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Katz V.J. — A History of Mathematics: An Introduction |
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Bolzano, Bernhard 705 710—711 814—815
Bolzano, Bernhard, biography 711
Bombelli, Rafael 182 364—367
Bombelli, Rafael, biography 365
Boole, George 651 686—687 842
Borel, Emile 814—815
Bosse, Abraham 461
Boundary line 776
Bourbaki, Nicolas 812—813
Brachistochrone problem 547—549 562
Bradwardine, Thomas 315—316 318
Brahe, Tycho 408—409
Brahmagupta 214—215 218—223 226-227
Brahmagupta, biography 218
Brauer, Richard 829
Briggs, Henry 420
Brunelleschi, Filippo 389
Buddhism 196
Byron King, Ada (Lady Lovelace) 807 837—838 845
Byron King, Ada (Lady Lovelace), biography 838
Calculus 468—543
Calculus, and Leibniz 522—531
Calculus, and Newton 503—522
Calculus, and nineteenth century analysis 706—708
Calculus, areas and volumes 475—492
Calculus, differential 469—475 502 509—514 522—524 527—531 570-573 585—590 632—633 715-717
Calculus, foundations of 582—590
Calculus, Fundamental Theorem of 498—503 (see also Fundamental theorem of calculus) )
Calculus, integral 475—492 496—498 514—515 522—524 529—531 573-574 717—720 726—727
Calculus, inventor of 485 503 521
Calculus, of exponential and logarithmic functions 416 492—496 528—529 535 554—558 567 571
Calculus, of functions of several variables 550—554 561—562 572 575-578
Calculus, of trigonometric functions 493—495 533 554—558 572-573
Calculus, of variations 558—560
Calculus, of vectors 746—752
Calculus, summary 543
Calculus, texts 532 534 560—574 706
Calendar, Babylonian 26—27
Calendar, Chinese 197
Calendar, Christian 289
Calendar, Egyptian 26—27
Calendar, French revolutionary 637—638 640
Calendar, Jewish 26—27
Calendar, Julian 404
Calendar, Mayan 333—334
Cambodia 231—232
Cambridge University 502 678 679 840
Cambridge University, professors 502 566 707 750—751
Cambridge University, students 388 504 673 681 685 690 816
Camorano, Rodrigo 386
Canonical forms 694—695
Cantor, connectedness 815
Cantor, fundamental sequences 731—735
Cantor, Georg 705
Cantor, Georg, biography 732
Cantor, infinite sets 806
Cantor, real numbers 814
Cantor, set theory 807—812
Cardano, 360—367
Cardano, and probability 449—451
Cardano, biography 360
Cardano, Gerolamo 342 359—367 445 613
Cartan, Elie 767 795—797 828
Cartan, Henri 813
Cartography 393—397
Cauchy criterion 712 719 729
Cauchy sequence 711—712 817—818 825
Cauchy — Riemann equations 739 743 745
Cauchy, 707—708 720
Cauchy, dimensions 792
Cauchy, 708 715—716
Cauchy, Augustin — Louis 651 705 707—720
Cauchy, biography 707
Cauchy, complex analysis 739—742
Cauchy, continuity 657—658 709—711 715 725
Cauchy, convergence 711—715 720 729
Cauchy, derivatives 715—717
Cauchy, determinants 688—689
Cauchy, differential equations 719—720
Cauchy, eigenvalues 692—694
Cauchy, integrals 717—720 726
Cauchy, irrational numbers 729
Cauchy, limits 708—709
Cauchy, permutations 665
Cavalieri, Bonaventura 477—478
Cayley, dimensions 792
Cayley, and Jordan 695
Cayley, Arthur 651 672—674 689—691 789
Cayley, biography 673
Cayley, graphs 849—850
Celestial equator 138 143 154—155
Center of gravity 105—107
Champollion, Jean 3
Chasles, Michel 767 788—789
Chevalier, August 668
China 3—4 192—193
Chinese mathematics 3—4 15—19
Chinese mathematics, algebra 35
Chinese mathematics, and Babylonian mathematics 206
Chinese mathematics, and European mathematics 307
Chinese mathematics, and Gaussian elimination 755
Chinese mathematics, and Indian mathematics 196 220—221
Chinese mathematics, and Islamic mathematics 206 220
Chinese mathematics, arithmetic calculations 14
Chinese mathematics, astronomy 195—197
Chinese mathematics, counting board 6—7 13
Chinese mathematics, cultural influences 327—330
Chinese mathematics, geometry 20—23
Chinese mathematics, indeterminate analysis 197—202
Chinese mathematics, linear equations 687
Chinese mathematics, medieval 192—210
Chinese mathematics, place value system 230
Chinese mathematics, polynomial equations 202—210
Chinese mathematics, Pythagorean theorem 32—35
Chinese mathematics, summary 45 237
Chinese mathematics, surveying 193—195
Chinese remainder problem and number theory 652 653
Chinese remainder problem in Indian mathematics 221
Chinese remainder problem in medieval mathematics 328
Chinese remainder problem in Qin Jiushao 199—202
Chinese remainder problem in Sun Zi 197—199
Chords in Hipparchus 143—145
Chords in Indian astronomy 212
Chords in Islamic mathematics 275
Chords in medieval Europe 297—299
Chords in Ptolemy 146—149 (see also Trigonometry)
Christianity and medieval mathematics 331
Christianity and Renaissance mathematics 402—404 407—408
Chrysippus 55
Chuquet, Nicolas 349—351 416
Church, Alonzo 840
Chutan Hsita 196
Circle, area of, in 163
Circle, area of, in al — Khwarizml 268
Circle, area of, in Archimedes 108—109
Circle, area of, in Babylonia 19—22
Circle, area of, in China 20—22
Circle, area of, in Egypt 20—21
Circle, area of, in Euclid 91—92
Circle, area of, in Heron 162
Circle, area of, in India 21
Clairaut, Alexis — Claude 554 575 597 621—623 630—632
Clairaut, and Stokes 751
Clifford, William 781—783
Closed set 817
Cohen, Paul 814
Cohomology group 832
Collins, John 493
Combinatorial topology 806
Combinatorics, in medieval Europe 300—306
| Combinatorics, Indian 228—230
Combinatorics, Islamic 263—267
Combinatory multiplication 794
Commandino, Federigo 368
Compactness 815 817—818
Complex analysis 737—746
Complex analysis, derivatives 743
Complex analysis, functions 742—746
Complex analysis, in Cauchy 718
Complex analysis, in Riemann 743—746
Complex analysis, integration 738—742
Complex analysis, residues 741—742
complex numbers 364—367 446—447 659-660
Complex numbers, in eighteenth century mathematics 557—558
Complex numbers, in Euler 614
Complex numbers, in Gauss 654—655
Complex numbers, in Hamilton 682—684
Complex numbers, in Peacock 678—679
Compounding 315—317
Computers 807 834—851
Computers, and von Neumann 844—845
Computers, Babbage’s engines 835—838 844
Computers, early developments 834—835
Computers, switching circuits for 841—844
Computers, Turing machine 839—841
Cone 91—94 (see also Conic sections) )
Congruences, higher order 652 653
Congruences, linear 197—199 218—221 328 617—618 651
Congruences, quadratic 618—619 652—653
Conic sections 116—129
Conic sections, analytic geometry of 433—434 438—444
Conic sections, asymptotes 122—123
Conic sections, conjugate diameters 132
Conic sections, construction of 392—393
Conic sections, directrix 127
Conic sections, foci 125—127
Conic sections, in projective geometry 460—462 785—787 790-791
Conic sections, Islamic 259
Conic sections, normals 124
Conic sections, symptoms 119—122
Conic sections, tangents 123—125
Connectedness 748 815 819
Continuity, defined 710
Continuity, in Cauchy 709—711
Continuous function 817
Continuum Hypothesis 734—735 814
Convergence 819
Convergence, Cauchy criterion for 729
Convergence, in Cauchy 711—715 719
Convergence, in Euler 614—615
Convergence, in Newton 509
Convergence, tests 713—714
Convergence, uniform 715 727—729
Coordinate systems, analytic geomety 435
Coordinate systems, astronomy 142—143 154—156
Coordinate systems, geography 394—397
Coordinate systems, geometry 438
Coordinate systems, graphs 319—321
Coordinate systems, non — Euclidean geometry 780—781 787 790
Coordinate systems, quaternions 685
Copernicus, 406—408
Copernicus, Nicolaus 145 404—408 782
Copernicus, Nicolaus, biography 403
Cosines, Law of 152 300 772 778
Cossists 351
Cotes, Roger 561
Counting 4—8 50
Counting board 6—7 13
Counting board, and place value system 230 232
Counting board, and polynomial equations 204—205 208 210
Counting board, and Qin 201
Counting board, in Renaissance mathematics 344
Counting the colors problem 264—266
Cramer’s Rule 597 612 690 755
Crelle, August 666 672 727 735 805
Cross ratio 787—790
Cube root calculations 202 216
Cubic equations, al — Khayy m 259—262
Cubic equations, al — T s 262—263
Cubic equations, Chinese 202
Cubic equations, in Archimedes 115
Cubic equations, in Bombelli 366—367
Cubic equations, in Cardano 359—367
Cubic equations, in Dardi 347—348
Cubic equations, in del Ferro 350 358—359
Cubic equations, in Descartes 447—448
Cubic equations, in Diophantus 179—180
Cubic equations, in Lagrange 619—620
Cubic equations, in medieval mathematics 328
Cubic equations, in Renaissance mathematics 350 353 358—367
Cubic equations, in Tartaglia 359—361
Cubic equations, in Vi te 372—375
Cubic equations, trigonometric solution of 373—374
Cubic numbers 172
Curvature, defined 632
Curvature, differential geometry 768—771
Curvature, in Newton 513—514
Curvature, in seventeenth century mathematics 533—534
Curvature, non — Euclidean geometry 780—783
Curve, in analytic geometry 435—436 438—442
Curve, in Bernoulli 549
Curve, in calculus 468—469 487—488 499—503 513—514 623
Curve, in medieval Europe 320
Curve, in space 392—393 630—633
Curve, statistical 758—760
Cycloid, in Bernouli 545 548—549
Cycloid, in Gauss 662—664
Cycloid, in Wallis 489—490
Cyclotomic equations 620 657—659 661—667 669
da Cunha, Jos Anast cio 705 712—713
da Cunha, Jos Anast cio, biography 713
Dantzig, George 848
Dardi, Maestro 346—348
De Mere see Mere Chevalier
De Moivre, Abraham 601—605 609
De Moivre, biography 602
De Morgan, and Boole 686
de Morgan, Augustus 651 680—681 682 838 850
de Witt, Jan 442—444
Debeaune, Florimond 442
Decimal system, and logarithms 418
Decimal system, and money 640
Decimal system, Hindu — Arabic 230—232
Decimal system, in medieval Europe 302 307
Decimal system, in Renaissance mathematics 342—343 349 375—378 376—377
Decimal system, Islamic 240—243
Decimal-binary conversion 844
Dedekind, algebraic number theory 659—661 676—677 826 828
Dedekind, Axiom of Choice 809—810
Dedekind, cuts 729—731
Dedekind, functions 724
Dedekind, Richard 651 704 795
Dedekind, set theory 734
Dee, astronomy 398
Dee, geometry 386—389
Dee, John 385
Dee, kinematics 420—421
Dee, mapmaking 393 397
Deferent 141
del Ferro, Scipione 358—361
Delamain, Richard 834
Delaunay, Charles 747
della Francesca, Piero 347—348 390
della Nave, Annibale 359
Democritus 92—94 112
derivatives 715—717
Derived set 817
Desargues, Girard 432 460—462 785
Descartes, analytic geometry 431—432 436—442 504
Descartes, biography 437
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