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ID asc desc pic Àâòîðû asc desc Íàçâàíèå asc desc Ãîä asc desc Äîï.
25081 Bejan A., Kraus A.D. Heat Transfer Handbook 2003
25080 Sachs M., Litchfield D., Shein R. Zero Day Exploit: Countdown to Darkness 2004
25079 Glassborow F., Allen R. You Can Do It!: A Beginners Introduction to Computer Programming 2004
25078 Bhote K.R., Bhote A.K. World Class Reliability: Using Multiple Environment Overstress Tests to Make It Happen 2003
25077 Brent H., Kent P., Angell D. Word 2003 Bible 2003
25076 Shung K.K. Diagnostic Ultrasound: Imaging and Blood Flow Measurements 2005
25075 DiMaio V.J., DiMaio D. Forensic Pathology 2001
25074 Pratt R.W. Flight Control Systems: Practical Issues in Design and Implementation 2000
25073 Rasbash D.J., Watts J., Ramachandran G. Evaluation of Fire Safety 2004
25072 Luo F.L., Ye H. Essential DC/DC Converters 2005
25071 Grigsby L.L. The Electrical Power Engineering Handbook 2000
25070 Attia J.O. Electronics and Circuit Analysis Using MATLAB 1999
25069 Dowrick D.J. Earthquake Risk Reduction 2003
25068 Seydel J.K., Wiese M., Folkers G. (Editor) Drug-Membrane Interactions: Analysis, Drug Distribution, Modeling: Methods and Principles in Medicinal Chemistry 2002
25067 Buck J.R., Oppenheim A.V.V., Schafer A.V. Discrete-Time Signal Processing, Vol. 1 1998
25066 Miceli A. Wireless Technician's Handbook 2003
25065 Bulusu N., Jha S. Wireless Sensor Networks 2005
25064 Leigh J. R. Control Theory 2004
25063 Haykin S.S., Haykin S. Communication Systems 2000
25062 Earnshaw A. Chemistry of the Elements 1997
25061 Rhodes D., Jenkinson L.R., Simpkin P. Civil jet aircraft design 1999
25060 Rice R.W. Ceramic Fabrication Technology, Vol. 20 2003
25059 Roberts S.M., Poignant G. (Editor) Catalysts for Fine Chemical Synthesis, Hydrolysis, Oxidation and Reduction, Vol. 1 2002
25058 Carey F.A. Organic Chemistry 2000
25057 Zwillinger D. CRC Standard Mathematical Tables and Formulae 2002
25056 Hac A. Wireless Sensor Network Designs 2003
25055 Nicopolitidis P., Pomportsis A.S., Obaidat M.S. Wireless Networks 2002
25054 Briere D.D., Hurley P., Hurley P.J. Wireless Network Hacks and Mods for Dummies 2005
25053 Furht B., Ilyas M. Wireless Internet Handbook: Technologies, Standards and Applications 2003
25052 Ahmad A. Wireless and Mobile Data Networks 2005
25051 Lin Y.-B., Pang A.-Ch. Wireless and Mobile All-IP Networks 2005
25050 Hatfield B., Jones B.L. Windows XP in 10 Simple Steps or Less 2003
25049 Simmons C. Windows XP for Power Users Power Pack 2003
25048 Mueller J.M. Windows Administration at the Command Line for Windows 2003, Windows XP, and Windows 2000 2006
25047 Guttman H.M. When Goliaths Clash: Managing Executive Conflict to Build a More Dynamic Organization 2003
25046 Gao Y. (Editor) Web Systems Design and Online Consumer Behavior 2004
25045 Lindskog H., Lindskog S. Web Site Privacy with P3P 2003
25044 Gray N. Web Server Programming 2003
25043 Taniar D., Rahayu J.W. Web Information Systems 2004
25042 Shklar L., Rosen R. Web Application Architecture: Principles, Protocols and Practices 2003
25041 Hardy W.C. VoIP Service Quality: Measuring and Evaluating Packet-Switched Voice 2002
25040 Stephens R. Visual Basic 2005 Programmer's Reference 2005
25039 Biafore B. Visio 2003 Bible 2004
25038 Unhelkar Bh. Verification and Validation for Quality of Uml 2. 0 Models 2005
25037 Leiterman J.C. Vector Game Math Processors 2002
25036 Speed T., McCarrick D. Upgrading to Lotus Notes and Domino 7 2006
25035 El-Ghazawi T., Carlson W., Sterling Th. Upc: Distributed Shared Memory Programming 2005
25034 Sincere M. Understanding Stocks 2003
25033 Kreher R. UMTS Performance Measurement: A Practical Guide to KPIs for the UTRAN Environment 2006
25032 Favre L. UML and the Unified Process 2003

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