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A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z À Á Â Ã Ä Å ¨ Æ Ç È É Ê Ë Ì Í Î Ï Ð Ñ Ò Ó Ô Õ Ö × Ø Ù Û Ý Þ ß
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ID asc desc pic Àâòîðû asc desc Íàçâàíèå asc desc Ãîä asc desc Äîï.
56438 Colgan S.P. (ed.) Cell-Cell Interactions: Methods and Protocols 2006
56437 Legéndy C.R. Circuits In The Brain: A Model of Shape Processing in the Primary Visual Cortex 2009
56436 Gutierrez R. (ed.) Co-Existence and Co-Release of Classical Neurotransmitters: Ex uno plures 2009
56435 ×èæåâñêèé À.Ë. Çåìíîå ýõî ñîëíå÷íûõ áóðü 1976
56434 Gundelfinger D. (ed.), Seidenbecher C.I. (ed.), Schraven B. (ed.) Cell Communication in Nervous and Immune Systems 2006
56433 Baberschke K. (ed.), Nolting W. (ed.), Donath M. (ed.) Band-Ferromagnetism 2001
56432 Riecke A. Pythagoras 1883
56431 Babin A.V., Vishik M.I. Attractors of Evolution Equations 1992
56430 Belton A.C.R. Functional Analysis 2006
56429 Bachmann O., Schönemann H. Monomial Representations for Gröbner Bases Computations 1998
56428 Æóðäýí Ô. Ïðèðîäà ìàòåìàòèêè 1923
56427 Bachmann O., Wang P.S., Zima E.V. Chains of Recurrences - a method to expedite the evaluation of closed-form functions 1994
56426 Kurosh A. Higher Algebra 1975
56425 Êàðï À.Ï. Ñáîðíèê çàäà÷ ïî àëãåáðå è íà÷àëàì àíàëèçà 1995
56424 Ðîíîâà Ã.Í. Ôèíàíñîâûé ìåíåäæìåíò 2003
56423 Drucker P.F. The Essential Drucker 2001
56422 Ñåìåíîâ À.Ê., Ìàñëîâà Å.Ë. Ýòèêà ìåíåäæìåíòà: ó÷åáíîå ïîñîáèå 2007
56421 Âëàñîâ À.Ä., Ìóðèí Á.Ï. Åäèíèöû ôèçè÷åñêèõ âåëè÷èí â íàóêå è òåõíèêå: ñïðàâî÷íèê 1990
56420 Äåíèñîâ È.Í. (ðåä.), Âëàñîâ Â.Â. (ðåä.) Êðàòêèå ïðîòîêîëû âåäåíèÿ ïàöèåíòîâ ñ íàèáîëåå ðàñïðîñòðàíåííûìè ñîñòîÿíèÿìè â îáùåé âðà÷åáíîé ïðàêòèêå 2003
56419 Wintrobe R. Rational Extremism: The Political Economy of Radicalism 2006
56418 Screpanti E., Zamagni S. An Outline of the History of Economic Thought 2005
56417 Fritz J.M. (ed.) International Clinical Sociology 2008
56416 Martinez-Vazquez J. (ed.), Searle B. (ed.) Fiscal Equalization 2007
56415 Edwards T.C., Steer M.B. Foundations of Interconnect and Microstrip Design 2000
56414 Áðàòóñü Â.Ä. Äèôôåðåíöèàëüíàÿ äèàãíîñòèêà è ëå÷åíèå îñòðûõ æåëóäî÷íî-êèøå÷íûõ êðîâîòå÷åíèé 1991
56413 Ðýôòýðè Ý.Ò., Ëèì Ý. Äèôôåðåíöèàëüíûé äèàãíîç 2008
56412 Russer P. Electromagnetics, Microwave Circuit and Antenna Design for Communications Engineering 2006
56411 Magnusson L. (ed.) Evolutionary and Neo-Schumpeterian Approaches to Economics 1994
56410 Razin E. (ed.), Vázquez C. (ed.), Dijst M. (ed.) Employment Deconcentration in European Metropolitan Areas: Market Forces Versus Planning Regulations 2007
56409 Bockstael N.E., McConnell K.E. Environmental and Resource Valuation with Revealed Preferences: A Theoretical Guide to Empirical Models 2007
56408 Barnes B.K. Exercising Influence: A Guide for Making Things Happen at Work, at Home, and in Your Community 2006
56407 Barbaro S. Equity and Efficiency Considerations of Public Higher Education 2005
56406 Evans D.S., Fisher F.M., Rubinfeld D.L., Schmalensee R.L. Did Microsoft Harm Consumers?: Two Opposing Views 2000
56405 Pearce D., Barbier E.B. Blueprint for a Sustainable Economy 2000
56404 Tooley M. Electronic Circuits: Fundamentals and Applications 2006
56403 Lerche I., MacKay J.A. Economic Risk in Hydrocarbon Exploration 1999
56402 Krawczyk A. (ed.), Wiak S. (ed.), Lopez-Fernandez X.M. (ed.) Electromagnetic Fields in Mechatronics, Electrical and Electronic Engineering 2006
56401 Binmore K. Playing for Real: A Text on Game Theory 2007
56400 Jean Camp L. Economics of Identity Theft: Avoidance, Causes and Possible Cures 2007
56399 Oliver M.J. (ed.), Aldcroft D.H. (ed.) Economic Disasters of the Twentieth Century 2007
56398 Collin P.H. Dictionary of Politics and Government 2004
56397 Resnick D.B. The Price of Truth: How Money Affects the Norms of Science 2007
56396 Winkelmann R. Econometric Analysis Of Count Data 2008
56395 Hippenstiel R.D. Detection Theory: Applications and Digital Signal Processing 2002
56394 Kennedy D. Double Your Income in Real Estate Sales 2004
56393 Stahl M.Z. Early to Rise: A Young Adult’s Guide to Saving, Investing and Financial Decisions that Can Shape Your Life 2005
56392 Dustmann C. (ed.), Fitzenberger B. (ed.), Machin S. (ed.) The Economics of Education and Training 2008
56391 Coleman J. Diplomacy By Deception 1993
56390 Nattrass B., Altomare M. Dancing with the Tiger: Learning Sustainability Step by Natural Step 2003
56389 Wilson H.T. Capitalism After Postmodernism: Neo-Conservatism, Legitimacy and the Theory of Public Capital 2002

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