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Luger G.F., Stubblefield W.A. — Artificial Intelligence: Structures and Strategies for Complex Problem Solving
Luger G.F., Stubblefield W.A. — Artificial Intelligence: Structures and Strategies for Complex Problem Solving

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Íàçâàíèå: Artificial Intelligence: Structures and Strategies for Complex Problem Solving

Àâòîðû: Luger G.F., Stubblefield W.A.


Combines the theoretical foundations of intelligent problem-solving with he data structures and algorithms needed for its implementation. The book presents logic, rule, object and agent-based architectures, along with example programs written in LISP and PROLOG. The practical applications of AI have been kept within the context of its broader goal: understanding the patterns of intelligence as it operates in this world of uncertainty, complexity and change.
The introductory and concluding chapters take a new look at the potentials and challenges facing artificial intelligence and cognitive science. An extended treatment of knowledge-based problem-solving is given including model-based and case-based reasoning. Includes new material on: Fundamentals of search, inference and knowledge representation AI algorithms and data structures in LISP and PROLOG Production systems, blackboards, and meta-interpreters including planers, rule-based reasoners, and inheritance systems. Machine-learning including ID3 with bagging and boosting, explanation basedlearning, PAC learning, and other forms of induction Neural networks, including perceptrons, back propogation, Kohonen networks, Hopfield networks, Grossberg learning, and counterpropagation. Emergent and social methods of learning and adaptation, including genetic algorithms, genetic programming and artificial life. Object and agent-based problem solving and other forms of advanced knowledge representation.

ßçûê: en

Ðóáðèêà: Computer science/

Ñòàòóñ ïðåäìåòíîãî óêàçàòåëÿ: Ãîòîâ óêàçàòåëü ñ íîìåðàìè ñòðàíèö

ed2k: ed2k stats

Èçäàíèå: third edition

Ãîä èçäàíèÿ: 1998

Êîëè÷åñòâî ñòðàíèö: 824

Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 10.03.2006

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Natural language understanding, statistical techniques      see “Stochastic analysis”
Natural language understanding, stochastic analysis      543—550
Natural language understanding, story understanding      550—551
Natural language understanding, subject-verb number agreement      532
Natural language understanding, surface structure      555
Natural language understanding, syntax      521—542
Natural language understanding, top-down parsing      525
Natural language understanding, transformational grammars      555—556
Natural language understanding, transition network parsers      527—531
Natural language understanding, Viterbi algorithm      545—546
Nau, D.S.      281
Near miss      608—610
NEAREST NEIGHBOR heuristic      92 121
Neches, R.      769
Negation      48—50 56 59—60
Negation as failure      360
Negoita, C.      245
NETtalk      679—680
Neural networks      see “Connectionist systems”
neuron      26—27 34 38 663—665
Neves, J.C.F.M.      391
Newell, A.      7 18—19 28 30 33 41 51 121 123 159 172 174 199 203 340 560 562—565 600 747 753 755 757—758 766—768 770 776 780
Ng, H.T.      283
Nii, P.      198—199
Nilsson, N.      30 79 121 150 152 192—193 199 201 275 290 566 594 599—600 666 741—742 748 765
NIM      144—146
NOAH      199
Nonmonotonic reasoning      206 219 249 269—283 360 520
Nonmonotonic reasoning, autoepistemic logic      272
Nonmonotonic reasoning, circumscription      274—275
Nonmonotonic reasoning, closed world assumption      273—274
Nonmonotonic reasoning, default logic      272—273
Nonmonotonic reasoning, defeasibility      270
Nonmonotonic reasoning, minimum models      273—275
Nonmonotonic reasoning, modal operators      270—272
Nonmonotonic reasoning, truth maintenance systems      270 275—281
Nonprocedural computing      415—421
Nordhausen, B.      650
Norman, D.A.      301 304 780
Norvig, P.      246
Novak, G.S.      768
Noyes, J.L.      511
NP completeness      156
Numeric taxonomy      651
Object-Oriented Programming      12 25 206 294 334 345 352—356 360 497—511 756
object-oriented programming, encapsulation      498
object-oriented programming, inheritance      499
object-oriented programming, polymorphism      498
Object-oriented simulation      505—511
Occam’s razor      627 653
Occurs check      69 467 593
Oliver, I.M.      688 720
Operationality criteria      641
Opportunistic planning      199
OPS      347
OPS5      174 184 199
Order crossover      720—721
Overgeneralization      615—616
O’Conner, D.E.      174
O’Keefe, R.      393 421—422
PAC learning      638
Papert, S.      215 352 666—667
Parallel distributed processing      see “Connection first models of intelligence”
Paramodulation      598—600
Parisi, D.      711 780
Parse tree      118—119 525—526 537—538
Parsing      22 116—121 417—421 520—531 543—550
Patil, R.      290
Pattern matching      see “Unification”
Pattern-directed search      164—170 177
PDP (parallel distributed processing)      see “Connectionist models of intelligence”
Pearl, J.      30 121 127 149 258 289—291
Peirce.C.S.      301 778
Penetrance      182
Penrose, R.      755 777
Perceptrons      666—675
Perceptrons and exclusive or      667
Perceptrons, linear seperability      666—667 670
Pereira, F.      350 422
Perlis, D.      275 290
Permutation      733
Pfleger, K.      748
Phenomenology      14
Philosophical relativism      14
Phonology      522
Phrase structure      526
Physical symbol system hypothesis      28 33—34 41 343 756—759 776
Piaget, J.      769
Pierce, C.S.      47
Pitts, W.      662 664 711
Planning      23—24 30 34 39 160 186—196 199 357 386—389 520 566
Planning-triangle table      193—196
Plato      13
Plausibility measures      259—260
Plunkett, K.      711 780
Ply      147
Popper, K.      777 780
Porter, B.W.      235
Posner, M.      777 780
Possibility theory      284
Possible world      49
Post, E.      172 775
Post-modern      14
Posterior probability      250
Poundstone, R.      714 738
Pragmatics      522 556
Predicate      53—58
Predicate calculus      see “First-order predicate calculus”
Prenix normal form      570
Prerau, D.S.      245 289
Printz, H.      550
Prior probability      250
Probability density function      261
Probability theory      249—268 544 629—630
Procedural abstraction      455—458
Procedural attachment      323 583
Procedural semantics      179—180 229—230
Production rule      171—186
Production systems      12 46 120—121 171—186 220—231 375—380 726—728 767—770
Production systems and classifier systems      726—728
Production systems, action      171—186
Production systems, advantages      184—185
Production systems, condition      171—186
Production systems, conflict resolution      171—186
Production systems, conflict set      171—186
Production systems, control      180—184
Production systems, data-driven reasoning      226—230
Production systems, goal-driven reasoning      220—225
Production systems, production rule      171—186
Production systems, recognize-act cycle      171—186
Production systems, working memory      171—186
PROLOG      17 19 25 41 70 161 180 206 225 270 289 294 339 342—351 357—424 450 454—455 463 472 511 518 560 566 582 587—594
PROLOG and automated reasoning      587—593
PROLOG and horn clauses      361
PROLOG and logic programming      587—593
PROLOG and relational databases      391—394
PROLOG and resolution theorem proving      587—593
PROLOG predicates, !      369—371
PROLOG predicates, *      395
PROLOG predicates, +      395
PROLOG predicates, -      395
PROLOG predicates, /      395
PROLOG predicates, =      395
PROLOG predicates, =..      390
PROLOG predicates, append      363
PROLOG predicates, assert      362
PROLOG predicates, atom      357
PROLOG predicates, bagof      382—383
PROLOG predicates, call      391
PROLOG predicates, clause      390
PROLOG predicates, consult      362
PROLOG predicates, functor      390
PROLOG predicates, is      395
PROLOG predicates, listing      363
PROLOG predicates, member      363 365
PROLOG predicates, MOD      395
PROLOG predicates, nl      366
PROLOG predicates, nonvar      390
PROLOG predicates, nospy      363
PROLOG predicates, retract      362
PROLOG predicates, see      363
PROLOG predicates, seen      363
PROLOG predicates, spy      363
PROLOG predicates, tell      363
PROLOG predicates, told      363
PROLOG predicates, trace      363
PROLOG predicates, var      390
PROLOG predicates, write      366
PROLOG predicates, []      363—364
PROLOG predicates, |      364
PROLOG, abstract data types      357 371—375
PROLOG, anonymous variables      365—366
PROLOG, best-first search      384—386
PROLOG, breadth-first search      383—384
PROLOG, closed world assumption      360 592—593
PROLOG, cut      369—371 591
PROLOG, data types      391—394
PROLOG, declarative representation      415—421
PROLOG, declarative semantics      357
PROLOG, depth-first search      367—369 381—383
PROLOG, difference lists      396
PROLOG, evaluation      394—396
PROLOG, expert system shell      401—411
PROLOG, fact      358
PROLOG, frames      412—415
PROLOG, meta-interpreters      358 397—415
PROLOG, meta-predicates      347 357 389—391
PROLOG, negation as failure      360
PROLOG, non procedural computing      415—421
PROLOG, occurs check      593
PROLOG, parsing      417—421
PROLOG, planning      357 386—389
PROLOG, priority-queue      373—374
PROLOG, production system      375—380
PROLOG, PROLOG in PROLOG      397—399
PROLOG, proof trees      400—401
PROLOG, quantification      361—362
PROLOG, queue      373
PROLOG, recursion      364—369
PROLOG, semantic networks      411—412
PROLOG, set      375—376
PROLOG, stack      371—372
PROLOG, unification      394—396
PROLOG, variables      358
Proof procedures      66
Proof tree      400—401 569 575 578 642—643
Propositional calculus      47—51 107—108 110—111 573—575
Propositional calculus, conjunction      48—50
Propositional calculus, disjunction      48—50
Propositional calculus, implication      48—50
Propositional calculus, interpretation      49—50
Propositional calculus, negation      48—50
Propositional calculus, propositions      48—49
Propositional calculus, semantics      49—51
Propositional calculus, sentence      47—49
Propositional calculus, symbols      47—48
Propositional calculus, syntax      47—49
Propositional calculus, truth symbol      48—49
Propositional calculus, truth table      50—51
Propositional calculus, well-formed formula      48—49
Prosody      522
Prospector      21 95 252 263
Protocol analysis      766
PROTOS      235
Puff      212
Pylyshyn, Z.      30 777 780
Qualitative probabilistic network      256—258
Quantification      56—58 61—63 318—320 361—362 569—572 585—586
Quillian, M.R.      298 301—303 334 767
Quine, W.V.O.      780
Quinlan, J.R.      26 624 659
Quinlan, P.      665
Range of a function      53
Raphael, B.      301
Rationalism      13—14 772—773
read-eval-print loop      427 469—472
Reasoning with uncertainty      248—292
Recency      184
Recognize-act cycle      171—186 220
Recursion      160—163 364—369 438—443
Recursion and search      161—170
Recursive descent parsing      526
Recursive function theory      351
Recursively enumerable languages      532
Reddy, D.      196 199
Refraction      184
Refutation      566—577
Refutation completeness      566—567 579
Reggia, J.      281
Reinfrank      278 290
Reiter, R.      271—273 290
Reitman, W.R.      301
Relational database      552
Representational indeterminacy      776
Resolution      30 66—67 350 560 566—577 580—593 597—600
Resolution refutation      566 568—577
Resolution refutation and logic programming      587—593
Resolution refutation and PROLOG      587—593
Resolution refutation, answer extraction      574 583—587 592
Resolution refutation, binary resolution      567 573—578 597
Resolution refutation, breadth-first strategy      579—580
Resolution refutation, clashing      568
Resolution refutation, clause form      567—573
Resolution refutation, completeness      566
Resolution refutation, converting to clause form      568—573 576
Resolution refutation, demodulation      598—599
Resolution refutation, factoring      575
Resolution refutation, heuristics      578—583
Resolution refutation, hyperresolution      575 597
Resolution refutation, linear input form      581 592
Resolution refutation, literal      567
Resolution refutation, paramodulation      598—600
Resolution refutation, prenix normal form      570
Resolution refutation, refutation      566—567 573—577
Resolution refutation, refutation completeness      566—567 579
Resolution refutation, resolution refutation      568—573
Resolution refutation, set of support      580 600
Resolution refutation, soundness      566
Resolution refutation, subsumption      583 600
Resolution refutation, unit preference      580—581 592
Resolution refutation, unit resolution      581 600
RETE algorithm      230 237
Rich, E.      121 289 307
Rieger, C.J.      304—306
Riesbeck, C.K.      30 328 556
Riley      245—246
Rissland.E.      235
Ritz, S.A.      696 712
Rivers, R.      121
Roberts, D.D.      301
Robinson, J.A.      350 566—567 580 600
Robot      see “Robotics”
Robotics      23—24 30 39 160 186—196 765
Rochester, S.      665
Rooted graph      85—86
Rosch, E.      653—654 684
rose      347
Rosenberg      679
Rosenblatt, F.      666 711
Rosenbloom, P.S.      747 767 770
1 2 3 4 5 6
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