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Prigogine I. (ed.), Rice S.A. (ed.) — Advances in Chemical Physics. Volume 118 |
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Drabbels, M. 90(151) 97
Dreysse, H. 101(4) 185
Dubois, S. 131—132(73) 187
Dubonos, S.V. 104(27) 186
Dupin, J.P. 104(34) 186
Dupre, P. 47(32 34—35) 88(137 140) 90(152—153) 94 97
Dupuis, V. 104(34 39) 109(39) 121(39 60—61) 123(61) 142(39) 186—187
Durig, J.R. 82(124) 96
Dutton, L.P. 2—4(2) 40(2) 41
Dynamic correlations, electron tunneling 40-41
Dzialoshinskii, I.E. 13(57) 37(57) 44
Eberl, K. 104(28) 186
Eggers, D.F. 90(159) 97
Eggers, E. 4(17) 42
Egorov, S.A. 194(20—23 25) 206(20—23 25 83) 246(22 25) 268 270
Ehrenfest method, vibrational energy relaxation, mixed quantum-classical molecular dynamics 234—237
El Khatib, M. 105—106(43) 114(43) 186
Electron beam lithography, micro-SQUID magnetometry fabrication 105
Electron spin/nuclear-spin decoupling mechanism (ESNSDM), acetylene fluorescence 90
Electron spin/nuclear-spin decoupling mechanism (ESNSDM), indirect mechanism (IM) theory 47—49
Electron spin/nuclear-spin decoupling mechanism (ESNSDM), oxalylfluoride, magnetic field influence on excited-state dynamics 86—88
Electron transfer, exchange effects 34—36
Electron transfer, one-electron long-distance tunneling, tunneling matrix element, very large systems 8
Electron transfer, tunneling current calculation, Ruthenium-modified copper protein 21—24
Electron tunneling (ET) see also "Long-distance electron tunneling"
Electron-phonon coupling, protein dynamics 39—40
Electronic coupling, one-electron long-distance tunneling, tunneling matrix element, very large systems 8
Ellipsoid rotations, nonuniform zero Kelvin magnetization reversal, curling mechanisms 129—133
Elsaesser, T. 192(3) 267
Emmert, J.W. 101(7) 185
Endo, J. 103(13) 185
Englman, R. 49(67) 51(67) 95
Environmental decoherence effects, magnetic quantum tunneling, molecular clusters 165—176
Environmental decoherence effects, magnetic quantum tunneling, molecular clusters, hole digging analysis, dipolar distribution and hyperfine coupling 166—168
Environmental decoherence effects, magnetic quantum tunneling, molecular clusters, hyperfine interaction 170—171
Environmental decoherence effects, magnetic quantum tunneling, molecular clusters, intermolecular dipole interaction 168—170
Environmental decoherence effects, magnetic quantum tunneling, molecular clusters, Landau — Zener tunneling probability 171-175
Environmental decoherence effects, magnetic quantum tunneling, molecular clusters, Prokof'ev — Stamp theory 165—166
Environmental degrees of freedom, vibrational energy relaxation Hamiltonians 197—200
Eremenchuk, G.G. 47(33) 94
Esteve, D. 104(40) 186
Evenson, J.W. 6(39) 43
Everitt, K.F. 194(23—25) 206(23—25) 246(25) 268
Excess energy dependence, oxalylfluoride, magnetic field influence on excited-state dynamics 83
Exchange effects, electron vs. hole transfer 34—36
Excited-state dynamics, magnetic fields, acetylene 88—90
Excited-state dynamics, magnetic fields, anisotropic spin-spin constants 92—93
Excited-state dynamics, magnetic fields, diazines 90—92
Excited-state dynamics, magnetic fields, oxalylfluoride 82—88
Excited-state dynamics, singlet-triplet (S-T) conversion mechanism \51—52
Faini, G. 104(29) 186
Fano, U. 49(53) 51(53) 94
Farid, R.S. 39(80) 44
Faucher, M. 105(46) 114(46) 186
Fayer, M.D. 203(64) 206(81—82) 269—270
Feedback mode, micro-SQUID magnetometry, hysteresis loop measurements 109
Felker, P.M. 47(42) 90(42) 94
Felts, A.K. 3(13) 42
Fermi interaction, singlet-triplet (S-T) conversion mechanism, triplet-state structure 54—56
Fermi's golden rule, ions in aqueous solution, relaxation times 239—241
Fermi's golden rule, ions in aqueous solution, spectral density 242—243
Fermi's golden rule, vibrational energy relaxation, force autocorrelation function 203—206
Fermi's golden rule, vibrational energy relaxation, force-force time correlation function 225—226
Fermi's golden rule, vibrational energy relaxation, influence action 223—226
Fermi's golden rule, vibrational energy relaxation, mixed quantum-classical molecular dynamics 228—229
Fermi's golden rule, vibrational energy relaxation, theoretical background 194—195
Fermi's golden rule, vibrational energy relaxation, time-dependent transition probability 218—223
Fernandez, A. 133(83) 187
Ferrano, M. 205(73) 238(100) 239(73) 269—270
Ferre, R. 131—132(73) 187
Ferrimagnetic particles see also "Iron molecular clusters"
Ferrimagnetic particles, thermal-dependent magnetization reversal, nanometer-sized particles and clusters, Neel — Brown model 147—149
Fert, A. 104(29 32) 147(102) 186 188
Fettar, F. 104(32) 186
Feynman diagrams, vibrational energy relaxation, perturbative influence functional, nonlinear couplings 213—217
Feynman, R.P. 26(68) 44 163(147) 165(158) 190 195(26—27) 207(26—27) 208(26) 211(26—27) 217(26—27) 219(27) 268
Field, R.W. 88(137—138 140) 90(153) 97
Field-sweeping rates, Landau — Zener tunneling, iron molecular clusters 159—161
Figueirido, R.E. 205(69) 269
Fine, A. 10(52) 31(52) 43
Fiorani, D. 103(8) 138(8) 141(8) 185
First-order perturbations, singlet-triplet (S-T) conversion, matrix elements 58—61
Fisher, M.P.A. 149(107) 188
Flemming, G.R. 192(5) 267
Fluctuation-dissipation theory, vibrational energy relaxation, Langevin equation 202—203
Fluorescence decay, acetylene magnetic effects 89—90
Fluorescence decay, oxalylfluoride, magnetic field influence on excited-state dynamics 83—84
Fokker — Planck equation, thermal-dependent magnetization reversal, nanometer-sized particles and clusters, Neel — Brown model 136—138
Foner, S. 147(105) 188
Fong, F. 206(76) 218(76) 269
Force autocorrelation function, ions in aqueous solution, relaxation times 239—241
Force autocorrelation function, vibrational energy relaxation, classical Langevin equation 202—203
Force autocorrelation function, vibrational energy relaxation, Fermi's golden rule 203—206
Force-force time correlation function, vibrational energy relaxation, influence functional theory 225—226
Forch, B.J. 91(174) 97
Forester, D.W. 147(103) 188
Formaldehyde, singlet-triplet (S-T) conversion, magnet field interaction 69—71
Forseman, J.B. 26(66) 44
Forster, J. 147(104) 188
Fort, A. 163(149) 168(163) 190
Fourier transform, protein dynamics, electron-phonon coupling 40
Fourier transform, vibrational energy relaxation, centroid molecular dynamics 227
Fourier transform, vibrational energy relaxation, Fermi's golden rule, force autocorrelation function 204—206
Fournier, T. 105(46) 114(46) 186
Fox, D.J. 26(66) 44
Frad, A. 91(165) 97
Franck — Condon factor, many-electron tunneling, Hartree — Fock approximation 16—18
Franck — Condon factor, singlet-triplet (S-T) conversion, magnet field interaction 70—78
Franck — Condon factor, singlet-triplet (S-T) conversion, Zeeman interaction operator 66—67
Franck, A. 104(31) 186
Frankland, S.A.J. 200(51) 269
Freed, K.F. 49(74 78 85—88) 51(74 78 85—88) 95 202(59) 269
Freeman, A.J. 101(3) 185
Frei, H. 129(66) 131(66) 187
Friedman, J.R. 150(114) 154(114) 188
Friendl, R.R. 90(158) 97
Friesner, R.A. 3(13) 42 195(35) 232(35) 268
Frisch, M.J. 26(66) 44
Frosch, R.P. 49(60—61 68) 51(60—61 68) 95
Fruchart O. 113(49) 121(49) 186
Fuji, M. 88(139) 89(141) 97
Fujimura, Y. 49(82) 51(82) 82(117) 95—96
Fujita, M. 47(15) 90(15) 92(15) 93
Fukuda, Y. 46(10) 53(95) 93 95
Fukunaga, H. 200(49) 269
Functional derivatives, vibrational energy relaxation, time-dependent transition probability 220—223
Gai, H. 205(70) 269
Gallagher, W.J. 104(30) 186
Garanin, D.A. 173(168) 190
Garcia, N. 142(99) 188
Garcia-Mochales, P. 142(99) 188
Garcia-Pablos, D. 142(99) 188
Garg, A. 140—141(95) 149(107) 153(128) 163(128 148 150) 188—190
Gas compounds, magnetic field effects 46—47
Gatteschi, D. 150(111—112 115—116 121) 151(109—110 126) 152(109—110 112 127) 154(115) 158(140) 160(144) 163(110 112 155) 165(116) 168(144) 170(144 164) 171(140) 172(166) 173(126 140) 175(140) 176(121 170) 188—190
Gaussian distribution, vibrational energy relaxation, one-harmonic-oscillator bath model 254—255
Gaussian-type basis functions (GTF), electron tunneling calculations 37—38
Gehlen, J.N. 6(38) 8(38 48) 9(38) 43
Geim, A.K. 104(27) 186
Geldof, P.A. 54—55(106) 96
Genner, U. 103(23) 179(23) 185
Genoe, J. 103(23) 179(23) 185
George, J.M. 131—132(73) 187
Georgievski, Yu. 17(64) 44
Germanas, J.P. 2—4(6) 26(6) 33(6) 41
Gibbons, M.R. 133(83) 187
Gider, S. 104(26) 151(26) 186
Giese, B. 4(17) 42
Gilbert's equation, thermal-dependent magnetization reversal, nanometer-sized particles and clusters, Neel — Brown model 136—138
Gilbert, S.E. 104(25 31) 185
| Gill, P.M.W. 26(66) 44
Giordano, N. 104(24) 180(24) 185
Givord, D. 113(49) 121(49) 186
Glyoxal, singlet-triplet (S-T) conversion, magnet field interaction 71—73
GMH method, one-electron long-distance tunneling, interatomic currents and paths 11—12
GMRes method, one-electron long-distance tunneling, tunneling matrix element, very large systems 7—8
Gnanakaran, S. 202(60) 203(62) 269
Goddard, W.A. 15(61) 44
Godunov, I.A. 82(119) 96
Goeble, C.J. 26(71) 44
Goedecker, S. 6(35) 43
Goetz, W. 47(28) 94
Golden, S. 54—55(109) 96
Goldman, M. 55(112) 96
Goldstein, S. 10(52) 31(52) 43
Gomperts, R- 26(66) 44
Gonzalez, C. 26(66) 44
Gonzalez, J. 142(98) 188
Gonzalez, J.M. 142(98) 188
Goodman, J.W. 255(105) 270
Goodman, L. 49(72) 51(72) 95
Goodyear, G. 198(46) 203(63 66—67) 269
Gorkov, L.P. 13(57) 37(57) 44
Grabert, H. 206(85) 270
Gray, H.B. 2—3(4—7) 4(5—6 22) 7(4—5) 9(22) 26(6—7) 33(4—7) 40(5) 41—42
Green's functions, one-electron long-distance tunneling, interatomic currents and paths 11—12
Green's functions, one-electron long-distance tunneling, tunneling matrix element, very large systems 7—8
Green, P.G. 88(137—138 140) 90(152—153) 97
Grifoni, M. 155(137) 189
Grinstein, G. 161(145) 189
Gros, V. 104(29) 186
Gruschus, M. 6(40) 43
Gueron, S. 104(33) 186
Guiraud, G. 104(34) 121(61) 123(61) 186—187
Gunther, L. 137(92—93) 149(108) 177(108) 188
Guo, J.X. 5(30—31) 10(30—31) 26(31) 31(31) 42—43
Haenggi, P. 155(137) 189 192(5) 267
Hagston, W.E. 206(75) 269
Hajima, A. 88(139) 89(141) 97
Hall, G.G. 15(59) 44
Hamiltonians, vibrational energy relaxation 197—200
Hamm, P. 192(9) 196(9) 238(9) 245(9) 267
Hamzic, A. 104(29) 186
Hanke, D. 152(127) 189
Hannum, S.E. 82(124) 96
Hansen, J.R. 194(14) 268
Harmon, B.N. 165(157) 176(171) 190
Harmonic oscillator bath, ions in aqueous solution, relaxation 247
Harmonic oscillator bath, vibrational energy relaxation, Fermi's golden rule, force autocorrelation function 206
Harmonic oscillator bath, vibrational energy relaxation, Hamiltonians 198—200
Harmonic oscillator bath, vibrational energy relaxation, influence functional theory 208—209
Harmonic oscillator bath, vibrational energy relaxation, theoretical background 197
Harmonic oscillator bath, vibrational energy relaxation, time-dependent transition probability 217—223
Harris, C. 201(52) 269
Harris, R.A. 49(54) 51(54) 94
Harrowell, P.R. 49(74) 51(74) 95
Hartree — Fock approximation, many-electron tunneling 15—18
Hartree — Fock approximation, polarization cloud dynamics 36—37
Hartree — Fock approximation, tunneling flow vortices, highest occupied molecular orbital (HOMO) 29—32
Hashimoto, K. 47(29) 94
Hashimoto, N. 89(142) 97
Hasselbach, K. 103(22) 104(22 34—37) 109(36—37) 111(35—37) 113(48) 114(50—51) 120(22 59) 121(36—37) 128(65) 131—132(35 74) 133(79) 134(22 59 79) 142(36—37 59) 144(36—37) 146(35 74) 147(59 74 79) 149(59 74) 179(22 35) 180(36—37) 185—187
Hathaway, T. 150(119) 154(119) 189
Hayashi, H. 46(8 10 17 19) 47(8 19) 48(19) 53(95) 67(19) 77(19) 79(19) 82—84(19) 87(19) 89(8) 93 95
He, H. 126(62) 187
Head-Gordon, M. 26(66) 44
Heaviside step function, vibrational energy relaxation, time-dependent transition probability 221—223
Heelis, P. 8—9(49) 11(49) 24(49) 43
Heffernan, S J. 103(15) 185
Heiderbach, C. 201(58) 269
Heifets, E.N. 5(30) 10(30) 42
Heilweil, E.J. 192(2) 267
Heinze, J. 90(151) 97
Heisenberg representation, vibrational energy relaxation, Fermi's golden rule, force autocorrelation function 204—206
Hellman — Feynman force, vibrational energy relaxation, mean field approximation 230—232
Hencher, J.L. 82(122) 96
Henderson, R.S. 54—55(103) 96
Henderson, T.M. 36(78) 44
Hendey, C.L. 161(146) 190
Hendrickson, D.N. 150(120 122 124) 154(120) 173(120) 176(122 124) 189
Herman, M. 88(135) 96
Herman, M.F. 206(86—87) 270
Hermitian operators, many-electron tunneling, current density operator 12—13
Hernandez, J.M. 176(173) 190
Herzberg — Teller approximation, singlet-triplet (S-T) coupling, vibronic interaction operator 56
Herzberg, G. 48(51—52) 54—55(103) 69(52) 94 96
Hibbs, A.R. 195(27) 207(27) 211(27) 217(27) 219(27) 268
High-field limit, singlet-triplet (S-T) conversion, Zeeman interaction operator 65—67
High-temperature behavior, vibrational energy relaxation, one-harmonic-oscillator bath model 257—258
Highest occupied molecular orbital (HOMO), tunneling flow vortices 29—32
Hilbert space, many-electron tunneling, Mulliken population operators 19—20
Hill, S. 150(119) 154(119) 189
Hinzke, D. 142(100) 188
Hirota, N. 203(65) 269
Hirschfelder, J.L. 26(70—71) 44
His residue, Ruthenium-modified copper protein, tunneling transition 24—27
Hochstrasser, R.M. 49(75) 51—52(75) 95 192(7—9) 196(8—9) 202(60) 203(62) 238(8—9) 245(9) 267 269
Hole transfers, exchange effects 34—36
Hole transfers, one-electron long-distance tunneling, tunneling matrix element, very large systems 8
Hole-digging mechanism, environmental decoherence effects, dipolar distribution and hyperfine couplings 166—168
Hole-digging mechanism, Landau — Zener tunneling, iron molecular clusters 159—160
Holian, B.L. 201(54) 269
Hollas, J.M. 82(127) 96
Holody, P. 104(32) 186
Hong, H.K. 49(83) 51(83) 95
Hong, K. 104(24) 180(24) 185
Hoover, W.G. 193(11) 268
Hopping mechanisms, long-distance electron tunneling 3—4
Hougen, J.T. 54—55(99 105) 88(134) 95—96
Howard, B.J. 90(156) 97
Howard, W.E. 54—55(108) 57—58(108) 96
Hoyting, G.J. 54—55(106) 96
Hu, B.L. 211(91) 225(91 96) 270
Hu, C.-H. 104(41) 161(41) 186
Hu, H. 163(154) 190
Hubert, A. 101(1) 133(82) 185 187
Huffman, J.C. 150(124) 176(124) 189
Hund case coupling, singlet-triplet (S-T) conversion 56
Hund case coupling, singlet-triplet (S-T) conversion, electron-spin wave functions 58
Hund case coupling, singlet-triplet (S-T) conversion, Zeeman perturbation matrix elements 62—68
Hund case coupling, triplet states 48—49
Huo, W.H. 62(116) 64—65(116) 96
Huttner, G. 151—152(125) 189
Hwang, D.S. 177—178(177) 190
Hynes, J.T. 196(40) 201(56—57) 202(56 71—72) 205(40) 238(40) 268—269
Hyperfine couplings, environmental decoherence effects, molecular clusters 166—168
Hyperfine couplings, environmental decoherence effects, molecular clusters, iron and manganese clusters 170—171
Hyperfine splitting, singlet-triplet (S-T) conversion mechanism, triplet-state structure 55—56
Hysterecic V-I curve, micro-SQUID magnetometry, critical current measurements 105—109
Hysteresis loop measurements, Landau — Zener tunneling, environmental decoherence 173—175
Hysteresis loop measurements, magnetic quantum tunneling, iron molecular clusters 153—154
Hysteresis loop measurements, magnetic quantum tunneling, Landau — Zener tunneling, iron molecular clusters 155—160
Hysteresis loop measurements, micro-SQUID magnetometry, feedback mode 109
Hysteresis loop measurements, nonuniform zero Kelvin magnetization reversal, nucleation and annihilation of domain walls 133—135
Hysteresis loop measurements, thermal-dependent magnetization reversal, nanometer-sized particles and clusters, Neel — Brown model 147—149
Hysteresis loop measurements, zero Kelvin magnetization reversal, Stoner — Wohlfarth uniform rotation model 116—120
Imamura, T. 53(95) 95
Impey, R.W. 239(102) 270
Indirect mechanism (IM) theory, acetylene fluorescence 90
Indirect mechanism (IM) theory, defined 46—49
Indirect mechanism (IM) theory, singlet-triplet (S-T) conversion mechanism 52-53
Inelastic tunneling, protein dynamics 39—40
Influence functional theory, vibrational energy relaxation 207—226
Influence functional theory, vibrational energy relaxation, future research applications 265—267
Influence functional theory, vibrational energy relaxation, general principles 208—209
Influence functional theory, vibrational energy relaxation, perturbative influence, nonlinear couplings 210—217
Influence functional theory, vibrational energy relaxation, quantum probability fluctuation, density matrix moments 248—252
Influence functional theory, vibrational energy relaxation, time-dependent transition probability 217—223
Ingold, C.K. 88(132) 96
Innes, K. 88(133) 96
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