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Luger G.F., Stubblefield W.A. — Artificial Intelligence: Structures and Strategies for Complex Problem Solving
Luger G.F., Stubblefield W.A. — Artificial Intelligence: Structures and Strategies for Complex Problem Solving

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Íàçâàíèå: Artificial Intelligence: Structures and Strategies for Complex Problem Solving

Àâòîðû: Luger G.F., Stubblefield W.A.


Combines the theoretical foundations of intelligent problem-solving with he data structures and algorithms needed for its implementation. The book presents logic, rule, object and agent-based architectures, along with example programs written in LISP and PROLOG. The practical applications of AI have been kept within the context of its broader goal: understanding the patterns of intelligence as it operates in this world of uncertainty, complexity and change.
The introductory and concluding chapters take a new look at the potentials and challenges facing artificial intelligence and cognitive science. An extended treatment of knowledge-based problem-solving is given including model-based and case-based reasoning. Includes new material on: Fundamentals of search, inference and knowledge representation AI algorithms and data structures in LISP and PROLOG Production systems, blackboards, and meta-interpreters including planers, rule-based reasoners, and inheritance systems. Machine-learning including ID3 with bagging and boosting, explanation basedlearning, PAC learning, and other forms of induction Neural networks, including perceptrons, back propogation, Kohonen networks, Hopfield networks, Grossberg learning, and counterpropagation. Emergent and social methods of learning and adaptation, including genetic algorithms, genetic programming and artificial life. Object and agent-based problem solving and other forms of advanced knowledge representation.

ßçûê: en

Ðóáðèêà: Computer science/

Ñòàòóñ ïðåäìåòíîãî óêàçàòåëÿ: Ãîòîâ óêàçàòåëü ñ íîìåðàìè ñòðàíèö

ed2k: ed2k stats

Èçäàíèå: third edition

Ãîä èçäàíèÿ: 1998

Êîëè÷åñòâî ñòðàíèö: 824

Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 10.03.2006

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Genetic algorithms, traveling salesperson      717—721
Genetic operators      see “Crossover” “Mutation” “Inversion” “Order “Permutation”
Genetic programming      715 730—736
Gennari, J.H.      655
Gentner, D.      647
Giarratano, J.      245—246
Gillett, J.      550
Gluck, M.      656
Glymour, C.      30 249
Goal regression      643
Goal state      87
Goal-directed search      167 181—183 198 206 220—225 561 595—596
Goal-driven reasoning      206 220—225
Goal-driven search      93—96 112—116 121
Goedel, K.      5 8 14
Goethe, J.W.      603
GOFAI      14
Goldberg, D.E.      724 747
Goodwin, J.      277
Gould, S.J.      747 749
GPS      see “General Problem solver”
Gradient descent learning      673 (see also “Delta rule”)
Graham, P.      511
Grammar      116—121
Graph theory      7 10 42 84—88
Graph theory, ancestor      85—86
Graph theory, arc      40
Graph theory, child      85—86
Graph theory, connected nodes      87
Graph theory, cycle      85—88
Graph theory, descendant      85—86
Graph theory, directed acyclic graph      88
Graph theory, directed graph      85
Graph theory, Hamiltonian path      121
Graph theory, labeled graph      84—85
Graph theory, leaf node      86
Graph theory, link      40 42
Graph theory, loop      85—88
Graph theory, node      42 84—88 121
Graph theory, parent      85—86
Graph theory, path      85—86
Graph theory, rooted graph      85—86
Graph theory, sibling      85—86
Graph theory, tree      85—87
Gray coding      722
Grice, H.P.      14 283 778
Grossberg learning      686—690
Grossberg.S.      663 687 711—712
Grosz, B.      23 769 778
Ground instance      69
Guha, R.V.      758
Hacker      26
Haibit, L.H.      665
Hall, R.P.      646
Hamiltonian path      121
Hamming distance      697—700 703—706
Hammond, K.      239
Hamscher.W.      233 246
Hanson, J.E.      745
Harbison-Briggs, K.      245
Harmon, P.      30 245 299
Harris, M.D.      556
Hasemer, T.      511
Haugeland.J.      29 780
Haussler, D.      638
Hayes, J.      30
Hayes, P.      12 187 249 294 334 350
Hayes-Roth, B.      748
Hayes-Roth, F.      30 199 245
HEARSAY-II      196—199
HEARSAY-III      198—199
Hebb, D.O.      663 665 690 711
Hebbian learning      663 688—696 773
Hecht-Nielsen, R.      662 682—683 686—687 706 711—712 771 774
Heidegger, M.      14 778
Heidorn.G.E.      534
Helman, P.      121
Hempel, C.G.      780
Henrion, M.      258 291
Herbrand’s theorem      600
Heteroassociative memory      663 697
Heuristics      18—20 24—25 28 30 44 46 92 106 121 123—159 204 208 215 229—234 346 353 560—566 578—583 593—596 605 607 619—636 645 755 759
Heuristics and expert systems      136—139
Heuristics and the 8-puzzle      131—144
Heuristics in and/or graphs      154
Heuristics, admissibility      127 139—142 156—157
Heuristics, Algorithm A      140
Heuristics, Algorithm A*      140—144 156—157
Heuristics, alpha-beta pruning      127 150—152 156
Heuristics, best-first search      156
Heuristics, branching factor      153—154
Heuristics, complexity      124—127 152—155
Heuristics, evaluation function      131—136 139—143
Heuristics, game playing      144—152
Heuristics, hill climbing      127 129 148 757
Heuristics, horizon effect      149
Heuristics, implementation      131—136
Heuristics, information theoretic      628—631
Heuristics, informedness      129 139 142—144 153—157
Heuristics, means-ends analysis      204 757
Heuristics, minimax      127 144—152 156—157
Heuristics, monotonicity      127 139—142 156
Heuristics, nearest neighbor      92 121
Heuristics, Samuel’s checker player      127 148
Heuristics, strong methods      204—206
Heuristics, tic-tac-toe      149—152
Heuristics, weak methods      204
Hierarchical abstraction      340
Hierarchical problem decomposition      24
Higher order functions      455—458
Higher order predicate calculi      61—62
Hightower, R.      741 747
Hill climbing      127 129 628 657 675 723 757
Hillis, D.W.      27
Hinsley, D.      768—769
Hinton, G.E.      712
Hobbes.T.      778
Hobbs, J.R.      290
Hodges, A.      30
Hoff, M.E.      673
Holland, J.H.      665 683 691 715 723—727 747—748 761
Holte, R.C.      659
Holyoak, K.J.      659
Homomorphism      333
Hopcroft, J.E.      532 556
Hopfield networks      701 706—711
Hopfield, J.J.      663 701 706 712
Horizon effect      149
Horn clause      361 472 588—589 593 636
Horowitz, E.      92 121
How query      211 224—225 400—401
Human associative memory      767 (see also “Associative memory”)
Human development      763 769—770
Human performance modeling      23
Human problem solving      41 186
Hume, D.      7 357 634 778
Husserl, E.      14 778
Hybrid design      243—244
Hybrid programming environments      353
Hyperarc      109
Hypergraph      109
Hyperresolution      575 597
ID3      26 249 547—548 605 619 624—636 650 680
ID3 and hill climbing      628
ID3, bagging      633
ID3, boosting      633
ID3, information theoretic test selection      628—631
ID3, performance evaluation      632—633
ID3, top-down decision tree induction      627—628
Ignizio, J.P.      245
Image processing      35—36
Imitation game      see “Turing Test”
Implication      48—50 56 59—60 198
Improper symbols      53
Inconsistant      65—66
Induction      603—633 771—775
Inductive bias      604—605 624 633—639 662 772—773
Inference Engine      210
Informality of behavior      12
Information theory      628—631
Informedness      129 139 142—144 153—155 758
inheritance      40 294—300 303 313—316 328—331 355 411—415 497 503—505
Intensional definition      295 652
Interpolative memory      697—700
Interpretation      49—50 59—60
inversion      717—718
Jackson, P      289
Java      342
Jeannerond, M.      711 780
Johnson, D.      124
Johnson, L.      245 289 768
Johnson, M.      777
Johnson, M.A.      711 780
Johnson, P.      769
Johnson-Laird, P.      776
Jones, R.S.      696 712
Josephson, J.R.      291
Josephson, S.G.      291
Justification-based truth maintenance      276—279
k-connector      see “Hyperarc”
Kant, I.      559
Karmiloff-Smith, A.      711 763 780
Kay, A.      352
Kedar-Cabelli, S.      646 659
KEE      347
Keravnou, E.T.      245 289 768
King, D.      30
King, S.H.      421
Klahr, D.      658
Klahr, P.      199 245 289
Klein, W.B.      765
Knight, K.      121 289
Knight’s tour problem      164—170 175—180 226 366—369
Knowledge acquisition      216—219
Knowledge engineering      20 209—219 235
Knowledge level      340—342 345 645
Knowledge representation      1 17 24 33—41 45 206 240—244 293—337 411—421 497 503—505 534 538—543 556 756—757
Knowledge representation hypothesis      206
Knowledge representation, associationist representation      297—309 334
Knowledge representation, conceptual dependencies      294 305—309 324—328 556
Knowledge representation, conceptual graphs      309—320 334 534 538—543 551—556 756
Knowledge representation, declarative representation      415—421
Knowledge representation, demons      296
Knowledge representation, efficiency      333
Knowledge representation, exceptions      329—331
Knowledge representation, exhaustiveness      333
Knowledge representation, extensional representation      295
Knowledge representation, frame problem      187—191 333
Knowledge representation, frames      206 294 320—324 335 353 412—415 534 538 756
Knowledge representation, higher-order logics      334
Knowledge representation, homomorphism      333
Knowledge representation, inheritance      40 294—300 303 313—316 328—331 355 411—415 497 503—505
Knowledge representation, intensional representation      295
Knowledge representation, meta-knowledge      295
Knowledge representation, modal logics      334
Knowledge representation, MOPs      308 328
Knowledge representation, multiple-valued logics      334 360
Knowledge representation, naturalness      331—333
Knowledge representation, plasticity      333
Knowledge representation, schemas      see “Frames”
Knowledge representation, scripts      294 308 324—328 756
Knowledge representation, semantic network      10 23 36 40 107 206 294 299—309 343 411—412 494—497 518 527 756 767
Knowledge representation, standardization of network relationships      303—309
Knowledge representation, taxonomy of representation schemes      294
Knowledge representation, temporal logics      334
Knowledge-base editor      211
Knowledge-Based System      17—18 20 25—26 36 47 203—246 758
Knowledge-level learning      645
Kodratoff, Y.      30 658
Kohonen networks      684—689
Kohonen, T.      662—663 682 684 696 712
Kolmogorov, A.N.      774
Kolodner, J.L.      237—239 245—246 328
Korf, R.E.      106
Korzybski, A.      339
Kosko.B.      702 712
Koton, P.      235
Kowalski, R.      250 421—422 566 587—588 590 600
Koza, J.R.      715 731—733 747—748
KR-ONE      335
KRL      335
Kuhn, T.S.      780
Kulikowski, C.A.      266 290 659
Labeled graph      84—85
Lady Lovelace’s objection      12
Lafferty.J.      550
Lakatos, I.      780
Lakoff.G.      650 684 770
Lalanda, P.      748
Lambda expressions      457—458
Langeland-Knudsen, J.      245 289
Langley, P.      650 659
Langton, C.G.      30 683 715 741 747 765
LaoTzu      425
Larkin, J.      174 769
Lauritzen, S.L.      258 289 291
Law of the excluded middle      284
Leake, D.B.      239 245
Learnability      633—638
Learning      see “Machine learning”
Lee, R.C.      79 569 579 600
Lehman, J.F.      747
Leibniz, G.W. von      7 13 357 778
Leiserson, C.      121
Lenat, D.B.      25 649—650 758
Lennon, J.      312 339
Lesser, V.R.      199
Levesque, H.J.      79 205 281—283 294 333 335 776
Lex      619—623 635 644
Lexical closure      482—483
Lieber, J.      123
Lifschitz, V.      274—275 290
Linde.C.      769
Lindsay, R.K.      20 199
Linear associator network      696—700 702 711
Linear input form      581 592
Linear inseparability      773
Link grammars      550
Lisp      17 25 41 70 161 180 206 225 289 294 339 342—349 351 397—398 425—515 731 “Lisp
LISP and functional programming      425—426
LISP and global variables      459
LISP and symbolic computing      436—438
LISP functions, *      428
LISP functions, +      428
LISP functions, -      428
LISP functions, /      428
LISP functions, <      434
LISP functions, =      428—434
LISP functions, >      428
LISP functions, >=      434
LISP functions, acons      469
LISP functions, and      435
LISP functions, append      441
LISP functions, apply      456—457
LISP functions, assoc      468—469
LISP functions, car      438—439
LISP functions, case      509
LISP functions, cdr      438—439
LISP functions, cond      433—434
1 2 3 4 5 6
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