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ID asc desc pic Àâòîðû asc desc Íàçâàíèå asc desc Ãîä asc desc Äîï.
58784 Àíäðååâà Ë.Å. Óïðóãèå ýëåìåíòû ïðèáîðîâ 1962
58783 Bréchignac F., Howard B.J. Radioactive pollutants: Impact on the environment 2001
58782 Intellect Journal of Organisational Transformation and Social Change, Volume2, Number 1 2005
58781 ÌÔÒÈ Áèëåòû ïèñüìåííûõ âñòóïèòåëüíûõ ýêçàìåíîâ â ÌÔÒÈ (2005 ã.): Ìåòîäè÷åñêèå ðàçðàáîòêè ïî ôèçèêå è ìàòåìàòèêå. 2005
58780 ÌÔÒÈ Áèëåòû ïèñüìåííûõ âñòóïèòåëüíûõ ýêçàìåíîâ â ÌÔÒÈ (2004 ã.): Ìåòîäè÷åñêèå ðàçðàáîòêè ïî ôèçèêå è ìàòåìàòèêå. 2004
58779 ÌÔÒÈ Áèëåòû ïèñüìåííûõ âñòóïèòåëüíûõ ýêçàìåíîâ â ÌÔÒÈ (2000 ã.): Ìåòîäè÷åñêèå ðàçðàáîòêè ïî ôèçèêå è ìàòåìàòèêå. 2000
58778 Finan T.M., O'Brian M.R., Layzell D.B. Nitrogen Fixation: Global Perspectives 2002
58777 Pilling M.J., Compton R.G., Hancock G. Low-temperature Combustion and Autoignition, Volume 35 (Comprehensive Chemical Kinetics) 1997
58776 Ryan T.A., Ryan C., Seddon E.A. and Seddon K.R. Phosgene and Related Carbonyl Halides 1996
58775 Sanz-Medel A. Flow Analysis with Atomic Spectrometric Detectors, Volume 9 (Analytical Spectroscopy Library) 1999
58774 Lipowsky R., Sackmann E. Handbook of Biological Physics. Volume 1B. Structure and Dynamics of Membranes: Generic and Specific Interactions 1995
58773 Carl-Otto Leiber Assessment of Safety and Risk with a Microscopic Model of Detonation 2003
58772 Hari Singh Nalwa Handbook of Advanced Electronic and Photonic Materials and Devices. Volume 8: Conducting Polymers. 2001
58771 Guiochon G., Felinger A., Shirazu D.G. and Katti A.M. Fundamentals of Preparative of Preparative and Chromatography Nonlinear Chromatography 2006
58770 Lemaitre J. Handbook of Materials Behavior Models. VOLUME I. Deformations of Materials 2001
58769 Drozdov A.D. Viscoelastic Structures: Mechanics of Growth and Aging 1998
58768 Render Magazine ¹8(11), àâãóñò, 2007 2007
58767 Render Magazine ¹02(17), ôåâðàëü, 2008 2008
58766 Render Magazine ¹01(16). ÿíâàðü, 2008 2008
58765 Render Magazine ¹7(10), Èþëü, 2007 2007
58764 Render Magazine ¹ 6(9), Èþíü, 2007 2007
58763 Kissell R., Glantz M. Optimal Trading Strategies: Quantitative Approaches for Managing Market Impact and Trading Risk 2003
58762 Æèãëÿâñêèé À.À., Êðàñêîâñêèé À.Å. Îáíàðóæåíèå ðàçëàäêè ñëó÷àéíûõ ïðîöåññîâ â çàäà÷àõ ðàäèîòåõíèêè 1988
58761 Harrison M.R. An Introduction to Business and Management Ethics 2005
58760 Wolf N. The Beauty Myth How Images of Beauty Are Used Against Women 2008
58759 Canfield J., Switzer J. The Success Principles: How to Get From Where You Are to Where You Want to Be 2004
58758 OECD The Regulatory Control of Radioactive Waste Management 2004
58757 Tracy M., Noonan T. Starring You!: The Insiders' Guide to Using Television and Media to Launch Your Brand, Your Business, and Your Life 2007
58756 Neckers D.C., Jenks W.S., Wolff T. Advances in Photochemistry (Volume 28) 2005
58754 Francombe M.H., Rossnagel S.M., Ulman A. Frontiers of Thin Film Technology. (Volume 28) 2001
58753 Beshara T. Acing the Interview: How to Ask and Answer the Questions That Will Get You the Job 2008
58752 Hall C., Bensoussan B. Staying Ahead Of The Competition: How Firms Really Manage Their Competitive Intelligence and Knowledge: Evidence from a Decade of Rapid Change 2007
58751 Lawler E.E., Boudreau J.W., Mohrman S.A. Achieving Strategic Excellence: An Assessment of Human Resource Organizations 2006
58750 Albani J.R. Structure and Dynamics of Macromolecules: Absorption and Fluorescence Studies 2004
58749 Manas T.M., Graham M.D. Creating a Total Rewards Strategy: A Toolkit for Designing Business-Based Plans 2003
58748 Utterback J., Vedin B.-A., Alvarez E. Design-inspired Innovation 2006
58747 Lusthaus C., Adrien M.-H., Anderson G. Organizational Assessment: A Framework for Improving Performance 2002
58746 Lee T.A. A Beginner's Guide to Mass Spectral Interpretation 1998
58745 Okada T., Kaneko M. Molecular Catalysts for Energy Conversion 2009
58744 Attari A., Klass D.L. Natural Gas Energy Measurement 2005
58743 Levine D.M. Statistics for Six Sigma Green Belts with Minitab and JMP 2006
58742 Yang J.T., Yang J.N. An Outline of Scientific Writing: For Researchers With English As a Foreign Language 1995
58741 Munro M., Ford J., Leishman C. Lending to Higher Risk Borrowers: Sub Prime Credit and Sustainable Home Ownership 2005
58740 Moussa M.S. Nitrification in Saline Industrial Wastewater 2004
58739 Pease W.R., Rowe M., Cooper M. Information and Communication Technologies in Support of the Tourism Industry 2007
58738 Kahn M.N. Technical Analysis Plain and Simple: Charting the Markets in Your Language 2006
58737 Enelow W.S., Kursmark L.M. Expert Resumes for Baby Boomers 2007
58736 Holzapfel W.B., Isaacs N.S. High Pressure Techniques in Chemistry and Physics: A Practical Approach 1997
58735 Ahonen T.T., Kasper T., Melkko S. 3G Marketing: Communities and Strategic Partnerships 2004
58734 Miller W.R., Rollnick S., Miller W.R. Motivational Interviewing, Second Edition: Preparing People for Change 2002

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