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ID asc desc pic Àâòîðû asc desc Íàçâàíèå asc desc Ãîä asc desc Äîï.
25593 Hal Leonard Publishing Corporation 100 Songs for Kids 2002
25592 Batchelor G. Introduction to Fluid Dynamics 2000
25591 Langlands R. Base Change for Gl(2) 1980
25590 Kanetkar Y. Test Your C Skills 2003
25588 Hardy G.H. An Apology for "A Mathematician's Apology" n/a
25587 Finkelstein E. AutoCAD 2007 and AutoCAD LT 2007 Bible 2006
25586 Chen V.C., Ling H. Time-Frequency Transforms for Radar Imaging and Signal Analysis 2002
25585 Yang W.Y. Applied Numerical Methods Using MATLAB 2005
25584 Ball K. An Elementary Introduction to Modern Convex Geometry n/a
25582 Chaitin G.J. Algorithmic information theory 1997
25581 Penttonen M., Schmidt E.M. Algorithm Theory - SWAT 2002 2002
25580 Hu W.-C., Lee C.-W., Kou W. Advances in Security and Payment Methods for Mobile Commerce 2005
25579 Cooper M. Advanced Bash−Scripting Guide. An in−depth exploration of the gentle art of shell scripting 2002
25578 Quirke N. Adsorption and Transport at the Nanoscale 2005
25577 Clark D.L. Enterprise Security: The Manager's Defense Guide 2002
25576 Horowitz A. The Dumbest Moments in Business History: Useless Products, Ruinous Deals, Clueless Bosses, and Other Signs of Unintelligent Life in the WorkplaceThe Dumbest Moments in Business History: Useless Products, Ruinous Deals, Clueless Bosses, and Other Signs of 2004
25575 Kerman P. ActionScripting in Macromedia® Flash™ MX 2002
25574 Haase C. Acting for Film 2003
25573 Miles D.H. The 30-Second Encyclopedia of Learning and Performance: A Trainer's Guide to Theory, Terminology, and Practice 2003
25572 Mathieson R. Branding Unbound: The Future Of Advertising, Sales, And The Brand Experience In The Wireless Age 2005
25571 Adler M.W. ABC of AIDS 2001
25570 Taylor C.C. Unix is a Four Letter Word... 1993
25569 Crawly D. (ed.), Nikolic K. (ed.), Forshaw M. (ed.) 3D Nanoelectronic Computer Architecture and Implementation (Series in Materials Science and Engineering) 2004
25567 Bernstel J., Windhaus S. 10 Minute Guide to Getting Organized 2000
25566 Hillman C. A Categorical Primer 2001
25565 Refrigeration piping and heat transfer components 2001
25564 Visioli A. Practical PID Control 2006
25563 Publishing SAS Publishing SAS/Access 4.1 Interface to R/3: User's Guide 2005
25562 Davidson J. 10 Minute Guide to Project Management 2000
25561 Institute SAS SAS/ACCESS 9.1 Interface to PC Files: Reference 2004
25560 Davidson J. Ten Minute Guide to Managing Your Time 2000
25559 Bowen D., Tanner B.K. X-Ray Metrology 2006
25558 Osiander R., Champion J., Darrin G. Micro Electro Mech Sys and Microstructures in Aerospace Applications 2005
25557 O'Leary E. 10 Minute Guide to Leadership 2000
25556 Kotov N.A. (ed), Alf M. Nanoparticle Assemblies and Superstructures 2005
25555 Cox B. Understanding Engineering Mathematics 2001
25554 Larson W.W. 10 Minute Guide to Conducting a Job Interview 2000
25553 Datta S. Quantum Transport: Atom to Transistor 2005
25552 Levi A.F. Applied Quantum Mechanics: For Engineers and Physicists 2003
25551 Saenz E.A. Stock Market Investing 10 Minute Guide 2000
25550 Freeman R.L. Telecommunication System Engineering 2004
25549 Greiner W., Bromley D.A., Soff S. Classical Electrodynamics 1998
25548 National Research Council Network Science 2006
25547 Ferry G., Sulston J. Common Thread: A Story of Science, Politics, Ethics and the Human Genome 2002
25546 National Academy Press, National Research Council Broadband: Bringing Home the Bits 2002
25545 Iom Dri Dietary Reference Intakes for Vitamin A, Vitamin K, Arsenic, Boron, Chromium, Copper, Iodine, Iron, Manganese, Molybdenum, Nickel, Silicon, vanadi: Um, and Zinc 2002
25544 Serving science and society in the new millenium 1998
25543 (NAS Colloquium) Carbon Dioxide and Climate Change 1997
25542 Eisner T., Meinwald J. Chemical Ecology: The Chemistry of Biotic Interaction 1995
25541 Schäffer F. Das große Buch Homepagedesign 2001

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