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Jurafsky D., Martin J.H. — Speech and Language Processing |
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Lexical priming 705
Lexical production 180
Lexical selection in generation 762
Lexical selection in NLG 786
Lexical stress 102 129
Lexical subcategorization preferences 464
Lexical tags see “Part-of-speech”
Lexical tape 73
Lexical transfer 808
Lexical variation 155 184
Lexical-Functional Grammar 350 493
Lexical-Functional Grammar (LFG) 350
Lexicon 323
Lexicon definition of 66
Lexicon tree-structured 256
Lexicon use of in morphological parsing 65
Liberman, M.Y. 121 123 124 127 129 460 737
LIFO 47 52
Likelihood 147 183
Lin, D. 460
Linear Predictive Coding see “LPC”
Linguistic Discourse model 709
Linguistic knowledge why needed 3
Linguists, firing 189
Link Grammar 461 462
Lipsmack 342
Litman, D.J. 317 720 744 745 754
LM 191
LOB Corpus 316
Local ambiguity 372
localization 799
Locative adverbs 288
Lochbaum, K.E. 744
Locutionary act 724
Loebell, H. 346
Loebner Prize 8
Lofting, H. 34
Log always base 2in this book 198
Log probabilities 197
Logic, modal 532
Logical connectives 511
Logprob 198 282
Longacre, R.E. 709
Look-ahead as solution to non-determinism 42
Lopresti, D. 142 143
Losiewicz, B.L. 133
Loudness 259
Lowe, J.B. 410 411 621 624
Lower tape 73
Lowerre, B.T. 249 280
LPC 258 261
LPC for TTS 273
Lu, S. 792 794
Lua, K. 229
Luce, P.A. 275
Luhn, H.P. 647 658
Luperfoy, S. 725
Lyon, R.F. 142
Lyons, J. 539 623
Lytel, D. 656
MacDonald, M.C. 467
MacEachern, M. 160
machine see “Finite-state automaton”
Machine learning 6 117
Machine learning supervised 117
Machine learning unsupervised 117
Machine state as opposed to search state 42
Machine Translation see “MT”
Machine, finite state see “Finite-state automaton”
Macleod, C. 339 412 413
MacWhinney, B. 134 467
Madhu, S. 656
Madison, J. 231
Maeda, K. 123
Magerman, D. 455
Magerman, D.M. 316 454 456 459 470
Maier, E. 725
Main, M.G. 582
Makhoul, J. 249
Makkai, A. 583
Malouf, R. 430
Mandarin 797 801
Mangu, L. 220 471
Mann, W.C. 87 697 709 768 779 789 790 792
Manner adverbs 288
Manner of articulation 98
Manning, C.D. 17 451 471 819
Marais, H. 649
Maratsos, M. 491
Marchman, V. 134
Marcinkiewicz, M.A. 285 294 305 450
Marcu, D. 792
Marcus, G.F. 134
Marcus, M.P. 285 294 305 389 450 459 460 470
Markey, K. 123
Markov assumption 195
Markov chain 167
Markov model 195
Markov model, history 228
Markov, A.A. 228
Marshall, I. 300 316
Marslen-Wilson, W. 85 275—277
Martin, D. 578
Martin, J.H. 220 583 624 625 790 792
Martin, N. 180 182
Martin, P. 692
Martin, R. 735 738 756
Marx, M. 719 721 751 754
Mass nouns 288
Massaro, D.W. 276
Mast, M. 736 737 756
Masterman, M. 538 656
Mather, L. 658
Matthews, A. 703
Maxim 722
Maxim of Manner 723
Maxim of Quality 723
Maxim of Quantity 723
Maxim of Relevance 723
Maximum Likelihood Estimation 198
Mayan 802
Mays, E. 144 219
Mazuka, R. 466
McCarthy, J. 11 12 111 350 578
McCarthy, J.F. 708
McCawley, J.D. 60 350 539 618 624
McClelland, J.L. 133 277
McConnel, S.R. 87
McConnell-Ginet, S. 539
McCoy, K.F. 791
McCulloch, W.S. 11 53
McCulloch-Pitts neuron 52
McDaniel, J. 156 192 736
McDermott, D. 534 692
McDonald, D.D. 789
McEnery, A. 285 294
McGill, M.J. 659
McKeown, K.R. 610 789 791 793 819
McKoon, G. 704
McRoy, S. 657
McTear, M. 747
Mealy machine 72
Mealy machine and Moore machine 87
Mealy, G.H. 87
Meaning as action 535
Meaning as truth 536
Meaning postulates 521
Meaning representation languages 497
Meaning representations 497
Meaningstructure of language 506
| Melamed, I.D. 819
Mellish, C. 17 792
Mel’cuk, I.A. 350
Mel’cuk, I.A.A. 791
Memory limitations 492
Mercer, R.L. 193 217—219 223 227 228 252 279 300 314 316 454 470 817
Merialdo, B. 304 316
Mermelstein, P. 217 249 257
Merton, R.K. 569
Message Understanding Conference 575
Meta-function 765
Meteer, M. 304 312 316 735W38 756
Meteer, M.W. 789 790
Methodology Box, Computing Agreement via Kappa 313
Methodology Box, Designing Dialogue Systems 751
Methodology Box, Error Analysis 311
Methodology Box, Evaluating Dialogue Systems 754
Methodology Box, Evaluating Information Extraction 576
Methodology Box, Evaluating Information Retrieval 648
Methodology Box, Evaluating Taggers 305
Methodology Box, Evaluating WSD Systems 635
Methodology Box, Perplexity 226
Methodology Box, Training and Testing N-grams 202
Methodology Box, Word Error in Speech Recognition 269
Meurers, W.D. 437 440
Meyer, A.S. 182
Meyers, A. 339 412 413
Michaelis, L.A. 452
Microgrammar 735
Microplanning 785
Microplanning in NLG 785
Microsoft Word regular expressions in 22
Miller, B. 749
Miller, C.A. 160
Miller, G.A.A. 200 228 477 488 490 600
Miller, J.L. 276
Milosavljevic, M. 790—792 795
Minimum edit distance example of 155
Minimum redundancy 84
Minnen, G. 437
Minsky, M. 12
MITalk 124 136
Mitamura, T. 821 825
Mitchell, D.C. 467
Mitchell, T.M. 118
MLE 198
Mobius, B. 123
Modal logic 532
Modal operator 532
Modal verbs 293
Modulafist 347 467
modus ponens 691
Mohri, M. 82 88
Mondshein, L.F. 257
Monologue 663
Montague, R. 538 582
Mooney, R.J. 636 637
Moore machines and Mealy machines 87
Moore, E.F. 87
Moore, J.D. 725 745 782 790—792
Moore, R. 470 539
Moran, D. 470
Morgan, N. 196 267 268 281 448
Moricz, M. 649
Morimoto, T. 736 738 739 756
Morphemes 59 86
Morphemes examples of in Turkish 58
Morphological classes 285
Morphological parsing 57 86
Morphological parsing, argument from English productive affixes for need for 58
Morphological parsing, evidence from Turkish for necessity of 59
Morphological parsing, goals of 65
Morphological parsing, requirements for 65
Morphological productivity 122
Morphological recognition 69
Morphological rule 57
Morphology 86
Morphology, agglutinative 60
Morphology, derivation 60
Morphology, derivational 63
Morphology, inflection 60
Morphology, non-concatenative 111
Morphology, root-and-pattern 60
Morphology, templatic 60 111
Morphology, tier 111
Morphotactics 65 86
Morris, J. 658
Morris, W. 588 642
Moshier, D. 401 438
Moshier, M.A. 438
Mosteller, F. 12 145 231
Move 725
MT 797
MT and dates 802
MT and the web 798
MT, alignment 819
MT, decoding in 820
MT, direct 814
MT, faithfulness 817
MT, fluency 817
MT, interlingua 810
MT, lexical decomposition 811
MT, lexical differences and 802
MT, lexical transfer 808
MT, post-editing 799
MT, problems with 813
MT, search in 820
MT, statistical 818
MT, sublanguage in 799
MT, theta roles in 811
MT, transfer model of 805
MT, transformation examples 808
MT, unification and transfer 808
MT, usability 820
MT, use of dictionaries in 822
MT, useful domains for 798
MUC 575
Multi-layer perceptron 238 265 266
Multi-layer perceptrons 847
Multi-nuclear 780
Multisubstitutions in spelling errors 143
Munoz, M. 389
Murata, T. 536
Murveit, H. 251
Myers, J.L. 706
Myers, K. 578
N-best 251
N-gram 195
N-gram for context-sensitive spelling error detection 219
N-gram for dialogue act microgrammar 736
N-gram for pronunciation 220
N-gram for Shakespeare 200
N-gram of dialogue act sequences 737
N-gram, add-one smoothing 205
N-gram, as approximation 195
N-gram, as generators 200
N-gram, backoff 214
N-gram, class-based 229 312
N-gram, deleted interpolation 217
N-gram, devtest set 202
N-gram, equation for 196
N-gram, evaluation 226
N-gram, example of 197 199
N-gram, Good-Turing smoothing 212
N-gram, history of 228
N-gram, logprobs in 197
N-gram, normalizing 199
N-gram, parameter estimation 198
N-gram, sensitivity to corpus 199
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