Авторизация |
Поиск по указателям |
Jurafsky D., Martin J.H. — Speech and Language Processing |
Предметный указатель |
N-gram, smoothing 204
N-gram, test set 202
N-gram, training set 202
N-gram, trigram 198
N-gram, variable length 229
N-gram, Witten-Bell smoothing 208
Nadas, A. 213 228
Nagao, M. 471 826
Nagata, M. 736 738 739 756
Nahamoo, D. 257
Nakatani, C. 725
Names 122
Narayanan, S. 467 535
Narrow transcription 103
Nasal 99
Nasal sound 97
Nasal tract 96
Nass, C. 9
Natural Language Generation 761
Natural language understanding 761
Natural languages contrasted with formal languages 39
Naur, P. 11 350
Necessary inferences 704
Needleman, S.B. 185
Negatives 293
Negotiation subdialogue 744
Neiser, J. 84
Nerbonne, J. 437
Nespor, M. 130
Nested 474
Nested structures, difficult 489
Neu, H. 159
Neural net 238
Neural network 265 266
Neural networks 847
Newell, A. 190
Newline 30
Newman, S. 110
Ney, H. 229 257 314 354 449
Nez Perce 802
Ng, H.T. 641 657 658
Nguyen, L. 212 257
Nichols, J. 801
Nida, E.A. 624
Nielsen, J. 751
Niemann, H. 736 738 756
Niesler, T. 229
Niesler, T.R. 229 269
Nilsson, N.J. 254 731 755
Nirenburg, S. 790 825
Nivre, J. 721
NLG 761
NLG and speech 787
Node as term for FSA state as opposed to search state 42
Noisy channel model 140 144 145 183
Nominal 323 331
Nominalization as example of a morphological process 64
Nominative 337
Non-concatenative morphology 60
Non-deterministic FSA 41
Non-emitting states 170
Non-finite 333
Non-terminal 325 327
Non-terminal symbol 348
None in FUG 434
Nonterminal symbols 323
Noordman, L.G.M. 709
Normal form 343 344
Normalizing 148 198
Norman, D.A. 13 581 747
Norvig, P. 17 53 167 168 189 389 510 538 825
Noth, E. 736—738 756
Noun 287 287
Noun group 321 384
Noun phrase 320 321 323 324 330 348
Noun, abstract 287 331
Noun, common 288
Noun, count 288
Noun, days of the week coded as 289
Noun, mass 288 331
Noun, proper 288
Noun-noun compounds stress in 129
Novick, D.G. 751
NP 323 325
NP-completeness of LFG 493
NP-completeness of natural language parsing 493
NP-completeness of two-level morphology 493
Nucleus 780
NUMBER 348 392
Numbers 122
Numeral 289
Nunes, J.H.T. 756
Nyberg, E.H. 790 821 825
Nyquist frequency 264
o 146
Oakhill, J. 703
Oard, D.W. 799
Oberlander, J. 790 792
Object, syntactic 320
Obligatory rule 107
Observation likelihood 173 176 237 270
Observation likelihood probabilities 248
Observation sequence 170 242
Occasion (as coherence relation) 690
OCR 141
OCR spelling errors 141
Odell, M.K. 89 184
Oden, G.C. 276
Odijk, J. 792
Oehrle, R.T. 462
Oerder, M. 257
Oettinger, A.G. 389
Oflazer, K. 88
Ohno, S. 131
Ojibwa 802
Old information 452
Older, L. 85
Olsen, P. 269
Olshen, R.A. 166
On-line handwriting recognition 141
On-line sentence-processing experiments 469
Oncina, J. 118
One-pass decoding 175
Ontology 810
Oommen, B.J. 185
Open class 287
Operation list 152
Operator precedence 27 27
Oppenheim, A. 279
Optical Character Recognition 141
Optimality Theory 112 114 115
Optimality Theory, implementation via FST 116 117
Optional rule 107
Optionality of determiners 331
Optionality use of () in syntax 332
Optionality use of ? in regular expressions for 24
Oral tract 96
Ordinal numbers 331
Orgun, O. 68
Orthographic rule 65 76
Ortony, A. 624
Osman, L. 792 794
Ostendorf, M. 130 131 229
OT 112
Other 78
Others 791 817 820
Ott, K. 737
Overlap in dialogue 717
Oviatt, S. 160 751
| O’Connor, M. 583
O’Donnell, M.J. 790
Packard, D.W. 87
Palatal 98
Palatalization 158
Palate 98
Palato-alveolar 98
Pallet, D. 280
Palmer, M. 189 610 635
Palmer, R.G. 267
Palmucci, J. 304 312 316
Pao, C. 754
Paolino, D. 130 720
Papadimitriou, C. 48 49 53 88 477 478
parallel 360
Parallel (as coherence relation) 690
Parallelism as solution to non-determinism 42
Parameter tying 266
Paris, C. 790—792 794
Paris, C.L. 782 792
PARRY 746 755
Parse tree 324 327
Parsed corpus 468
Parsers evaluation 460
Parsing 57 328 388
Parsing ambiguity 368
Parsing as search 355
Parsing bottom-up 356 357
Parsing bottom-up filtering 365
Parsing chart 375
Parsing complexity 381
Parsing CYK 375 451
Parsing Earley 375
Parsing empiricism and rationalism 353
Parsing FASTUS 383
Parsing finite-state 383
Parsing Graham — Harrison — Ruzzo 375
Parsing history 389
Parsing left-recursion 367
Parsing morphological 57
Parsing probabilistic CYK 451
Parsing probabilistic Earley 449
Parsing syntactic 353
Parsing top-down 356 356
Parsing well-formed substring table 389
Parsons, T. 538
Part-of-speech 285 323
Part-of-speech adjective 288
Part-of-speech adverb 288
Part-of-speech closed class 287 289
Part-of-speech greetings 293
Part-of-speech interjections 293
Part-of-speech negatives 293
Part-of-speech noun 287
Part-of-speech open class 287
Part-of-speech possessive versus personal pronouns 285
Part-of-speech subclasses of verbs 288
Part-of-speech subtle distinction between verb and noun 287
Part-of-speech tagger accuracy of 316
Part-of-speech tagger CLAWS 294
Part-of-speech tagger ENGTWOL 298
Part-of-speech tagger example of disambiguation using 301
Part-of-speech tagger HMM 297 300
Part-of-speech tagger Markov model 297
Part-of-speech tagger maximum likelihood 297
Part-of-speech tagger PARTS 316
Part-of-speech tagger rule-based 297
Part-of-speech tagger stochastic 297
Part-of-speech tagger TAGGIT 315
Part-of-speech tagger TBL or Brill 304
Part-of-speech tagging 296
Part-of-speech tagging, adverbial that 299
Part-of-speech tagging, analysis of errors in 311
Part-of-speech tagging, Brill or TBL example of rule template from 308
Part-of-speech tagging, complementizer that 300
Part-of-speech tagging, computing agreement via Kappa 313
Part-of-speech tagging, contingency table or confusion matrix for error analysis of 311
Part-of-speech tagging, decision trees 316
Part-of-speech tagging, distinguishing preterites from participles 311
Part-of-speech tagging, early algorithms 298
Part-of-speech tagging, evaluation 305
Part-of-speech tagging, examples transformations 310
Part-of-speech tagging, features used to tag 312
Part-of-speech tagging, for phrases 310
Part-of-speech tagging, Gold Standard 305
Part-of-speech tagging, history of 315
Part-of-speech tagging, human performance at 305
Part-of-speech tagging, log-linear analysis 316
Part-of-speech tagging, maximum entropy 316
Part-of-speech tagging, percent correct as metric for 305
Part-of-speech tagging, rule learning in 307
Part-of-speech tagging, SNOW 316
Part-of-speech tagging, TBL or Brill example of 306
Part-of-speech tagging, unigram baseline 305
Part-of-speech tagging, unknown word dealing with 310
Part-of-speech tagging, use of subcategorization information 299
Part-of-speech usefulness of 285
Partee, B.H. 17 481 482 494
Partial parsing 383 388
Participle -ing in English 63
Particle 289 289 338
Particle table of 290
Passonneau, R. 745
Past participial 348
Patil, R. 372
Patten, T. 790
Pattern as target of regular expression search 23
Paul, D.B. 254 256
PCFG 444 444 468
PCFG for disambiguation 446
PCFG lack of lexical sensitivity 452
PCFG lexicalized 468
PCFG parse probability 446
PCFG poor independence assumption 452
PCFG problems with 451
PCFG rule probabilities 445
PCFG use in language modeling 448
PCFG with head probabilities 457
PDF 265 847
Pearl, J. 254
Pearlmutter, N.J. 467
Pedersen, J.O. 304 640 652
Pelletier, F.J. 582
Penn Treebank 294 295
Penn Treebank POS tags for phrases 310
Penn Treebank tagset 295
Penn Treebank tagset for 294
Penn, G. 438 440
Per-letter entropy 227
Per-word entropy 223
Percent correct use in evaluating part-of-speech taggers 305
Percival, W.K. 349
Pereira, F. 13 17 167 186 345 401 438 439
Perfect, -ed form in English 63
Performative 723
Perkowitz, M. 305
Perl language 22
Perles, M. 493
Perlis, A.J. 11 350
Perlocutionary act 724
Perplexity 202 221 223 226
Perplexity of a test set 226
Perrault, C.R. 14 730 731 733 734 743 755
Person 393
Personal pronouns 291
Peterson, J.L. 142 144 219
Petri net 536
Petrie, T. 279
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