57040 |
Thomas Heberer |
Private entrepreneurs in China and Vietnam |
2003 • | •• |
57039 |
Takashi Nakamura, Mamoru Baba |
Terrestrial neutron-induced soft errors in advanced memory devices |
2008 • | •• |
57038 |
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Adobe Photoshop CS2. Ðóêîâîäñòâî ôîòîãðàôà |
2006 • | •• |
57037 |
Apostolos Serletis |
Quantitative and Empirical Analysis of Energy Markets |
2007 • | •• |
57036 |
Fiona Carmichael |
A Guide to Game Theory |
2005 • | •• |
57035 |
Ichiishi T., Yamazaki A. |
Series on Mathematical Economics and Game Theory. Vol. 3. Cooperative Extensions of the Bayesian Game |
2006 | •• |
57034 |
Bernick M. S. |
Job Training That Gets Results: Ten Principles of Effective Employment Programs |
2005 | •• |
57033 |
Tungate M. |
Adland. A Global History of Advertising |
2007 • | •• |
57032 |
Standage T. |
The Future of Technology |
2005 | •• |
57031 |
Khatib O., Kumar V., Rus D. |
Springer Tracts in Advanced Robotics. Vol.39. Experimental Robotics. The IOth International Symposium on Experimental Robotics |
2008 | •• |
57030 |
Shapiro D., Pilsitz L., Shapiro S. |
ConflictT And Communication: A Guide “rough the Labyrinth of Conflict Management |
2004 | •• |
57029 |
Pavlinek P. |
A Successful Transformation? |
2008 • | •• |
57028 |
Mutafelija B., Stromberg H. |
Process Improvement with CMMl v1.2 and ISO Standards |
2009 • | •• |
57027 |
Robertson W. C. |
Light. Stop Faking It! Finally Understanding Science So You Can Teach It series |
2007 | •• |
57026 |
Len Sandler |
Becoming an Extraordinary Manager |
2008 • | •• |
57025 |
Leine R.I., van de Wouw N. |
Stability and Convergence of Mechanical Systems with Unilateral Constraints |
2008 | •• |
57024 |
Milton Keynes, Walton Íàll |
A Guide to eTMAs for Students |
2007 • | •• |
57023 |
Gerald Kraines |
Accountability Leadership |
2001 • | •• |
57022 |
Guzzella L., Sciarretta A. |
Vehicle Propulsion Systems |
2007 • | •• |
57021 |
Destrade M., Saccomandi G. |
Waves in Nonlinear Pre-Stressed Materials |
2007 | •• |
57020 |
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2005 | •• |
57019 |
Hiroshi Kumon, Tetsuo Abo |
The Hybrid Factory in Europe: The Japanese Management and Production System Transferred |
2004 | •• |
57018 |
Masudul Alam Choudhury |
The Universal Paradigm and the Islamic World-System: Economy, Society, Ethics and Science |
2007 | •• |
57017 |
Betz S., Makio J., Stephan R. |
Offshoring of Software Development: Methods and Tools for Risk Management |
2007 | •• |
57016 |
Drew J., McCallum B., Roggenhofer S. |
Journey to Lean: Making Operational Change Stick |
2004 | •• |
57015 |
Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development |
2007 • | •• |
57014 |
Bojadziev G., Bojadziev M. |
Fuzzy Logic for Business, Finance, and Management |
2007 | •• |
57013 |
Bellingham R., O'Brien W. |
The Leadership Lexicon: A Handbook of Leadership Competencies with Skills and Development Actions |
2005 | •• |
57012 |
Griffiths A. |
101 Ways to Market Your Business |
2006 | •• |
57011 |
Noel M., Brzeski W.J. |
Mobilizing Private Finance for Local Infrastructure in Europe and Central Asia: An Alternative Public Private Partnership Framework |
2005 | •• |
57010 |
Smeloff E., Asmus P., Lovins A |
Reinventing Electric Utilities: Competition, Citizen Action, and Clean Power |
1997 | •• |
57009 |
Shechter R. |
Smoking, Culture and Economy in the Middle East: The Egyptian Tobacco Market 1850-2000 |
2006 | •• |
57008 |
Boland R., Collopy F. |
Managing as Designing |
2004 | •• |
57007 |
Thomsett M.C. |
Getting Started in Rental Income |
2005 | •• |
57006 |
Maxwell N. L. |
The Working Life: The Labor Market for Workers in Low-Skilled Jobs |
2006 | •• |
57005 |
Block R. N., Friedman S., Kaminski M. |
Justice on the Job: Perspectives on the Erosion of Collective Bargaining in the U. S. |
2006 | •• |
57004 |
Butler R. J., Park Y.-S. |
Safety Practices, Firm Culture, and WorkPlace Injuries |
2005 | •• |
57003 |
Bob Vause |
Guide to analysing companies |
2005 • | •• |
57002 |
Buckley R. |
Ecotourism series. No2. Environmental Impacts of Ecotourism |
2004 | •• |
57001 |
Akira Ishikawa, Tai Nejo |
Top Global Companies in Japan |
2004 • | •• |
57000 |
The World Bank |
Argiculture Investment Sourcebook: Agriculture and Rural Development |
2005 | •• |
56999 |
Wulf L. D., Sokol J. B. |
Customs Modernization Handbook |
2005 | •• |
56998 |
Sagoff M. |
The Economy of the Earth: Philosophy, Law, and the Environment. Second edition |
2008 • | •• |
56997 |
Erik Granered |
Global Call Centers |
2005 • | •• |
56996 |
Geiger R.L. |
Knowledge and Money: Research Universities and the Paradox of the Marketplace |
2004 | •• |
56995 |
Shapiro D. L., Glinow M. A., Cheng J. L. |
Advances in international management, Vol. 18. Managing multinational teams: Global Perspectives |
2005 | •• |
56994 |
Rudolf R. Sinkovics, Thomas Salzberger |
International Marketing |
2006 • | •• |
56993 |
International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behaviour & Research |
2002 • | •• |
56992 |
Andrew Griffiths |
101 ways to boost your business |
2006 • | •• |
56991 |
Sefton-Green R., Bussani M. |
Mistake, Fraud and Duties to Inform in European Contract Law |
2005 | •• |