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Hutchins M., Schlager N. — Grzimek's animal life encyclopedia (Vol. 17. Cumulative index)
Hutchins M., Schlager N. — Grzimek's animal life encyclopedia (Vol. 17. Cumulative index)

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Название: Grzimek's animal life encyclopedia (Vol. 17. Cumulative index)

Авторы: Hutchins M., Schlager N.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Биология/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Издание: 2nd edition

Год издания: 2004

Количество страниц: 278

Добавлена в каталог: 10.02.2006

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
Tenodera aridifolia sinensis      See Chinese mantids
Tenrec ecaudatus      See Common tenrecs
Tenrec spp.      See Tenrecs
Tenrecidae      See Tenrecs
Tenrecinae      See Spiny tenrecs
Tenrecomorpha      13:215
Tenrecs      13:225—235 13:231
Tenrecs behavior      13:197—198 13:227—228
Tenrecs conservation status      13:229
Tenrecs distribution      12:135 12:136 13:197 13:225 13:226
Tenrecs echolocation      12:86
Tenrecs evolution      13:225
Tenrecs feeding ecology      13:198 13:228—229
Tenrecs habitats      13:197 13:226—227
Tenrecs humans and      13:230
Tenrecs physical characteristics      13:195—196 13:225—226
Tenrecs reproduction      13:199 13:229
Tenrecs species of      13:232—234 13:234e
Tenrecs taxonomy      13:193 13:194 13:225
Tent-making bats      13:416 13:421 13:425
Tentacled snakes      7:465 7:468 7:472 7:473 7:477
Tentaculariidae      1:226
Tenthredinidae      See Sawflies
Tenualosa thibaudeaui      See Laotian shads
Tenuirostritermes spp.      3:163—164
Teoidea      7:307
Tephrinectes spp.      5:450
Tephritid flies      2:38
Tephrodornis      See Woodshrikes
Tepui swifts      9:422
Terapon jarbua      See Target perches
Terapon spp.      5:220
Terapontidae      See Grunters
Terateleotris spp.      5:373
Terathopius ecaudatus      See African bateleurs
Teratoscincus scincus      See Common plate-tailed geckos
Terebellids      2:46 2:47
Terebrantia      3:281 3:282
Terebratulina retusa      See Lampshells
Terebratulina septentrionalis      See Northern lampshells
Terecays      See Yellow-spotted river turtles
Teredinidae      2:452 2:453
Teredo navalis      See Common shipworms
Terek sandpipers      9:176 9:179
Terenura spodioptila      See Ash-winged antwrens
Teretrurus sanguineus      7:391
Tergomya      2:387
Termes fatalis      See Linnaeus’s snapping termites
Termites      2:36 2:37 3:49 3:161—175 3:162 3:169
Termites as pests      3:75 3:168
Termites behavior      3:164—166 3:166
Termites caste in      3:69 3:70
Termites conservation status      3:168
Termites distribution      3:163
Termites ecosystems and      3:72
Termites evolution      3:9 3:161—163
Termites feeding ecology      3:63 3:64 3:166—167
Termites habitats      3:163—164
Termites humans and      3:168
Termites physical characteristics      3:163
Termites queens      3:265
Termites reproduction      3:35—36 3:167—168
Termites social structure      3:67 3:68 3:69 3:70 3:72
Termites species of      3:270—175
Termites taxonomy      3:161—163
Termites vs. cockroaches      3:161—162
Termitidae      3:55 3:164 3:168
Termopsidae      See Rottenwood termites
Terns      9:203—217 9:208 9:220
Terns behavior      9:206
Terns conservation status      9:208—209
Terns distribution      9:205 9:205
Terns evolution      9:203—204
Terns feeding ecology      9:207
Terns habitats      9:205—206
Terns humans and      9:209
Terns physical characteristics      9:204—205
Terns reproduction      9:207—208
Terns species of      9:211—217
Terns taxonomy      9:104 9:203—204
Terpsiphone smithii      See Annobon paradise-flycatchers
Terpsiphone viridis      See African paradise-flycatchers
Terrace, H.S.      12:160—161
Terrapene Carolina      See Eastern box turtles
Terrapene spp.      See Box turtles
Terrapins diamondback      7:107 7:108 7:109—220
Terrapins painted      7:117 7:118;
Terrariums      6:54—55
Terrestrial decapods      2:199
Terrestrial insects      3:11—12 3:22 3:82;
Terrestrial kraits      7:483 7:484 7:486
Terrestrial leeches      See Tiger leeches
Terrestrial mammals adaptations in      12:13—14
Terrestrial mammals field studies of      12:200—202
Terrestrial mammals vision      12:79; See also specific terrestrial species
Terrestrial pangolins      16:107—112
Terrestrial scutellerid bugs      3:260
Terrestrial snails      See Lung-bearing snails
Terrestrial tree shrews      13:291 13:292 13:293 13:295 13:296
Terrestrisuchus spp.      7:18
Terriers      14:288 14:292
Territoriality      4:63 7:43—44 7:245 12:242
Territoriality bird songs and      8:37—41
Territoriality cichlids      5:277
Territoriality Cyprinodontiformes      5:92
Territoriality evolution of      12:18
Territoriality nutritional requirements and      12:124
Territoriality pygmy sunfishes      5:197; See also Behavior
Tesias      11:5 11:8 11:14
Tessarabrachion spp.      2:185
Tessellated darters      5:198
Testa olivea      See Slaty-bellied tesias
Testacella spp.      2:414
Testacellids      2:414
Testes      12:91 12:102—103;
Testosterone      12:148
Testosterone levels, bird songs and      8:39
Testudines      See Turtles
Testudinidae      See Tortoises
Testudo graeca      See Greek tortoises
Testudo hermanni      See Hermann’s tortoises
Tetanus, subterranean mammals and      12:77—78
Tethytragus spp.      16:1
Tetonius spp.      14:1
Tetra perez      See Bleeding-heart tetras
Tetrabothriidae      See Tetrabothriidea
Tetrabothriidea      1:226 1:227 1:229
Tetracerus quadricornis      See Chousinghas
Tetraclaenodon spp.      15:132
Tetractinomorpha      1:77
Tetradactylus eastwoodae      See Eastwood’s seps
Tetragonocephalidae      1:226
Tetragonuridae      See Brook trouts
Tetragonurus spp.      See Brook trouts
Tetrakentron synaptae      2:117
Tetramchus monenteron      1:216 1:218 1:221
Tetramerocerata      2:375 2:376
Tetrao malouinus      See White-bellied seedsnipes
Tetrao namaqua      See Namaqua sandgrouse
Tetrao orientalis      See Black-bellied sandgrouse
Tetrao senegallus      See Spotted sandgrouse
Tetrao tetrix      See Black grouse
Tetrao urogallus      See Capercaillies
Tetraodontidae      See Pufferfishes
Tetraodontiformes      5:467—485 5:472 5:475
Tetraodontiformes behavior      5:469—470
Tetraodontiformes conservation status      5:471
Tetraodontiformes distribution      5:468
Tetraodontiformes evolution      5:467
Tetraodontiformes feeding ecology      5:470
Tetraodontiformes habitats      5:468—469
Tetraodontiformes humans and      5:471
Tetraodontiformes physical characteristics      5:467—468
Tetraodontiformes reproduction      5:470—471
Tetraodontiformes species of      5:474—484
Tetraodontiformes taxonomy      5:467
Tetraogallus spp.      See Snowcocks
Tetraogallus tibetanus      See Tibetan snowcocks
Tetraphyllidea      1:226 1:227
Tetrapleurodon spp.      4:83
Tetrapods, evolution      6:7—10
Tetrarhynchobothriidae      1:226
Tetrarogidae      See Waspfishes
Tetras      4:12 4:66 4:337 4:338 4:340 4:343—344
Tetraselmis spp.      1:33
Tetrastemma spp.      1:253
Tetrax spp.      See Bustards
Tetrax tetrax      See Little bustards
Tetrigidae      3:201
Tetrigoidea      3:201
Tetrix subulata      3:203
Tetrodotoxin      6:189 6:325 6:373
Tettigarctidae      3:55
Tettigonioidea      3:201
Tevnia spp.      2:91
Texan clam shrimps      2:149 2:150 2:151
Texas alligator lizards      7:341 7:343 7:344
Texas blind salamanders      6:394 6:400
Texas blindsnakes      7:374—576
Texas horned lizards      7:246 7:249 7:251 7:254
Texas kangaroo rats      16:209t
Texas mice      16:278t
Texas Parks and Wildlife Department, on northern cat-eyed snakes      7:481
Texas pocket gophers      16:195t
Texas spotted whiptails      7:312
Texas threadsnakes      See Texas blindsnakes
Texas wormsnakes      See Texas blindsnakes
Thalassarche spp.      See Albatrosses
Thalasseus spp.      See Crested terns
Thalassinidea      2:197 2:198 2:201
Thalassocalyce inconstans      1:112 1:176—177
Thalassocalycida      1:169
Thalassoica antarctica      See Antarctic petrels
Thalassoma ascensionis      5:298
Thalassoma bifasciatum      See Blueheads
Thalassoma noronhanum      See Noronha wrasses
Thalassoma spp.      5:296
Thalassophryne spp.      5:41 5:42
Thalassophryninae      5:41 5:42
Thalassornis leuconotus      See White-backed ducks
Thalattosuchians      See Marine crocodiles
Thaleichthys pacificus      See Eulachons
Thalia democratka      1:469 1:473
Thaliacea      See Salps
Thallomys paedulcus      See Tree rats
Thalurania spp.      See Hummingbirds
Thamins      See Eld’s deer
Thamnocephalidae      2:135 2:136
Thamnocephalus spp.      2:136
Thamnolaea cinnamomeiventris      See Mocking chats
Thamnomanes caesius      See Cinereous antshrikes
Thamnophiine natricines      7:470
Thamnophiini      7:466
Thamnophilidae      See Ant thrushes
Thamnophilus doliatus      See Barred antshrikes
Thamnophis butleri      See Garter snakes
Thamnophis radix      See Plains garter snakes
Thamnophis sauritus      See Garter snakes
Thamnophis sirtalis      See Common garter snakes
Thamnophis sirtalis infernalis      See San Francisco garter snakes
Thamnophis sirtalis parietalis      See Red-sided garter snakes
Thamnophis sirtalis tetrataenia      See San Francisco garter snakes
Thamnophis spp.      See North American garter snakes
Thaptomys nigrita      16:270
Thaumasioscolex didelphidis      1:226
Thaumastocoris spp.      3:55
Thaumastodermatidae      1:269 1:270
Thaumastura cora      See Peruvian sheartails
Thaumastura spp.      See Hummingbirds
The Auk (journal)      8:27
The Biology of Millipedes      2:364
The Birds (Aristotle)      10:63
The Birds (movie)      8:22
The Birth of Venus      2:42
The Condor (journal)      8:27
The Dictionary of Birds      11:505
The Directory of Australian Birds (Schodde and Mason)      10:329
The History of Animals (Aristotle)      12:203
The Hornbills (Kemp)      10:71
The Ibis (journal)      8:27
The Life of Birds (Attenborough)      11:507
The Life of Lyrebird (Smith)      10:330
The Origin and Evolution of Birds (Feduccia)      10:51
The Petrels (Warham)      8:107
The Rime of the Ancient Mariner (Coleridge)      8:116
The Tale of Mrs. Tiggy-Winkle      13:200
The Taming of the Shrew      13:200
The Two Crabs      2:42
The Wilson Bulletin      8:27
The Wind in the Willows      12:183 13:200
Thecocodium brieni      1:128
Thecodontia      7:5
Thecostraca      2:273—281 2:277
Thecostraca behavior      2:275
Thecostraca conservation status      2:276
Thecostraca distribution      2:274
Thecostraca evolution      2:273
Thecostraca feeding ecology      2:275
Thecostraca habitats      2:275
Thecostraca humans and      2:276
Thecostraca physical characteristics      2:273—275
Thecostraca reproduction      2:275—276
Thecostraca species of      2:278—281
Thecostraca taxonomy      2:273
Thekla larks      10:346 10:352
Thelenota anax      1:419
Thelenota rubralineata      See Candy cane sea cucumbers
Theletornis spp.      See Twigsnakes
Theloderma spp.      6:291 6:292
Thelodonti      4:9
Themiste lageniformes      2:98
Themiste spp.      2:98
Thenus orientalis      See Flathead locust lobsters
Theodoxus fluviatilis      See River nerites
Theodoxus spp.      2:440 2:441
Theonella swinhoei      1:45
Theopropus elegans      See Boxer mantids
Theory of Mind      12:159—160
Theragra chalcogramma      See Alaska pollocks
Therapsida      7:5 12:10 12:36
Therians mammary nipples in      12:5
Therians reproduction      12:51; See also Marsupials; Placentals; specific animals
Thermal imaging, in field studies      12:198—199
Thermal isolation      12:3
Thermals, in migration      8:29—30
Thermokinesis      1:39; See also Behavior
Thermoreception      7:32—33
Thermoregulation      7:28 7:44—45 12:3 12:36 12:50—51 12:59—60 12:65—67 12:73—74 12:113
Thermoregulation Iguanidae      7:244
Thermoregulation knob-scaled lizards      7:348
Thermoregulation Teiidae      7:310—311
Thermoregulation tunas      5:406; See also Behavior; Energy conservation; Physical characteristics
Thermosbaena mirabilis      2:245 2:241
Thermosbaenaceans      2:245—247
Thermosphaeroma thermophilum      2:252
Thermotaxis      1:40; See also Behavior
Thermozodium esakii      2:115 2:116
Theropithecus gelada      See Geladas
Theropithecus spp.      See Geladas
Thescelocichla leucopleura      See Swamp greenbuls
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