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ID asc desc pic Àâòîðû asc desc Íàçâàíèå asc desc Ãîä asc desc Äîï.
57040 Thomas Heberer Private entrepreneurs in China and Vietnam 2003
57039 Takashi Nakamura, Mamoru Baba Terrestrial neutron-induced soft errors in advanced memory devices 2008
57038 Äåéâèä Ä. Áóø Adobe Photoshop CS2. Ðóêîâîäñòâî ôîòîãðàôà 2006
57037 Apostolos Serletis Quantitative and Empirical Analysis of Energy Markets 2007
57036 Fiona Carmichael A Guide to Game Theory 2005
57035 Ichiishi T., Yamazaki A. Series on Mathematical Economics and Game Theory. Vol. 3. Cooperative Extensions of the Bayesian Game 2006
57034 Bernick M. S. Job Training That Gets Results: Ten Principles of Effective Employment Programs 2005
57033 Tungate M. Adland. A Global History of Advertising 2007
57032 Standage T. The Future of Technology 2005
57031 Khatib O., Kumar V., Rus D. Springer Tracts in Advanced Robotics. Vol.39. Experimental Robotics. The IOth International Symposium on Experimental Robotics 2008
57030 Shapiro D., Pilsitz L., Shapiro S. ConflictT And Communication: A Guide “rough the Labyrinth of Conflict Management 2004
57029 Pavlinek P. A Successful Transformation? 2008
57028 Mutafelija B., Stromberg H. Process Improvement with CMMl v1.2 and ISO Standards 2009
57027 Robertson W. C. Light. Stop Faking It! Finally Understanding Science So You Can Teach It series 2007
57026 Len Sandler Becoming an Extraordinary Manager 2008
57025 Leine R.I., van de Wouw N. Stability and Convergence of Mechanical Systems with Unilateral Constraints 2008
57024 Milton Keynes, Walton Íàll A Guide to eTMAs for Students 2007
57023 Gerald Kraines Accountability Leadership 2001
57022 Guzzella L., Sciarretta A. Vehicle Propulsion Systems 2007
57021 Destrade M., Saccomandi G. Waves in Nonlinear Pre-Stressed Materials 2007
57020 Ïîñîõîâà Ê.À., ³êòîðîâ Î.Ï. Àíòèá³îòèêè (âëàñòèâîñò³, çàñòîñóâàííÿ, âçàºìîä³ÿ) 2005
57019 Hiroshi Kumon, Tetsuo Abo The Hybrid Factory in Europe: The Japanese Management and Production System Transferred 2004
57018 Masudul Alam Choudhury The Universal Paradigm and the Islamic World-System: Economy, Society, Ethics and Science 2007
57017 Betz S., Makio J., Stephan R. Offshoring of Software Development: Methods and Tools for Risk Management 2007
57016 Drew J., McCallum B., Roggenhofer S. Journey to Lean: Making Operational Change Stick 2004
57015 Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development 2007
57014 Bojadziev G., Bojadziev M. Fuzzy Logic for Business, Finance, and Management 2007
57013 Bellingham R., O'Brien W. The Leadership Lexicon: A Handbook of Leadership Competencies with Skills and Development Actions 2005
57012 Griffiths A. 101 Ways to Market Your Business 2006
57011 Noel M., Brzeski W.J. Mobilizing Private Finance for Local Infrastructure in Europe and Central Asia: An Alternative Public Private Partnership Framework 2005
57010 Smeloff E., Asmus P., Lovins A Reinventing Electric Utilities: Competition, Citizen Action, and Clean Power 1997
57009 Shechter R. Smoking, Culture and Economy in the Middle East: The Egyptian Tobacco Market 1850-2000 2006
57008 Boland R., Collopy F. Managing as Designing 2004
57007 Thomsett M.C. Getting Started in Rental Income 2005
57006 Maxwell N. L. The Working Life: The Labor Market for Workers in Low-Skilled Jobs 2006
57005 Block R. N., Friedman S., Kaminski M. Justice on the Job: Perspectives on the Erosion of Collective Bargaining in the U. S. 2006
57004 Butler R. J., Park Y.-S. Safety Practices, Firm Culture, and WorkPlace Injuries 2005
57003 Bob Vause Guide to analysing companies 2005
57002 Buckley R. Ecotourism series. No2. Environmental Impacts of Ecotourism 2004
57001 Akira Ishikawa, Tai Nejo Top Global Companies in Japan 2004
57000 The World Bank Argiculture Investment Sourcebook: Agriculture and Rural Development 2005
56999 Wulf L. D., Sokol J. B. Customs Modernization Handbook 2005
56998 Sagoff M. The Economy of the Earth: Philosophy, Law, and the Environment. Second edition 2008
56997 Erik Granered Global Call Centers 2005
56996 Geiger R.L. Knowledge and Money: Research Universities and the Paradox of the Marketplace 2004
56995 Shapiro D. L., Glinow M. A., Cheng J. L. Advances in international management, Vol. 18. Managing multinational teams: Global Perspectives 2005
56994 Rudolf R. Sinkovics, Thomas Salzberger International Marketing 2006
56993 International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behaviour & Research 2002
56992 Andrew Griffiths 101 ways to boost your business 2006
56991 Sefton-Green R., Bussani M. Mistake, Fraud and Duties to Inform in European Contract Law 2005

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