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ID asc desc pic Àâòîðû asc desc Íàçâàíèå asc desc Ãîä asc desc Äîï.
55274 Meier G.M. Economic Development: Biography of a Subject 2005
55273 Davidson A. The Complete Guide to Online Stock Market Investing: The Definitive 20-Day Guide 2007
55272 Sarno L., Taylor M.P., Frankel J.A. The Economics of Exchange Rates 2002
55271 Áàðàíîâ À.Ï., Ðîéòáåðã Ã.Å., Ãàïîíåíêîâ Þ.Ï. Îñíîâû ñåìèîòèêè çàáîëåâàíèé âíóòðåííèõ îðãàíîâ. Àòëàñ 1997
55270 Cornwall J., Cornwall W. Capitalist Development in the Twentieth Century: An Evolutionary-Keynesian Analysis 2001
55269 Scott H.S. (ed.) Capital Adequacy Beyound Basel: Banking, Securities, and Insurance 2005
55268 Hammerich O., Ulstrup J. Bioinorganic Electrochemistry 2008
55267 Ñàëèõîâ È.Ã., Àõìåðîâ Ñ.Ô., Îñëîïîâ Â.Í. Íåîòëîæíûå ñîñòîÿíèÿ â ïðàêòèêå òåðàïåâòà 2007
55266 Maddison A. Contours of the World Economy, 1–2030AD: Essays in Macro-Economic History 2007
55265 Richardson M. (ed.) Chemical Safety: International Reference Manual 1994
55264 Øâûðêîâ Ì.Á. (ðåä.), Áóðåíêîâ Ã.È., Äåìåíêîâ Â.Ð. Îãíåñòðåëüíûå ðàíåíèÿ ëèöà, ËÎÐ-îðãàíîâ è øåè: Ðóêîâîäñòâî äëÿ âðà÷åé 2001
55263 Brakman S., Garretsen H., Marrewijk C. An Introduction to Geographical Economics 2001
55262 Bar-Haim A. Participation Programs in Work Organizations: Past, Present, and Scenarios for the Future 2002
55261 Person J.L. Candlestick and Pivot Point Trading Triggers 2007
55260 Ineichen A.M. Absolute Returns: The Risk and Opportunities of Hedge Fund Investing 2003
55259 Salek J.G. Accounts Receivable Management: Best Practices 2005
55258 Brunner H. Collocation Methods for Volterra Integral and Related Functional Differential Equations 2004
55257 Whitten D.O. (ed.), Whitten B.E. (ed.) Extractives, Manufacturing, and Services: A Historiographical and Bibliographical Guide 1997
55256 Jones W.B. (ed.), Ranga A.S. Orthogonal Functions, Moment Theory, and Continued Fractions: Theory and Applications 1998
55255 Andrews G.E., Berndt B.C. Ramanujan’s Lost Notebook. Part I 2005
55254 Pike B. 101 More Games for Trainers: Another Collection of the Best Activities from Creative Training Newsletter 2004
55253 Niculescu C.P., Persson L.-E. Convex Functions and Their Applications: A Contemporary Approach 2006
55252 Grabowski R., Self S., Shields M.P. Economic Development: A Regional, Institutional, and Historical Approach 2007
55251 Mattay J. (ed.) Photoinduced Electron Transfer IV 1992
55250 Cantor B. (ed.), Assender H. (ed.), Grant P. (ed.) Aerospace Materials 2001
55249 Êèâàåâ À.À., Ùàïèðî Å.È. Êîíòàêòíàÿ êîððåêöèÿ çðåíèÿ 2000
55248 Mandelkow E. (ed.) Synchrotron Radiation in Chemistry and Biology III 1989
55247 Knapp A.W. Basic Real Analysis: Along with a Companion Volume Advanced Real Analysis 2005
55246 Armstrong M. A Handbook of Employee Reward Management and Practice 2007
55245 Charles K. Value-Centered Ethics: A Proactive System to Shape Ethical Behavior 2005
55244 Kellogg A.T., Peterson A.T. In an Influential Fashion: An Encyclopedia of Nineteenth- and Twentieth-Century Fashion Designers and Retailers Who Transformed Dress 2002
55243 Goad T.W. Information Literacy and Workplace Performance 2002
55242 Carkhuff R.R., Berenson B.G. The Possibilities Organization— The New Science of Possibilities Management 2000
55241 Jaques E. Social Power and the CEO: Leadership and Trust in a Sustainable Free Enterprise System 2002
55240 Awrejcewicz J., Andrianov I.V., Manevitch L.I. Asymptotic Approaches in Nonlinear Dynamics: New Trends and Applications 1998
55239 Todhunter I. An Elementary Treatise on the Theory of Equations, with a Collection of Example 1875
55238 Corduneanu C., Gheorghiu N., Barbu V. Almost Periodic Function 1989
55237 Khee S.W., Hadinoto S., Png C. 50 Math and Science Games for Leadership 2007
55236 Miller K.S., Ross B. An Introduction to the Fractional Calculus and Fractional Differential Equations 1993
55235 Bacciotti A., Rosier L. Liapunov Functions And Stability In Control Theory 2001
55234 Maric V. Regular Variation and Differential Equations 2000
55233 Rich J.R. Unofficial Guide to Opening a Franchise 2007
55232 Brenner P. If Life Is a Game, How Come I'm Not Having Fun: A Guide to Life's Challenges 2001
55231 Geometric analysis and nonlinear Partial Differential Equations 1993
55230 Heinonen J. Nonsmooth calculus 2003
55229 Oldham K., Spanier J. The fractional Calculus: Theory and applications of differentiation and integration to arbitrary order 1974
55228 Hayman W.K. Meromorphic functions 1964
55227 Marcus M., Minc H. Survey of matrix theory and matrix inequalities 1964
55226 Bonfiglioli A., Lanconelli E., Uguzzoni F. Stratified Lie groups and potential theory for their sub-Laplacians 2007
55225 Dynkin E.B. Diffusions, superdiffusions and partial differential equations 2002

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