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Luger G.F., Stubblefield W.A. — Artificial Intelligence: Structures and Strategies for Complex Problem Solving
Luger G.F., Stubblefield W.A. — Artificial Intelligence: Structures and Strategies for Complex Problem Solving

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Íàçâàíèå: Artificial Intelligence: Structures and Strategies for Complex Problem Solving

Àâòîðû: Luger G.F., Stubblefield W.A.


Combines the theoretical foundations of intelligent problem-solving with he data structures and algorithms needed for its implementation. The book presents logic, rule, object and agent-based architectures, along with example programs written in LISP and PROLOG. The practical applications of AI have been kept within the context of its broader goal: understanding the patterns of intelligence as it operates in this world of uncertainty, complexity and change.
The introductory and concluding chapters take a new look at the potentials and challenges facing artificial intelligence and cognitive science. An extended treatment of knowledge-based problem-solving is given including model-based and case-based reasoning. Includes new material on: Fundamentals of search, inference and knowledge representation AI algorithms and data structures in LISP and PROLOG Production systems, blackboards, and meta-interpreters including planers, rule-based reasoners, and inheritance systems. Machine-learning including ID3 with bagging and boosting, explanation basedlearning, PAC learning, and other forms of induction Neural networks, including perceptrons, back propogation, Kohonen networks, Hopfield networks, Grossberg learning, and counterpropagation. Emergent and social methods of learning and adaptation, including genetic algorithms, genetic programming and artificial life. Object and agent-based problem solving and other forms of advanced knowledge representation.

ßçûê: en

Ðóáðèêà: Computer science/

Ñòàòóñ ïðåäìåòíîãî óêàçàòåëÿ: Ãîòîâ óêàçàòåëü ñ íîìåðàìè ñòðàíèö

ed2k: ed2k stats

Èçäàíèå: third edition

Ãîä èçäàíèÿ: 1998

Êîëè÷åñòâî ñòðàíèö: 824

Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 10.03.2006

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Connectionist models of intelligence, delta rule      662 668 672—676
Connectionist models of intelligence, early history      663—665
Connectionist models of intelligence, feedback networks      701
Connectionist models of intelligence, feedforward networks      701
Connectionist models of intelligence, gradient descent learning      673 (see also “Delta rule”)
Connectionist models of intelligence, Grossberg learning      686—690
Connectionist models of intelligence, Hebbian learning      663 688—696 773
Connectionist models of intelligence, heteroassociative memory      663 697
Connectionist models of intelligence, Hopfield network      701 706—711
Connectionist models of intelligence, interpolative memory      697—700
Connectionist models of intelligence, Kohonen networks      684—689
Connectionist models of intelligence, linear associator network      697—711
Connectionist models of intelligence, McCulloch-Pitts neuron      662—666
Connectionist models of intelligence, NETtalk      679—680
Connectionist models of intelligence, NETtalk, ID3 compared      680
Connectionist models of intelligence, network topology      664
Connectionist models of intelligence, neurons      26—27 34 38 663—665
Connectionist models of intelligence, perceptron learning      666—675
Connectionist models of intelligence, perceptrons      662 675
Connectionist models of intelligence, self-organizing networks      685
Connectionist models of intelligence, supervised Hebbian learning      694—696
Connectionist models of intelligence, threshold function      664
Connectionist models of intelligence, unsupervised Hebbian learning      691—694
Connectionist models of intelligence, winner take all learning      682—690
Consciousness      763
Constraint propogation      343 348
Context-free grammars      524—533
Context-sensitive grammars      532—533
Contrapositive law      51
Conway, J.H.      714 736 747
Coombs, M.J.      245 289
Copernicus, N.      5
Corkill.D.D.      199
Cormen, T.      121
Corter, J.      656
Cosmides, L.      762
Counter propagation      663 683 686—690
Covering a concept      613
Credit assignment      623 (see also “Bucket brigade algorithm”)
Crick, F.      26
Crisculo, G.      273 290
Crossover      716—721 727—735
Crutchfield, J.P.      715 743—745 748
CYC      758
D-Separation      255
Dag      see “Directed acyclic graph”
Dahl, V.      422
Dante      4
Darlington, J.A.      9
Darwin, C.      4 713
Das, R.      744
data flow diagrams      552
Data-driven parsing      119
Data-driven reasoning      see “Data-driven search”
Data-driven search      93—96 121 181—183 198 206 226—230 594—595
Davis, E.      335
Davis, L.      688 720
Davis, R.      26 233 245—246 290 649
de Morgan’s law      51 204 589
Declarative representation      350 415—421
Declarative semantics      357
Default logic      272—273
Defeasability      270
DeJong, G.      26 640 643
DeKleer, J.      232 278—282 290 335 511 768
Delayed evaluation      482—486
Delia Pietra, S.      550
Delia Pietra, V.      550
Delta rule      662 668 672—676
Demodulation      598—599
Demons      296 323 353
Dempster, A.P.      259
Dempster-Shafer theory of evidence      206 249 259—263
Dempster-Shafer theory of evidence, Dempster’s rule      261
Dempster-Shafer theory of evidence, plausibility measures      259—260
Dempster-Shafer theory of evidence, probability density function      261
Dempster-Shafer theory of evidence, subjective probabilities      259—260
DENDRAL      20 95—96 199 639—640
Dendrite      26
Dennett, D.C.      29 81 747 749 763 770 776 780
Dependency-directed backtracking      276
Depth-first iterative deepening      106
Depth-first search      99 102—106 159—163 174 367—369 381—383 449—455 459—460 560 592
Descartes, R.      6 13 776
Development, modeling human      763 769—770
Dietterich, T.G.      645 658
Difference Engine      7
Dipmeter advisor      95
Directed acyclic graph      88
Directed graph      85
Disjunction      48—50 56 59—60 568
Distributive law      51
Dologite, D.G.      245
Domain expert      20 214—219
Domain of a function      53
Domingue, J.      511
Doyle, J.      271—272 276 278 290
Dressier, O.      279
Dreyfus, H.L.      14 777—778
Dreyfus, S.E.      14 777—778
Druzdel, M.J.      256 258 289 291
Duda, W.L.      21 665
Durkin, J.      245 289
Dynabook      352
Dynamic binding      343—345 348
Eco, U.      778
Edelman, G.M.      763
Einstein, A.      247
Eliot, T.S.      159 293 517 661 753
Elman, J.L.      711 760 780
Embodiment and cognition      777
Emergent computation      15—16 26—27 34 219 345 518 604 713—749 761—764
Emergent computation, artificial life      15 604 714—715
Emergent computation, cellular automata      713—714 736—747
Emergent computation, classifier systems      715 725—730
Emergent computation, evolutionary programming      740—743
Emergent computation, finite state machines      736—742
Emergent computation, Game of Life      714—715 737—740
Emergent computation, genetic algorithms      15 34 219 345 518 604 713—725 730—736 774
Emergent computation, genetic programming      715 730—736
Emergent computation, Santa Fe Institute      715
Emergent computation, society-based learning      736—747
Emergent computation, subsumption architecture      741—742
Emergent computation, teleo-reactive agents      742
EMYCIN      211—212
Entity-relationship diagrams      552
EPAM      767
Epistemology      5—10 27—28
EQUIVALENCE      48—50 56 59—60
Erman, L.D.      196 198—199
Ernst, G.W.      560 565 758
Euler path      84
Euler, L.      7 82
Evans, T.G.      337
Evolutionary programming      740—743
Exclusive OR      84 667 681—682
Existential quantification      56—58 61—63 318—319 361—362 570—571 585—586
Existentialism      14 765
Expert Systems      20—22 28—31 34 45—46 136—139 156 160 174 203—256 343 401—411 486—494 560 756 758
Expert systems shell      210—211 343 401—411 486—494
Expert systems, certainty factors      486—488
Expert systems, conceptual models      216—219
Expert systems, expert system shell      486—494
Expert systems, explanation      20—21 208 211 224—225 241
Expert systems, exploratory programming      214—219
Expert systems, how query      211 224—225
Expert systems, model-based reasoning      230—235
Expert systems, problem selection      212—214
Expert systems, separation of knowledge and control      205—206 210—211
Expert systems, validation      208—209
Expert systems, why query      211 224—225
Explanation-based learning      206 605—606 641—645
Explanation-based learning, explanation structure      643
Explanation-based learning, generalization      642—643
Explanation-based learning, goal regression      643
Explanation-based learning, knowledge-level learning      645
Explanation-based learning, operationality criteria      641
Explanation-based learning, speed-up learning      645
Explanations      208 224—225 241
Exploratory programming      208 214—219 343—348
Expressiveness      34 40—41
Extensibility of a programming language      347
Extensional definition      295 652
Factoring      575
Falkenhainer, B.      647
Falsifiability of models      777
Family resemblance theory      654
Farmer, wolf, goat and cabbage problem      121 375—380 449—455
Fass, D.      556
Feedback networks      701
Feedforward networks      701
Feigenbaum, E.A.      30 199 207 600 603 659 766—767
Feldman, J.      600 766
Fermat, P. de      47
Fikes, R.E.      192—193 335 566 640
Fillmore, C.J.      304
Financial advisor      75—78 115—116 136—139 180
Finite state machine      35—36 527—538 556 736—742
First-order predicate calculus      9 17 35—41 46—47 52—84 90 107—120 160 164—170 179 183—184 188—196 294 297—298 318—320 343 350 358—361 427 560 566—589 593 607—608 758—759 “Resolution”)
First-order predicate calculus and planning      188—196
First-order predicate calculus and the knight’s tour problem      164—170
First-order predicate calculus, atomic sentence      55—59
First-order predicate calculus, clause form      568—573 576
First-order predicate calculus, closed world assumption      592—593
First-order predicate calculus, completeness      65—67
First-order predicate calculus, conjunction      56 59—60 169—170
First-order predicate calculus, conjunctive normal form      569—572
First-order predicate calculus, constant      53—54 64—66
First-order predicate calculus, converting to clause form      568—573 576
First-order predicate calculus, declarative semantics      183—184
First-order predicate calculus, disjunction      56 59—60 170
First-order predicate calculus, equivalence      56 59—60
First-order predicate calculus, existential quantifier      56—58 61—63 68
First-order predicate calculus, function      53—58
First-order predicate calculus, function expression      53—55
First-order predicate calculus, horn clause      588—589 593
First-order predicate calculus, implication      56 59—60
First-order predicate calculus, improper symbols      53
First-order predicate calculus, inconsistent      65—66
First-order predicate calculus, inference      38 46
First-order predicate calculus, interpretation      59—60
First-order predicate calculus, model      65—67
First-order predicate calculus, negation      56 59—60 169—170
First-order predicate calculus, predicate      38 53—58
First-order predicate calculus, prenix normal form      570
First-order predicate calculus, procedural semantics      183—184
First-order predicate calculus, proof procedures      66
First-order predicate calculus, quantification      39 56—58 61—63
First-order predicate calculus, resolution      66
First-order predicate calculus, rules of inference      64—74
First-order predicate calculus, satisfiability      65—67
First-order predicate calculus, searching the space of inferences      164—170
First-order predicate calculus, semantics      46—47 52 58—63 298
First-order predicate calculus, sentences      56—58
First-order predicate calculus, skolemization      569—571
First-order predicate calculus, soundness      65—67
First-order predicate calculus, symbols      52—58
First-order predicate calculus, term      54
First-order predicate calculus, truth symbol      53—54
First-order predicate calculus, truth value      59—60
First-order predicate calculus, undecidability      60—61
First-order predicate calculus, universal quantifier      56—58 61—63 68
First-order predicate calculus, unsatisfiability      65—67
First-order predicate calculus, validity      65—67
First-order predicate calculus, variable      53—63
Fisher, D.H.      237 654 659
Flores, F.      14 30 34 556 777—778 780
Fodor, J.A.      761 770
Forbus, K.D.      279 511
Ford, K.      12 30 249
Forgy.C.L.      230 237
Forney, G.D.      545
Forrest, S.      747
FORTRAN      35—36 340 342 351
Forward chaining      93—96
FP      351
Frame problem      187—188 190—191 333
frames      206 294 320—324 335 353 412—415 534 538 756
Frames and vision      323—324
Frames, default information      322
Frames, demons      323
Frames, procedural attachment      323
Frames, slots      321
Franklin, S.      711 780
Free variable      445
Freeman, J.A.      711 771
Frege, G.      5 8—9 29 778
Frost, R.      81
Function      53—58
Function, closure      482—483
Function, domain      53
Function, evaluation      54
Function, expression      53—55
Function, range      53
Functional programming      425—426
Fuzzy associative matrix      286
Fuzzy reasoning      284—289
Fuzzy sets      284—289
Galileo      6 13
Gallier, J.H.      79
Game of life      714—715 737—740
game playing      18 42—44 124 127 144—152 156—157 164—170 768
Game playing, alpha-beta pruning      127 150—152 156
Game playing, checkers      18 127 147—148
Game playing, chess      18 42—44 164—170
Game playing, heuristics      144—152
Game playing, horizon effect      149
Game playing, minimax      127 144—152 156—157
Game playing, minimax to fixed ply depth      147—150
Game playing, n-move look ahead      147
Game playing, nim      144—146
Game playing, ply      147
Game playing, Samuel’s checker player      127 148 757
Game playing, tic-tac-toe      42 88—89 107 124—127 149—152
Games      see “Game-playing”
Gardner, M.      714 736 747—748 762
Garey, M.      124
Gazdar, G.      421
General Problem Solver      172—174 203—204 560—566 757—758 766 768
General Problem solver, difference table      560—566
General Problem solver, means-ends analysis      560—566
Generic functions      498 501—503
Genesereth, M      79 275 290 600
Genetic algorithms      15 34 219 345 518 604 713—725 730—736 774
Genetic algorithms, artificial life      736—747
Genetic algorithms, classifier systems      725—730
Genetic algorithms, CNF Satisfaction Problem      717—719
Genetic algorithms, crossover      716—721 727 729—735
Genetic algorithms, defined      715—716
Genetic algorithms, genetic operators      see “Crossover” “Mutation” “Inversion” “Order “Permutation”
Genetic algorithms, genetic programming      730—736
Genetic algorithms, gray coding      722
Genetic algorithms, hill climbing      723
Genetic algorithms, implicit parallelism      723
Genetic algorithms, inversion      717—718
Genetic algorithms, Monte Carlo replacement algorithms      716
Genetic algorithms, mutation      717—718 721 727—733 736
Genetic algorithms, order crossover      720—721
Genetic algorithms, performance evaluation      721—725
Genetic algorithms, permutation      733
1 2 3 4 5 6
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