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ID asc desc pic Àâòîðû asc desc Íàçâàíèå asc desc Ãîä asc desc Äîï.
57240 Bromley S., Makintosh M., Wuyts M. Making The International: Economic Interdependence and Political Order (World of Whose Making?) 2004
57239 Carnot N., Koen V., Tissot B. Economic Forecasting 2005
57238 Marx K., Engels F. Capital: A Critique of Political Economy 1906
57237 Evanschitzky H., Iyer G.R. E-Services: Opportunities and Threats 2007
57236 Gill I., Kharas H., Bhattasali D. An East Asian Renaissance: Ideas for Economic Growth 2007
57235 Ôàððèíãòîí Ý. Ãîìåîïàòè÷åñêàÿ êëèíè÷åñêàÿ ôàðìàêîëîãèÿ n/a
57234 König A., Robinson D. E-Business@Print: Internet-Based Services and Processes 2005
57233 Èâàíîâà T. Äîïå÷àòíàÿ ïîäãîòîâêà. Ó÷åáíûé êóðñ. 2004
57232 Äàãàåâ Ì. Ì. Ëàáîðàòîðíûé ïðàêòèêóì ïî êóðñó îáùåé àñòðîíîìèè 1972
57231 Ìîñêèíîâà È.Ã. Äèñêðåòíàÿ ìàòåìàòèêà. Ìàòåìàòèêà äëÿ ìåíåäæåðà â ïðèìåðàõ è óïðàæíåíèÿõ 2000
57230 Messick D.M., Kramer R.M. The Psychology of Leadership: New Perspectives and Research 2005
57229 Schwind M. Dynamic Pricing and Automated Resource Allocation for Complex Information Services: Reinforcement Learning and Combinatorial Auctions 2007
57228 Zeimpekis V.S., Tarantilis C.D., Giaglis G.M. Dynamic Fleet Management: Concepts, Systems, Algorithms & Case Studies 2007
57227 Kulkarni U., Power D.J, Sharda R. Decision Support for Global Enterprises: Annals of Information Systems( Volume 2) 2007
57226 Äðîãîâîç Ñ.Ì. Ôàðìàêîëîãèÿ íà ëàäîíÿõ 2007
57225 World Bank Doing Business 2008 2007
57224 Shi-Hai Dong Factorization Method in Quantum Mechanics 2007
57223 Fox S., Spector P.E. Counterproductive work behavior: Investigations of actors and targets 2007
57222 Chang K.C. Digital Systems Design with VHDL and Synthesis: An Integrated Approach 1999
57221 Burrage T.F., Little S.M. Divorce and Domestic Relations Litigation: Financial Adviser's Guide 2003
57220 Lowe D. Dictionary of Transport and Logistics: Terms, Abbreviations and Acronyms 2002
57219 Medlik S. Dictionary of Travel, Tourism and Hospitality 2003
57218 Bowers C., Salas E., Jentsch F. Creating High-Tech Teams: Practical Guidance on Work Performance and Technology 2007
57217 Erlandson R.F. Universal and Accessible Design for Products, Services, and Processes 2008
57216 Lowman R.L. Counseling and psychotherapy of work dysfunctons 1993
57215 Burstein F., Holsapple C.W. Handbook on Decision Support Systems 2: Variations 2008
57214 Bookman C.M. Business Arithmetic 1914
57213 Æóêîâ Å.Ô. Äåíüãè. Êðåäèò. Áàíêè. Öåííûå áóìàãè. Ïðàêòèêóì. 2001
57212 Committee for Review of the Department of Energy's Indu, National Research Council Decreasing Energy Intensity in Manufacturing: Assessing the Strategies and Future Directions of the Industrial Technologies Program 2005
57211 Chen H., Brandt L., Gregg V. Digital Government: E-Government Research, Case Studies, and Implementation 2008
57210 Mickey T.J. Deconstructing Public Relations: Public Relations Criticism 2003
57209 Ñîçäàíèå çàõâàòûâàþùåãî òåêñòîâîãî ýôôåêòà òðàâû â Photoshop n/a
57208 Phillips P.P., Burkett H. Data Conversion: Calculating the Monetary Benefits 2008
57207 Gruber B., Littman M., Merritt J. Business Week: Guide to the Best Business Schools 2001
57206 Christodoulou-Varotsi I., Pentsov D.A. Maritime Work Law Fundamentals: Responsible Shipowners, Reliable Seafarers 2008
57205 Äåâÿòîâ À.À. ×ðåñêîñòíûé îñòåîñèíòåç 1990
57204 Klewes J., Langen R. Change 2.0: Beyond Organisational Transformation 2008
57203 Zabihollah Rezaee Corporate Governance Post-Sarbanes-Oxley: Regulations, Requirements, and Integrated Processes 2007
57202 Bromley S., Brown W. Course Guide 2006
57201 Wall B. Coaching for Emotional Intelligence: The Secret to Developing the Star Potential in Your Employees 2007
57200 Morokuma K., Musaev D.G. Computational Modeling for Homogeneous and Enzymatic Catalysis: A Knowledge-Base for Designing Efficient Catalysts 2008
57199 Ghisini E., Blendstrup A. Communicating the American Way: A Guide to U.S. Business Communications 2008
57198 Menkhoff T., Gerke S. Chinese Enterpreneurship andf Asian Business Networks 2002
57197 Panteghini P.M. Corporate Taxation in a Dynamic World 2007
57196 Brown M.T. Corporate Integrity: Rethinking Organizational Ethics and Leadership 2005
57195 Subhabrata B.B. Corporate social responsibility : the good, the bad and the ugly 2007
57194 Demise N., Miwa Y., Nabayashi M. Corporate governance in Japan 2006
57193 Ruud A.I. van Frederikslust, Sudarsanam P.S. Corporate Governance and Corporate Finance A European perspective 2007
57192 John C. Shaw. Corporate Governance and Risk: A Systems Approach 2003
57191 Ghosh B. N. Contemporary Issues in Development Economics 2001

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