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ID asc desc pic Àâòîðû asc desc Íàçâàíèå asc desc Ãîä asc desc Äîï.
23674 Meszaros G. xUnit Test Patterns: Refactoring Test Code 2007
23673 Stott W., Newkirk J. Visual Studio Team System: Better Software Development for Agile Teams 2007
23672 van der Lans R.F. SQL for MySQL Developers: A Comprehensive Tutorial and Reference 2007
23671 Jamison S., Cardarelli M., Hanley S. Essential SharePoint 2007: Delivering High-Impact Collaboration Solutions 2007
23670 Cook S., Jones G., Kent S. Domain-Specific Development with Visual Studio DSL Tools 2007
23668 Øèëäò Ã. Ïîëíûé ñïðàâî÷íèê ïî C# 2004
23667 Prasad A.R., Prasad N.R. 802.11 WLANs and IP Networking Security, QoS, and Mobility 2005
23666 Gast M. 802.11 Wireless Networks The Definitive Guide 2005
23665 Âàòñîí Ê., Áåëëèíàçî Ì., Êîðíñ Î. C# 2005
23664 Hawley C.F. 201 Ways to Turn Any Employee into a Star Performer 2004
23663 Tapeworm 1337 Hax or Handbook 2005
23662 Silberman M. 101 Ways to Make Training Active 2005
23661 VanGundy A.B. 101 Activities for Teaching Creativity and Problem Solving 2005
23660 Cheshire S., Steinberg D.H. Zero Configuration Networking: The Definitive Guide 2005
23659 Harold E.S., Means W.S. XML in a Nutshell 2004
23658 Hurwitz D., Liberty J. Programming ASP.NET 2005
23657 Fogel K. Producing Open Source Software 2005
23656 Calkins B. Inside Solaris 9 2002
23655 Connell J. Developing Microsoft .NET Controls with Microsoft Visual Basic .NET 2004
23654 Ganong W.F. Review of Medical Physiology 2003
23653 Young L.C. Lectures on the Calculus of Variations and Optimal Control Theory 1980
23652 Vaswani V. XML and PHP 2002
23651 Walsh P. Advanced 3D Game Programming Using DirectX 9.0 2003
23650 Wilson J.R., Mathews G.J. Relativistic Numerical Hydrodynamics 2003
23649 Rappoport Z. (ed.) The Chemistry of Phenols (part 1) 2003
23648 Lazic´ Z.R. Design of Experiments in Chemical Engineering: A Practical Guide 2004
23647 Westland S., Ripamonti C. Computational Colour Science using MATLAB 2004
23646 Chau F.-T., Liang Y.-Z., Gao J. Chemometrics: From Basics to Wavelet Transform 2004
23645 Zigangirov K.Sh. Theory of Code Division Multiple Access Communication 2004
23644 Irene E.A. Electronic Materials Science 2005
23643 Mark H. (ed.), Silveira M. (ed.), Yarimovych M.I. (ed.) Encyclopedia of Space Science and Technology 2003
23642 Clark M.P. Data Networks, IP and the Internet: Protocols, Design and Operation 2003
23641 Wheat B., Mills C., Carnell M. Leaning into Six Sigma: A Parable of the Journey to Six Sigma and a Lean Enterprise 2003
23640 Kletz T. What Went Wrong: Case Histories of Process Plant Disasters 1999
23639 Twietmeyer T. What NASA Isn’t Telling You About Mars 2005
23638 Werkle H. Finite Elemente in der Baustatik. Band 1: Lineare Statik der Stab- und Flächentragwerke 1995
23637 Mallat S.G. A Wavelet Tour of Signal Processing 1999
23636 Principles of Internal Combustion Engines n/a
23635 Modern Control Engineering 2003
23634 Howes T.A., Smith M.C., Good G.S. Understanding and Deploying LDAP Directory Services 1998
23633 Ferguson M. (ed.), Kraemer M. (ed.), Stanziano L. (ed.) Utilización de Dreamweaver MX 2002
23632 Principles of Gasoline and Diesel Fuel Systems n/a
23631 Army Aircraft Gas Turbine Engines n/a
23630 United States Army Combined Arms Support Command Refrigeration and Air Conditioning 4 (Equipment Cooling) 2001
23629 Truesdell C. (ed.) Problems of Non-Linear Elasticity 1965
23628 Carozzi T., Eriksson A., Lundborg B. Electromagnetic Field Theory Exercises 2000
23627 Swindell S.R. (ed.) Sequence Data Analysis Guidebook 1997
23626 Geschwinde E., Schöenig H.-J. PostgreSQL Developer's Handbook 2001
23624 Hejlsberg A., Wiltamuth S., Golde P. The C# Programming Language 2003
23623 Bendsoe M.P. Variable-Topology Optimization: Status and Challenges 1999

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