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Kline M. — Mathematical thought from ancient to modern times |
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Characteristics, theory of 535 538 700 703
Charpit, Paul 535
Chasles, Michel 523 834—836 844 846 849 850
Chevalier, August 756
Chladni, Ernst F.F. 697
Christianity 180 181 200 201 203 205
Christoffel symbols 894 1129
Christoffel's -ply form 898 899
Christoffel's quadrilinear form 898
Christoffel, Elwin Bruno 666 896 899 1030 1122 1127 1128
Chuquet, Nicolas 252 260
Cicero 179
Circular points 845 854
Cissoid 118 119 286 355
Clairaut, Alexis Claude, calculus 425
Clairaut, Alexis Claude, coordinate geometry 545 548 551
Clairaut, Alexis Claude, differential equations 469—470 476 477 494—497 523 532
Clairaut, Alexis Claude, differential geometry 559 562 563
Clairaut, Alexis Claude, rigor 618 619
Clairaut, Alexis Claude, trigonometric series 458 514
Clairaut, Alexis Claude: biography 557
Clavius, Christophorus 1006
Clebsch, (Rudolf Friedrich) Alfred 808 929 934—940 943 944
Clebsch-Gordan theorem 929
Cleopatra 180
Clifford algebra 792
Clifford, William Kingdon 792 893 1167
Codazzi, Delfino 885
Cohen, Paul J. 1209
Collins, John 271 363 380
Colson, John 319
Commandino, Federigo 285
Commutator 1142
Complete continuity 1065
Complete quadrilateral 127 292 293
Completeness of axioms 1015 1207
Completeness of characteristic functions 717
Complex function theory 626—670 686 687 934 935
Complex integers 817 819
complex numbers 143 253 254 407 408 594 595 635 636 687 775 776 815 816
Complex numbers, geometrical representation 594 593 628 632
Complex numbers, logarithms of 408 411 594
Composition indices 762
Composition series 762 767
Computing machines 258 259
Conchoid 117 118 286
Condorcet, Marie-Jean-Antoine-Nicolas Caritat de 500 623 624
Conformal mapping 236 370 570 571 666 667 887 see
Congiueiice of numbers 813 818
Congiuence of lines 567 569
Conic sections 47 48 88 99 286 299 303 304 319 837 838 847 849
Connectivity 660 662 937
Consistency 880 913 917 1013 1014 1038 1182 1186 1206 1209
Constantine 180
Construction problems 38 42 47 48 118 195 234 235 309 310 312 314 753 754 763 764 840
Constructive proofs 1202 1203
Content 1041—1044
Continued fraction 187 254—256 459 460 1114 1116
Continuity 405 950 954
Continuity, uniform 953
Continuous change 299
Continuous transformation 1160 1161
Continuous transformation group 1139 1140 1154 1155
Continuum Hypothesis 1002 1209
Convergence 460 466
Convergence, Cauchy 961—966
Convergence, strong 1072 1073
Convergence, weak 1072 1073 see
Coordinate geometry 302—304 544—554
Coordinate geometry, higher plane curves 547—554 855 858
Coordinate geometry, importance of 321—324
Coordinate geometry, three—dimensional 320 321 545 547 see "Quadric
Copernicus, Nicholas 219 238 241—243 245 246 331 620
Cotes, Roger 408 439 460 600
Coulomb, Charles 507
Cours d’analyse algebrique 948 950 951 952 963 964
Cousin, Pierre 954
Covariant 926
Covariant differentiation 1127—1130
Cramer, Gabriel 440 552 554 606 796
Cramer’s paradox 553 554 856
Cramer’s Rule 606
Crelle, August Leopold 624 837
Cremona transformation 933 934
Cremona, Luigi 933
Cross cut 660
Cross ratio 121 122 127 128 219 220 848 849 831 907
Ctesibius 116
Cubic equation 193 195 237 263—267 269
Cubic reciprocity 816 818
Cuneiform 5
Curl 781 783 789
Curvature 364 378 382 383 555 556 559 560
Curvature of a manifold 891—893 895 896 1126 1127
Curvature, mean 884
Curvature, of surfaces 563 564 883 885 887
Curve and equation 303 304 310—317 see "Algebraic
Curve, concept of 174 312 314 1017—1022 1162
Curve, length of 343 348 354 355 414—416 958 1020 see "Jordan "Peano
Curvilinear coordinates 687 689 713 714
Cusp see "Singular points of curves"
CYCLE 1172
Cycloid 338 350—353 355 367 469 472 556 575
Cyclotomic equation see "Binomial equation"
Dandelin, Germinal 837
Danti, Ignazio 222 223
Darboux, Gaston 478 625 694 952 956—960
De Analysi per Aequationes Numero Terminotum Infinitas 359 361 381 438
de Mere, Chevalier see "Gombaud Antoine"
De Revolutionibus Orbium Coelestium 241
Dedekind, Richard 793 942 943
Dedekind, Richard, abstract algebra 1138 1142 1145 1146 1150
Dedekind, Richard, algebraic numbers 820 824
Dedekind, Richard, irrational numbers 983—988
Deferent 157
Deficiency 552
Definition, Aristotle's concept of 51 52
Definition, in Euclid 58 59 68 71 73 78 81 82 1006
Dehn, Max 1008 1016 1143
DEL 781
Delambre, Jean-Baptiste 623
Democritus 37 150
DeMorgan, Augustus 593 596 774 775 975—976 980 1096 1097 1182 1188—89
DeMorgan’s laws 1189
Derivative 344—348 359—365 371—378 384—388 425—433 954—956
Desargues's involution theorem 292—293
Desargues, Girard 128 285 288—295 300 840
Desargues’s theorem 291 845 846
Descartes's rule of signs 270
Descartes, Rene 219 220 226 227 395 836 1028 1163 1187
Descartes, Rene, algebra 260 262 270—272 280 281
Descartes, Rene, biography 304—308
Descartes, Rene, calculus 345 346
Descartes, Rene, coordinate geometry 302 308—317
Descartes, Rene, functions 338
Descartes, Rene, music 478
Descartes, Rene, negative and complex numbers 252—254
Descartes, Rene, optics 314 315
Descartes, Rene, philosophy of science 325—331 333 334
Deschales, Claude-Fransois Milliet 395
Descriptive geometry 235
Determinant 606—608 795—804
Determinant, elementary divisors of 803
Determinant, infinite 732
Determinant, invariant factors 803
Determinant, similar 802 see
Developable surface 564 568
Developable surface, polar 566
Dialogue on the Great World Systems 327 328
| Dialogues Concerning Two New Sciences 229 328 332 333 338 348 468 993
Diameter of a conic 93 98 99 294 295
Dickson, Leonard E. 792 794 1141 1146 1150 1151
Diderot, Denis 616 623
Differential 372—378 385 429 430 433 615 954
Differential geometry 554—571 881—902 1130—1135
Differential invariants 889—902 1122 1123 1127 1128 1130
DIMENSION 1021 1161 1162 1177
Dini, Ulisse 1040
Dinostratus 42 48
Diocles 118 119 168 286
Diocletian 179
Diogenes, Laertius 44
Dionis du Sejour, Achille-Pierre 554
Diophantus 135 138—144 192
Dirichlet principle 659 660 684—686 704 705 939
Dirichlet problem 685 703—705
Dirichlet series 830
Dirichlet, Peter Gustav Lejeune 819 820 829 830 948 950 966 967 1040 1145
Discourse on Method 226 227 304 305
Discrete vs.continuous 34 35 52 53 175 176
Disquisiliones Arithmeticae 752 813—815 826 828 870
Distance, projective definition of 908 910 911
Divergence 781 785 789 1129
Divergence theorem 790
Divergent series 466 973—977 1096—1120 see "Infinite
Division algebra 1151
Dodgson, Charles L. 803
Domain of rationality see "Field"
Double points see "Singular points of curves"
Du Bois-Reymond, Paul 694 700 705—706 970 971 973 992 998 1020 1040 1042 1052
Duality theorem 845 846 848 849
Duality, topological 1174 1179
Duns Scotus, John 208
Dupin indicatrix 569
Dupin, Charles 568 569 836
Durer, Albrecht 233—235
Dyck, Walther von 1141 1143
Eastern Roman Empire 180 191 205 216
Edge of regression 566 567
Eigenfunction see "Characteristic function"
Eigenvalue see "Characteristic value"
Einstein, Albert 1127 1130 1031
Eiscnstein, Ferdinard Gotthold 818 927—929
Eisenhart, Luther P. 1134 1135
Elastica 413 558
Elasticity 468 469 485 697 698 739
Eleatic school 27 34—37
Elements of Euclid 25 27 33 37 52 56 172 220 393 597 866 1005—1007
Elimination see "Resultant"
Ellipoidal harmonics 712 713
Elliptic functions 644—651
Elliptic functions, addition theorem of 648
Empedocles 150
Empiricism 227—230 330
Encyclopedie 432 433 465 510 595 597 616
Engel, Friedrich 878
Enriques, Federigo 1009
Entire functions 667 668
Envelope 378 556 557
Epicycle 157
Epicycloid 235 367
Eratosthenes 38 160 161
Erlanger Programm 917—920 1139 1159
Essential singularity 641
Euclid 56—89 145 579
Euclidean algorithm 78 79 187
Euclidean geometry 861 863 1005—1022
Euclidean geometry, Alexandrian Greek 104 107—119 126—129
Euclidean geometry, Arabic 195
Euclidean geometry, Babylonian 10 11
Euclidean geometry, Classical Greek 24—55 58—99
Euclidean geometry, Egyption 19 20
Euclidean geometry, Hindu 188 189
Euclidean geometry, nineteenth century 837—840
Euclidean geometry, solid 47 81—83
Euclidean geometry, spherical 89 119—121
Eudemus of Rhodes 26 29 53 54
Eudoxus 27 46 48—50 68 145 154
Euler's differential equation 578 584 589
Euler's differential geometry theorem 563
Euler's topology theoiem 1163 1164
Euler, Leonhard 614 623 739 918 948 1029 1163 1164
Euler, Leonhard, algebra 258 267 408—411 593 594 597 598 607 798
Euler, Leonhard, biography 401—403 616
Euler, Leonhard, calculus 417—421 429 430 618
Euler, Leonhard, calculus of variations 573 577—579 582 586 587 740
Euler, Leonhard, complex functions 627 628
Euler, Leonhard, coordinate geometry 545—547 550 553 54
Euler, Leonhard, differential equations 477—479 481 482 484—486 488 489 492 493 496 497 500 502 505—522 525 540—542 687 717 718
Euler, Leonhard, differential geometry 556 558 559 562—565 882
Euler, Leonhard, infinite series 439 446—454 460—465 1100 1103 1109 1110 1114
Euler, Leonhard, philosophy of science 620
Euler, Leonhard, special functions 422—424
Euler, Leonhard, theory of numbers 276 459 460 608—612 813 815 826 828—831
Euler, Leonhard, trigonometric series 454—459
Euler-Maclaurin summation formula 452
Euler-Poincare formula 1174
Euler’s constant 450 892
Eutocius 130
Evolute 98 555 556
Existence 599
Existence, in algebra 597 598
Existence, in Euclidean geometry 52 60 174 1010 1011
Existence, proof of 52 176 177 see "Partial
Exponents 260 261
Fagiiano, J.F.de’Toschi di 839
Fagnano's theorem 415 416
Fagnano, Giulio Carlo de'Toschi de, Count 413—417
Fatio de Duillier, Nicholas 382 557
Fatou, Pierre 1047
Feit, Walter 1142
Fejer, Leopold 1119
Fenn, Joseph 865
Fermat's “theorem" 276 277 609 818—820
Fermat, Pierre de, calculus 344—348 350 352 356 383
Fermat, Pierre de, coordinate geometry 302 304 316 317 321
Fermat, Pierre de, optics 315 580 581
Fermat, Pierre de, probability 273
Fermat, Pierre de, theory of numbers 274—278 608 609 611 829
Fermat, Pierre de: biography 274 295 395
Ferrari, Lodovico 234 263 267 268
Ferro, Scipione dal 263
Feuerbach, Karl Wilhelm 837
fibonacci see "Leonardo of Pisa"
Field 755 757 821—825 931 1146—1150
Field, adjunction 821 1148
Field, characteristic of 1148
Field, extension 821 1148
Field, finite 1149 1150
Field, Galois theory of 1149
Field, non-commutative 1151
Field, padic 1146 1147
Finsler Paul 1135
Fior, Antonio Maria 263
Fischer, Charles Albert 1080
Fischer, Ernst 1071 1072
Fixed point theorem 1177—1179
Floquet, Gaston 713 714
Fluxion 361
Folium of Descaites 549
Fontaine des Bertins, Alexis 425 471
Fontana, Niccolo see "Tartaglia Niccolb"
Formalism 1203—1208
Foundations 979—1022
Foundations, algebra 176 282 772 775 980
Foundations, analysis 383—389 426—434 947—977
Foundations, arithmetic 176 596 597 775 776 950 972
Foundations, geometry 1005—1022
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