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Alloin D.M., Gieren W. — Stellar Candles for the Extragalactic Distance Scale |
Предметный указатель |
Baade — Wesselink method 23 55 109—110
Barnes — Evans method 23—32
Blue supergiants, atmospheres 126—135
Blue supergiants, Balmer line equivalent widths 155—159
Blue supergiants, brightest, luminosity of 152—155
Blue supergiants, chemical composition 128—129
Blue supergiants, effective temperatures 126—128
Blue supergiants, evolutionary tracks 124—125
Cepheids, angular diameters 24 26
Cepheids, anomalous 97—99
Cepheids, interferometric diameters 24
Cepheids, light curve sampling strategies 7—14
Cepheids, metallicity effect on Cepheid luminosities 37—40 56—57 63-64
Cepheids, open cluster Cepheids 53—55
Cepheids, period-colour (PC) relation 46
Cepheids, period-luminosity (PL) relation 24—25 27 29 46 52 56 81
Cepheids, reddening 25—32 35—37
Cepheids, relation 33—34
Cepheids, search strategies 4—6
Cepheids, statistical parallaxes 51—53
Cepheids, trigonometrical parallaxes 16 32—33 47—52
Cepheids, Wesenheit magnitudes 26—32
Cetus dSph galaxy 267 275
Cosmological parameters 187—189 196—199
Eclipsing binaries 60 271
Flux-weighted Gravity-Luminosity, gravities 126—128
Flux-weighted Gravity-Luminosity, Relation (FGLR) 140—144 168—171
Fornax cluster 236 291
Globular clusters, brightest 300—301
Globular clusters, distances 113—114
Globular clusters, luminosity function (GCLF) 281—284
Hipparcos parallaxes 32—33 49—51
Hubble constant 1 17 80 180
Hubble diagram 74 75 193 194 287—289
Hubble Space Telescope Key Project 1—2 71
IC 1613 274
IC4182 77
Infrared surface brightness method 23—32
Large Magellanic Cloud 251 255
Large Magellanic Cloud, distance 30—32 62 63 236 270—271
Local Group galaxies, census 266 267 269—272
Local Group galaxies, distances 269—276
M100 236
M101 255
M3 114
M31 236 246 251 255 272—273 286
M32 266 273
M33 236 246 255
M81 236 255
Mira variables 59—60
NGC1023 292 295
NGC1201 292 295
NGC1316 237—239
NGC147 273
NGC1553 292 295
NGC185 273
NGC205 266 273
NGC2403 255
NGC300 255
NGC3351 254 255
NGC3368 77 254 255
NGC3377 254
NGC3379 254 295
NGC3384 254 292 295
NGC3610 292 295
NGC3627 77 255
NGC3982 77
NGC4258 56 255
NGC4291 295
| NGC4365 292 295
NGC4374 254
NGC4382 254
NGC4406 254
NGC4414 77
NGC4458 292 295
NGC4472 254 295
NGC4473 295
NGC4486 254
NGC4496A 77
NGC4536 77
NGC4550 292 295
NGC4589 292 295
NGC4636 292 295
NGC4639 77
NGC4649 254
NGC4660 295
NGC4697 295
NGC524 292 295
NGC5253 77 255
NGC5322 292 295
NGC584 292 295
NGC5846 295
NGC6822 274
Novae in M 31 232 236
Novae in the LMC 232 236
Novae, MMRD relationship 231—234
Omega Cen 114
Optical Gravitational Lensing Experiment (OGLE) 25 29
Phoenix dwarf galaxy 275
Planetary nebulae, magnitudes 246
Planetary nebulae, distances 247—254
Planetary nebulae, identification 245
Planetary nebulae, planetary nebula luminosity function (PNLF) 246—259
Red clump stars, distances 60 270
RR Lyrae stars, absolute magnitude-metallicity relation 86—93 106 112
RR Lyrae stars, Baade — Wesselink distances 109—110
RR Lyrae stars, double-mode pulsators 116—117
RR Lyrae stars, evolutionary models 110—112
RR Lyrae stars, light curve Fourier parameters 117—118
RR Lyrae stars, period-luminosity-metallicity relation 93—94 112—114
RR Lyrae stars, pulsation models 112—116
RR Lyrae stars, statistical parallaxes 107—108
RR Lyrae stars, trigonometrical parallaxes 58 108—109
Sagittarius dwarf galaxy 275
Schechter initial mass function 299
Small Magellanic Cloud 251 255 266 271
SN1987A distance 60 62
Supernovae of type Ia, classification 175
Supernovae of type Ia, colours 72
Supernovae of type Ia, explosion physics 206—219
Supernovae of type Ia, high-z supernovae 188—189 197—200
Supernovae of type Ia, host galaxies 76—77
Supernovae of type Ia, K-corrections 197
Supernovae of type Ia, light curve physics 189—191
Supernovae of type Ia, light curves 72 176 191—193
Supernovae of type Ia, luminosity vs. decline rate relation 177—180
Supernovae of type Ia, Parodi sample 73 74
Supernovae of type Ia, peak brightness 72 177 178 194—195
Supernovae of type Ia, spectra 72 175
Supernovae of type II, expanding photosphere method 180—182
Supernovae of type II, standard candle method 182—184
Surface Brightness Fluctuation (SBF), distances 255—259 289—291
Tip of the Red Giant Branch (TRGB) distances 236 291
Tucana, dSph galaxy 275
Turnover magnitude 281—284
Virgo cluster 269—276
Wind Momentum-Luminosity Relation, (WLR) 135—140 159—168
Wind Momentum-Luminosity Relation, (WLR), winds 129—131
WLM dwarf galaxy 275
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