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ID asc desc pic Àâòîðû asc desc Íàçâàíèå asc desc Ãîä asc desc Äîï.
55324 Cartwright H. Harmonic Morphisms, Harmonic Maps, and Related Topics 2008
55323 Reyna S.P. Connections: Mind, Brain and Culture in Social Anthropology 2002
55322 Demtröder W. Laser Spectroscopy, Vol. 1: Basic Principles 2008
55321 LeSueur L. Marketing Automation: Practical Steps to More Effective Direct Marketing 2007
55320 Êîëîìèé÷åíêî À.È., Øåéíìàí Í.Ñ. Àòëàñ òîíàëüíûõ àóäèîìåòðè÷åñêèõ èññëåäîâàíèé 1962
55319 Kolm S.-C. Macrojustice: The Political Economy of Fairness 2004
55318 Êî÷êèí Ð.Â. Èìïåäàíñíàÿ àóäèîìåòðèÿ 2006
55317 Cook P. (ed.), Kirkpatrick C. (ed.), Parker D. (ed.) Leading Issues in Competition, Regulation and Development 2004
55316 Reynolds W.C. Thermodynamic Properties in Si 1979
55315 Bauder H. Labor Movement: How Migration Regulates Labor Markets 2006
55314 Þëäàøåâ Ê.Þ., Õàéäàðîâ Ò.Ñ., Êóøàêîâ Â.È. Êðàòêîå ïîñîáèå ïî ýëåêòðî- è ôîíîêàðäèîãðàôèè 1984
55313 Êàíñêè Ä. Êëèíè÷åñêàÿ îôòàëüìîëîãèÿ: ñèñòåìàòèçèðîâàííûé ïîäõîä 2006
55312 Bianchi P. (ed.), Labory S. (ed.) International Handbook on Industrial Policy 2006
55311 Peck D.L., Bryant C.D. 21st Century Sociology, Vol. 2 2007
55310 Crump T. The Japanese numbers game The Use and Understanding of Numbers in Modern Japan 1992
55309 Peck D.L., Bryant C.D. 21st Century Sociology, Vol. 1 2007
55308 ×åíöîâ Þ.Ñ. Ââåäåíèå â êëåòî÷íóþ áèîëîãèþ 2004
55307 Robertson D. International Economic Institutions 2006
55306 de Bruijn T., Norberg-Bohm V. Industrial Transformation: Environmental Policy Innovation in the United States and Europe 2005
55305 Aiken L.R. Human Development in Adulthood 2002
55304 Kizza F.M. Securing the Information Infrastructure 2007
55303 Howard R. Iran Oil: The New Middle East Challenge to America 2007
55302 Rock M.T., Angel D.P. Industrial Transformation in the Developing World 2005
55301 Cronin B. Institutions for the Common Good: International Protection Regimes in International Society 2003
55300 Waters D. (ed.) Global Logistics: New Directions in Supply Chain Management 2007
55299 Global Economic Prospects: Managing the Next Wave of Globalization 2007
55298 Greif A. Institutions and the Path to the Modern Economy: Lessons from Medieval Trade 2006
55297 Demange G. (ed.), Wooders M. (ed.) Group Formation in Economics: Networks, Clubs, and Coalitions 2005
55296 Homer-Dixon T. The Upside of Down: Catastrophe, Creativity, and The Renewal of Civilization 2006
55295 Göçmen D. The Adam Smith Problem: Human Nature and Society in The Theory of Moral Sentiments and The Wealth of Nations 2007
55294 Bruni L. (ed.), Porta P.L. (ed.) Handbook on the Economics of Happiness 2007
55293 Becker H. High Noon in the Automotive Industry 2006
55292 Bird D. Commonsense Direct and Digital Marketing 2007
55291 Ðûáàêîâà Ì.Ê., Àëåõèí Ì.Í., Ìèòüêîâ Â.Â. Ïðàêòè÷åñêîå ðóêîâîäñòâî ïî óëüòðàçâóêîâîé äèàãíîñòèêå. Ýõîêàðäèîãðàôèÿ 2008
55290 Turrel G., Corset J. Raman Microscopy: Developments and Applications 1996
55289 Richter O., Diekkriiger B., Nörtersheuser P. Environmental Fate Modelling of Pesticides: From the Laboratory to the Field Scale 1996
55288 Trindle C., Shillady D. Electronic Structure Modeling: Connections Between Theory and Software 2008
55287 Illanes A. (ed.) Enzyme Biocatalysis: Principles and Applications 2008
55286 Fishman J.E., Pratt S.P., Morrison W.J. Standards of Value: Theory and Applications 2007
55285 Obstfeld M., Taylor A.M. Global Capital Markets: Integration, Crisis, and Growth 2004
55284 Alexander K., Dhumale R., Eatwell J. Global Governance of Financial Systems: The International Regulation of Systemic Risk 2006
55283 Fontrodona J. Pragmatism And Management Inquiry: Insights from the Thought of Charles S. Peirce 2002
55282 Majone G. Dilemmas of European Integration: The Ambiguities and Pitfalls of Integration by Stealth 2005
55281 Abramson B. Digital Phoenix: Why the Information Economy Collapsed and How It Will Rise Again 2005
55280 Dillon P., Wykoff F.C. Creating Capitalism: Transitions and Growth in Post-Soviet Europe 2002
55279 Lebow R.N. Coercion, Cooperation, and Ethics in International Relations 2007
55278 Clews H. Fifty Years in Wall Street 2006
55277 Gallagher K.S. China Shifts Gears Automakers Oil Pollution and Development 2006
55276 Dierx A. (ed.), Ilzkovitz F. (ed.), Sekkat K. (ed.) European Integration and the Functioning of Product Markets 2004
55275 Salais R. (ed.), Villeneuve R. (ed.) Europe and the Politics of Capabilities 2004

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