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ID asc desc pic Àâòîðû asc desc Íàçâàíèå asc desc Ãîä asc desc Äîï.
58733 Furnham A. Personality and Intelligence at Work: Exploring and Explaining Individual Differences at Work 2008
58732 Elder L., Paul R.W. 25 Days to Better Thinking and Better Living: A Guide for Improving Every Aspect of Your Life 2006
58731 Wilson T.M. Drinking Cultures: Alcohol and Identity 2005
58730 Haugtvedt C.P., Herr P.M., Kardes F.R. Handbook of Consumer Psychology 2008
58729 Beatty R.H. 175 High-Impact Cover Letters 2002
58728 Dobbins R., Pettman B. What Self-Made Millionaires Really Think, Know and Do: A Straight-Talking Guide to Business Success and Personal Riches 2006
58727 Armour M.-A. Hazardous Laboratory Chemicals Disposal Guide 2003
58726 Cestnick T. 101 Tax Secrets for Canadians 2007: Smart Strategies That Can Save You Thousands 2007
58725 Maruani J., Minot C., McWeeny R. New Trends in Quantum Systems in Chemistry and Physics - Volume 1 Basic Problems and Model Systems Paris, France, 1999 2001
58724 Crompton T.R. Chromatography of Natural, Treated and Waste Waters 2003
58723 Lipkowitz K.B., Larter R., Cundari T.R. Reviews in Computational Chemistry (Volume 21) 2005
58722 Helmut Thomas (ed.), Hess R. (ed.), Waechter F. (ed.) Toxicology of industrial compounds 2005
58721 DeSimone J.M., Tumas T. Green Chemistry Using Liquid and Supercritical Carbon Dioxide 2003
58720 Steiss A.W. Strategic Management for Public and Nonprofit Organizations 2003
58719 Yoke H.P. Explorations in Daoism: Medicine and Alchemy in Literature 2007
58718 Render Magazine (¹5 2007) 2007
58717 Henrickson C. CliffsStudySolver Chemistry 2005
58716 Render Magazine (¹3 2007) 2007
58715 Ozima N., Podosek F.A. Noble Gas Geochemistry 2004
58714 Tungate M. Branded Male: Marketing to Men 2008
58713 Aigner M. Combinatorial Theory 1997
58712 Murai T. A Real Variable Method for the Cauchy Transform, and Analytic Capacity 1988
58711 Ash R.B., Doléans-Dade C.A. Probability and Measure Theory 2000
58710 Apostol T.M. Calculus: One-Variable Calculus with an Introduction to Linear Algebra, Vol. 1 1967
58709 Aerts D. (ed.) Probing the Structure of Quantum Mechanics 2002
58708 Copson E.T. Asymptotic Expansions 1965
58707 Cañada A., Drábek P., Fonda A. Handbook of Differential Equations: Ordinary Differential Equations. Volume 1 2004
58706 Pivato M. Linear Partial Differential Equations and Fourier Theory 2007
58705 Aguade G. (ed.), Castellet M. (ed.), Cohen F.R. (ed.) Algebraic Topology: Homotopy and Group Cohomology 1992
58704 Adhikari S.K. Variational Principles and the Numerical Solution of Scattering Problems 1998
58703 Aslrom K.J. Introduction to Stochastic Control Theory 1970
58702 Öåñåâè÷ Â.Ï. Èññëåäîâàíèå ïåðåìåííûõ çâåçä â èçáðàííûõ îáëàñòÿõ ìëå÷íîãî ïóòè 1976
58701 Abdelmalek N., Malek W.A. Numerical Linear Approximation in C 2008
58700 Christopher C., Li C. Limit Cycles of Differential Equations 2007
58698 Amann H., Escher J. Analysis I 2005
58697 Êóòî Ï. Íàáëþäåíèÿ âèçóàëüíî-äâîéíûõ çâåçä 1981
58696 Immink G.K. Asymptotics of Analytic Difference Equations 1984
58695 Jaquith A. Security Metrics: Replacing Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt 2007
58694 Büchelhofer C. Corporate Control and Enterprise Reform in CHina: An Economic Analysis of Block Share Trades 2008
58693 Ancona V., Gaveau B. Differential Forms on Singular Varieties: De Rham and Hodge Theory Simplified 2006
58692 Almgren F.J. Plateau's Problem: An Invitation to Varifold Geometry 1966
58691 ×óðþìîâ Ê.È. Êîìåòû è èõ íàáëþäåíèå 1980
58690 ×èêèí À.À. Àñòðîíîìè÷åñêàÿ òðóáà èç î÷êîâûõ ñòåêîë 1932
58689 ×èêèí À.À. Àñòðîíîìè÷åñêàÿ òðóáà 1927
58688 Chiang A.C. Fundamental Methods of Mathematical Economics 1984
58687 Chaos and Order in the Capital Markets: A New View of Cycles, Prices, and Market Volatility 1996
58686 Êàòàëîã öâåòíîãî ñòåêëà 1967
58685 Hardy G.H., Riesz M. The General Theory of Dirichlet's Series 1915
58684 Leach A.R. Molecular Modelling: Principles and Applications 2001
58683 Appell P. Traité de mécanique rationnelle Tome Premier 1893

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