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A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z À Á Â Ã Ä Å ¨ Æ Ç È É Ê Ë Ì Í Î Ï Ð Ñ Ò Ó Ô Õ Ö × Ø Ù Û Ý Þ ß
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ID asc desc pic Àâòîðû asc desc Íàçâàíèå asc desc Ãîä asc desc Äîï.
59363 Amey P. Logic versus Magic in Critical Systems 2001
59362 Abeyaratne R., Knowles J.K. Evolution of Phase Transitions: A Continuum Theory 2006
59361 Andrews D.L. Structured Light and Its Applications: An Introduction to Phase-Structured Beams and Nanoscale Optical Forces 2008
59360 Klein A., Godunov A. Introductory Computational Physics 2006
59359 Emiliani A. Italiani Nell'Aviazone Republicana Spagnola 2007
59358 Organisation for Economic Co-Operation OECD Territorial Reviews: France 2006
59357 Äóíàåâñêèé Â.À. Ïëàñòè÷åñêèå îïåðàöèè ïðè õèðóðãè÷åñêîì ëå÷åíèè îïóõîëåé ëèöà è ÷åëþñòåé 1976
59356 Êîïàåâà Â.Ã. Ãëàçíûå áîëåçíè 2002
59355 Mahajan K.K. Design of Process Equipment. Selected Topics. 1985
59354 Dobeck M.F., Elliott E. Money 2007
59353 de Roos D., Kennedy D. The Insider's Guide to Making Money in Real Estate: Smart Steps to Building Your Wealth Through Property 2005
59352 de Roos D., Burns G. The Insider's Guide to 52 Homes in 52 Weeks: Acquire Your Real Estate Fortune Today 2006
59351 Horvath J. Several Complex Variables I. Maryland 1970. Lecture Notes in Mathematics. 1970
59350 Shaw C. The DNA of Customer Experience: How Emotions Drive Value 2007
59349 Dixit A.K. Optimization in Economic Theory 1976
59348 Chang R.P.H., Roy R., Doyama M. Materials Science and Engineering Serving Society 1998
59347 Wiskup M. The It Factor: Be the One People Like, Listen to, and Remember 2007
59346 Zhouying Jin Global Technological Change: From Hard Technology To Soft Technology 2005
59345 Animalu A.O. Intermediate Quantum Theory of Crystalline Solids 1978
59344 Friedlander F.G. The Wave Equation on a Curved Space-Time 1975
59343 Azema J. (ed.), Meyer P.-A. (ed.), Yor M. (ed.) Seminaire de Probabilites XXVIII (Lecture Notes in Mathematics) 1994
59342 Albert J., Bennett J., Cochran J.J. Anthology of Statistics in Sports 2005
59341 Peleg B., Sudhölter P. Introduction to the Theory of Cooperative Games 2007
59340 Dennis J.B. Mathematical Programming and Electrical Networks 1959
59339 Ãîðíî-Àëòàéñêàÿ ðåñïóáëèêàíñêàÿ áîëüíèöà Ïîñîáèå äåæóðàíòà 2007
59338 Stankovic J.A., Spuri M., Ramamritham K. Deadline Scheduling for Real-Time Systems - EDF and Related Algorithms 1998
59337 Das S. Functional Fractional Calculus for System Identification and Controls 2008
59336 Moffat A.C. (ed.) Clarke's Isolation and Identification of Drugs 1986
59335 Aczel A.D. God's Equation: Einstein, Relativity, and the Expanding Universe 2000
59334 Azema J. (ed.), Yor M. (ed.) Séminaire de Probabilités XV. 1979/80: Avec table generale des exposes de 1966/67 a 1978/79 (Lecture Notes in Mathematics) (French and English Edition) 1981
59333 Guillemin V. Geometric Asymptotics (Mathematical Surveys and Monographs Number 14) 1990
59332 Äàâèäîâè÷ Î.Â., Äàâèäîâè÷ Í.ß. Êëiíi÷íà ôàðìàêîëîãià i ôàðìàêîòåðàïiÿ â êàðäiîëîãii 2005
59331 Akansu A.N. (ed.), Medley M.J. (ed.) Wavelet, Subband and Block Transforms in Communications and Multimedia 2002
59330 Dold A., Eckmann H., Eckmann B. Seminaire de probabilites I. Univesite de Strasbourg. (Novembre 1966 - Fevrier 1967) 1967
59329 Sauvigny F. Partial Differential Equations 2. Functional Analytic methods 2006
59328 Abramov S.A., Petkovsek M. Minimal decomposition of indefinite hypergeometric sums 2001
59327 Ààêåð Ä. Ñòðàòåãè÷åñêîå ðûíî÷íîå óïðàâëåíèå 2007
59326 Aizpuru-Tomas A., Leon-Saavedra F. Advanced courses of mathematical analysis I: proceedings of the first international school 2004
59325 Albanese Claudio, Campolieti Giuseppe Advanced derivatives pricing and risk management: theory, tools, and hands-on programming applications 2006
59324 Klyatis Lev M., Klyatis Eugene L. Accelerated quality and reliability solutions 2006
59323 Anderson R.L., Ibragimov N.H. Lie-Bäcklund transformations in applications 1979
59322 Anderson Daniel Factorization in integral domains 1997
59321 Abhyankar S.S. Lectures on Algebra Volume 1 2006
59320 Acton Forman S. Real computing made real: preventing errors in scientific and engineering calculations 1996
59319 Arnold V.I. Catastrophe Theory 1986
59318 Albeverio S., Ferreira L.S., Streit L. Resonances - Models and Phenomena 1984
59317 Azema J., Yor M. Seminaire de probabilites XX 1984/85: proceedings 1986
59316 Bellman R., Cooke K.L. Mathematics in science and engineering. Differential-difference equations 1963
59315 Asmar N.H. Partial Differential Equations with fourier series and boundary value problems 2005
59314 ASQ's foundations in quality self-directed learning series. Quality 101 2001

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