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Kline M. — Mathematical thought from ancient to modern times |
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Foundations, of mathematics 1182—1210
Fourier integral 679 681
Fourier series 456 459 513 514 674—678 966—972 1040 1046 1047 1119 see
Fourier transform 681 1052 1053 1074
Fourier, Joseph 502 949 957 961 962 1024 1036 1037
Fourier, Joseph, biography 671 672
Fourier, Joseph, partial differeiitial equations 672—680
Fourier, Joseph, special functions 710
Fraenkel, Abraham A. 1186
Frechet, Maurice 1078—1080 1082 1084 1159—1161
Fredholm alternative theorem 1060 1067—1069 1090 1091
Fredholm, Erik, Ivar 1056 1058—1060
Frege, Gottlob 988 1034 1191 1192
Frenet, Frederic Jean 562
Frenicle de Bessy, Bernard 276
Fresnel integrals 1100
Fresnel, Augustin-Jean 697 1036 1052
Frobenius, F Georg 464 725 793 808 809 1112 1139 1141 1142 1145
Fubini, Guido 1048 1149
Fuchs, Lazaius 721 722 724 725 737
Function concept 338 340 403—406 505—507 677—679 949—954
Functional 1077 1081
Functional analysis 1076—1095 1159
Functional, differential of 1080
Functional, semi-continuity of 1079
Functions of bounded variation 971 1048
Functions of real variables 1040—1050
Fundamental group 1174 1175
Fundamental theorem of algebra 595 597 598
Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic 79 80 817 819 824
Fundamental theorem of the calculus 373 374 956 957
Galen 103
Galilei, Galileo 203 219 223 229 325 478 993
Galilei, Galileo, astronomy 246 247
Galilei, Galileo, biography 327 328
Galilei, Galileo, calculus 348 349 356
Galilei, Galileo, methodology and philosophy of science 327 335 616 620
Galois theory 752—764
Galois, Evariste 633 752 1024 1137 1146
Galois, Evariste, biogiaphy 755 756
Galois, Evariste, finite fields 1149 1150
Galois, Evariste, group theory 764 768
Galois, Evariste, theory of equations 756 757 760—763
Galoisian equation 763
Gamma function 423 424
Gans, Richard 1108
Gassendi, Pierre 396
Gauss, Carl Friedrich 980 993 1006 1024 1032 1136 1137 1145 1164
Gauss, Carl Friedrich, algebra 271 595 598 599 752 753 776 777 793 796
Gauss, Carl Friedrich, biography 870 871 882 947
Gauss, Carl Friedrich, complex numbers and functions 631—633
Gauss, Carl Friedrich, constructions 753 754
Gauss, Carl Friedrich, differential equations 682 684 712 723
Gauss, Carl Friedrich, differential geometry 882—890
Gauss, Carl Friedrich, foundations of analysis 949 962
Gauss, Carl Friedrich, mechanics 740
Gauss, Carl Friedrich, non-Euclidean geometry 868 870—874 877 881 921 947 948
Gauss, Carl Friedrich, special functions 424
Gauss, Carl Friedrich, theory of numbers 813—820 826 830
Geminus of Rhodes 104 105
Generality 394
Generalized cooidinates 588 589
Generators of a group 1141 1143
Gentzen, Gerhard 1209
Genus 654 655 661 936 940 1166 1167
Genus, geometrical 944
Genus, numerical 944 945
Geocentric theory 154—160 241
Geodesic 562 563 575 577 886 891
Geodesy 116 117
Geography 119 160—162
Geometrical algebra 62—67 76—77 108 195
Geometry from the transformation viewpoint 917—920
Geometry of numbers 829
Geometry vs.analysis 614 616
Geomon 30 31
Gerard of Cremona 89
Gerbert (Pope Sylvester II) 202
Gergonne, Joseph Diez 624 837 840 842 845 846 1008
Germain, Sophie 702 739 884
Ghetaldi, Marino 280
Gibbs, Josiah Willard 786 787 791 1023
Gilbert de la Poree 206
Gilbert, William 228
Girard, Albert 253 270
Godel, Kurt 1206 1207 1209
Goldbach's “theorem” 616
Goldbach, Christian 422 462 463 597 598 616
Gombaud, Antoine, Chevalier de Mere 273
Gonrsat, Edouard 668 669 702
Gordan, Paul 929 930 934 939 940
Goudin, Matthieu B. 554
Gradient 781 786 789 901 902
Grassmann, Hermann Gunther 782 785 791 793 914 984 1017 1030
Graudi, Guido 387 445 446
Gravitational attraction 343 357 358 367 368 469 490—494 522—530
Greck science 49 50 103 145—169
Greek mathematics summarized 171—177
Green's function 683—685 692 1069
Green's theorem 683 692 696
Green, George 683 685 1029 1101 1102
Gregoiy, James 270 271 339 355 356 388 389 438 439 441 461
Gregory of St Vincent 300 354 356 437
Gregory, David 470 573
Gregory, Duncan F. 774 980
Gregory-Newton formula 440 441
Grelling, Kurt 1183 1184
Grosseteste, Robert 207 213 226 580
Grossmanu, Marcel 1131
Group 757 758
Group character 1145
Group representation 768 1143—1145
Group, abelian 767
Group, abstract 769 1137—1146
Group, alternating 762
Group, composite 766 1142
Group, continuous transformation 1139 1140 1154 1155
Group, discontinuous 726—730
Group, in topology 1180
Group, index 759
Group, infinite 726—730 769
Group, linear transformation 768 769
Group, monodromy 723
Group, of an equation 758
Group, order of 759
Group, permutation see "Substitution"
Group, primitive 765 1142
Group, simple 766 1142
Group, solvable 762 1142 1143
Group, substitution 758 764—769
Group, symmetric 762
Group, transitive 765 1142
Gua de Malves, Abbe Jean Paul de 270 549—552
Gudermann, Christof 643
Guldin, Paul 129
Gunter, Edmund 258
Hachette, Jean Nicolas Pierre 547 801
Hadamard, Jacques 626 703 1003 1026 1077 1078 1085 1186 1199
Hadamard, Jacques, alegbra 804
Hadamard, Jacques, theoiy of numbcis 831
Hahn-Banach theorem 1090
Halley, Edmond 357 358
Halm, Hans 1088 1090
Halphen, Geoigcs Henii 553 941 942
Halsted, George B. 1015
Hamilton's equations of motion 742 743
Hamilton, William R. 581 740 745 772 775 776 792 794 983 989
Hamilton, William R., biography 777 778
Hamilton, William R., quaternions 779 782 1025
Hamilton-Jacobi equation 744
| Hankel, Hermann 711 950 986 1031
Hardy, Godfrey H 831 1035 1036
Harmonic function 685
harmonic oscillator 482
Harmonic set of points 96 128 293 300 851
Harnack, Alex 1042
Harriot, Thomas 252 260 280
Haupivermutung of Poincare 1176
Hausdorff, Felix 1160 1161
Heath, Sir Thomas L 57 118
Heaviside, Oliver 3 698 787 790 791 1096 1097
Hecataeus 160
Heiberg, J.L. 57
Heine, (Heinrich) Eduard 689 711—713 969
Heine-Borel Theorem 953 954
Heisenberg, Werner 1092
Heliocentric theory 241—247 327 328
Helly, Eduard 1088
Helmholtz equation see "Partial differential equation"
Helmholtz, Hermann von 525 693 694 920 921 1021 1030 1034 1035
Hensel, Kurt 808 942 1146 1147
Hermann, Jacob 475 544 545 562
Hermite function 714
Hermite, Charles 651 714 763 808 809 973 981 1035 1049
Heron 25 57 116 117 135 136 580
Herschel, John 622
Hesse, Ludwig Otto 857 927
Hessenberg Gerhard 1015 1132
hessian 858 917—928
Hieratic 15 16
Hieroglyphic 15
Higher degree equation 270 599—606 752—763 see "Binomial "Galois
Higher plane curves 547—554
Higher plane curves, projective approach 855—858
Hilbert cube 1161
Hilbert curve 1018 1019
Hilbert space 1074 1082 1088 1091—1095 1159
Hilbert's axioms for number 990—992
Hilbert's invariant integral 749
Hilbert's Nullstellensatz 943
Hilbert, David 1003 1024 1031 1035 1038 1137
Hilbert, David, algebraic geometry 943
Hilbert, David, algebraic invariants 929—932
Hilbert, David, biography 1060 1061
Hilbert, David, calculus of variations 704 709
Hilbert, David, differential equations 726
Hilbert, David, foundations 990 992 1010 1016 1027 1203—1208
Hilbert, David, integral equations 1055 1060—1070 1082
Hilbert, David, non-Euclidean geometry 906
Hilbert, David, theory of numbers 609 825
Hilbert-Schmidt theorem 1064 1068
Hilbert’s basis theorem 930 931 1158
Hill, George William 731 732 1023
Hindus 183—190
Hipparchus 119 120 158 159
Hippasus 32
Hippias of Elis 38 40
Hippocrates of Chios 26 40 42 45 47 57
Hobbes, Thomas 318 333 356 619 862
Hobson, E.W. 712
Hoene Wronski, Josef Maria 619
Holder, (Ludwig) Otto 767 1112 1113 1142
Holmboe, Berndt Michael 644 973
Holmgren, Erik 1060
Holomorphic 642
Homeomorphism 1158
Homogeneous coordinates 853 854
Homologous figures 842
Homology 1180—1181
Homomorphism 767 1139
Homotopy see "Fundamented group"
Hooke, Robert 337 357 468
Horn angle 67 68
Horn, Jakob 1106
Hudde, John 262
Humanist movement 221—223 236
Hume, David 862 1032
Huntington, Edward V. 1014 1141 1146
Hurwitz, Adolf 793 1003
Huygens's principle 691 694
Huygens, Christian 337 357 367 395 478 492 575 581
Huygens, Christian, calculus 355
Huygens, Christian, coordinate geometery 555 556
Huygens, Christian, differential equations 471 472
Huygens, Christian, methodology of science 331 332 335
Hydrodynamics 368 520 540—542 686 696 697
Hydrodynamics, hydrostatics 165 166 211
Hypatia 129 181
Hyperbolic functions 404
Hyperelliptic integrals 651—653
Hypernumbers 782—785 see "Quaternion"
Hypocycloid 367
Hypsicles 86 119
Ideal 822 823 1150 1151 1153
Ideal numbers 819 820
Imaginary elements in geometry 843—845
Impredicative definition 1184
In Artem Analyticam Isagoge 261
Incommensurable ratio see "Irrational number"
Independence of axioms 1014
Indeterminate equations 140—143 187 188
Index of a curve 736 737
Indivisibles 349—351
Infinite series 360 361 410 436—466 465 480—482 488 489
Infinite series, convergence and divergence 460—466 961—966
Infinite series, Euler transformation of 452 453
Infinite series, harmonic 443 444 449 450
Infinite series, hypergeometric 489
Infinite series, uniform convergence of 964—966 see "Fourier "Ordinary "Special "Trigonometric
Infinitesimal 69 361 385 388 429 see
infinity 53 69 175—177
Inflection points 549 551 552 556 587 857
Institutiones Calculi Differentiate 402 430 463
Institutiones Calculi Integrate 402 489 542
integral 360—362 372—380 956—961
Integral equations 1052—1074 1086 1089—1091
Integral equations, Fredholm 1055 1058—1060
Integral equations, Volterra 1055—1058
Integral, Lebesque-Stieltjes 1050
Integral, Riemann 958 959
Integral, Stieltjes 1041
Interpolation 422 423 440 441 454 456
Intersections of curves 553 856—858
Introductio Arithmetica 136—138
Introductio in Analysin Infinitorum 392 402 404 405 430 506 554 558
Intuitionism 1197—1203
Invariance 299 300 920 925—932
inversion 932 933
Involute 555
Involution 128 292 293
Ionia 25 146
Ionian school 27 28
Irrational number 8 18 32 33 48 49 72 73 80 81 104 134 135 143 149 173 176 185 186 191 192 197 209 251 252 593 594
Irrational number, definition 982—987
Irreducible polynomials 755
Isadore of Seville 202
Isidorus of Miletus 130
Isochrone 471 556
Isomorphism 765—767 1139
Isoperimetric figures 126 576 577 838 839
Isoperimetric theorem 838 839
Ivory, James 523
Jacobi, Carl Gustav Jacob 621 813 1024 1026 1037 1100
Jacobi, Carl Gustav Jacob, algebra 608 798 799 801
Jacobi, Carl Gustav Jacob, calculus of variations 745 747
Jacobi, Carl Gustav Jacob, complex function theory 645—647 649—653
Jacobi, Carl Gustav Jacob, mechanics 743—745
Jacobi, Carl Gustav Jacob, theory of numbers 818 829
Jacobian 927 928
Jeffreys, Harold 1102 1109
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