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ID asc desc pic Àâòîðû asc desc Íàçâàíèå asc desc Ãîä asc desc Äîï.
22215 Brown M., Rawtani J., Patil D. Practical Troubleshooting of Electrical Equipment and Control Circuits 2005
22214 Planchard D.C., Planchard M.P. Engineering Design with SolidWorks 2001 Plus 2002
22213 Penic T. Engineering Acoustics 2000
22212 Pande P.S., Neuman R.P., Cavanagh R.R. The Six Sigma Way: How GE, Motorola, and Other Top Companies are Honing Their Performance 2000
22211 Droblas A. Adobe Premiere 6 Bible 2001
22210 Bakken S.S., Aulbach A., Schmid E. Manual de PHP 2001
22209 Peyton C., Heil A. Office XP - Das Buch 2001
22208 Onstott S. Enhancing CAD Drawings with PhotoShop 2005
22207 Online-Recht: Rechtsprobleme kommerzieller Websites deutscher Unternehmen 2000
22206 Fernandez J.M. Prácticas de ordenador con SPSS para Windows 2001
22205 Ellis G. Observers in Control Systems: A Practical Guide 2002
22204 Grundsätzliches zu Object-Pascal n/a
22203 SQL Plus. User's Guide and Reference (Part No. A75664-01) 1999
22202 Karris S.T. Numerical Analysis Using MATLAB and Spreadsheets 2004
22201 Murray R.L. Nuclear Energy: An Introduction to the Concepts, Systems, and Applications of Nuclear Processes 2001
22200 Kelley P.L., Kaminow I.P., Agrawal G.P. (eds.) Nonlinear Fiber Optics 2001
22199 ASM Handbook. Volume 17: Nondestructive Evaluation and Quality Control 1992
22198 Chhabra R.P., Richardson J.F. Non-Newtonian FLow in the Process Industries 2001
22197 Tooley M. Newnes PC Troubleshooting Pocket Book 2003
22196 Fischer-Cripps T. Newnes Interfacing Companion 2002
22195 Warbe D.F. Electrical Engineer's Handbook 2000
22194 Cirstea M.N., Khor J.G., McCormick M. Neural and Fuzzy Logic Control of Drives and Power Systems 2002
22193 Neamen D. Semiconductor Physics and Devices 2003
22192 Gogotsi Y. (ed.) Ncmotubesand Nanofibers 2006
22191 Rozenberg G. Nanotechnology: Science and Computation 2006
22190 Nakayama Y. Introduction to Fluid Mechanics 1999
22189 Sergeev G.B. Nanochemistry 2006
22188 Gross V. Murphys Computergesetze 1999
22187 Leps J., Smilauer P. Multivariate Analysis of Ecological Data 1999
22186 Gibson J.D. (ed.) Multimedia Communications: Directions and Innovations 2001
22185 Schiller C. Motion Mountain 2000
22184 Power M. Mood Disorders: A Handbook of Science and Practice 2003
22183 Sidersis M. Methods for Monitoring and Diagnosing the Efficiency of Catalytic Converters 1998
22182 Graf R.F. Modern Dictionary of Electronics 1999
22181 McFarlane R. Modelling with AutoCAD 2002 2002
22180 Tosun I. Modelling in Transport Phenomena: A Conceptual Approach 2002
22179 Walshaw R. Mission Critical Windows 2000 Server Administration 2000
22178 Cunningham S., Dunsmore B. Mission Critical Internet Security 2001
22177 Mims F.M. Engineer's mini-notebook formulas, tables, and basic circuits 1988
22176 Chang K., Hsieh L.-H. Microwave Ring Circuits and Related Structures 2004
22175 Bahl I.J., Bhartia P. Microwave Solid State Circuit Design 2003
22174 Liengme B.V. A Guide to Microsoft Excel 2002 for Scientists and Engineers 2002
22173 Childs T., Maekawa K., Obikawa T. Metal Machining: Theory and Applications 2000
22172 Ashby M., Evans T., Fleck N.A. Metal Foams: A Design Guide 2000
22171 Mruakami Y. Metal Fatigue: Effects of Small Defects and Nonmetallic Inclusions 2002
22170 Kainer K.U. Metal Matrix Composites 2003
22169 Crankovic G.M. (ed.) ASM Handbook. Volume 10: Materials Characterization 1992
22168 Judd S., Jefferson B. (eds.) Membranes for Industrial Wastewater Recovery and RE-Use 2003
22167 Nehberg R. Medizin- Survival. Überleben ohne Arzt. 1998
22166 Hu J., Duncan J. (eds.) Mechanics of Sheet Metal Forming 2002

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