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Katz V.J. — A History of Mathematics: An Introduction |
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Geometry, Indian 21 225
Geometry, Islamic 259 268—274
Geometry, Lambert 628—639
Geometry, medieval European 292—299 327—328
Geometry, nineteenth century 766—800
Geometry, of conic sections 117—129
Geometry, of perspective 389—393
Geometry, Riemannian 779—781
Gerard of Cremona 290—291
Gerardi, Paolo 345—346
Gerbert d’Aurillac (Pope Sylvester II) 289
Germain, Sophie 655—656
Gibbs, Josiah Willard 651 686 752
Gilbert, William 413
Girard, Albert 431 446—447
Gnomon 27
Golden ratio 67
Goursat, Edouard 796—797
graphs 338—339 848—851
Grassmann, biography 793
Grassmann, Hermann 767 792—796
Great circle 137—139
Greece 46—47
Greek Anthology 168
Greek mathematics 46—191
Greek mathematics, and Babylonian mathematics 176—177 181—182 188
Greek mathematics, and Egyptian mathematics 184
Greek mathematics, and Indian mathematics 212
Greek mathematics, and Islamic mathematics 239 243 244 249 259 263 266 268 272—274
Greek mathematics, and medieval Europe 289—291 297 299—300 310 312 314-316
Greek mathematics, and Renaissance mathematics 365 368 385—388
Greek mathematics, and seventeenth century mathematics 432—434 437—439 460
Greek mathematics, Apollonius 117—127
Greek mathematics, Archimedes 110—116
Greek mathematics, Aristotle 54—58
Greek mathematics, Diophantus 173—183
Greek mathematics, early astronomy 136—145
Greek mathematics, Euclid 54—96
Greek mathematics, Heron 158—163
Greek mathematics, Hypatia 187—188
Greek mathematics, isoperimetric figures 183
Greek mathematics, Nicomachus of Gerasa 170—173
Greek mathematics, Pappus 183—187
Greek mathematics, place value system 230
Greek mathematics, Plato 52—54
Greek mathematics, Ptolemy 145—156
Greek mathematics, Pythagoras 48—51
Greek mathematics, summary 101 134 167 191
Green, George 743
Greenwood, Isaac 640
Green’s Theorem 743 745—746 749 750 752
Gregory of St. Vincent 491—492
Gregory, James 493—494 498—500
Group theory 339 651 667—676 798—799 832-833
Group theory, axiomatization 674—676
Group theory, in Cayley 672—674
Group theory, in Clairaut 620—621
Group theory, in Euler 617
Group theory, in Galois 667—669
Group theory, in Gauss 662 670—671
Group theory, in Jordan 669—670
Group theory, in Klein 791—792
Group theory, in Kroneker 671—672 (see also Abstract algebra)
Guthrie, Frederick 850
Hailey, Edmond 516 582—583
Haken, Wolfgang 805 851
Hamilton, and Cayley 691
Hamilton, and complex numbers 737
Hamilton, and Eisenstein 689
Hamilton, William Rowan 650 651 682—685 848—850
Hamming, Richard 846—847
Hankel, Hermann 751
Harmonic tetrad 789
Harmonics 53 86—87 173 411—412
Harriot, Thomas 431 445—446
Harvard University 640—641
Hasse, Helmut 829
Hausdorff, Felix 818—819
Hayes, Charles 532 534—535
Heath, Thomas 59 108
Heaviside, Oliver 651 686
Heawood, Percy 850
Hebrew mathematics see Jewish mathematics
Heiberg, J. L. 59
Heine — Borel property 814—815 819
Heine, Axiom of Choice 809
Heine, continuity 710
Heine, Eduard 728—729 731
Heine, functions 724
Heliocentric system 402—408 (see also Astronomy)
Helmholtz, Hermann von 748 767 781—782
Hensel, Kurt 806 824—825
Heraclides 137
Hermite, Charles 664
Heron 136 158—162 368
Herschel, John 706
Heuraet, biography 498
Heuraet, Hendrick van 496—498
Heytesbury, William 318—319 583
Hiero 102 105 107
Hilbert, address to International Congress 808
Hilbert, and Emmy Noether 830
Hilbert, and Zermelo 810
Hilbert, axioms 811 822
Hilbert, biography 798
Hilbert, David 767—768 797—800
Hilbert, well-ordering principle 807—808
Hindu mathematics see Indian mathematics
Hindu — Arabic place-value system 230—232 240—243
Hindu-Arabic place-value system, and logarithms 418
Hindu-Arabic place-value system, and money 640
Hindu-Arabic place-value system, in medieval Europe 290 302 307
Hindu-Arabic place-value system, in Renaissance mathematics 342—343 349 375—378
Hipparchus 142—145
Hipparchus and astronomy 136
Hipparchus and Indian mathematics 212
Hipparchus and Ptolemy 146 148
Hippocrates of Chios 50—52 74 91 116 128
Holzmann, Wilhelm 385
Homology 806 820—822 832—833
Hopf, Heinz 832
Horocycle 776
Hudde, Johann 473—475 510 526
Hugo of St. Victor 293—294
Hundred fowls problem, in Indian mathematics 228
Hundred fowls problem, in Mahavira 228
Hundred fowls problem, in medieval Europe 308
Hundred fowls problem, in Yang 210
Hundred fowls problem, in Zhang 198—199
Husserl, Edmund 808
Huygens, and Leibniz 522
Huygens, Christian 432 456—458 496 596 599
Huygens, differential equations 545
Hydrostatics 108
Hypatia 168 170 187—188
Hyperbolic function 569—570 630
Hyperbolic geometry 790
ibn al — Baghd d , Ab ‘Abdall h 272—273
ibn al — Bann Abu-l—Abbas Ahmad 267
ibn al — Haytham, Abu ‘Al al — Hasan 256—258 269—270 273 482 495 599
ibn Mun’im, Ahmad al — Ab’dari 264—266
ibn Turk, ‘Abd al — Ham d 247—248
Icosian game 848—849
Ideal numbers 659—661
imaginary numbers 447 48 677—678 682—684
Inca mathematics 334—336
incommensurability 252 272—273
Incommensurability, in Archimedes 106—107
Incommensurability, in Euclid 80 88—90
Incommensurability, in medieval Europe 317
| Incommensurability, in Pythagoreans 50—51
Incommensurability, in Renaissance mathematics 378
Incompleteness theorems 806
Indeterminate equations 615—616
Indeterminate equations, Chinese 197—202
Indeterminate equations, Greek 175
Indeterminate equations, in medieval Europe 284 308—309
Indeterminate equations, Indian 218—225
India 4 210—212
Indian mathematics 4 8 494—496
Indian mathematics, algebra 225—228
Indian mathematics, and Chinese mathematics 196 220—221
Indian mathematics, and European mathematics 299 307
Indian mathematics, and Indian mathematics 212
Indian mathematics, and Islamic mathematics 239 240 274
Indian mathematics, combinatorics 228—230
Indian mathematics, cultural influences 327—330
Indian mathematics, geometry 21
Indian mathematics, indeterminate analysis 218—225
Indian mathematics, medieval 210—232
Indian mathematics, place value system 230—232
Indian mathematics, Pythagorean theorem 32 34—35
Indian mathematics, square root 28—29
Indian mathematics, summary 45 237
Indian mathematics, trigonometry 212—218
Indians, North American 336—337
Indivisibles 162 476—477
Induction 255
Induction, in medieval Europe 302—305
Induction, in Pascal 452 454—457
Induction, in Wallis 486
Infinitesimals, and indivisibles 162 476—477
Infinitesimals, in eighteenth century mathematics 571 578—580 583—584 623
Infinitesimals, in Galileo 421
Infinitesimals, in medieval Europe 293
Infinitesimals, in Newton 510—511
Infinitesimals, in seventeenth century mathematics 475—478 531 533
infinity 171
Infinity, and sets 733—734
Infinity, axiom of 811
Infinity, in Desargues 461
Infinity, in Galileo 476
Infinity, in Renaissance mathematics 421
Institute for Advanced Study 830 844
Integers, classification of 171
Integrals 717—720 (see also Calculus)
Interior point 817
Intermediate Value Theorem 710—711 713 819
Irrational numbers 677—678
Irrational numbers, Greek 160
Irrational numbers, in Dedekind 729—731
Irrational numbers, in Euclid 88—90
Irrational numbers, in medieval Europe 314 317
Irrational numbers, in Renaissance mathematics 377—378
Irrational numbers, Islamic 250 252 272—273
Ishango bone 5
Islam 238—240
Islamic mathematics 238—282 482 834
Islamic mathematics, algebra 243—264
Islamic mathematics, and Chinese mathematics 206 220
Islamic mathematics, and medieval Europe 289—291 299—300 307 312 314
Islamic mathematics, and Renaissance mathematics 343—346 348 363 376
Islamic mathematics, combinatorics 263—268
Islamic mathematics, cultural influences 327—331
Islamic mathematics, decimal system 240—243
Islamic mathematics, geometry 268—274
Islamic mathematics, influences 239 240 243 244 246 249 259 263 266 268 272—274
Islamic mathematics, summary 287
Islamic mathematics, trigonometry 274—282
Isoperimetric figures 183
Iterative procedure 281—282
Jabir ibn Aflah al — Ishbili, Abu Muhammad 280
Jacob Staff 303 330
Jacquard, Joseph 837
James of Venice 291
Jefferson, Thomas 642
Jewish mathematics, calendars 26—27
Jewish mathematics, geometry 20
Jewish mathematics, in Mishnat ha — Middot 163—164
Jewish mathematics, medieval 288 299—306 329
Jewish mathematics, number symbols 6
Jewish mathematics, probability 449
Jia Xian 202—204
John of Palermo 309—310
John of Seville 290—291
Jordan, Camille 651 669—670 691 694—695
Jordan, Wilhelm 755
Jordanus de Nemore 310—314 329 372
Jordanus de Nemore, biography 311
Jyesthadeva 494—496 599
Kantorovich, Leonid V. 847
Kempe, Alfred 850
Kepler, biography 409
Kepler, Johannes 126 409 116 469—470 475—476
Kepler, laws of planetary motion 412—416
Khayyam, Omar see al — Khayyaml ‘Umar
Kinematics, and Greek mathematics 160
Kinematics, in medieval Europe 314—321
Kinematics, in Renaissance mathematics 420—425 (see also Newton)
King, Ada Byron (Lady Lovelace) 807 837—838 845
King, Ada Byron (Lady Lovelace), biography 838
Kirkman, Thomas P. 848—849
Klein, biography 790
Klein, Erlanger Programm 833
Klein, Felix 767 784 798 816
Klein, projective metrics 789—792
Kossak, Ernst 731
Kovalevskaya, Sofia 728—729
Kronecker, biography 672
Kronecker, Leopold 651 671—672 676—677 732 735
Kummer, biography 658
Kummer, Ernst 650—651 656—659 671 727
Lacroix, calculus 705
Lacroix, functions 724
Lacroix, integrals 717—718
Lacroix, limits 708
Lacroix, Sylvestre 637—638 678 706—707
Lagrange, and Cauchy 693
Lagrange, and Germain 656
Lagrange, biography 587
Lagrange, calculus 560 575 586—590 705
Lagrange, continuity 709—711
Lagrange, derivatives 715—717
Lagrange, integrals 748
Lagrange, Joseph Louis 678
Lagrange, number theory 617
Lagrange, power series 706—707
Lagrange, solution of equations 619—621 662 665
Lam , Gabriel 655
Lambert, biography 629
Lambert, Johann 570 597 628—630 772 799
Laplace, and education 637—639
Laplace, biography 609
Laplace, Pierre — Simon de 420 678
Laplace, probability 608—609
Laplace, statistics 755—758
Latitude, astronomy 142 154—156
Latitude, geography 394—397 (see also Coordinate systems)
Law of Cosines 152 300 772 778
Law of Large Numbers 599—600
Law of Sines 300 778
Law of the lever 103—107
Least upper bound property 713—715
Lebesgue, Henri 815
Legendre, Adrien-Marie 618—619 653 753—755
Legendre, and education 637
Leibniz, and Maclaurin 612
Leibniz, and Newton 510 591
Leibniz, biography 523
Leibniz, differentials 522—524 546—547
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