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Carmeli M. — Classical Fields: General Gravity and Gauge Theory
Carmeli M. — Classical Fields: General Gravity and Gauge Theory

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Íàçâàíèå: Classical Fields: General Gravity and Gauge Theory

Àâòîð: Carmeli M.


This textbook for a one-year graduate course in theoretical physics explores the classical theory of fields with a mix of electrodynamics, gauge fields, and gravitation. Carmell (Ben Gurion) develops the geometry of curved spacetime, the Einstein field equations, gravitational fields of elementary mass systems, the equations of motion in general relativity, spinor formulation of gravitation and gauge fields, and the gauge theory of gravitation.

ßçûê: en

Ðóáðèêà: Ôèçèêà/

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Ãîä èçäàíèÿ: 1982

Êîëè÷åñòâî ñòðàíèö: 650

Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 09.06.2006

Îïåðàöèè: Ïîëîæèòü íà ïîëêó | Ñêîïèðîâàòü ññûëêó äëÿ ôîðóìà | Ñêîïèðîâàòü ID
Ïðåäìåòíûé óêàçàòåëü
Differential identities      80—83
Differential operator      433 557
Differentiation      21
Differentiation, covariant      51—61
Dipole      254
Dipole moment      180
Dipole radiation formula      256 262
Dipole, pectral resolution of intensity of      256—257
Dirac delta function      111 201
Dirac differential operator      473
Dirac equation      472
Dirac matrices      473
Dirac — Maxwell equations      110
Direct product      25
Directional derivative      186 392 555 571 602
Distorsion      141
Divergence      141 240
Divergence operator      372
Dixon, W.G.      322 326 363 617 622 630 630 631
Dotted indices      413
Double covenant derivative      471 593—594
double stars      253
Double-expansion method      280—287
Drell, S.D.      19
Dresden, M.      ix
Dual, bundle      563—564
Dual, conjugate bundle      563 565
Dual, left      71
Dual, right      70
Dual, space      557
Dual, tensor      38 107
Duality rotation      495
Dust      190
Dyad bases      564
Dyce, R.B.      265
Earth      13—15 16 214 215 221 227 228 229 230 262
Earth, Schwarzschild radius of      160
Eccentricity      219
Eddington — Finkelstein form of spherically symmetric metric      164—165 196
Eddington — Finkelstein transformation      164
effective mass      330
Effective radiation      261 264
Ehlers, J.      ix 163 629 631
Eigenspinor-eigenvalue equation of classification      509—516
Eigenspinor-eigenvalue equation of classification, for electromagnetic field      484—485
Eigenspinor-eigenvalue equation of classification, for gauge field      511—516
Eigenspinor-eigenvalue equation of classification, for gravitational field      500—507
Eigenvectors-eigenvalue equation of classification, for electromagnetic field      487
Eigenvectors-eigenvalue equation of classification, for gravitational field      490
Einstein field equations      84—154 445 453
Einstein field equations and energy-momentum tensor      600
Einstein field equations, axisymmetric solutions of      365—406
Einstein field equations, linearized      207—213 234 242 251
Einstein field equations, Newtonian limit of      88—93
Einstein field equations, properties of      86—88
Einstein field equations, tetrad formulation of      135—143
Einstein gravitational constant      85 86 94
Einstein Lagrangian      312
Einstein spinor      439 468
Einstein summation convention      12 22
Einstein tensor      71—72
Einstein — Infeld — Hoffmann equation      277—310
Einstein — Infeld — Hoffmann equation, expression of      298
Einstein — Infeld — Hoffmann equation, Lagrangian for      321
Einstein — Maxwell equations      110 189 311 579—590
Einstein — Rosen metric      198—204 235
Einstein — Yang — Mills field equations      596—601
Einstein — Yang — Mills field equations, solutions of      608—616
Einstein, A.      163 168 204 206 267 277 280 281 296 322 363 554 555 558 569 570
Electrodynamics      vii 209
Electrodynamics, equations of      105—112
Electromagnetic current      107 111 142 312 589
electromagnetic field      142—143 398 580—583
Electromagnetic field, classification of      481—488 517—520
Electromagnetic field, combined with gravitational field      586—590
Electromagnetic field, eigenspinor-eigenvalue equation of      484—485
Electromagnetic field, eigenvector-eigenvalue equation of      487
Electromagnetic field, energy-momentum tensor of      100—102 312 428
Electromagnetic field, equations      105—112
Electromagnetic field, invariants of      481—484
Electromagnetic field, Lagrangian density for      100
Electromagnetic field, spinors      425—428 483
Electromagnetic field, tensor      106 425 427 481
Electromagnetic field, U(1) invariance of      553
Electromagnetic potential spinor      425
Electromagnetic principal null directions      493
Electromagnetic waves      227 234 243
Electron, Schwarzschild radius of      160
Elementary solutions of Ernst equation      377—381
Ellipsoidal coordinates      177
Ellis, G.F.R.      616
Elongation      228
Elsenhart, L.P.      79 83
Energy and polarization      401—404
Energy momentum, pseudotensor      189 247—255
Energy momentum, spinor      452—453
Energy momentum, tensor      82 85 86 97 110 142 174 183 185 188 199 190 196 204 210 242 251 281 296 312 336 394—396
Energy momentum, tensor of electromagnetic field      100—102 312 428 583
Energy momentum, tensor of electromagnetic field, spinor equivalent of      428 583
Energy momentum, tensor of Yang — Mills field      600
Energy momentum, tensor, and Einstein equations      574 600
Energy, density      183 185 336
Energy, flux density      250 255 403 404
Energy, kinetic      280 299
Energy, loss by two-bodies      254
Energy, potential      4 92 280 299 618
Eoetvoes experiment      13—16 299
Eoetvoes, R.V.      13 14 16 19
Equation of motion, of charged panicle      109
Equation of motion, of light      222
Equation of motion, of test particle      88 215 230 267
Equation of neutrino      151
Equation, Debever — Penrose      492
Equation, Dirac      472
Equation, eigenspinor-eigenvalue      484—485 500—507 509—516
Equation, eigenvector-eigenvalue      490
Equation, Ernst      375—377 379 380 382 383 387
Equation, geodesic      61 88 191 216 222 230 267 299 322 324
Equation, Hamilton — Jacobi      67 154
Equation, Killing      122—130
Equation, Klein — Gordon      102—103
Equation, Laplace      3 7—10 175 176 210 377
Equation, Legendre      377
Equation, master      144
Equation, Pfaffian      405
Equation, Poissor      3 4 210 211 299 319
Equation, Schroedinger-like      154
Equation, Teukolsky      147 398—405
Equations of electrodynamics      105—112
Equations of motion in general Relativity      266—364
Equations of motion of spin      337—340
Equations of motion, Einstein — Infeld — Hoffman      277—310
Equations of motion, Newton      2—3 88 217 277 282
Equations of motion, Papapetrou      323—328 338
Equations of motion, Papapetrou — Corinaidesi      328—336
Equations of Newman and Penrose      135—143 145—147 244 403 554 577
Equivalence class of atlaces      555
Equivalence principle      16—17 51 109 555 558
Equivalence transport      446
Equivalent basis spinors      446
Erez, O.      178
Ernst equation      375—377 379 380 382 383 387
Ernst equation, constant phase solution of      382
Ernst equation, covariance group of      388—389
Ernst equation, elementary solutions of      377—381
Ernst formulation      382
Ernst potential      373—377
Ernst, F.J.      366 372 382 385 389 405
Euclidean geuge field spinors      471—480
Euclidean group      128 129
Euclidean plane      235
Euclidean SL(2,C) theory of gravitation      579
Euclidean space      33
Euler angles      445
Event horizon      401 402
expansion      141
Experiment of Eoetvoes      13—16
Experiment, null      13—16
Explicit relations between potentials and fields      596—597
Extended bodies in general relativity      617—631
Exterior Tolman metric      195—196
External symmetries      559
Fackerell, E.D.      143 396 405
Fekete, E.      13 14 19
Fermi coordinate system      51 270 558
Fermi, E.      51
Fiber bundle foundations of SL(2,C) gauge theory      562—569
Fiber bundles      554 559
Fiber bundles and gauge fields      558—561
Field equations for motion of test panicle      271—273
Field equations, Einstein      84—154 445 453
Field equations, Einstein — Maxwell      110 189 311 579—590
Field equations, electromagnetic      105—112
Field equations, gauge      448—449
Field equations, gravitational      84—88
Field equations, pure gravitational      583—586
Field equations, Yang — Mills      448—449 597—599
Field of particle with quadrupole moment      177—182
Field strength      446 565—568
Field, electromagnetic      142—143 398
Field, neutrino      398 404
Field, scalar      102 103 114 398
Field, spin zero      238
Field, spin-two      237 238 240 243
Field, tensor      557
Field, zero-rest mass      237 238 243
Finkelstein, D.      163
Fischler, M.      480 552
Flat-space metric      115 418 434
Fluid without pressure      189—190
Fluid, perfect      189
Fock, V.      154 277 281 300 323 363
Fokker action principle      310—311
Fokker-type action principle      311
force      625—626
Force, centrifugal      14—16
Force, Coriolis      212
Force, gravitational      10 17
Force, Lorentz      87
Force, menial      11 17
Force, Newtonian      3 296
Force, post-Newtonian      296 298
Four-momentum      249—250
Four-way scheme of classification      532—552
Fourier expansion      256
Fourleg      556
Free-field equations      568—569
Fronsdal, C.      163
Function, Bessel      8 9 199
Function, Green      279
Function, Hankel      9 10
Function, harmonic      175 275 370
Function, Legendre      179
Function, Neumann      9
Function, spherical      7
Function, spherical wave      399
Function, world      619—620
Galilean group      1—2
Galilean invariance      2
Galilean transformation      2
Galileo, G.      13 14
Gamma rays      215
Gauge covariant derivative      447—448
Gauge field      446 450 473 560
Gauge field, eigenspinor-eigenvalue equation of      511—516
Gauge field, equations      448—449
Gauge field, equations, monopole solution of      603—607
Gauge field, invariants of      509 511
Gauge field, spinors      450—455
Gauge field, spinors, Euclidean      471—480
Gauge field, strengths      565—568
Gauge field, theory      445—450
Gauge fields and fiber bundles      558—561
Gauge fields, Abelian      559—560
Gauge fields, classification of      509—552
Gauge fields, conformal mapping of      470
Gauge fields, geometry of      464—471
Gauge fields, invariants of      509—511
Gauge fields, non-Abelian      206 560 593—595
Gauge fields, orthogonal      471
Gauge fields, spinor formulation of      407—480
Gauge, group      470 560
Gauge, invariance      446
Gauge, potential      446 450 472 565—568
Gauge, potentials and field strengths      565—568
Gauge, theory      445—450
Gauge, theory of gravitation and other fields      553—616
Gauge, theory of gravitation and other fields, SL(2,C)      135 554 555 558 569—572
Gauge, theory, isotopic spin      560
Gauge, theory, null tetrad formulation in flat spacetime of      601—603
Gauge, theory, null tetrad formulation of      596—601
Gauss theorem      44 252
Gauss theorem, generalization of      44
Gaussian curvature      76
General basis      556
General covariance principle      17—19 109
General form of line element      366—367
General relativistic interpretation of differential geometry      558—559
General relativity theory      vii 1
General transformation propertics      455—456
Generalization of static metric      366
Generalized Kerr metric      391
Generalized Schwarzschild solution      385
Generator of rotation      172
Geodesic coordinate system      50 82 247 248
Geodesic equation      61 88 191 216 222 230 267 299 322 324
Geodesic line      64 163 267
Geodesic motion in Valdya metric      336—337
Geodesic postulate      266—277
Geodesics      61—67 267 559
Geodesics, null      65—66 222 235 559
Geometrical metric tensor      12 33—35 459
Geometrical metric tensor, spinor equivalent of      417 418 434
Geometrical optics      185 188 389 390 395
Geometry of curved spacetime      20—83
Geometry of gauge fields      464—471
Geometry of invariants of gravitation      492—499
Geometry of manifold $\mathfrak{M}$      236 242
Geroch, R.      388 405
GL(2,C) (group)      562 563
GL(n,R) (group)      551
Global cross section      563
Goldberg, J.N.      281 363 404
Grace, J.H.      552
Gradient      23
Gradient operator      3 372 376
Gravitation      vii
Gravitation and other fields      553—616
Gravitation, gauge theory of      135 569—572
Gravitation, invariants of      492—499
Gravitation, Newton's theory of      3—4
Gravitation, Newtonian      1—10 90 275
Gravitation, quantization of      578—579
Gravitation, SL(2,C) gauge theory of      135 569—572
Gravitation, spinor formulation of      407—480
Gravitational and gauge fields, classification of      481—552
Gravitational bremsstrahlung      255—265
Gravitational constant, Einstein's      85 86 94
Gravitational constant, Newton's      3 85 86 95
Gravitational current      589
1 2 3 4 5 6
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