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Jurafsky D., Martin J.H. — Speech and Language Processing
Jurafsky D., Martin J.H. — Speech and Language Processing

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Название: Speech and Language Processing

Авторы: Jurafsky D., Martin J.H.


This book takes an empirical approach to language processing, based on applying statistical and other machine-learning algorithms to large corpora."Methodology" boxes are included in each chapter. Each chapter is built around one or more worked examples to demonstrate the main idea of the chapter. Covers the fundamental algorithms of various fields, whether originally proposed for spoken or written language to demonstrate how the same algorithm can be used for speech recognition and word-sense disambiguation. Emphasis on web and other practical applications. Emphasis on scientific evaluation. Useful as a reference for professionals in any of the areas of speech and language processing.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Computer science/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Год издания: 1999

Количество страниц: 950

Добавлена в каталог: 21.12.2005

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
Voiceless      96
von Neumann, J.      52
Voorhees, E.M.      635 648
Voutilainen, A.      297 298 300 350 461 462 472
Vowel      97
Vowel back      100
Vowel front      100
Vowel harmony      110
Vowel height      100
Vowel high      100
Vowel low      100
Vowel mid      100
Vowel reduction      160
VSO language      801
Wade, E.      754
Wagner, R.A.      152 185
Wahlster, W.      792 825
Waibel, A.      470 736 739 756 813 825
Wakahara, T.      141
Wakao, T.      577
Waksler, R.      85
Wald, B.      157
Walker, M.A.      317 685 688 708 725 754
Wall Street Journal speech recognition of      280
Wallace, D.L.      12 145 231
Wang, M.Q.      130 751
Wanner, E.      491
WANT()      731
Ward, N.      792 809 825
Ward, W.      123
Warlpiri      802
Warnke, V.      736 738 756
Warping      279
Warren, D.H.D.      13 439
Warren, R.M.      276
Wasow, T.      351 414 437 440
Waugh, L.R.      806
Waveform concatenation      272
Weak equivalence      344
Weak vowel merger      161
Weakly equivalent      367
Weaver, W.      656 824
Web site for book      17
Webb, B.J.      142
Webber, B.L.      17 440 666 667 671 709 710
Weber, D.J.      87
Weber, E.G.      736
Weber, S.      755
Wegstein, J.H.      11 350
Weighted      167
Weighted automaton      141
Weighted finite-state automata      239
Weighted finite-state automaton/transducer      167
Weinstein, S.      685 708
Weintraub, M.      251
Weischedel, R.      304 312 316 577
Weizenbaum, J.      7 8 32 755
Well-formed substring table      389
Well-formedness constraint      134
Wells, J.C.      123 157 160
Welsh, A.      275 277
Wessels, L.F.A.      751
WFST      389
Wh- word      329
Wh-non-subject-question      330 413
Wh-phrase      329 330
Wh-pronouns      292
Wh-question      328 348
Wh-subject-question      330
Wheeler, D.      462
Wheeler, D.W.      118
Whitelock, P.      809
Whiteside, J.A.      751
Whitney, R.      791
Whittaker, E.W.D.      269
Whittaker, S.      725
Wierzbicka, A.      624
Wiese, R.      134
Wightman, C.      131
Wildcard ‘period’ in regular expression as      26
Wilensky, R.      13 583 657
Wilkes-Gibbs, D.      756
Wilks, Y.      13 577 583 624 631 642 657 658 761
Willerr, P.      658 659
Williams, R.      583 584
Williams, R.J.      636
Wilson, R.      609
Winnow      316
Winnow algorithm      220
Winograd, T.      13 534 535 538 581 712 747 790
Withgott, M.M.      119 166 167
Witten, I.H.      119 124 208 229
Wixon, D.R.      751
Wizard-of-Oz system      751
Wolfram, W.A.      159
Wong, A.K.C.      185
Wong, H.      823
Woodchucks searching for      21
Woodger, M.      11 350
Woodland, P.C.      229 249 269
Woods, W.A.      537 538 559 582
Wooters, C.      169 196 448
Word alignment      819
Word boundaries regular expression notation for      26
Word classes      285; see “Part-of-speech”
Word closed class      287
Word count in Shakespeare      193
Word definition of      191
Word error      269
Word evaluation for speech recognition      269
Word fragment      192
Word function      287 314
Word Grammar      350
Word how many in English      193
Word lattice      251
Word lemma vs.wordform      193
Word open class      287
Word Perfect regular expressions in      22
Word prediction      189
Word punctuation as      192
Word segmentation      178 184
Word sense disambiguation      504
Word sense tagging      504
Word senses      504
Word tokens      193
Word transcription      270
Word types      193
Wordform      193
World creating ability      530
Woszczyna, M.      738 739
WOZ      see “Wizard-of-Oz system”
Wright, H.      736 738 756
Wright, J.      654
Wright, R.N.      345
Wu, D.      471 823
Wu, J.      229
Wundt, W.      323 349
Wunsch, C.D.      185
X-bar schemata      350
x-schema      535
Yaeger, L.S.      142
Yale School of AI      13
Yang, B.      653
Yankelovich, N.      719 721 751 754
Yarowsky, D.      220 229 305 637 639
Yates, J.      702
Yawelmani      109 112 113
Yeh, C.-L.      792
Yes-no-question      328 329 336 348
Yngve, V.H.      357 389 482 488 490 721
Yokuts      109
Yonkers Racetrack      222
Young, M.      437
Young, S.J.      249 281 354
Younger, D.H.      389
Yupik      800
Z      209 210
Zacharski, R.      708
Zagoruyko, N.G.      279
Zechner, K.      470
Zelenko, D.      316
Zelle, J.      658
Zernik, U.      583 657
Zhou, G.      229
Zhou, J.      142 143
Zimak, D.      389
Zipf, G.      602
Zue, V.      9 737 754
Zwicky, A.      159 502
[ (RE character disjunction)      23
[ ^ ] (single-char negation)      24
[] (non-verbal events)      342
\B (RE non word-boundary)      26
\b (RE word-boundary)      26
] (RE character disjunction)      23
^      75
^ (RE start-of-line)      26
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
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