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ID asc desc pic Àâòîðû asc desc Íàçâàíèå asc desc Ãîä asc desc Äîï.
22569 Evans K.A., Kamanna A., Mueller J. XML and ASP.NET 2002
22568 Hartl D.L., Jones E.W. Genetics: Principles and Analysis 1998
22567 Hartwell L., Hood L., Goldberg M.L. Genetics: From Genes to Genomes 2006
22566 Denniston K.J., Topping J.J., Caret R.L. General, Organic, and Biochemistry 2006
22565 Murray E.J. Gene Transfer and Expression Protocols 1991
22564 Templeton N., Lasic D. Gene Therapy: Therapeutic Mechanisms and Strategies 2000
22563 Joyner A.L. Gene Targeting: A Practical Approach 2000
22562 Smith A. Gene Expression in Recombinant Microorganisms 1994
22561 Gad-el-Hak M. Flow Control: Passive, Active, and Reactive Flow Management 2000
22560 Haga T., Bernstein G. G Protein-Coupled Receptors 1999
22559 Fung Y.C. An Introduction to the Theory of Aeroelasticity 2002
22558 Goujon P. From Biotechnology to Genomes: The Meaning of the Double Helix 2001
22557 Rey L., May J.C. Freeze-Drying/Lyophilization of Pharmaceutical and Biological Products 2004
22556 Naylor H., Murphy R. Essential Grammar in Use Supplementary Exercises with Answers 2007
22555 Dongarra J.J., Duff I.S., Sorensen D.C. Numerical Linear Algebra on High-Performance Computers 1987
22554 Dettmar J. A Finite Element Implementation of Mooney-Rivlin's Strain Energy Function In Abaqus 2000
22553 Betsch P., Stein E. Numerical implementation of multiplicative elasto-plasticity into assumed strain elements with application to shells at large 1999
22552 Bazant Z., Planas J. Fracture and Size Effect in Concrete and Other Quasibrittle Materials 1997
22551 Waingrow K. UNIX Hints and Hacks 1999
22550 Welling L., Thomson L. PHP and MySQL Web Development 2001
22549 ÑrowelI B. Simple Nature 2003
22548 Walker J.M. (ed.) Nucleic Acids 1984
22547 Kaufman P.J. Trading Systems and Methods 1998
22546 Gordon T., Cookfair A. Patent Fundamentals for Scientists and Engineers2 2000
22545 Clayton G.D., Clayton E.F. Patty's Industrial Hygiene and Toxicology 1991
22544 Baca C., Jansen P.M. PMP: Project Management Professional Workbook 2003
22543 Liberty J. Programming C#: Building .NET Applications with C# 2005
22542 Crawford W., Kaplan J. J2EE Design Patterns 2003
22541 Conner N. eBay: The Missing Manual 2005
22540 Lakshman B. Oracle Developer Forms Techniques 2000
22539 Feuerstein S., Pribyl B. Oracle PL/SQL Programming 2005
22538 Stackowiak R., Bales D., Greenwald R. Oracle Application Server 10g Essentials 2004
22537 Vincent J., Spier R., Rolsky D. RT Essentials 2005
22536 Mishra S., Beaulieu A. Mastering Oracle SQL 2004
22535 Bergsten H. JavaServer Faces 2004
22534 Windley P. Digital Identity 2005
22533 Tynan D. Computer Privacy Annoyances 2005
22532 Knight G. Analyzing Business Data with Excel 2006
22531 Gaskin J. Talk is Cheap 2005
22530 Bauer M.D. Linux Server Security 2005
22529 Niemeyer P., Knudsen J. Learning Java 2005
22528 Cozens S. Advanced Perl Programming 2005
22527 Lerdorf R., Tatroe K., MacIntyre P. Programming PHP 2006
22526 Hyde R. The Art of Assembly Language 2003
22524 Stopford A. PHP Programming for Windows 2002
22523 Raab S., Chandra M.W. Mobile IP Technology and Applications 2005
22522 Aaland M. Photoshop Elements 3 Solutions 2004
22521 Ford J.L. Microsoft WSH and VBScript Programming for the Absolute Beginner 2003
22520 Cohen B.J. Medical Terminology: An Illustrated Guide 2004
22519 Ayres F., Mendelson E. Schaum's Easy Outline: Calculus 1999

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