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ID asc desc pic Àâòîðû asc desc Íàçâàíèå asc desc Ãîä asc desc Äîï.
24877 Darling D. The Networking Survival Guide: Get the Success You Want by Tapping Into the People You Know 2003
24876 Steinbock D. The Mobile World 2005
24875 O'Gorman J. Linux Process Manager: The Internals of Scheduling, Interrupts and Signals 2003
24874 Andriole S. 2nd Digital Revolution 2005
24873 Kim L. The XMLSPY Handbook 2002
24872 Bove T. The iPod Companion 2003
24871 Pogue D. The Internet: The Missing Manual 2006
24870 Bidgoli H. (ed.) The internet encyclopedia (Volume 3) 2004
24869 Harper R., Palen L., Taylor A. The Inside Text: Social, Cultural and Design Perspectives on SMS 2005
24868 Herington D., Jacquot B. The HP Virtual Server Environment: Making the Adaptive Enterprise Vision a Reality in Your Datacenter 2005
24867 Diaper D., Stanton N. The Handbook of Task Analysis for Human-Computer Interaction 2003
24866 Miller J.C., Serrato R., Represas-Cardenas J.M. The Handbook of Nanotechnology: Business, Policy, and Intellectual Property Law 2004
24865 Young S., Aitel D. The Hacker's Handbook: The Strategy Behind Breaking into and Defending Networks 2003
24864 Adam F., Sammon D. The Enterprise Resource Planning Decade: Lessons Learned and Issues for the Future 2004
24863 Becker P. The C++ Standard Library Extensions: A Tutorial and Reference 2006
24862 SAS Institute The Analyst Application 2003
24861 Montrose M.I., Nakauchi E.M. Testing for EMC Compliance: Approaches and Techniques 2004
24860 Handley J. Telebomb: The Truth Behind The $500-Billion Telecom Bust And What The Industry Must Do To Recover 2005
24859 Webb R.C. Tele-Visionaries: The People Behind the Invention of Television 2005
24858 Butler J.M. Technology Blueprints: Technology Foundations for High Performance Companies 2003
24857 Stichbury J. Symbian OS Explained: Effective C++ Programming for Smartphones 2005
24856 Wood D. Symbian for Software Leaders: Principles of Successful Smartphone Development Projects 2005
24855 Egbert J. Sweet and Sour Grapes 2003
24854 Davies J., Whittaker R., von Hagen W. SUSE Linux 9 Bible 2005
24853 Neef D. The Supply Chain Imperative: How to Ensure Ethical Behavior in Your Global Suppliers 2004
24852 Nagel W. Subversion Version Control: Using The Subversion Version Control System in Development Projects 2005
24851 Shin N. Strategies for Generating E-Business Returns on Investment 2005
24850 Rogers R., Beale J. Stealing the Network: How to Own a Continent 2004
24849 Allison C.L. SQL for Microsoft Access 2005
24848 Carter B. SQL Anywhere Studio 9 Developer's Guide 2004
24847 Atkin D. Sony Clie for Dummies 2004
24846 Hasted E. Software That Sells : A Practical Guide to Developing and Marketing Your Software Project 2005
24845 Sheppard A. Skype Hacks 2005
24844 Gupta P., Wiggenhorn A.W. Six Sigma Business Scorecard 2003
24843 Johnston A.B. SIP: Understanding the Session Initiation Protocol 2003
24842 Robinson S. Simulation: The Practice of Model Development and Use 2004
24841 Singh R., Oprysko M.M., Harame D. Silicon Germanium: Technology, Modeling, and Design 2003
24840 Wysocky T.A., Honary B., Wisocky B.J. Signal Processing for Telecommunications and Multimedia 2005
24839 Engel W.F. ShaderX2: Shader Programming Tips and Tricks with DirectX 9.0 2003
24838 Saltelli A., Tarantola S., Campologno F. Sensitivity Analysis in Practice: A Guide to Assessing Scientific Models 2004
24837 Anderson A., Del Lima M. Show Me Macromedia® Flash MX 2004 2004
24836 Belgard W.P., Rayner S.R. Shaping the Future: A Dynamic Process for Creating and Achieving Your Company's Strategic Vision 2003
24835 Erl Th. Service-Oriented Architecture: Concepts, Technology, and Design 2005
24834 Bieberstein N., Bose S., Fiammante M. Service-Oriented Architecture Compass: Business Value, Planning, and Enterprise Roadmap 2005
24833 Robb D. Server Disk Management in a Windows Enviornment 2003
24832 Staab S., Stuckenschmidt H. Semantic Web and Peer-to-Peer: Decentralized Management and Exchange of Knowledge and Information 2006
24831 Andres S., Kenyon B. Security Sage's Guide to Hardening the Network Infrastructure 2004
24830 Babbin J., Carter E.F. Security Log Management: Identifying Patterns in the Chaos 2006
24829 Hardjono Th., Dondeti L.R. Security in Wireless LANs and MANs 2005
24828 Cranor L.F., Garfinkel S. Security and Usability: Designing Secure Systems that People Can Use 2005

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