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Áûñòðûé ïåðåõîä
Ïî íàçâàíèþ:
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z À Á Â Ã Ä Å ¨ Æ Ç È É Ê Ë Ì Í Î Ï Ð Ñ Ò Ó Ô Õ Ö × Ø Ù Û Ý Þ ß
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A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z ¨ À Á Â Ã Ä Å Æ Ç È É Ê Ë Ì Í Î Ï Ð Ñ Ò Ó Ô Õ Ö × Ø Ù Û Ý Þ ß
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ID asc desc pic Àâòîðû asc desc Íàçâàíèå asc desc Ãîä asc desc Äîï.
42489 Knebelman M.S. Determination of Some Properly Irregular Cyclotomic Fields 1929
42507 Stone M.H. Linear Transformations in Hilbert Space. II. Analytical Aspects 1929
42510 Stone M.H. Linear Transformations in Hilbert Space. I. Geometrical Aspects 1929
42528 Basoco M.A. On certain Fourier series expansions of doubly periodic functions of the third kind 1929
42529 McCoy N.H. On commutation rules in the algebra of quantum mechanics 1929
42530 Ayres W.L. On continuous curves having certain properties 1929
42532 Vallarta M.S. On Enstein's unified field equations and the Schwarzchild solution 1929
42533 Murnaghan F.D. On elements of content in metrical geometry 1929
42535 Weiss M.J. On groups defined by A^q=1, B^(-1)AB=A^x, B^q=A^e 1929
42536 Zwicky F. On mosaic crystals 1929
42537 Thielman H.P. On new integral addition theorems for bessel functions 1929
42538 Ayres W.L. On simple closed curves and open curves 1929
42539 Bridgman P.W. On the application of thermodynemics to the thermo-electric circuit 1929
42540 Epstein P.S., Muskat M. On the continuous spectrum of the hydrogen atom 1929
42541 Pauling L. On the crystal structure of the chlorides of certain bivalent elements 1929
42545 Thomas T.Y. On the existence of integrals of Einsteins gravitational equations for free space and their extension to n variables 1929
42547 Zwicky F. On the imperfections of crystals 1929
42549 Leavitt H.V., Gowen J.W., Jennes L.C. On the joint influence of iron and aluminium in native sands on mortar strenght 1929
42550 Zariski O. On the linear connection index of the algebraic surfaces z^n=f(x,y) 1929
42551 Bridgman P.W. On the nature of the transverse thermo-magnetic effect and the transverse thermo-electric effect in crystals 1929
42553 Miller G.A. On the number of cyclic subgroups of a group 1929
42555 Duane W. On the polarization of x-radiation 1929
42556 Tolman R.C. On the possible line elements for the universe 1929
42558 Rasetti F. On the Raman effect in diatomis gases. II 1929
42559 On the Raman effect in diatomis gases. I 1929
42560 Hill E.L., Kemble E.C. On the Raman effect in gases 1929
42561 Zwicky F. On the redshift of spectral lines through interstellar space 1929
42563 Lang R.J. On the spectra of ZNII, CDII, INII and SNIV 1929
42564 Wiener N., Vallarta M.S. On the spherically symmetrical statical field in Ensteins unified theory of electricity and gravitations 1929
42565 Gerasimovic B.P. On the stability of gaseous stellar structures 1929
42576 Luyten W.J. On the Systematic and Accidental Errors of Modern Trigonometric Parallaxes 1929
42577 Mitchell A.C.G. On the Theory of Electron Scattering in Gases 1929
42581 Portisky H. On Certain Polynomial and Other Approximations to Analytic Functions 1929
42583 Brown E.W. On an Extension of the Fourier Theorem Giving Rapid Methods for Calculating the Constant Part and the Coefficient of Any Periodic Term in the Disturbing Function 1929
42587 Bitter F. On the Diamagnetism of Electrons in Metals 1929
42591 Goetz A. On the Experimental Evidence of the Mosaic Structure of Bi-Single Crystals 1929
42606 van Vleck J.H. On the Vibrational Selection Principles in the Raman Effect 1929
42609 Rosenthal J.E. Perturbations in Band Spectra. I 1929
42610 Rosenthal J.E. Perturbations in Band Spectra. II 1929
42611 Bancroft W.D. Photochemical Temperature Coefficients 1929
42613 Kennedy R.J. Planetary Motion in a Retarded Newtonian Potential Field 1929
42614 Kirkpatrick P. Polarization of the Tungsten L Radiation 1929
42616 Miller G.A. Possible α -Automorphisms of Non-Abelian Groups 1929
42617 Evans G.C. Potentials of General Masses in Single and Double Layers. The Relative Boundary Value Problems 1929
42681 Baxter G.P., Starkweather H.W. The density, compressibility and atomic weight of argon. II 1929
42688 Adams L.H., Gibson R.E. The elastic properties of certain basic rocks and of their constituent minerals 1929
42690 Rodebush W.H. The entropy of hydrogen 1929
42691 Villars D.S. the equilibrium constatns of reactions involving hydroxyl 1929
42692 Loeb L.L., Loeb L.B. The existance of radioactive recoil ions of high mobility 1929
42696 Humanson M.L. The large radial velocity of N.G.C. 7619 1929

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