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Hutchins M., Schlager N. — Grzimek's animal life encyclopedia (Vol. 17. Cumulative index)
Hutchins M., Schlager N. — Grzimek's animal life encyclopedia (Vol. 17. Cumulative index)

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Название: Grzimek's animal life encyclopedia (Vol. 17. Cumulative index)

Авторы: Hutchins M., Schlager N.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Биология/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Издание: 2nd edition

Год издания: 2004

Количество страниц: 278

Добавлена в каталог: 10.02.2006

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
Rorquals distribution      15:5 15:119 15:120—121
Rorquals evolution      12:66 15:3 15:119
Rorquals feeding ecology      15:8 15:123—124
Rorquals habitats      15:6 15:121—122
Rorquals humans and      15:125
Rorquals physical characteristics      12:12 12:63 12:79 12:82 12:213 15:4 15:94 15:119—120
Rorquals reproduction      15:124
Rorquals species of      15:127—129 15:130t
Rorquals taxonomy      15:1 15:119
Rose mantids      See Wandering violin mantids
Rose, G.A.      5:32
Rose-breasted pygmy parrots      See Red-breasted pygmy parrots
Rose-colored starlings      See Rosy starlings
Rose-ringed parakeets      9:251 9:278 9:280 9:282 9:286—287
Rose-throated becards      10:270 10:271 10:276 10:278
Roseate spoonbills      8:10 8:235 8:291 8:293 8:295 8:300—301
Rosefinches      11:323
Rosella parrots      See Eastern rosellas
Rosellas      See Eastern rosellas
Rosen knifefishes      4:371
Rosen, Donn E. on Adrianichthyids      5:79
Rosen, Donn E. on Atheriniformes      5:67
Rosen, Donn E. on Ceratodontiformes      4:197
Rosen, Donn E. on Cyprinodontiformes      5:89
Rosen, Donn E. on Gonorynchiformes      4:289
Rosen, Donn E. on Osmeriformes      4:389
Rosen, Donn E. on Stomiiformes      4:421
Rosen, Donn E. on Stromateoidei      5:421
Rosenberg’s gladiator frogs      See Rosenberg’s treefrogs
Rosenberg’s treefrogs      6:35 6:230 6:252 6:237
Rose’s ghost frogs      6:131 6:132 6:155—134
Ross seals      12:138 14:435t
Rossetti, Dante Gabriel      13:53
Rossophyllum maculosum      See Speckled rossophyllums
Rossophyllums, speckled      3:209 3:211 3:215—216
Ross’s gulls      9:203
Ross’s turacos      9:300 9:302 9:303 9:304—305
Rostratula australis      See Australian greater painted-snipes
Rostratula bengalensis      See Greater painted-snipes
Rostratulidae      See Painted snipes
Rostrhamus sociabilis      See Snail kites
Rostroconchia      2:469
Rosy bee-eaters      10:39 10:42
Rosy bitterlings      4:299 4:505 4:511 4:317
Rosy boas      7:409—411 7:412 7:413 7:416
Rosy feather stars      1:360 1:362
Rosy flamingos      See Greater flamingos
Rosy minivets      10:386
Rosy pastors      See Rosy starlings
Rosy pipits      10:372
Rosy spoonbills      See Roseate spoonbills
Rosy starlings      11:415 11:420—421
Rosy weedfishes      5:544 5:545 5:347
Rosy wolfsnails      2:416 2:418 2:420—421
Rosy-breasted longclaws      10:377 10:380
Rosy-faced lovebirds      9:281 9:296—297
Rosy-patched shrikes      10:427
Rosy-reds      See Fathead minnows
Rosybills      8:367
Rotaria spp.      1:260
Roth, V.L.      16:143
Rothschild, Walter      10:207
Rothschild’s giraffes      15:402
Rothschild’s mynas      See Bali mynas
Rothschild’s porcupines      16:365 16:366 16:374t
Rothschild’s starlings      See Bali mynas
Rotifers      1:259—268 1:260 1:265
Rotifers behavior      1:38 1:43 1:261
Rotifers conservation status      1:262
Rotifers distribution      1:260
Rotifers evolution      1:259
Rotifers feeding ecology      1:261
Rotifers habitats      1:260—261
Rotifers humans and      1:262
Rotifers physical characteristics      1:259—260
Rotifers reproduction      1:16 1:19 1:22 1:261—262
Rotifers species of      1:264—267
Rotifers taxonomy      1:9 1:11—12 1:259
Rottenwood termites      3:162 3:164 3:166 3:167;
Rottweilers      14:292
Rough earthsnakes      7:468
Rough flounders      See Winter flounders
Rough greensnakes      7:468
Rough sharks      4:151 4:152
Rough-billed pelicans      See American white pelicans
Rough-faced cormorants      See New Zealand king shags
Rough-faced shags      See New Zealand king shags
Rough-haired golden moles      13:222t
Rough-legged buzzards      8:323 8:339
Rough-legged hawks      See Rough-legged buzzards
Rough-legged jerboas      See Hairy-footed jerboas
Rough-scaled lizards      7:298
Rough-scaled pythons      7:420
Rough-skinned newts      6:323 6:364
Rough-templed tree-babblers      See Flame-templed babblers
Rough-toothed dolphins      15:8 15:49
Roughies      5:113—116 5:117 5:119 5:121
Roughtail stingrays      4:180 4:182
Roulin, X.      15:242
Roulin’s tapirs      See Mountain tapirs
Roulrouls      See Crested wood-partridges
Round frogs      See Sandhill frogs
Round gobies      5:377
Round Island boas      See Splitjaw snakes
Round rays      4:174
Round-eared bats      13:311
Round-eared sengis      16:518 16:519 16:520 16:522 16:525 16:525—526
Round-tailed muskrats      16:225 16:238t
Roundhead congas      See Blackbar soldierfishes
Roundheads      5:255; See also Plesiopidae
Roundleaf bats Ashy      13:410t
Roundleaf bats Noack’s      13:406 13:407 13:408
Roundleaf bats Ridley’s      13:410t
Roundleaf bats Sundevall’s      13:405; See also specific types of roundleaf bats
Roundleaf horseshoe bats      13:405
Roundnose grenadiers      5:51 5:36—57
Roundups, rattlesnakes      7:49—50
Roundworms      1:283—292 1:284 1:286
Roundworms behavior      1:285
Roundworms conservation status      1:285
Roundworms distribution      1:284
Roundworms evolution      1:283
Roundworms feeding ecology      1:285
Roundworms habitats      1:284
Roundworms humans and      1:285
Roundworms physical characteristics      1:4 1:283—284
Roundworms reproduction      1:18 1:20 1:21 1:285
Roundworms species of      1:287—292
Roundworms taxonomy      1:12 1:283;
Rousette bats      12:55 13:333
Rousettus aegyptiacus      See Egyptian rousettes
Rousettus spp.      13:334
Route-based navigation      8:33
Rove beetles      3:57 3:316 3:319
Rove beetles behavior      3:320
Rove beetles feeding ecology      3:321
Rove beetles physical characteristics      3:317 3:318
Rove beetles reproduction      3:321 3:322;
Row pore rope sponges      1:77
Rowe, D.L.      16:389
Rowe, F.W.E.      1:381
Royal albatrosses      8:110 8:113 8:117 8:118
Royal antelopes      16:60 16:63 16:71t
Royal cinclodes      10:210—211
Royal cranes      See Gray crowned cranes
Royal flycatchers      10:270 10:271 10:274 10:275
Royal jelly      3:79
Royal parrotfinches      11:356
Royal penguins      See Macaroni penguins
Royal pythons      See Ball pythons
Royal sunangels      9:418 9:438
Royal urchins      See Tuxedo pincushion urchins
Rubber boas      7:409
Rubber corals      1:109 1:120 1:121
Rubber frogs      See Banded rubber frogs
Rubrisciurus spp.      16:163
Rubus ulmifolius      9:450
Ruby topaz      9:455 9:462
Ruby-cheeked sunbirds      11:211 11:213
Ruby-throated hummingbirds      9:439 9:446
Ruby-topaz hummingbirds      See Ruby topaz
Rubycheek      See Ruby-cheeked sunbirds
Rucker’s hermits      See Band-tailed barbthroats
Rudarius excelsius      See Diamond filefishes
Rudderfishes      See Sea chubs
Rudds      4:505 4:508 4:317—318
Ruddy ducks      8:372
Ruddy shelducks      8:574 8:579—380
Ruddy turnstones      9:104 9:116 9:181 9:184—185
Ruddy woodcreepers      10:250
Rudd’s larks      10:346
Rufescent bandicoots      See Rufous spiny bandicoots
Rufescent tinamous      See Thicket tinamous
Ruffed flycatchers      8:70
Ruffed grouse      8:434 8:457 8:439 8:443—444
Ruffed lemurs      See Variegated lemurs
Ruffes      5:200 5:207
Ruffs      9:176—180 9:181 9:181
Rufous babblers      11:127 11:129 11:130
Rufous bettongs      13:74 13:75 13:76 13:77 13:79 13:80—81 16:127
Rufous big-eared horseshoe bats      13:390
Rufous bristlebirds      11:57
Rufous bush chats      10:490 10:495—494
Rufous elephant shrews      See Rufous sengis
Rufous fantails      11:83 11:85—86 11:88 11:90—97
Rufous hare-wallabies      13:34 13:97 13:98 13:99
Rufous hornbills      10:72
Rufous horneros      10:173—174 10:210 10:211 10:212 10:218
Rufous horseshoe bats      13:389 13:391 13:392 13:395 13:396—397
Rufous hummingbirds      8:24 9:439 9:445
Rufous leaf bats      See Rufous horseshoe bats
Rufous motmots      10:31—32 10:33
Rufous mouse-eared bats      13:311
Rufous ovenbirds      See Rufous horneros
Rufous piculets      10:153 10:155
Rufous potoos      9:395 9:398 9:199
Rufous ringtails      See Common ringtails
Rufous sabrewings      9:454 9:459
Rufous scrub-birds      10:337—338 10:339
Rufous sengis      16:521 16:523 16:528 16:529
Rufous shrike-thrushes      See Little shrike-thrushes
Rufous spiny bandicoots      13:2 13:4 13:11 13:15 13:16
Rufous tits      See Rufous-bellied tits
Rufous tree rats      16:458t
Rufous treecreepers      11:133 11:134 11:136 11:138
Rufous treepies      11:507 11:510 11:516
Rufous vangas      10:439 10:440 10:441 10:445
Rufous whistlers      11:117 11:119 11:122—123
Rufous woodcocks      9:176
Rufous woodpeckers      10:152 10:156—157
Rufous-backed kingfishers      10:7
Rufous-backed shrikes      See Long-tailed shrikes
Rufous-banded honeyeaters      11:239 11:248
Rufous-bellied seedsnipes      9:790 9:191 9:792 9:795
Rufous-bellied tits      11:155 11:159 11:163
Rufous-breasted buttonquails      See Red-chested buttonquails
Rufous-breasted hermits      See Hairy hermits
Rufous-breasted honeyeaters      See Rufous-banded honeyeaters
Rufous-breasted whistlers      See Rufous whistlers
Rufous-browed peppershrikes      11:257 11:261
Rufous-capped motmots      10:31
Rufous-capped nunlets      10:102 10:705 10:109
Rufous-cheeked nightjars      9:402
Rufous-collared kingfishers      10:72 10:15—16
Rufous-collared pratincoles      See Rock pratincoles
Rufous-fronted ant thrushes      10:242
Rufous-fronted dippers      10:477
Rufous-fronted fantails      See Rufous fantails
Rufous-headed crowtits      See Vinous-throated parrotbills
Rufous-headed hornbills      10:75
Rufous-naped bush larks      10:542
Rufous-naped larks      10:344
Rufous-naped whistlers      11:115 11:116 11:117 11:119 11:120—121
Rufous-necked foliage-gleaners      10:213 10:226
Rufous-necked wood-rails      9:49
Rufous-sided towhees      See Eastern towhees
Rufous-tailed bronze cuckoos      See Horsfield’s bronze-cuckoos
Rufous-tailed chachalacas      See Rufous-vented chachalacas
Rufous-tailed hornbills      See Visayan tarictic hornbills
Rufous-tailed hummingbirds      9:444 9:445 9:453 9:465
Rufous-tailed jacamars      10:92 10:93 10:94 10:95
Rufous-tailed plantcutters      10:325 10:326 10:327—328
Rufous-tailed rock thrushes      See Rock thrushes
Rufous-tailed scrub-robins      See Rufous bush chats
Rufous-tailed tree shrews      13:298t
Rufous-tailed xenops      10:213 10:225—226
Rufous-throated dippers      10:478 10:481—482
Rufous-tipped chachalacas      See Rufous-vented chachalacas
Rufous-vented chachalacas      8:417 8:418—419
Rufous-winged akalats      10:510 10:511
Rufous-winged illadopsis      See Rufous-winged akalats
Rufous-winged sunbirds      11:210
Rugiloricus carolinensis      See American diamond girdle wearers
Rugiloricus cauliculus      See Bucket-tailed loriciferans
Rugogaster hydrolagi      1:202 1:203
Rugogastridae      1:197
Rugosa spp.      6:248
Ruiz-Trillo, L.      1:179
Rumbaugh, Duane      12:161
Rumen      12:122—124; See also Physical characteristics
Ruminants evolution      12:216 15:136 15:263—265
Ruminants feeding ecology      12:14 12:118—119 12:120—124 15:141 15:271—272
Ruminants physical characteristics      12:10
Ruminants taxonomy      15:263 15:266—267
Ruminants vitamin requirements      12:120; See also specific ruminants
Rumination      12:122—124; See also Feeding ecology
Rumpler, Y.      14:74—75
Running      12:42; See also Behavior
Running frogs      See Bubbling kassina
Runwenzorisorex spp.      13:265
Rupicapra pyrenaica      See Southern chamois
Rupicapra rupicapra      See Northern chamois
Rupicapra spp.      See Chamois
Rupicaprini      16:87 16:88 16:89 16:90 16:94
Rupicola peruviana      See Andean cocks-of-the-rock
Rupicola rupicola      See Guianan cocks-of-the-rock
Rupicola spp.      See Cotingas
Rupirana spp.      6:156
Ruppell’s horseshoe bats      13:390
Ruppell’s parrots      9:276
Ruppell’s vultures      8:322
Ruppell’s weavers      11:376
Rusa      12:19
Ruspolia spp.      3:203 3:204 3:206
Russell, Charlie      15:416
Russel’s vipers      7:56 7:448 7:449 7:451 7:458
Russet bellied spinetails      10:211
Russet-crowned motmots      10:31 10:32
Russet-mantled softtails      10:211
Russian brown bears      See Brown bears
Russian desmans      13:200 13:280 13:281 13:282 13:283 13:285 13:286
Russian flying squirrels      See Siberian flying squirrels
Russian steppe cockroaches      3:150
Rusty blackbirds      11:302 11:304 11:307 11:319—320
Rusty pitohuis      11:116
Rusty spaghetti eels      4:260 4:265
Rusty-backed antwrens      10:247
Rusty-belted tapaculos      10:261 10:264
Rusty-flanked treecreepers      11:177 11:178
Rusty-margined guans      8:414
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