Авторизация |
Поиск по указателям |
Jurafsky D., Martin J.H. — Speech and Language Processing |
Предметный указатель |
Rule orthographic 65 76
Rule phonological 92 103
Rule phonological and transducers 104
Rule spelling 65 76
Rule to rule hypothesis 546
Rule two-level 107
Rules 323 348
Rumelhart, D.E. 13 133 636
Russell, R.C. 89 184
Russell, S. 17 53 167 168 189 510 538
Russell, S.W. 624
Russian 801
Rutishauser, H. 11 350
Ruzzo, W.L. 354 375
S 324
Sacks, H. 718 737 755
Sadock, J. 502
Saffran, E. 180 182
Sag, I.A. 350 351 414 434 437 440 454 582 737
Sakoe, H. 185 279
Salasoo, A. 275
Salience factors 678
Salience in discourse model 669
Salience value 678
Salomaa, A. 470
Salton, G. 643 649 653 658 659
Samelson, K. 11 350
Sampling 264
Sampling rate 264
Sampson, G. 229 294
Samuel, A.G. 276
Samuel, K. 306 740
Samuelsson, C. 314
Sanders, T.J.M. 709
Sanfilippo, A. 339 412 436 437 460
Sankoff, D. 185
Santorini, B. 285 294 305 450 460
Sapir-Whorf hypothesis 805
Satellite 780 801
Satellite-framed language 802
Sato, S. 826
Satta, G. 115 116
Scaled likelihood 267
Schabes, Y. 88 220 308 455 470
Schachter, P. 288
Schaefer, E.F. 721
Schafer, R. 279
Schalkwyk, J. 751
Schank, R.C. 13 619 621 624
Schapire, R.E. 471
Schegloff, E.A. 718 721 737 755
Schema 777
Schmandt, C. 721 751 754
Schmolze, J. 534 538
Schmolze, J.G. 440
Schoenkfinkel, M. 550
Schreiner, M.E. 10 659
Schtitze, H. 17 316 451 471 652 819
Schubert, L.K. 582
Schuetze-Coburn, S. 130 720
Schukat-Talamazzini, E.G. 736 756
Schwa 160
Schwarts, M.F. 180 182
Schwartz, R. 212 249 251 257 304 312 316
Scott, D. 53 761 789
Scott, D.R. 792
SDC 280
Search 53 388
Search A* 252
Search as metaphor for non-deterministic recognition 46
Search beam 249
Search breadth-first 47 52
Search data-directed 356
Search depth-first 47
Search FIFO 47
Search First In First Out 47
Search forward-backward 257
Search goal-directed 356
Search in MT 820
Search Last In First Out 47
Search LIFO 47
Search multiple-pass 257
Search parsing as 355
Search picture of 48
Search pitfalls in 47
Search pitfalls of 47
Search queue for breadth-first 47
Search stack for depth-first 47
Search strategy 52
Search-state in non-deterministic recognition by finite-state automata 42
Searle, J.R. 8 724 728 729 755
Second-order 196
Segal, J. 196 448
Segment 92
Segmentation 178 242
Segmentation utterance 720
Segui, J. 85
Seitz, F. 249
Selection restriction 508
Self-embedded 490
Selfridge, J.A. 200
Selfridge, O.G. 278
Selkirk, E. 130
Semantic analysis 498
Semantic analyzer 545
Semantic attachments 547
Semantic network 498 534
Semantics grounding in embodiment 535
Semivowel 97
Seneft, S. 9 754
Sengal, C.J. 701
Sentence 348
Sentence alignment 819
Sentence processing 463
Sentence segmentation 178
Sentential complements 338
SEQUENCE (as RST relation) 781
Sethi, R. 390
Seymore, K. 229
Shakespeare author attribution 231
Shakespeare N-grams for 200
Shakespeare, N-gram approximations to 200
Shallow parse 383
Shamir, E. 493
Shannon — McMillan — Breiman theorem 224
Shannon, C.E. 11 12 87 200 225 228 279
Shared plans 756
Sheep language 34
Sheil, B.A. 389
Shieber, S.M. 8 17 395 401 402 431 438 440—442 485 486
Shih, C. 179 181 187
Shinghal, R. 185
Shinjo, M. 706
Shlomo Argamon, Ido Dagan, Y.K. 389
Shopen, T. 157
SHRDLU 13 746
Shriberg, E. 192 343 735W38 754 756
Sibilant 99
Sibun, P. 304
Sidner, C. 14
Sidner, C.L. 740 744 745 756 791
Signal analysis 258
Signal processing 238
Significant silence 718
Sills, D.L. 569
Silverman, K. 131
Silverstein, C. 649
Simmons, R.F. 14 298 315 537 538 657 789
Simple types 434
| Singer, M. 704 705
Singer, Y. 316 471
Single initiative 746
Singleton 213
Singleton unigram in authorship identification 231
singular 61 336
Sink state in finite-state automaton 38
Situational context 666
Slator, B.M. 657 658
Sleator, D. 461 462 470
Slip of the tongue 180
Slips of the tongue 85
Slobin, D.I. 133 802
Slocum, J. 789
Small, S.L. 657
Smith, V.L. 192 756
Smolensky, P. 112 118
Smoothing 202 204 205
Smoothing add-one 205
Smoothing and backoff 215
Smoothing, deleted interpolation 217
Smoothing, discounting 205
Smoothing, Good-Turing 212
Smoothing, Witten-Bell 208
Smyth, R. 702
Snow 316
Sociolinguistic 156 184
Soderland, S. 578
Solomon, S.K. 704
Somers, H.L. 803 816 825
Sopena, J.M. 466
Sound inference 691
Sourer, C. 229
Souza, C. 792
SOV langauge 801
Space as a regular character 22
Sparck Jones, K. 647 656 659
sparse 204
Speaker-independent 234
Spectral 260
Spectral feature 235 238 240
Spectral features 258 258
Spectral peaks 261
Spectrogram 262
Spectrum 261
Speech act 724
Speech and NLG 787
Speech error 85
Speech recognition systems basic components 270
Speech recognition, architecture 235
Speech recognition, continuous 234
Speech recognition, decoding 238
Speech recognition, history of 278
Speech recognition, isolated-word 234
Speech recognition, noisy channel model 235
Speech recognition, pronunciation problem 161
Speech recognition, pruning 249
Speech recognition, speaker independent 234
Speech recognition, use of HMM 239
Speech recognition, word segmentation 242
Speech synthesis see “TTS”
Spelling errors cognitive 143
Spelling errors correction context-dependent 142
Spelling errors deletions 142
Spelling errors detection context-dependent 142
Spelling errors EM 151
Spelling errors framing errors 143
Spelling errors frequency of 142
Spelling errors frequency of producing real words 219
Spelling errors global errors 219
Spelling errors homologous 143
Spelling errors in OCR 141 143
Spelling errors insertions 142
Spelling errors isolated-word 141
Spelling errors local errors 219
Spelling errors morphology 144
Spelling errors multisubstitutions 143
Spelling errors noise 145
Spelling errors noisy channel example 148
Spelling errors noisy channel model for 148
Spelling errors non-word 141
Spelling errors overview of detection and correction 141
Spelling errors patterns 142
Spelling errors probability computation 149
Spelling errors real word 142
Spelling errors real words via N-gram 190 219
Spelling errors single-error misspellings 142
Spelling errors societal role 139
Spelling errors substitutions 142
Spelling errors transpositions 143
Spelling errors typographic 143
Spelling rule 57 65 76 86
Spelling rule doubling of some consonants in English 63
Spelling rule poken English, grammar of 341
SPLT 491
Spooren, W.P.M. 709
Sproat, R. 49 68 69 88 123 125 129 136 167 169 179 181 186 187 310 483 484
SRI 251
Srihari, S.N. 185
Srinivas, B. 470
Stack decoder see “A* decoder”
Stack for depth-first search 47
Stalnaker, R.C. 720
Stanners, R.F. 84
Start state 34
Start symbol 324 327
State accepting 34
State final 34
State in finite-state automaton 34
State-space search 46
State-transition table example of 35
State-transition table finite-state automaton 35
Stationary 224
Statistical paradigm rise of 12
Statistical translation 818
Statistical vs symbolic paradigms 11
Stative 527 527
Stede, M. 790
Steedman, M.J. 462 463
Steiner, G. 804
stem 59
Stemming 83 86
Stemming and morphological parsing 58
Stetina, J. 471
Stevenson, R.J. 702
Stickel, M.E. 577 578 583 692
Stifelman, L.J. 721 751 754
Stockham, T.J. 279
Stolcke, A. 169 192 196 448 449 470 471 735—738 756
Stolz, W.S. 300
Stone, C.J. 166
Stone, M. 709
Stone, P.J. 657 658
Story of the Stone 797
Streeter, L. 130
Stress 129
Stress pattern 342
String 325
String defined as sequence of symbols 22
Strong equivalence 344
Strube, M. 685
Structurally ambiguous 388
Strzalkowski, T. 460
style 157 184
Subcategorization 320 339 348 407 412 444
Subcategorization alternations 347
Subcategorization frame 339 346
Subcategorization frame learning 471
Subcategorization frame probabilities 471
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