166 211 212 286 616 see "Pendulum "Projectile
Mechanics, center of gravity 129 164 211 235 343 348
Mechanics, motion 153 162 163 211 212 335 338 469
Medici, Cosimo I de' 220
Medici, Cosimo II de' 327
Medicine 169 196 203
Menaechmus 42 47 48
Menclaus's theorem 121
Menelaus 120 122
Menger, Karl 1162
Meray, Charles 983
Mercator see "Kremer Gerhard"
Mercator, Nicholas (born Kaufman) 354 437
Meromorphic functions 642 668
Mersenne, Marin 275 276 278 295 304 478
Mertens, Franz 929
Metamathematics 1205 1206
Method of exhaustion 50 83 108 112 115 177 343
Method of infinite descent 275
Methodology, in algebra 268—270
Methodology, in geometry 286 300 302 308 322
Methodology, of science 223 325—335
Methodus Fluxionum et Serierum Infinitarum 361 362 364 381 439 470
Metrodorus 138
Metzler, William Henry 808 811
Meusnier, Jean Baptiste MarieCharles 563 564 586
Meusnier’s theorem 564
Meziriac, Claude Bachet de 261 274
Miletus 25 27
Mill, John Stuart 861
Miller, George A. 1142
Milnor, John 1151 1176
Minding, Ferdinand 608 886 893 905
Minimal surface 539 579 585 586 750
Minkowski, Hermann 829 931
Mirimanoff, Dimitry 820
Mittag-Leffler, Gosta 668
Mobius band 1165 1166
Mobius, Augustus Ferdinand 777 846 852 853 918 1028 1164 1166
modular system 825
Module 931
Mohr, George 234 840
Moivre, Abraham de 409 453 454 600
Molien, Theodor 1144
Moment problem 1072 1117
Monge, Gaspard 235 536—540 547 565 569 614 616 617 801 836 840
Monte, Guidobaldo del 223 234 286
Montmort, Pierre Remond de 473
Montucla, J.F.(Jean-Etienne) 617
Moore, Eliakim H. 15 1009 1018 1082 1141 1142 1150
Morland, Samuel 258
Morley, Frank 839 840
Morley’s theorem 839 840
Motte, Andrew 364
Mourraille, J.Raymond 381
Muller, J.H.T. 984
Muller, Johannes (Regiomontanus) 238 239
Multiple integrals 425 426 798 1048 1049
Multiple points of curves see "Singular points of curves"
Multiple-valued complex functions 641 642 655—662
Murphy, Robert 711
Museum of Alexandria 102
MUSIC 148 478 479 481 515 521 522 693 694 see
Mydorge, Claude 295 304
n-dimensional geometry 782 890 1028—1031
Nabu-rimanni 4
Napier's rule 240
Napier, John 256—258
Nasir-Eddin 191 196 864 866
Nave, Annibale della 263
Navier Stokes equations 696 697
Navier, Claude L.M.H. 696—698
Navigation 119 250 286 336 337 470 471
Negative number 143 185 192 252 253 592 593
Neile, William 98 355
Nelson, Leonard 1183 1184
Nengebauer, Otto 47
Netto, Eugen E. 1018 1139
Neumann problem 685
Neumann, Carl Gottfried 666 685 704 711 1054
Neumann, John von 1092—1095 1186 1205
Newton's laws of motion 366 367 490
Newton's parallelogram 439 440 552
Newton, Sir Isaac, algebra 252 254 271 272 281 600 607
Newton, Sir Isaac, astronomy 365—369 470
Newton, Sir Isaac, calculus 354 359—365 384 387 556
Newton, Sir Isaac, calculus of variations 573 574
Newton, Sir Isaac, compared with Leibniz 378—380
Newton, Sir Isaac, coordinate geometry 548 549
Newton, Sir Isaac, differential equations 470 475 491—493 497
Newton, Sir Isaac, function concept 339 340
Newton, Sir Isaac, infinite series 437—442 461
Newton, Sir Isaac, methodology of science 331 334
Newton, Sir Isaac, philosophy of science 219 616 620
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