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ID asc desc pic Àâòîðû asc desc Íàçâàíèå asc desc Ãîä asc desc Äîï.
22165 Smith E.H. Mechanical Engineer's Reference Book 2000
22164 Carvill J. Mechanical Engineer's Data Handbook 2003
22163 Preumont A. Mechatronics: Dynamics of Electromechanical and Piezoelectric Systems 2006
22162 Guthrie P. The Architect's Portable Handbook 2003
22161 Stephens L.J. Schaum's Outline of Beginning Statistics 1997
22160 Gussow M. Schaum's Outline of Basic Electricity 1983
22159 Ivens K. Windows Server 2003: The Complete Reference 2003
22158 Mattingly J.D., von Ohain H. Elements of Gas Turbine Propulsion 2005
22157 Kotler P. Marketing Management: Millennium Edition 2000
22156 Kotler P. Marketing Insights from A to Z: 80 Concerns Every Manager Needs to Know 2003
22155 Bai Y. Marine Structural Design 2003
22154 McGeorge H.D. Marine Auxiliary Machinery 1995
22153 Putz J.F. Maple Animation 2003
22152 Jürgens M. LATeX — eine Einführung und ein bißchen mehr 1995
22151 Parent F., Steudler O., Allison J. Managing Cisco Network Security 2000
22150 Topping P. Managerial Leadership 2001
22149 Making a Windows XP Bootable CD 2001
22148 Mahafza B.R. Radar Systems Analysis and Design Using MATLAB 2000
22147 Chun R. Macromedia Flash MX Advanced for Windows and Macintosh Visual QuickPro Guide 2002
22146 Lowery J. Dreamweaver MX Bible 2002
22145 Buildings Blocks of Matter: Supplement to the MacMillan Encyclopedia of Physics 2003
22144 Bloch H.P., Geitner F.K. Practical Machinery Management for Process Plants: Volume 3: Machinery Component Maintenance and Repair 1999
22143 Managing Wastewater in Coastal Urban Areas 1993
22142 Kimmel A.R., Oliver B. (eds.) Methods in Enzymology (vol. 411). DNA Microarrays, Part B: Databases and Statistics 2006
22141 Hoey R.G. Testing Lifting Bodies at Edwards 1994
22140 Davis T.A., Sigmon K. MATLAB Primer 2005
22139 Mazda F. Power Electronics Handbook 2003
22138 Barter J. Telescopes 2005
22137 Barter J. Space Stations 2004
22136 Kennedy T., Traister J.E. Low Voltage Wiring: Security/Fire Alarm Systems 2002
22135 Waters D. Logistics: An Introduction to Supply Chain Management 2003
22133 Kirch O., Dawson T. Linux Wegweiser für Netzwerker 1996
22132 Hodkinson R., Fenton J. Lightweight Electric/Hybrid Vehicle Design 2001
22131 Schwartzman D. Life, Temperature, and the Earth: The Self-Organizing Biosphere 1999
22130 Schroeder L.D., Sjoquist D.L., Stephan P.E. Understanding Regression Analysis: An Introductory Guide 1986
22129 Lee Y.-L., Pan J., Hathaway R.B. Fatigue Testing, Analysis, and Design: Theory and Applications 2005
22128 Levenspiel O. Chemical Reaction Engineering 1998
22127 McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Engineering 2003
22126 Landsberg P. Seeking Ultimates: An Intuitive Guide to Physics 1999
22125 Prescott H. Laboratory Exercises in Microbiology 2002
22124 Seifried K. Linux Administrator's Security Guide 1999
22123 Purcell J. Linux Complete Command Reference 1997
22122 Simpson A. Alan Simpson's Windows XP Bible 2005
22121 Tidwell D. Tutorial: XML programming in Java 1999
22120 Dalton P. Microsoft SQL Server Black Book 1997
22119 Installing, Configuring and Administering Microsoft Exchange 2000 Server 2001
22118 XML Application Developer's Guide. JBuilder' 2001
22117 Developer's Guide. C++Builder 5 for Windows 2000 / 98 / 95 / NT 2000
22116 Ball B., Smoogen S. Sams' Teach Yourself Linux in 24 Hours 1998
22115 Krantz S.G. Dictionary of Algebra, Arithmetic and Trigonometry 2001

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