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Luger G.F., Stubblefield W.A. — Artificial Intelligence: Structures and Strategies for Complex Problem Solving
Luger G.F., Stubblefield W.A. — Artificial Intelligence: Structures and Strategies for Complex Problem Solving

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Íàçâàíèå: Artificial Intelligence: Structures and Strategies for Complex Problem Solving

Àâòîðû: Luger G.F., Stubblefield W.A.


Combines the theoretical foundations of intelligent problem-solving with he data structures and algorithms needed for its implementation. The book presents logic, rule, object and agent-based architectures, along with example programs written in LISP and PROLOG. The practical applications of AI have been kept within the context of its broader goal: understanding the patterns of intelligence as it operates in this world of uncertainty, complexity and change.
The introductory and concluding chapters take a new look at the potentials and challenges facing artificial intelligence and cognitive science. An extended treatment of knowledge-based problem-solving is given including model-based and case-based reasoning. Includes new material on: Fundamentals of search, inference and knowledge representation AI algorithms and data structures in LISP and PROLOG Production systems, blackboards, and meta-interpreters including planers, rule-based reasoners, and inheritance systems. Machine-learning including ID3 with bagging and boosting, explanation basedlearning, PAC learning, and other forms of induction Neural networks, including perceptrons, back propogation, Kohonen networks, Hopfield networks, Grossberg learning, and counterpropagation. Emergent and social methods of learning and adaptation, including genetic algorithms, genetic programming and artificial life. Object and agent-based problem solving and other forms of advanced knowledge representation.

ßçûê: en

Ðóáðèêà: Computer science/

Ñòàòóñ ïðåäìåòíîãî óêàçàòåëÿ: Ãîòîâ óêàçàòåëü ñ íîìåðàìè ñòðàíèö

ed2k: ed2k stats

Èçäàíèå: third edition

Ãîä èçäàíèÿ: 1998

Êîëè÷åñòâî ñòðàíèö: 824

Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 10.03.2006

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Ross, P.      421
Ross, T.      289—290 292
Roussel, P.      350
Rule-based expert systems      206—246 (see also “Expert-systems”)
Rumelhart, D.E.      301 304 673 711
Russell, B.      5 8—9 19 29 41 51 203 246—247 560 661
Russell, S.      646
S-expression      426 429—430 731
Sacerdotti, E.      199 201 566
Sacks, O.      293
Safir, A.      266 290
Sahni, S.      92 121
Samuels, A.      236 239 757
Samuel’s checker player      127 148 757
Santa Fe Institute      715
Satisfiability      65—67
Schank, R.      30 245 304—306 324 327—328 556
schemas      see “Frames”
Scheme      351
Schwartz, W.      290
Scope of quantifier      60
Scripts      294 308 324—328 756
Scripts and conceptual dependencies      324
Scripts, between-the-lines problem      326
Scripts, entry conditions      325
Scripts, roles      325
Search      see “State-space search”
Searle.J.      14 34 556 777
Seboek, T.A.      778
Sedgewick, R.      121
Sejnowski, T.      679 712
Self-organizing networks      685
Selfridge, O.      711 770
Selman, B.      282
Selz, O.      301 334
Semantic grammars      555
Semantic network      10 23 36 40 107 206 294 299—309 343 411—4112 494—497 518 527 756 767
Semantics      22—23 27—28 37—41 47 49—52 58—63 120 179—180 349 778
Set of support      560 580 600
Shafer, G.      290
Shakespeare, W.      4 203 519—520
Shakey      192
Shannon, C.      628 711
Shapiro, E.      421—422
Shapiro, S.C.      199 258 278 289—290 590 602 733
Shavlik, J.W.      658 680
Shaw, J.C.      52 203 757 766
Shelley, M.      1 4
Shelley, P.      4
Shimony, S.      283
Short-term memory      173
Shortliffe, E.H.      20 245 263 288—289 768
Shrager, J.      650 659
SHRDLU      22 521
Siegelman, H.      774
Siekmann, J.H.      600
Silverstein, J.W.      696 712
Similarity-based learning      605
Simmons, R.F.      301 304
Simon, D.P.      174 769
Simon, H.A.      13 18—19 28 30 33 41 51 121 123 159 172 174 199 203 559—560 563—564 600 604 753 755 757—758 766—769 776 780
Sims, M.H.      650
SIMULA      352
Simulation      505—511
Situated action theory      764—766
Situatedness      14—16
Skapura, D.M.      711 771
Skinner, J.M.      198—199 236—237 239 246
Skolem function      68
Skolemization      68 569—571
Sleeman, D.      768
Smalltalk      30 352
Smart, G.      245 289
Smith, B.C.      206 556 780
Smith, J.C.      688 720
Smith, M.      768
Smith, R.G.      21
Smolier, S.      199
Snyder, G.      339
Soar      174 770
Social models of learning      736—747 (see also “Emergent computation”)
Society of Mind      770
Socrates      5
Soloway, E.      174 758
Solution path      87
Sontag, E.D.      774
Soundness      65—67 566 593
Sowa, J.      309 334 422 534 541 552 556
Specificity      184
Speech understanding      196—198
Speed-up learning      645
Spiegelhalter, D.J.      258 289 291
SQL      551—554
Standardization of network relationships      303—309
Stanford certainty factor algebra      see “Certainty factor algebra”
Start state      87
State space search      7 17 25—26 29 33—34 41—46 81—122 127 130 132—134 139—144 152—157 159—201 227 361 364—371 449—455 459—460 560 592 628 657 723 755 757—758
State space search and logical inference      108—120
State space search and planning      190—196
State space search and propositional calculus      107—111
State space search, admissibility      127 139—142 156—157 758
State space search, Algorithm A      140
State space search, Algorithm A*      127 139—144 156—157
State space search, alpha-beta pruning      127 150—152 156
State space search, and/or graphs      109—121
State space search, backtracking      96—101 110 130 160 163 176 198 223 361 368 592
State space search, backward chaining      93—96 112—116
State space search, beam search      154
State space search, best-first search      99 107 124 127—130 156
State space search, branch and bound      92
State space search, branching factor      96
State space search, breadth-first search      99—105 124
State space search, complexity      88—89 91—92 105—106 124—127 152—155
State space search, data driven search      93—96 121 181—183 198 206 226—230 594—595
State space search, denned      87
State space search, depth-first iterative deepening      106
State space search, depth-first search      99 102—106 124 159—163 174 367—369 381—383 449—460 560 592
State space search, exhaustive search      91
State space search, forward chaining      93—96
State space search, goal driven search      93—96 112—116 121
State space search, hill-climbing      127 129 628 657 675 723 757
State space search, implementation      96—106 159—201
State space search, informedness      129 139 142—144 153—155 758
State space search, minimax      127 144—152 156—157
State space search, monotonicity      127
State space search, opportunistic search      227
State space search, pattern-directed search      164—170 (see also “Production systems”)
State space search, production systems      160 171—186
State space search, recursive search      161—170
State space search, shortest path      132—134 139—142
State space search, solution path      87
State space search, state      42
State space search, subgoal      93
State space search, uninformed search      106
Statistical approaches to uncertainty      249—268
Steele.G.      505 511
Stepp, R.E.      652
Sterling, L.      421—422
Stern, C.      235—236 281 769
Stochastic analysis      543—550
Stoller, M.      123
Story understanding      550—551
streams      474—476 482—486
Streams and delayed evaluation      482—486
STRIPS      192—196 199 566 640
Strong methods      758
Structure mapping      647
Stubblefield, W.A.      237—238 650
Subgoal      93 164 167
Subjective probabilities      259—260
Subsumption      583 600
subsumption architecture      741—742
Suchman, L.      764—765
Supervised learning      605 613 694—696
Sussman, G.J.      26 511 775
Syllogism      67
Symbol level      340—342
Symbolic computing      436—438
Synapse      26
Syntax      47—49
Systematicity      648—649
Szolovits, P.      290
Tanimoto, S.L.      511
Tarski, A.      5 9
Tarskian semantics      see “First-order predicate calculus” “Semantics” “Propositional “Semantics”
Taxonomy      769—770
Taxonomy of representation schemes      294
TEIRESIAS      199 269
Teleo-reactive agents      742
Teleo-reactive planning      199
Temporal logics      334
Term      54
Terrence      519
Thagard, P.      659
Theorem proving      see “Automated reasoning”
Thermostat simulation      505—511
Tic-Tac-Toe      42 88—89 107 124—127 149—152
Tofte, M.      775
Tooby.J.      762
Top-down decision tree induction      627—628
Top-down parsing      525
Touretzky, D.S.      273 290 328 331 511
Towers of Hanoi      768
Transformational analogy      239—240
Transformational grammars      555—556
Transition network parsers      527—531
Traveling salesperson      91—92 121 717 719—721
Tree-recursion      441—443
Triangle table      46 193—196
Truth maintenance systems      249 270 275—281
Truth maintenance systems, assumption-based truth maintenance      278—281
Truth maintenance systems, chronological backtracking      276
Truth maintenance systems, dependency-directed backtracking      276
Truth maintenance systems, justification-based truth maintenance      276—279
Truth maintenance systems, logic-based      281
Truth maintenance systems, multiple belief reasoner      281
Truth symbol      48—49 53—54
Truth table      50—51 79
Truth value      59—60
Turing Test      10—13 30 31 34 209
Turing, A.      5 8 10 12—14 27—31 766 775
Turner, R.      294 318 334
Tutoring systems      768
Twain, M.      661
type hierarchy      529—543
Ullman, J.D.      532 551—552 556
Uncertainty      see “Reasoning with uncertainty”
Undecidability      60—61
Unification      67—78 113—114 160 165 169 181 344 364 368 394—396 463—469 583—587
Unification and PROLOG      394—396
Unification in LISP      463—469
Unification, algorithm defined      71—74
Unification, answer extraction      583—587 592
Unification, binding      69—70
Unification, composition of substitutions      69—70 592
Unification, ground instance      69
Unification, most general unifier(mgu)      70
Unification, occurs check      69 467
Unification, substitution      69
Uninformed search      106
Unit preference      560 580—581 592
UNIT RESOLUTION      581 600
Universal instantiation      66—68
Universal quantification      56—58 61—63 318—319 361—362 569—572
Unsatisfiability      65—67
Unsupervised learning      605 649—658 691—694
Ures.L.      550
Urey, H.C.      735
Utgoff, P.E.      635
Validity      65—67
Valient, L.G.      637—638
van Lehn, K.      245 768
VanEmden, M.      588 590
VanLe, T.      421
Varela, F.J.      777
Variable      53—63
Verification      19 21
Veroff.R.      121
Version space search      605 612—624
Viterbi algorithm      545—546
von Neumann, J.      10 663 740 747 766
Waldinger, R.      79
Walker, A.      422
Wang, P.Y.      281
Warren, D.H.D.      350
Warren, D.S.      421—422
Waterman, D.      21 30 199 209 245 289
Weak methods      518 560 758
Weir, C.C.      235
Weiss, S.M.      266 290 659
Weizanbaum, J.      30 777—778
Weld, D.S.      335
Well-formed formula      9 48—49
Wellman, M.P.      256
Weyrauch, R.W.      334
Wff      see “Well-formed formula”
Whitehead, A.N.      8—9 19 29 41 52 203 560
Why query      211 224—225 399—400
Widrow, B.      673
Wilks.Y.      30 301 304 556
Wilson, W.      422
Winner-take-all learning      682—690
Winograd, T.      14 22 30 34 335 520 542 555—556 777—780
Winston, P.H.      26 121 608 641
Wirth, N.      82 422
Wittgenstein, L.      14 654 684
Wolstencroft, J.      646
Woods, W.      295 298 308 336
Working memory      171—186 227
Wos.L.      30 79 559 580—581 597 599—601
XCON      21 174 209 212 214 758
Yager, R.R.      290
Young, R.M.      34 769
Zadeh.L.A.      284 287 290 308
Zurada, J.M.      675 686 711 771
1 2 3 4 5 6
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