Авторизация |
Поиск по указателям |
Jurafsky D., Martin J.H. — Speech and Language Processing |
Предметный указатель |
CALLHOME Switchboard 120 122 155 156 159 161 162 164 166 169 172 192 193 242 245 258 264 269 271 281
Canadian raising 138
Canned text 759
Canonical form 503
Cantonese 800
Cao, X. 797
Caramazza, A. 702
Carberry, S. 306 740 744 745
Carbonell, J.G. 824 825
Cardinal numbers 331
Cardy, C. 583 584
Carletta, J. 725 728 736
Carpenter, B. 438
Carpenter, R. 434 435 437 438 440
Carroll, J. 430 459 460 470 471
Carstensen, F.V. 300
CART 166
Cascade 387 577
Cascading 74
CASE 337
Case role 507
Case sensitive regular expression search as 23
Casey, R.G. 141
Cataphora 669
Categorial grammar 462
Celex 120 289
Cell on tape of finite-state automaton 35
Center-embedding 345 474 482 488 492
Centering algorithm for pronoun resolution 685 687
Centering algorithm for pronoun tests of 703
Cepstral coefficients 265
Cepstrum 279
Cervantes, M. 804
CFG 322 323
CFG, multiplying probabilities 468
Chafe, W.L. 708
Chander, I. 820
Chandioux, J. 9 824
Chang, J.S. 657
Chang, N. 179 181 187 535
Charniak, E. 17 305 454 456 460 470 657 708
Chart 375
Chelba, C. 471
Chen, F.R. 119 166 167
Chen, J.N. 657
Chen, S. 229
Chen, S.F. 229
Chen, S.S. 269
Chiba, S. 185 279
Chierchia, G. 539
Chinchor, N. 583
Chinese 797 802 803 814
Chodorow, M.S. 703
Chomsky hierarchy 474 492
Chomsky normal form 344 348 449
Chomsky, N. 11 14 77 103 110 130 189 228 319 323 344 345 350 439 474 476 477 481 485 488 490 493
Chow, Y.-L. 249 251
Chu-Carroll, J. 738 744 745
Church, A. 549
Church, K.W. 14 88 121 123 124 127 129 147 151 185 187 208 212 213 220 229 300 305 316 318 372 389 493 819
Circumfix 59
Clahsen, H. 134
Clark, A.C. 1
Clark, E.V. 346
Clark, H.H. 161 192 346 701 721 756
Class-based N-gram 286 312 312
Class-based N-grams 229
Classen, W. 708
Classification and Regression Tree 166
Click studies 346
Clifton, Jr., C. 276 467
Clinton, W. 231
Closed class 287
Closed-vocabulary 226
Closure 50 98
Clue word 720
Cluster 265 847
CNF 344
Coarticulation 158
Coccaro, N. 229 276 735—738 756
Coch, J. 791 792
Cochlea 262
Cocke — Younger — Kasami 468
Cocke, J. 817 820
Cohen, D.N. 185
Cohen, M.H. 168
Cohen, M.M. 276
Cohen, P. 14 730 731 743 751 755
Cohen, P.R. 202 756
Coherence 689
Coherence compendium of relations 709
Coherence conditions in LFG 434
Coherence psychological studies 704
Coherence relation connectives as cues for 698
Coherence relations 690
Coherence rhetorical relations 779
Cohesive devices 689
Colby, K.M. 755
Cole, J. 112
Cole, J.S. 110
Cole, P. 85
Cole, R.A. 17 276 277 751
Collins, M.J. 449—451 453—460 462 470 471
Colmerauer, A. 13 439 808
comet 791
Commissive 724
Common ground 720
Common noun 288
Complement 338 339 339 348
Complementizer table of 291
Complementizers 291
Complex types 434
Complex-term 553
complexity 474 487 492
Complexity caused by memory limitations 491 492
Complexity center-embedding 474 488 492
Complexity generarive power 492
Complexity nested structures 489
Complexity SPLT 491
Complexity Swiss German 485
Composing 86
composition 73
Comprehension 86
Compression 258
Computational phonology 92 104
Computer-aided human translation 799
Concatenation 52
Concatenation as basic FSA operation 50
Concatenative morphology 60
Conceptual Dependency 498
CONDITION (as RST relation) 780
Conditional independence 468
Conditional probability 183
Condon, S. 725
Confusable words 187
Confusion matrix 149 311
Conjoined 335
Conjunction 289
Conjunction table of 291
Conjunctions 291 335
Connine, C.M. 276
Connolly, D. 708
Consistent 448
Consonant 97
Constants 509
Constituency 320 344
Constituency evidence for 322
| Constituent 320 339 348
Constituent book titles which are not 319
Constituent Likelihood Automatic Word-tagging System see “CLAWS and tagset”
Constraint Grammar 297 350 462
Constraint unification features as 391
Constraint-based formalism 391
Construction Grammar 350
Content selection in generation 762
Context-free 476
Context-free grammar 320 322 327 348
Context-free grammar and Chomsky hierarchy 475
Context-free grammar Chomsky normal form 344
Context-free grammar equivalence to RTN 387
Context-free grammar finite-state approximations 345 348
Context-free grammar invention of 350
Context-free grammar non-terminal symbol 323
Context-free grammar production 323
Context-free grammar rule 323
Context-free grammar terminal symbol 323
Context-free grammar weak and strong equivalence 344
Context-free language 348
Context-sensitive grammar 475 475
Conti, J. 751
Contingency table 311
Continuer 721
Contrasrive knowledge 805
CONTRAST (as RST relation) 780
Controlled language 821
Conversation 715
Conversation Analysis 718 756
Conversational agent 9 716
Conversational agent acknowledgement in 721
Conversational implicature 722
Conversational move 725
Cooley, J.W. 279
Cooper, A. 821
Coordinate 335
Coordinating relations 700
Coordination ambiguity 453
Copeland, J. 760
Copestake, A. 437 624
Copula 293
Core, M. 725 736
Corefer 666
Corley, M.M.B. 467
Cornde, B. 800
Corpora 191
Corpus 191
Corpus ATIS 325
Corpus BNC 310
Corpus British National Corpus 612
Corpus Brown 164 172 191 294 296 305 315 450
Correction subdialogue 744
Cote, S. 685 708
Cottrell, G.W. 657
Count noun 288
Counters 52
Cover, T.M. 221 222 224 227 636
Cowie, J. 658
Cowper, E.A. 489
Crawley, R.A. 702
Croft, W. 130 800
Croft, W.B. 658
Cross entropy 224
Cross-brackets 460
Cross-language information retrieval 799
Cross-serial dependencies 474 485
Crouch, C.J. 653
Cruse, D.A. 623
Crystal, D. 130
Cue word 720
Cued recall 706
Cuetos, F. 467
Cullingford, R.E. 13 824
Cumming, S. 130 720
Cunningham, H. 577
Currying 550
Cutler, A. 102 286
Cutting, D. 304 640
Cycles 258
Cycles per second 258
CYK algorithm 388 444 451 468
Daelemans, W. 117 440 471
Dagan, I. 819
Dale, R. 709 761 785 789 790 792
Dalianis, H. 790
Daly, N.A. 737
Damerau, F.J. 142 144 147 184 219
Dang, H.T. 610
Danieli, M. 754
Data-directed search 356
Davey, A. 789
David, Jr., E.E. 278
Davidson, D. 538
Davis, E. 539
Davis, K.H. 11 278
Day, D.S. 708
de Mori, R. 229 276
De Smedt, K. 440
de Souza, P.V. 257
de Tocqueville, A. 433
de Villiers, J.H. 751
Decipher 251
Decision list 220
Decision tree 130 166
declaration 724
Declarative 328 328 348
Declarative constraint 107
Decoder 239
Decoding 171 184 235 236 239
Decoding, as search 236
Decoding, dynamic programming see “Viterbi algorithm”
Decoding, multiple-pass 251
Decoding, N-best 251
Decoding, pruning in 249
Decoding, stack see “A* decoder”
Decoding, Viterbi see “Viterbi algorithm”
Decoding, Viterbi in MT 820
Decoding, word lattice 251
Deduction 691
Deerwester, S. 659
Default pair 73
Defeasible 696
Definite reference 668
Degree adverbs 288
DeJong, G.F. 583
Deleted interpolation 214 218
Deletion 142 158
Dell, G.S. 180 182
Della Pietra, S.A. 193 227 817
Della Pietra, V.J. 193 227 314 817
Demetriou, G. 229
Dempster, A.P. 151 218 238
Denes, P. 279
Deng, L. 249
Dental 98
Dependency direct 327
Dependency grammar 350
Dependency in PCFG via heads 457
Dependency lexical 453
Dependency productivity of in English 64
Dependency relations 320
Dependency relations grammar 459
Dependency syntactic 323 324 327 327 348
Dependent-marking 801
Depth-first search 52
Der 323
Dereferencing 419
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