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Hutchins M., Schlager N. — Grzimek's animal life encyclopedia (Vol. 17. Cumulative index)
Hutchins M., Schlager N. — Grzimek's animal life encyclopedia (Vol. 17. Cumulative index)

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Название: Grzimek's animal life encyclopedia (Vol. 17. Cumulative index)

Авторы: Hutchins M., Schlager N.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Биология/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Издание: 2nd edition

Год издания: 2004

Количество страниц: 278

Добавлена в каталог: 10.02.2006

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
Starostin’s loaches      See Kughitang blind loaches
Starry moray eels      4:3
Stars, migration by      8:33
Startle displays      1:42 2:38—39;
States (social organizational structures)      14:252
Statocysts      1:39
Staurois latopalmatus      6:46
Staurois spp.      6:248
Stauromedusae      See Stalked jellyfish
Stauroteuthis syrtensis      2:481 2:485
Staurotypinae      See Musk turtles
Staurotypus spp.      7:121 7:122
Staurotypus triporcatus      See Mexican giant musk turtles
Steambugs      See German cockroaches
Steamer-ducks      8:363 8:365 8:370 8:371 8:372
Steamflies      See German cockroaches
Steatogenys elegans      4:370
Steatomys pratensis      See Fat mice
Steatornis caripensis      See Oilbirds
Steatornithi      See Oilbirds
Steatornithidae      See Oilbirds
Steelheads      See Rainbow trouts
Steenboks      15:256 16:2 16:59—72 16:62 16:63 16:64 16:65 16:66—67 16:71t
Steenbucks      See Steenboks
Stefania spp.      6:37 6:230
Steganopus tricolor      See Wilson’s phalaropes
Stegastes planifrons      See Threespot damselfishes
Stegastes sanctaehelenae      5:298
Stegastes sanctipauli      5:298
Stegias clibanarii      2:252
Stegocephalians      6:7—11
Stegodons      15:161
Stegohium paniceum      See Drugstore beetles
Stegostoma fasciatum      See Zebra sharks
Stegostomatidae      See Zebra sharks
Steinboks      See Steenboks
Steinbucks      See Steenboks
Steindachner, F. on Cynolebias bellottii      5:90
Steindachner, F. on ragfishes      5:351
Steindachner, F. on sailfin sandfishes      5:339
Steindachneria argentea      See Luminous hakes
Steindachneria spp.      See Luminous hakes
Steindachneriidae      See Luminous hakes
Steindachner’s turtles      7:78
Steinernema spp.      1:36
Steirodon careovirgulatum      3:202
Steiromys spp.      16:366
Stejneger’s beaked whales      15:70t
Stelechopidae      2:59
Steller sea lions      14:394 14:396 14:400 14:401 14:402 14:406
Steller’s jays      11:504 11:506—507
Steller’s sea cows      15:199—204 15:202 15:203
Steller’s sea cows distribution      15:199
Steller’s sea cows evolution      15:191 15:199
Steller’s sea cows feeding ecology      15:193 15:200
Steller’s sea cows habitats      12:138 15:192 15:200
Steller’s sea cows humans and      12:215 15:195 15:201
Steller’s sea cows physical characteristics      15:192 15:199
Steller’s sea cows reproduction      15:194 15:201
Steller’s sea cows taxonomy      15:191—192
Steller’s sea-eagles      8:314 8:319 8:320 8:323 8:328 8:333—334
Stem reptiles      See Cotylosauria
Stem-boring flies      3:56
Stem-caecilians      6:13
Stem-salamandroids      6:13
Stem-tetrapods      6:8 6:9 6:10
Stenella attenuata      See Spotted dolphins
Stenella coeruleoalba      See Striped dolphins
Stenella frontalis      See Atlantic spotted dolphins
Stenella longirostris      See Spinner dolphins
Stenella spp.      15:43—44
Steno bredanensis      See Rough-toothed dolphins
Stenoderma rufum      13:420
Stenodermatinae      13:413 13:414 13:416—417 13:418 13:420
Stenolaemata      2:503—508 2:505
Stenonema vicarium      3:128 3:129 3:130
Stenoninae      15:41
Stenopelmatoidea      3:201
Stenopelmatus fuscus      See Jerusalem crickets
Stenopodidea      See Boxer shrimps
Stenopodon galmani      12:228
Stenopsocidae      3:243
Stenopsyche siamensis      3:378 3:380 3:381
Stenopterygius spp.      See Ichthyosaurs
Stenopus hispidus      See Banded coral shrimps
Stenorhynchus seticornis      See Yellowline arrow crabs
Stenorrhina spp.      7:469
Stenostomum spp.      1:188
Stenothecoides spp.      2:387
Stensio, Erik A.      4:209
Stephanoaetus coronatus      See Crowned eagles
Stephanoberycidae      See Pricklefishes
Stephanoberyciformes      5:105—111 5:207
Stephanoberycoidea      5:105 5:106
Stephanoberyx monae      See Pricklefishes
Stephanocirais dasyuri      See Helmet fleas
Stephanocircidae      3:347 3:348—349
Stephanoxis spp.      See Hummingbirds
Stephens Island wrens      10:203 10:204 10:205 10:206—207
Stephens wrens      See Stephens Island wrens
Stephen’s kangaroo rats      16:203 16:209t
Stephen’s rocket frogs      6:202 6:204
Stephopaedes anotis      See Chirinda toads
Stephopaedes spp.      6:184
Steppe      3:56
Steppe deer      15:379
Steppe eagles      8:321
Steppe harvesting mice      12:15
Steppe human evolution and      12:20
Steppe lemmings      16:232 16:233 16:237
Steppe loess      12:17—18; See also Habitats
Steppe pikas      16:483 16:491 16:495 16:496 16:501
Steppe polecats      14:321
Steppe rhinoceroses      15:249
Steppe sicistas      See Southern birch mice
Stercorariidae      9:203
Stercorarius longicaudus      See Long-tailed skuas
Stercorarius parasiticus      See Arctic skuas
Stercorarius pomarinus      See Pomarine skuas
Stercorarius spp.      9:204 9:205 9:206
Sterechinus neumayeri      1:403
Stereoblastulas      2:20—21
Stereochilus marginatus      6:390
Stereochilus spp.      6:390
Stereoscopic vision      See Depth perception
Sterna caspia      See Caspian terns
Sterna fuscata      See Sooty terns
Sterna hirundo      See Common terns
Sterna nigra      See Black terns
Sterna paradisaea      See Arctic terns
Sterna spp.      9:203
Sternal bones      12:41; See also Skeletal system
Sternal glands      12:37; See also Physical characteristics
Sternarchorhynchus curvirostris      4:372 4:373—574
Sternarchorhynchus roseni      See Rosen knifefishes
Sternarchorhynchus spp.      4:369—370
Sternidae      See Terns
Sternoptychidae      See Marine hatchetfishes
Sternopygidae      4:369 4:370
Sternopygus astrabes      4:369
Sternopygus macrurus      See Longtail knifefishes
Sternopygus spp.      4:370
Sternorrhyncha      3:259 3:262 3:263;
Sternotherus depressus      7:123
Sternotherus odoratus      See Stinkpots
Sternotherus spp.      7:121
Steropodontidae      12:228
Stethacanthid sharks      4:10
Stethophyma spp.      3:205
Stewart Island short-tailed bats      See Greater New Zealand short-tailed bats
Sthenurinae      13:83
Stiassny, Melanie, L.J.      5:83 5:94
Stichaeidae      See Pricklebacks
Stichaeinae      5:309
Stichocotylidae      1:197
Stichopodidae      1:419 1:420
Stichorchis subtriquetres      1:200
Stichotrema dallatorreanum      3:557 3:338 3:339
Stick insects      3:13 3:38 3:221—232 3:226 3:227
Stick nest rats      See Greater stick-nest rats
Sticklebacks      4:35 5:131—136 5:137 5:140 5:141—143
Stiff-tailed ducks      8:363 8:364 8:369
Stiles, F.G.      9:446
Stiletto snakes      See African burrowing snakes
Stilifer spp.      2:52Stilifer linckiae
Stiltia Isabella      See Australian pratincoles
Stilts      9:104 9:133—139 9:256
Stinging hydroids      1:227
Stingless bees      3:68 3:72
Stingrays      4:57 4:173—179 4:181 4:182—186 4:188
Stingrays distribution      4:52 4:176
Stingrays evolution      4:11 4:173
Stingrays feeding ecology      4:68 4:177—178
Stingrays freshwater      4:57 4:173 4:174 4:176—177 4:180 4:184—186
Stingrays physical characteristics      4:174—176 4:190
Stingrays reproduction      4:46 4:178
Stings, by reef stonefishes      5:177
Stink badgers      14:321
Stink bugs      3:65 3:259—262 3:263 3:264 3:275 3:277;
Stinkers      See Southern giant petrels; Swamp wallabies
Stinkpots      7:122 7:124 7:125 7:126;
Stinson, N.      16:215
Stipiturus malachurus      See Southern emu-wrens
Stitchbirds      11:237 11:238 11:240 11:245—246
Stizostedion canadense      See Saugers
Stizostedion vitreum      See Walleyes
Stoats      See Ermines
Stock pigeons      9:251
Stockdoves      9:243
Stockwhip birds      See Eastern whipbirds
Stoecharthrum spp.      1:99
Stoichactis helianthus      1:28
Stokellia anisodon      See Stokell’s smelts
Stokell’s smelts      4:391
Stoker, Bram      13:317
Stolidobranchia      1:452
Stoloteuthis leucoptera      See Butterfly bobtail squids
Stomach oils, of tubenoses      8:108 8:224 8:136
Stomachs      12:47—48 12:121—122 12:123;
Stomatopoda      See Mantis shrimps
Stomatorhinus spp.      4:233
Stomiidae      4:421 4:423
Stomiiformes      4:421—430 4:425
Stomolophus meleagris      See Cannonball jellyfish
Stone centipedes      2:357 2:360—361
Stone dormice      16:327t
Stone loaches      4:322 4:325—326
Stone martens      12:132
Stone tools      14:242
Stone-curlews      9:143—146
Stonechats      10:485 10:488 10:490 10:496
Stonefishes      4:15 4:48 5:49 5:163 5:164 5:165;
Stoneflies      3:141—146 3:142 3:144
Stoneflies as bioindicators      3:82
Stoneflies conservation status      3:88 3:143
Stoneflies evolution      3:7 3:141
Stoneflies reproduction      3:31 3:34 3:143
Stonemyia volutina      See Volutine stoneyian tabanid flies
Stonerollers      4:300 4:301 4:303 4:307—308
Stony corals      1:103
Stoplight parrotfishes      5:300 5:306—307
Storing information      12:152
Stork-billed kingfishers      10:12 10:18
Storks      8:233—236 8:265—274
Storm-petrels      8:107—110 8:135—142 14:291
Storm’s storks      8:267
Stout beardfishes      5:5
Stout blacksmelts      4:393
Stove-pipe sponges      1:81 1:83—84
Strap-toothed whales      15:70t
Stratification, water      4:38—39
Stratiodrilus spp.      2:46
Stratiomyidae      3:361
Straw-colored fruit bats      13:310 13:338 13:340—341
Straw-crowned bulbuls      See Straw-headed bulbuls
Straw-headed bulbuls      10:397 10:399 10:401 10:404—405
Strawberry basses      See Black crappies
Strawberry finches      See Red avadavats
Strawberry poison frogs      6:45 6:198—199 6:200 6:202 6:205 6:207
Streak-breasted bulbuls      10:398
Streak-capped spinetails      10:213 10:222—223
Streaked boobooks      See Southern boobook owls
Streaked bowerbirds      11:478
Streaked cisticolas      See Zitting cisticolas
Streaked fantails      11:83 11:88 11:92
Streaked weavers      11:376
Streaky-breasted jungle-flycatchers      11:27
Stream catfishes      4:353
Stream habitats      4:39—40 4:62;
Strepera graculina      See Pied currawongs
Strepera verskolor      See Tasmanian gray currawongs
Strepsiptera      See Strepsipterans
Strepsipterans      3:335—339 3:337
Strepsirrhines      12:8 12:94 14:3 14:9;
Streptaxidae      2:411
Streptocephalidae      2:135 2:136 2:137
Streptocephalus proboscideus      See Sudanese fairy shrimps
Streptocephalus spp.      2:137
Streptocitta albertinae      See Bare-eyed mynas
Streptocitta spp.      11:408
Streptopelia capicola      See Cape turtledoves
Streptopelia decaocto      See Eurasian collared doves
Streptopelia risoria      See Ringed turtledoves
Streptopelia spp.      9:243
Streptopelia turtur      See Eurasian turtledoves
Streptoprocne semicollaris      See White-naped swifts
Streptoprocne zonaris      See White-collared swifts
Streptostyly      7:195
Stresemann’s bush-crows      11:503
Striated bulbuls      10:397
Striated caracaras      8:348 8:350
Striated grassbirds      See Little grassbirds
Striated grasswrens      11:47 11:52
Striated pardalotes      11:202 11:203 11:205—206
Striated softtails      10:211
Striated thornbills      11:56
Stridulation      3:59—60; See also Behavior
Strier, K.B.      14:165
Strigidae      See Typical owls
Strigiformes      See Owls
Strigocuscus celebensis      See Small Sulawesi cuscuses
Strigocuscus spp.      13:57
Strigops habroptilus      See Bulky kakapos
Striolated tit-spinetails      10:212 10:220
Strip sampling      12:197—198
Stripe-backed wrens      10:528
Stripe-breasted rhabdornis      11:183 11:184 11:185 11:186—187
Stripe-crowned pardalotes      See Striated pardalotes
Stripe-headed creepers      See Stripe-headed rhabdornis
Stripe-headed rhabdornis      11:183 11:184 11:185 11:187
Stripe-tailed monitors      7:361 7:362 7:364 7:366—367
Striped African darters      4:340 4:342 4:347
Striped anostomus      See Striped headstanders
Striped bandicoots      13:17t; See also Eastern barred bandicoots
Striped bark scorpions      See Striped scorpions
Striped basses      4:49 4:68;
Striped blind legless skinks      7:330 7:332
Striped boarfishes      5:245 5:251—252
Striped bristletooths      5:394 5:398—399
Striped buttonquails      See Barred buttonquails
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