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Hutchins M., Schlager N. — Grzimek's animal life encyclopedia (Vol. 17. Cumulative index)
Hutchins M., Schlager N. — Grzimek's animal life encyclopedia (Vol. 17. Cumulative index)

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Íàçâàíèå: Grzimek's animal life encyclopedia (Vol. 17. Cumulative index)

Àâòîðû: Hutchins M., Schlager N.

ßçûê: en

Ðóáðèêà: Áèîëîãèÿ/

Ñòàòóñ ïðåäìåòíîãî óêàçàòåëÿ: Ãîòîâ óêàçàòåëü ñ íîìåðàìè ñòðàíèö

ed2k: ed2k stats

Èçäàíèå: 2nd edition

Ãîä èçäàíèÿ: 2004

Êîëè÷åñòâî ñòðàíèö: 278

Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 10.02.2006

Îïåðàöèè: Ïîëîæèòü íà ïîëêó | Ñêîïèðîâàòü ññûëêó äëÿ ôîðóìà | Ñêîïèðîâàòü ID
Ïðåäìåòíûé óêàçàòåëü
Rusty-necked piculets      10:150
Rusty-winged starlings      11:410
Rutelinae      3:55
Ruthven’s frogs      6:6 6:211—213 6:212
Rutilus anomalous      See Stonerollers
Rutilus rutilus      See Roaches
Rutilus spp.      4:298
Ruvettus spp.      5:406
Ruwenzori otter shrews      13:234t
Ruwenzori shrews      13:269 13:272 13:274—275
Ruwenzori turacos      9:300 9:303 9:305—306
Ruwenzorisorex suncoides      See Ruwenzori shrews
Ruwenzorornis johnstoni      See Ruwenzori turacos
Rynchopidae      See Skimmers
Rynchops albicollis      See Indian skimmers
Rynchops flavirostris      See African skimmers
Rynchops niger      See Black skimmers
Ryukyu flying foxes      13:331t
Ryukyu moles      13:282
Ryukyu rabbits      See Amami rabbits
Sabelariids      2:47
Sabellaria alveolata      See Honeycomb worms
Sabellids      2:46 2:47
Saber-toothed blennies      4:56 5:342
Saber-toothed cats      14:256
Saber-toothed tigers      12:25 12:24 14:369 14:375;
Sabertooth fishes      4:432
Sabertooth viperfishes      4:421
Sabine’s gulls      9:203
Sable antelopes      16:2 16:5 16:27 16:28 16:29 16:31 16:32 16:36 16:39 16:41
Sablefishes      5:179 5:182 5:183 5:184 5:186—187
Sables      14:324
Sac-winged bats      13:355—365 13:359 13:363t 13:364t
Saccogaster melanomycter      5:18
Saccoglossus horsti      1:445
Saccoglossus kowalevskii      1:445 1:446 1:447—448
Saccoglossus ruber      1:444
Saccolaimus peli      See Giant pouched bats
Saccopharyngidae      4:271 4:272
Saccopharyngiformes      4:11 4:271—276 4:273
Saccopharyngoidei      4:271
Saccopharynx ampullaceus      See Gulper eels
Saccopharynx spp.      4:271 4:274 4:275
Saccopteryx bilineata      See Greater sac-winged bats
Saccopteryx leptura      See Lesser sac-winged bats
Saccostomus campestris      See Pouched mice
Sacculina carcini      See Root-like barnacles
Sachser, N.      16:392
Sacred baboons      See Hamadryas baboons
Sacred ibises      8:26 8:236 8:291 8:293 8:295 8:296
Sacred kingfishers      10:6
Sacred langurs      See Northern plains gray langurs
Sacred scarabs      3:74 3:316 3:322 3:524 3:527 3:331—332
Sactosoma vitreum      2:103
Sactosomatidae      See Sactosoma vitreum
Sactosomatidea      See Sactosoma vitreum
Saddle-back tamarins      14:116—121 14:225 14:127—128
Saddleback gunnels      5:312 5:314 5:316
Saddleback tapirs      See Malayan tapirs
Saddlebacks      See Tiekes
Saddlebilled storks      See Saddlebills
Saddlebills      8:266 8:269 8:272—273
Sado moles      13:282
Saeed, B.      5:67
Saffron siskins      11:324—325
Saffron toucanets      10:88 10:125 10:128 10:229 10:131—132
Saffron-bellied frogs      6:506 6:311—312
Saffron-cowled blackbirds      11:306
Safina, C.      5:418
Sage grouse      8:20 8:434 8:437
Sagebrush lizards      7:249 7:255—256
Sagebrush voles      16:237t
Sage’s rock rats      16:440t
Saginae      3:207
Sagitta bipunctata      1:436 1:438
Sagitta elegans      1:435
Sagitta enflata      1:434 1:435 1:456 1:438—439
Sagitta gazellae      1:434
Sagitta planctonis      1:434 1:436 1:439—440
Sagitta regularis      1:434
Sagitta setosa      1:434 1:436 1:439 1:440
Sagitta spp.      1:433
Sagitta tasmanica      1:435
Sagittariidae      See Secretary birds
Sagittarius serpentarius      See Secretary birds
Sagittidae      See Sagitta spp.
Saguinus bicolor      See Pied tamarins
Saguinus fuscicollis      See Saddle-back tamarins
Saguinus geoffroyi      See Geoffrey’s tamarins
Saguinus graellsi      See Graell’s black-mantled tamarins
Saguinus imperator      See Emperor tamarins
Saguinus inustus      See Mottle-faced tamarins
Saguinus labiatus      See Red-bellied tamarins
Saguinus leucopus      See White-lipped tamarins
Saguinus midas      See Midas tamarins
Saguinus mystax      See Moustached tamarins
Saguinus nigricollis      See Black-mantled tamarins
Saguinus oedipus      See Cotton-top tamarins
Saguinus oedipus oedipus      See Cotton-top tamarins
Saguinus spp.      See Tamarins
Sahara gundis      See Desert gundis
Sahara sandboas      7:409 7:411
Saharagalago spp.      14:23
Saharan horned vipers      See Horned vipers
Saharan sandgrouse      See Spotted sandgrouse
Sahelanthropus chadensis      14:241—242
Sahlins, Marshall      14:248
Saiga antelopes      16:4 16:9 16:45—58 16:49 16:55
Saiga tatarica      See Saiga antelopes
Saigas      See Saiga antelopes
Sailfin dories      See Buckler dories
Sailfin lizards      7:213 7:215 7:218
Sailfin plunderfishes      5:324 5:325
Sailfin sandfishes      5:335 5:336 5:338 5:339
Sailfin sculpins      5:185 5:187—188
Sailfishes      5:408 5:410
Sailor fishes      See Sailfin sculpins
Saimiri boliviensis      See Bolivian squirrel monkeys
Saimiri oerstedii      See Red-backed squirrel monkeys
Saimiri oerstedii citrinellus      14:105
Saimiri oerstedii oerstedii      14:105
Saimiri sciureus      See Common squirrel monkeys
Saimiri spp.      See Squirrel monkeys
Saimiri ustus      14:101 14:102
Saimiri vanzolinii      See Blackish squirrel monkeys
Saint Andrew vireos      11:256
Saint Bernards      14:293
Saint Patrick      7:54
Saiphos equalis      7:329
Saithes      See Pollocks
Sakalava weavers      11:381 11:386—387
Saker falcons      8:21 8:315
Sakis      14:143—154 14:249
Sakis behavior      14:145—146
Sakis conservation status      14:148
Sakis distribution      14:144—145
Sakis evolution      14:143
Sakis feeding ecology      14:146—147
Sakis habitats      14:145
Sakis humans and      14:148
Sakis physical characteristics      14:143—144
Sakis reproduction      14:147
Sakis species of      14:150—151 14:153t
Sakis taxonomy      14:143
Salamanderfishes      4:57 4:390—393 4:394 4:396 4:397—398
Salamanders      6:3 6:323—326 6:344
Salamanders aquatic      6:15 6:25 6:325
Salamanders as food      6:54
Salamanders Asiatic giant      6:343—347 6:344
Salamanders behavior      6:45 6:325
Salamanders black-spotted      6:372
Salamanders chemosensory cues      6:24 6:44—45
Salamanders communication      6:11 15
Salamanders courtship behavior      6:44—45 6:49 6:365—366
Salamanders distribution      6:5 6:325
Salamanders European      6:363—375 6:368—369
Salamanders evolution      6:4 6:9—10 6:11 6:13 6:15 6:323—324
Salamanders feeding ecology      6:6 6:24 6:65 6:326
Salamanders hybridization      6:44
Salamanders larvae      6:33 6:39 6:42
Salamanders medicinal uses of      6:53
Salamanders mythology and      6:51—52
Salamanders physical characteristics      6:15 6:18 6:23—25 6:24 6:323—324
Salamanders predators and      6:325
Salamanders reproduction      6:28—29 6:31—35 6:37—38 6:325 6:326
Salamanders taxonomy      6:3 6:4 6:323—324
Salamanders torrent      6:3 6:5 6:323 6:325 6:349 6:385—388 6:387
Salamanders toxins      6:325; See also specific types of salamanders
Salamandra atra      See Alpine salamanders
Salamandra japonica      See Japanese clawed salamanders
Salamandra lanzai      See Laza’s alpine salamanders
Salamandra salamandra      See European fire salamanders
Salamandra tigrina      See Tiger salamanders
Salamandrella keyserlingii      See Siberian salamanders
Salamandrella spp.      6:335
Salamandridae      6:363—375 6:368—369
Salamandridae behavior      6:565—366 6:370—375
Salamandridae communication      6:44
Salamandridae conservation status      6:367 6:370—375
Salamandridae courtship behavior      6:49 6:365—366
Salamandridae distribution      6:565 6:364 6:370—375
Salamandridae evolution      6:13 6:363
Salamandridae feeding ecology      6:366—367 6:370—375
Salamandridae habitats      6:364—365 6:370—375
Salamandridae humans and      6:367 6:370—375
Salamandridae physical characteristics      6:17 6:24 6:325 6:363 6:370—375
Salamandridae reproduction      6:30—31 6:326 6:367 6:370—375
Salamandridae species of      6:370—375
Salamandridae taxonomy      6:323 6:363 6:370—375;
Salamandrina spp.      6:17 6:24
Salamandrina terdigitata      See Spectacled salamanders
Salamandroidea      6:13 6:323
Salanoia concolor      See Malagasy brown mongooses
Salanoia spp.      14:347
Salaria fluviatilis      See Freshwater blennies
Salarias fasciatus      See Jeweled blennies
Saldidae      3:54
Saldula coxalis      See Shore bugs
Salidae      See Boobies; Gannets
Salientia      6:11
Salim Ali’s fruit bats      13:349t
Salinella salve      1:19 1:20—21 1:91—92
Salinity      1:25 2:26 4:37 4:50 4:52;
Salinoctomys loschalchalerosorum      16:433—434
Salinoctomys spp.      16:434 16:436
Saliva      12:122
Salivary glands      7:9—10; See also Physical characteristics
Salmo alpinus      See Charrs
Salmo altivelis      See Ayu
Salmo arcticus      See Arctic graylings
Salmo clupeaformis      See Lake whitefishes
Salmo fontinalis      See Brook trouts
Salmo gorbuscha      See Pink salmons
Salmo kisatch      See Coho salmons
Salmo masou      See Cherry salmons
Salmo mykiss      See Rainbow trouts
Salmo mykiss aguabonita      See Golden trouts
Salmo namaycush      See Lake trouts
Salmo nerka      See Sockeye salmons
Salmo pacificus      See Eulachons
Salmo salar      See Atlantic salmons
Salmo silus      See Greater argentines
Salmo trutta      See Brown trouts
Salmo tshawytscha      See Chinook salmons
Salmon lice      2:505 2:309—310
Salmon rainbowfishes      5:67
Salmon sharks      4:132 4:133
Salmon trouts      See Cherry salmons; Lake trouts
Salmon-poisoning flukes      1:201 1:202 1:206 1:209—210
Salmonella, pigeons and      9:256
Salmonflies, giant      3:144 3:145
Salmonidae      4:50 4:52 4:58 4:405
Salmoniformes      See Salmons
Salmons      4:405—420 4:406 4:408—409
Salmons behavior      4:65 4:406—407
Salmons conservation      4:407
Salmons distribution      4:52 4:58 4:405 4:406
Salmons evolution      4:405
Salmons feeding ecology      4:68 4:407
Salmons habitats      4:50 4:405—406
Salmons humans and      4:407
Salmons physical characteristics      4:60 4:405
Salmons reproduction      4:35 4:47 4:407
Salmons species of      4:410—419
Salmons taxonomy      4:405
Salpa fusiformis      1:469 1:472—473
Salpida      1:467 1:468
Salpinctes mexicanus      See Canyon wrens
Salpinctes spp.      10:526
Salpingotus crassicauda      See Thick-tailed pygmy jerboas
Salpingotus heptneri      16:212 16:216
Salpingotus kozlovi      16:212 16:215 16:216
Salpingotus michaelis      16:217
Salpingotus pallidus      16:216
Salpingotus spp.      16:217
Salpingotusthomasi      16:217
Salps      1:467—472 1:469
Salt glands      7:30; See also Physical characteristics
Salt licks      12:17—18
Salt-and-pepper shrimps      See Sevenspine bay shrimps
Salt-desert cavies      16:389 16:390—391 16:393 16:394 16:397 16:398
Salta tuco-tucos      16:431t
Saltatory mammals      12:42—43
Saltenia ibanezi      6:99
Saltenia spp.      6:12
Salticidae      2:37
Salticus scenicus      See Zebra spiders
Saltmarsh harvest mice      16:265
Saltwater crocodiles      7:157—158 7:161—163 1:183 7:185 7:186—187
Saltwater crocodiles as food      7:48
Saltwater crocodiles conservation status      7:181—182
Saltwater crocodiles farming      7:48
Saltwater crocodiles humans and      7:182
Saltwater crocodiles muscular limbs of      7:23
Saltwater crocodiles physical characteristics      7:179
Saltwater fishes      See Marine fishes
Salt’s dikdiks      16:65 16:67 16:69—70
Salukis      14:292
Salvadori, T.      9:275
Salvadorina waigiuensis      See Salvadori’s teals
Salvadori’s ducks      See Salvadori’s teals
Salvadori’s eremomelas      See Yellow-bellied eremomelas
Salvadori’s nightjars      9:405
Salvadori’s serins      11:325
Salvadori’s teals      8:365 8:374 8:383
Salvelinus agassizi      4:407
Salvelinus alpinus      See Charrs
Salvelinus fontinalis      See Brook trouts
Salvelinus namaycush      See Lake trouts
Salvin’s curassows      8:416
Salvin’s mollymawks      8:114
Salvin’s spiny pocket mice      16:204 16:205—206
Samana hutias      16:467t
Samar broadbills      See Visayan wattled broadbills
Samaridae      5:450
Sambars      12:19 15:358 15:362 15:367
Sambava tomato frogs      6:304
Sambonia spp.      2:318
Sambonidae      2:318
Samoan crabs      See Mangrove crabs
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