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ID asc desc pic Àâòîðû asc desc Íàçâàíèå asc desc Ãîä asc desc Äîï.
21407 Shinskey F.G. Process Control Systems: Application, Design, and Adjustment 1988
21406 Sangil P. Principles of Sigma Delta Conversion for Analog to Digital Converters n/a
21404 Roberts A. Plant Anatomy 2002
21403 Flyvbjerg H., Jülicher F., Ormos P. Physics of Bio-Molecules and Cells 2002
21401 Reid R. Peptide and Protein Drug Analysis 1999
21400 Peat J., Elliott E., Baur L. Scientific Writing 2002
21399 Introduction to Linguistics 2002
21398 Vogel H.C., Todaro C.C. Fermentation and Biochemical Engineering Handbook 1996
21397 Loomis A. Figure Drawing for All It's Worth 1971
21396 Platt R., Chambers T. Pirate (DK Eyewitness Guides) 2002
21395 Gravett C., Dann G. Castle (DK Eyewitness Guides) 2002
21394 Byam M. Arms and Armour (DK Eyewitness Guides) 1998
21393 Hart G. Ancient Egypt (DK Eyewitness Guides) 1990
21392 Porth C.M. Essentials of Pathophysiology: Concepts of Altered Health States 2006
21391 Sparsø J., Furber S. (eds.) Principles of Asynchronous Circuit Design - A Systems Perspective 2006
21390 Laurent S.St. Shaders for Game Programmers and Artists 2004
21389 Baasel W.D. Preliminary Chemical Engineering Plant Design 1976
21388 McCuskey M. Beginning Game Audio Programming 2003
21387 Gray J. TextMate: Power Editing for the Mac 2007
21386 Halloway S., Gehtland J. Rails for Java Developers 2007
21385 Marick B. Everyday Scripting with Ruby: For Teams, Testers, and You 2006
21384 Thomas D., Hansson D.H., Schwarz A. Agile Web Development with Rails: A Pragmatic Guide 2005
21383 Brown M. Practical Switching Power Supply Design 1990
21382 Popular Science (April 2007) 2007
21381 Jones H. Plant Gene Transfer and Expression Protocols 1995
21380 Nickoloff J.A. Plant Cell Electroporation And Electrofusion Protocols 1995
21379 Gunning B.E.S., Steer M.W. Plant Cell Biology 1996
21378 Al-Rubeai M., Emery A.N. Flow Cytometry Applications in Cell Culture 1996
21377 Singh B.K. Plant Amino Acids 1999
21376 Higgins D.R., Cregg J. Pichia Protocols 1998
21375 Chou W., Juang B.H. (eds.) Pattern Recognition in Speech and Language Processing 2003
21374 Romaniello S. Photoshop 7 Savvy 2002
21373 Scovil J.A. Photographing Minerals, Fossils, and Lapidary Materials 1996
21372 Bird I. Phospholipid Signaling Protocols 1998
21371 Bauer P. Photoshop CS2 For Dummies 2005
21370 Pflanser R.G. Experimental and Applied Physiology Laboratory Manual 2003
21369 Millon T., Millon C.M., Meagher S. Personality Disorders in Modern Life 2004
21368 Garrity L.F., Switzer R.L. Experimental Biochemistry 1999
21367 Kazmierski M.W. Peptidomimetics Protocols 1998
21366 Pennington M.W., Dunn B.M. Peptide Synthesis Protocols 1994
21365 Dunn B.M., Pennington M.W. Peptide Analysis Protocols 1994
21364 Inosanto D. Filipino Martial Arts as Taught by Dan Inosanto 1980
21363 Billo J.E. Excel for Chemists: A Comprehensive Guide 2001
21362 Andrews P. Adobe Photoshop Elements 3.0 A-Z 2005
21361 Talaro K.P., Talaro A. Foundations in Microbiology 2002
21360 Armstrong D. Free Radical and Antioxidant Protocols 1998
21359 Meltzer S.J. PCR in Bioanalysis 1998
21358 Rapley R. PCR Sequencing Protocols 1996
21357 White B.A. PCR Protocols: Current Methods and Applications 1993
21355 White B.A. PCR Cloning Protocols: From Molecular Cloning to Genetic Engineering 1996

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