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ID asc desc pic Àâòîðû asc desc Íàçâàíèå asc desc Ãîä asc desc Äîï.
24622 MacDonald M., Milstein S. Excel: The Missing Manual 2004
24621 Grossman M. Encyclopedia of The Persian Gulf War 1995
24620 Hipson P. Firefox and Thunderbird: Beyond Browsing and Email 2005
24619 Schmidt Ch. Game Theory and Economic Analysis 2002
24618 Clevé B. Film Production Management 2006
24617 Horn A. Face It: Recognizing and Conquering The Hidden Fear That Drives All Conflict At Work 2003
24616 Shiu S., Pal S. Foundations of Soft Case-Based Reasoning 2004
24615 Bartosh M., Faas R. Essential Mac OS X Panther Server Administration 2005
24614 Charny I., Tutu D. Encyclopedia of Genocide 2000
24613 Leeming D., Leeming M. Encyclopedia of Creation Myths 1994
24612 Keenan J. Encyclopedia of American Indian Wars 1492–1890 1997
24611 Weckert J. Electronic Monitoring in the Workplace: Controversies and Solutions 2005
24610 Moore B. Eclipse Development using the Graphical Editing Framework and the Eclipse Modeling Framework 2004
24609 Santamaria J.C., Fratta D. Discrete Signals and Inverse Problems: An Introduction for Engineers and Scientists 2005
24608 Gumaste A., Antony T. DWDM Network Designs and Engineering Solutions 2002
24607 McFarland D.S. Dreamweaver MX 2004: The Missing Manual 2004
24606 Kosch H. Distributed Multimedia Database Technologies Supported by MPEG-7 and MPEG-21 2004
24605 Di Stefano M. Distributed data management for grid computing 2005
24604 Grebler E. Digital Performer 4 Ignite! 2003
24603 Jafari A., Sheehan M. Designing Portals: Opportunities and Challenges 2003
24602 Serrat J., Galis A. Deploying and Managing IP over WDM Networks 2003
24601 Schifreen R. Defeating the Hacker: A Non-Technical Guide to Computer Security 2006
24600 Chen W.-J. DB2 UDB V8 and WebSphere V5: Performance Tuning and Operations Guide 2004
24599 Petrocelli T. Data Protection and Information Lifecycle Management 2005
24598 Parker T., Sachs M., Shaw E. Cyber Adversary Characterization: Auditing the Hacker Mind 2004
24597 Walther H., Santry P. CYA: Securing Exchange Server 2003 & Outlook Web Access 2004
24596 Gutmann P. Cryptographic Security Architecture: Design and Verification 2003
24595 Joye M., Quisquater J. Cryptographic Hardware and Embedded Systems - CHES 2004: 6th International Workshop Cambridge, MA, USA, August 11-13, 2004, Proceedings 2004
24594 Smart J., Hock K., Csomor S. Cross-Platform GUI Programming with wxWidgets 2005
24593 Bligh P., Turk D. CRM unplugged 2004
24592 Vander Veer E.A., Lowe D., Ray E.J. Creating Web pages all-in-one desk reference for dummies 2004
24591 Stankovsky M. Creating the discipline of knowledge management 2005
24590 Barth S.R. Corporate Ethics: The Business Code of Conduct for Ethical Employees 2003
24589 Hofmann M., Beaumont L.R. Content Networking : Architecture, Protocols, and Practice 2005
24588 Zhu W.J. Content Manager Backup/Recovery and High Availability: Strategies, Options, and Procedures 2004
24587 Krishnamurthy S. Contemporary Research in E-marketing (Vol.1) 2004
24586 Perros H.G. Connection-oriented Networks : SONET/SDH, ATM, MPLS and Optical Networks 2005
24585 Bartram D., Hambleton R.K. Computer-based testing and the Internet 2006
24584 Ju An Wang A., Qian K. Component-Oriented Programming 2005
24583 Sauter M. Communication Systems for the Mobile Information Society 2006
24582 van Oostendorp H. Cognition in a digital world 2003
24581 Churchhouse R.F. Codes and ciphers: Julius Caesar, the Enigma, and the internet 2001
24580 Thorpe S., Clifford J. The Coaching Handbook: An Action Kit for Trainers & Managers 2003
24579 Gregg M. CISSP Exam Cram 2 2005
24578 Donohue D., Mallory D., Salhoff K. Cisco Voice Gateways and Gatekeepers 2006
24577 Dickersbach J.T. Characteristic Based Planning with mySAP SCM : Scenarios, Processes, and Functions 2005
24576 Sheldon L. Character Development and Storytelling for Games 2004
24575 McCullough J. Caution! Wireless Networking: Preventing a Data Disaster 2004
24574 Khosrow-Pour M. Cases on Information Technology Planning, Design and Implementation 2006
24573 Schildt H. C++ from the ground up 2003

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