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A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z À Á Â Ã Ä Å ¨ Æ Ç È É Ê Ë Ì Í Î Ï Ð Ñ Ò Ó Ô Õ Ö × Ø Ù Û Ý Þ ß
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ID asc desc pic Àâòîðû asc desc Íàçâàíèå asc desc Ãîä asc desc Äîï.
57290 Tsui S.T., Bian Y., Cheng L. China's Domestic Private Firms: Multidisciplinary Perspectives on Management And Performance 2006
57289 Fine D. The Fine Art of the Big Talk: How to Win Clients, Deliver Great Presentations, and Solve Conflicts at Work 2008
57288 Áëàíê È.À. Ôèíàíñîâûé ìåíåäæìåíò 2004
57287 Kilburg R.R. Executive Coaching: Developing Managerial Wisdom in a World of Chaos 2000
57286 Ëèôåðåíêî Ã.Í. Ôèíàíñîâûé àíàëèç ïðåäïðèÿòèÿ 2005
57285 Philipp J. Financial Distress, Corporate Restructuring and Firm Survival: An Empircal Analysis of German Panel Data 2007
57284 Arner D.W. Financial Stability, Economic Growth, and the Role of Law 2007
57283 Filipe J., Coelhas H., Saramago M. E-business and Telecommunication Networks: Second International Conference, ICETE 2005, Reading, UK, October 3-7, 2005. Selected Papers 2007
57282 Pressman S. Fifty Major Economists 2006
57281 El-Batanouny M., Wooten F. Symmetry and Condensed Matter Physics: A Computational Approach 2008
57280 Wagner E. Express yourself: writing skills for high school 2002
57279 Åð¸ìèí Â.Í. Ìàðêåòèíã: îñíîâû è ìàðêåòèíã èíôîðìàöèè 2006
57278 Javier Alfonso-Gil (Ed.) European Aeronautics 2006
57277 Fritsch M., Schmude J. Entrepreneurship in the Region 2006
57276 John Barry (Ed.), Baxter B. (Ed.), Dunphy R.(Ed.) Europe, Globalization and Sustainable Development 2004
57275 Broadhead A., Light G. English for Personal Assistants: The essential handbook for doing business internationally 2007
57274 Yago G. (ed.), Barth J.R. (ed.), Zeidman B. (ed.) Entrepreneurship in Emerging Domestic Markets 2008
57273 Hawkesworth M., Kogan M. Encyclopedia of Government and Politics. Volume 1 1992
57272 Saari C. The Environment: Its Role in Psychosocial Functioning and Psychotherapy 2002
57271 Pacek N., Thorniley D. Emerging Markets: Lessons for Business Success and the Outlook for Different Markets 2004
57270 Ellerman D.P. Economics, Accounting, and Property Theory 1982
57269 Head K. Elements of Multinational Strategy 2007
57268 Lundstrom A., Stevenson L.A. Entrepreneurship Policy: Theory and Practice 2005
57267 Cooper A.F., English J., Thakur R.C. Enhancing Global Governance: Towards a New Diplomacy? 2002
57266 Robinette S., Brand C., Lens V. Emotion Marketing: The Hallmark Way of Winning Customers for Life 2001
57265 Hall R.B., Biersteker T.J. The Emergence of Private Authority in Global Governance 2004
57264 Penfold R.A. Electronic Security Devices 1979
57263 Falck O. Emergence and Survival of New Businesses: Econometric Analyses 2007
57262 Miller J.M. Chromatography: Concepts and Contrasts 2005
57261 Armstrong M. A Handbook of Human Resource Management Practice 1999
57260 Ìèðîíîâ Ä.Ô. CorelDRAW X3. Ó÷åáíûé êóðñ 2006
57259 Jenkins R., Pearson R., Seyfang G. Corporate Responsibility and Labour Rights: Codes of Conduct in the Global Economy 2002
57258 The Academy Industry Program of the National Academy of, National Academy of Engineering, Institute of Medicine Corporate Restructuring and Industrial Research and Development 1990
57257 Green A. Effective Personal Communication Skills for Public Relations 2006
57256 Hirschland M.J. Corporate Social Responsibility and the Shaping of Global Public Policy 2006
57255 Chatterjee A., Chakrabarti B.K. Econophysics of Markets and Business Networks 2007
57254 Ìàêêîííåëë Ê.Ð., Áðþ Ñ.Ë. Ýêîíîìèêñ 2003
57253 Ëèïñèö È.Â. Ýêîíîìèêà: ó÷åáíèê äëÿ âóçîâ 2006
57252 Êðåìåð Í.Ø., Ïóòêî Á.À. Ýêîíîìåòðèêà 2002
57251 Ñêëÿðåíêî Â.Ê., Ïðóäíèêîâ Â.Ì. Ýêîíîìèêà ïðåäïðèÿòèÿ 2006
57250 Âîëêîâ Î.È., Äåâÿòêèí Î.Â. Ýêîíîìèêà ïðåäïðèÿòèÿ (ôèðìû). Ó÷åáíèê. 2007
57249 Ãèëÿðîâñêàÿ Ë.Ò. Ýêîíîìè÷åñêèé àíàëèç 2004
57248 Ýéíøòåéí À. Ñîáðàíèå íàó÷íûõ òðóäîâ. Òîì 3. Ðàáîòû ïî êèíåòè÷åñêîé òåîðèè, òåîðèè èçëó÷åíèÿ è îñíîâàì êâàíòîâîé ìåõàíèêè (1901-1955) 1966
57247 Franses P.H. (Ed.) Econometric Models In Marketing. Volume 16. 2002
57246 Einstein M. Brands of Faith: Marketing Religion in a Commercial Age 2008
57245 Edenborough R. Effective Interviewing: A Handbook of Skills, Techniques and Applications 2002
57244 Forster N. Maximum Performance: A Practical Guide To Leading And Managing People At Work 2005
57243 Mattingly D.J. (Editor), Salmon J. (Editor) Economies Beyond Agriculture in the Classical World 2001
57242 Broadman H.G., Paas T., Welfens P.J.J. Economic Liberalization and Integration Policy: Options for Eastern Europe and Russia 2006
57241 Stephen Jan, Kumaranayake L., Roberts J. Economic Analysis for Management and Policy 2005

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