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Hutchins M., Schlager N. — Grzimek's animal life encyclopedia (Vol. 17. Cumulative index)
Hutchins M., Schlager N. — Grzimek's animal life encyclopedia (Vol. 17. Cumulative index)

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Название: Grzimek's animal life encyclopedia (Vol. 17. Cumulative index)

Авторы: Hutchins M., Schlager N.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Биология/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Издание: 2nd edition

Год издания: 2004

Количество страниц: 278

Добавлена в каталог: 10.02.2006

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
Samoan flying foxes      13:332t
Samoan moorhens      9:47
Samoan sand darts      5:579 5:385 5:387
Samotherium spp.      15:265
Samut Prakan Crocodile Farm (Thailand)      7:182
San Andres mockingbirds      10:468
San Benito sparrows      See Savannah sparrows
San Cristobal moorhens      9:47
San Diego banded geckos      7:265
San Diego horned lizards      See Texas horned lizards
San Francisco garter snakes      7:479
San Joaquin antelope squirrels      See Nelson’s antelope squirrels
San Joaquin pocket mice      16:204 16:205
San Joaquin Valley kangaroo rats      16:209t
San Marcos salamanders      See Texas blind salamanders
Sanaga pygmy herrings      4:277
Sanborn’s flying foxes      13:331t
Sanchez-Cordero, V.      16:200
Sand cats      14:371 14:390t
Sand crabs      2:198
Sand dabs      See Windowpane flounders
Sand darts      See Samoan sand darts
Sand dollars      1:401—406 1:403 1:405 1:412
Sand eels      5:131 5:133;
Sand fiddler crabs      2:202 2:210
Sand fleas      See Chigoes
Sand flies      3:361
Sand gazelles      See Slender-horned gazelles
Sand gobies      5:373—375
Sand hoppers      See Beach hoppers
Sand isopods      2:255 2:255 2:256
Sand lances      5:331—335
Sand lizardfishes      See Clearfin lizardfishes
Sand lizards      7:298 7:300 7:301—302
Sand martins      10:562 10:366—567
Sand masons      2:48 2:50 2:56
Sand monitors      7:362
Sand nests, cichlids and      5:279; See also Reproduction
Sand rats      See Sundevall’s jirds
Sand rollers      5:7 5:11 5:12
Sand sharks      4:7
Sand shrimps      See Sevenspine bay shrimps
Sand stargazers      5:341—342 5:344 5:347—348
Sand stars      1:369 1:371 1:376—377
Sand swimmers      See Half-girdled snakes
Sand tiger sharks      4:11 4:131—133 4:254 4:256 4:140—141
Sand worms      2:45—57 2:48 2:49
Sand worms behavior      2:46
Sand worms conservation status      2:47
Sand worms distribution      2:46
Sand worms evolution      2:45
Sand worms feeding ecology      2:46—47
Sand worms habitats      2:46
Sand worms humans and      2:47
Sand worms physical characteristics      2:45—46
Sand worms reproduction      2:47
Sand worms species of      2:50—56
Sand worms taxonomy      2:45
Sand-colored nighthawks      9:404
Sand-swimming      12:71—72; See also Behavior
Sandboas      7:409—411
Sandburrowers      5:331—335
Sanddivers      4:48 4:70 5:331—335 5:334
Sandelia bainsii      5:429
Sandelia capemis      5:428
Sandelia spp.      5:427 5:428
Sanderlings      9:176
Sanderson’s hook frogs      6:247 6:254 6:260
Sandfishes      4:292 4:293—294 5:331—335 7:330 7:332 7:337
Sandfleas      See Beach hoppers
Sandgropers      3:201 3:202 3:203
Sandgrouse      9:231—239 9:234
Sandhill cranes      9:23—27 9:28 9:30 9:33
Sandhill dunnarts      12:301t
Sandhill frogs      6:148 6:149 6:150 6:151
Sandperches      4:48 4:66 5:255 5:331 5:331—335
Sandpipers      9:102—104 9:175—188 9:181
Sandpipers behavior      9:178
Sandpipers conservation status      9:103 9:179—180
Sandpipers distribution      9:175 9:176—177
Sandpipers evolution      9:175
Sandpipers feeding ecology      9:178—179
Sandpipers habitats      9:175
Sandpipers humans and      9:180
Sandpipers physical characteristics      9:175—176
Sandpipers reproduction      9:179
Sandpipers species of      9:182—188
Sandpipers taxonomy      9:104 9:175
Sandplovers      9:161
Sandsnakes      7:466
Sandstone dibblers      12:300t
Sandstone shrike-thrushes      11:116 11:117—118
Sandy wallabies      See Agile wallabies
Sanford’s bowerbirds      See Archbold’s bowerbirds
Sanford’s sea-eagles      8:323 8:324
Sangihe shrike-thrushes      11:118
Sangihe tarsiers      14:95 14:97 14:99
Sanguinicolidae      1:199
Sanguivorous leeches      See Blood-feeding leeches
Sanmartin, I.      3:55
Sanopus astrifer      See Whitespotted toadfishes
Sanopus greenfieldorum      See Whitelined toadfishes
Sanopus reticulatus      See Reticulated toadfishes
Sanopus splendidus      See Splendid coral toadfishes
Sanopus spp.      5:41 5:42
Sansom, I.J.      4:9
Santa Marta bush tyrants      10:275
Santo Domingo trogons      See Hispaniolan trogons
Sao Tome fiscals      10:427 10:429
Sao Tome grosbeaks      11:324
Sao Tome orioles      11:428
Sao Tome sunbirds      11:208 11:210 11:211 11:217
Saolas      12:129 16:4 16:11
Sap beetles      3:318
Sapheopipo noguchii      See Okinawa woodpeckers
Sapphire-bellied hummingbirds      9:449
Sapphire-vented pufflegs      9:447
Sappho spp.      See Hummingbirds
Saproxylic Invertebrates Project      3:322
Sarcomastigophora      2:11
Sarcophagidae      See Flesh flies
Sarcophilus laniarius      See Tasmanian devils
Sarcopterygians      6:7
Sarcopterygii      4:10 4:12
Sarcoramphus papa      See King vultures
Sarcosuchus spp.      7:157 7:158
Sardina pilchardus      See European pilchards
Sardinas      See South American pilchards
Sardines      4:34 4:75 4:277;
Sardinian pikas      16:502t
Sardinops melanostictus      See Japanese pilchards
Sardinops sagax      See South American pilchards
Sargassumfishes      4:62 4:69 5:50 5:51 5:52 5:53—54
Sargocentron spp.      5:113
Sargocentron vexillarium      See Squirrelfishes
Sargocentron xantherythrum      See Hawaiian squirrelfishes
Sarkidiornis melanotos      See Comb ducks
Saroglossa spiloptera      See Spot-winged starlings
Sarotherodon spp.      5:279
Sarothrura elegans      See Buff-spotted flufftails
Sarothrura spp.      See Flufftails
Sarothruridae      9:45
Sarus cranes      9:1 9:3 9:25 9:30 9:33—54
Sasia abnormis      See Rufous piculets
Sasins      See Blackbucks
Sassabies      16:27 16:32
Satellite radio-tracking      8:27
Satin birds      See Satin bowerbirds
Satin bowerbirds      11:477 11:479 11:481 11:482 11:487
Satin grackles      See Satin bowerbirds
Satunin’s five-toed pgymy jerboas      See Five-toed pygmy jerboas
Saturniidae      See Adas moths
Satyr tragopans      8:438 8:449
Saucer water bugs      See Creeping water bugs
Saucerottia spp.      See Hummingbirds
Saugers      5:198
Saunders embiids      3:255 3:256 3:237
Saunder’s gulls      9:209 9:220 9:212—213
Sauresia spp.      7:339
Saurida gracilis      See Slender lizardfishes
Sauries      4:12 5:79 5:80 5:81 5:82 5:84
Saurischia      7:5
Sauromalus obesus      See Common chuckwallas
Sauromys spp.      13:311
Sauropterygia      7:5
Saurothera californiana      See Greater roadrunners
Savage-Rumbaugh, Sue      12:162
Savanna baboons      14:193
Savanna dormice      16:520 16:327t
Savanna elephants      15:162—163 15:165
Savanna nightjars      9:403
Savanna squeaking frogs      See Common squeakers
Savanna vultures      See Lesser yellow-headed vultures
Savannah sparrows      10:171 10:172 11:267 11:282—283
Savannas Ice Age and      12:18—19
Savannas tropical      12:219; See also Habitats
Savigny, J.C.      1:451
Savigny’s brittle stars      See Tropical brittle stars
Savigny’s eagle-owls      9:347
Savi’s pygmy shrews      12:12 13:194 13:266 13:267 13:270 13:271—272
Savolainen, Peter      14:287
Saw-billed hermits      9:454 9:455
Saw-billed kingfishers      See Yellow-billed kingfishers
Saw-jawed turtles      See Painted terrapins
Saw-scaled vipers      7:447 7:448 7:449 7:451 7:458
Saw-whet owls      See Northern saw-whet owls
Sawbellies      See Alewives
Sawbelly herrings      4:277
Sawbwa barbs      4:298
Sawbwa resplendens      See Sawbwa barbs
Sawfishes      4:11 4:167 4:173—179 4:186
Sawflies      3:28 3:37 3:63 3:75 3:405—408 3:422—423
Sawsharks      4:11 4:167—171 4:269
Sawtoothed grain beetles      3:76
Saxicola longirostris      See White-browed scrubwrens
Saxicola rubetra      See Whinchats
Saxicola torquata      See Stonechats
Saxipendium coronatum      See Spaghetti worms
Sayornis nigricans      See Black phoebes
Sayornis phoebe      See Eastern phoebes
Sayornis saya      See Say’s phoebes
Sayornis spp.      See Phoebes
Say’s phoebes      10:276 10:284
Scads      4:67
Scala naturae      12:149
Scale crickets      3:201
Scale insects      3:81 3:259—264
Scale insects ants and      3:49
Scale insects biological control and      3:80
Scale insects defense mechanisms      3:66
Scale insects distribution      3:57
Scale insects excretion      3:21
Scale insects reproduction      3:59 3:62 3:263
Scale insects sexual dimorphism in      3:59
Scale-throated earthcreepers      10:212 10:215
Scaled antbirds      10:244 10:250—251
Scaled ground-rollers      See Scaly ground-rollers
Scaled lings      See Bowfins
Scaleless dragonfishes      4:425 4:428—429
Scales      4:6 4:15—16;
Scalloped hammerhead sharks      4:115
Scallops      2:454; See also Bivalves; Queen scallops
Scalopinae      13:279
Scalopus aquaticus      See Eastern moles
Scaly anteaters      See Ground pangolins; Pangolins
Scaly brittle stars      See Dwarf brittle stars
Scaly ground-rollers      10:54 10:56—57
Scaly thrushes      See White’s thrushes
Scaly-breasted finches      See Spotted munias
Scaly-breasted mannikins      See Spotted munias
Scaly-breasted munias      See Spotted munias
Scaly-fronted wormsnakes      See Peters’ wormsnakes
Scaly-tailed possums      13:57 13:59 13:60 13:62 13:65—66
Scaly-tailed squirrels      16:122 16:123 16:299—306 16:301
Scaly-throated honeyguides      10:137 10:138 10:140 10:143
Scalyhead sculpins      5:183
Scammon, Charles      15:96
Scandentia      See Tree shrews
Scandium spp.      1:261
Scansorial adaptations      12:14
Scapanorhynchus leivisi      4:131
Scapanus latimanus      See Broad-footed moles
Scapherpetontids      6:13
Scaphiodtmtophis spp.      See Neck-banded snakes
Scaphiophryne brevis      6:318
Scaphiophryne calcarata      See Mocquard’s rain frogs
Scaphiophryne gottlebei      See Red rain frogs
Scaphiophryne madagascariensis      6:318
Scaphiophryne marmorata      6:317 6:318
Scaphiophryne spp.      6:317 6:318
Scaphiophrynidae      See Madagascan toadlets
Scaphiopus couchii      See Couch’s spadefoot toads
Scaphiopus holbrookii      See Eastern spadefoot toads
Scaphiopus spp.      6:119
Scaphirhynchus spp.      4:213
Scaphistostreptus seychellarum      2:363
Scaphopoda      See Tusk shells
Scaponulus oweni      See Gansu moles
Scapteromys aquaticus      16:268
Scapteromys spp.      16:268
Scapteromys tumidus      16:266 16:268
Scaptochirus moschatus      See Short-faced moles
Scaptochirus spp.      13:279
Scaptonyx fuscicaudatus      See Long-tailed moles
Scapula      12:41
Scarab beetles      See Scarabs
Scarabaeid grubs      3:56
Scarabaeidae      3:53 3:322
Scarabaeus sacer      See Sacred scarabs
Scarabs      3:42 3:62 3:80—81 3:316 3:320—323;
Scardefella inca      See Inca doves
Scardinius erythrophthalmus      See Rudds
Scaridae      See Parrotfishes
Scarlet characins      See Cardinal tetras
Scarlet ibises      8:291 8:292 8:295 8:299—500
Scarlet kingsnakes      See Milksnakes
Scarlet macaws      9:278 9:282 9:289—290
Scarlet robins      11:105 11:107 11:108—109
Scarlet-backed flowerpeckers      11:190 11:192 11:197—198
Scarlet-breasted flowerpeckers      11:191 11:292 11:193
Scarlet-chested sunbirds      11:208—210 11:212 11:219—220
Scarlet-collared flowerpeckers      11:191
Scarlet-crowned barbets      10:115
Scarlet-fronted parrots      9:278
Scarlet-headed blackbirds      11:293
Scarlet-hooded barbets      10:116
Scarlet-horned manakins      10:298 10:301—302
Scarlet-rumped trogons      9:479
Scarlet-throated sunbirds      See Scarlet-chested sunbirds
Scarlet-tufted sunbirds      11:209 11:222 11:213—214
Scarletsnakes      7:469
Scarthyla goinorum      See Amazonian skittering frogs
Scartichthys spp.      5:343
Scarus frenatus      See Bridled parrotfishes
Scarus guacamaia      See Parrotfishes
Scarus iseri      See Striped parrotfishes
Scatophagidae      See Scats
Scatophagus argus      See Spotted scats
Scatophagus tetracanthus      5:393
Scats      5:391 5:392—393
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