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ID asc desc pic Àâòîðû asc desc Íàçâàíèå asc desc Ãîä asc desc Äîï.
74171 Schulz R.H. (ed.) Mathematische Aspekte der angewandten Informatik 1994
74170 Srikant Y. N., Shankar P. The compiler design handbook: optimizations and machine code generation 2007
74169 Revuz D. Markov chains 2005
74168 Scheuermann G. Inventor 2009: Grundlagen und Methodik in zahlreichen Konstruktionsbeispielen 2008
74167 Milner R. Communicating and mobile systems: the symbol for pi-calculus 1999
74166 Maginnis T., Team S.D. Sair Linux and GNU certification level II Apache and Web servers 2001
74165 Harald S. Models of software architecture: design and analysis with UML and Petri nets 2000
74164 Epps T.W. Quantitative finance: its development, mathematical foundations, and current scope 2009
74163 Newman C., Resnick S. In and out of equilibrium 2 2008
74162 Mattheij R.M.M. Partial differential equations: modeling, analysis, computation 2005
74160 Norden H. Fundamental Counterpoint 1969
74159 Rao S.G. Numerical analysis 2006
74158 Martin B. Nuclear and particle physics 2009
74157 Roberts A.P. Statics and dynamics with background mathematics 2003
74156 Palla F., Zinnecker H. Physics of star formation in galaxies 2002
74155 Rahnejat H., Ebrahimi M., Whalley R. Multi-body Dynamics: Monitoring and Simulation Techniques 2 2000
74154 Stephan P., Schaber K., Stephan K. Thermodynamik.Grundlagen und technische Anwendungen. Einstoffsysteme (Springer, 2007) 2006
74153 Miller E. IAS/Park City Mathematics Series. Geometric combinatorics (14 , 2004) 2007
74152 Steven S. Skiena The algorithm design manual 2008
74151 Skinner B. F. Walden two 2005
74150 Silvio Salinas Introduction to statistical physics 2001
74149 Mark Slagell Sams Teach Yourself Ruby in 21 Days 2002
74148 Pat Metheny Pat Metheny song book: the complete collection, 167 compositions 2000
74147 Jerry Shurman Geometry of the Quintic 1997
74146 Mr Philip Spencer, Mr Howard Wollman Nationalism: a critical introduction 2002
74145 Aristotle D. Michal Matrix and tensor calculus: with applications to mechanics, elasticity, and aeronautics 2008
74144 Aarne Ranta (editor), Bengt Nordström (editor) Advances in Natural Language Processing: 6th International Conference, GoTAL 2008, Gothenburg, Sweden, August 25-27, 2008 2008
74143 Tamás Szamuely Galois groups and fundamental groups 2009
74142 Wojciech Penczek Advances in verification of time petri nets and timed automata: a temporal logic approach 2006
74141 R.A. Piccinini Lectures on homotopy theory 1992
74140 Alexei Myasnikov Group-based cryptography 2008
74139 Steve Oualline C elements of style: the programmers style manual for Elegant C and C++ programs 1992
74138 Browder William (editor), Frank Quinn (editor), Luis A. Caffarelli (editor) Prospects in topology: proceedings of a conference in honor of William Browder 1995
74137 Millar James R. Encyclopedia of Russian history 2003
74136 Daniel C. Mattis The theory of magnetism made simple: an introduction to physical concepts and to some useful mathematical methods 2006
74135 Douglas Stone Difficult conversations: how to discuss what matters most 2000
74134 David Schwarz Listening awry music and alterity in German culture 2006
74133 Guiseppe Da Prato Stochastic equations in infinite dimensions 1993
74132 K. Srinivas, C.A.J. Fletcher Computational techniques for fluid dynamics: a solutions manual 1992
74131 Jean-Claude Pont, Flavia Padovani Complete Works of Charles-Francois Sturm 2008
74130 Thomas Pankhurst Schenkerguide: a brief handbook and website for Schenkerian analysis 2008
74129 Albeverio S. Noncommutative distributions: unitary representation of gauge groups and algebras 1993
74128 Roche D. Simple comme Ubuntu 8.04. A la decouverte de Linux 2008
74127 Szabo M. E. Algebra of proofs 1978
74126 Nagel T. What does it all mean?: a very short introduction to philosophy 1987
74125 James G. Oxley Matroid theory 2006
74124 Armstrong S. Natural language processing using very large corpora 1999
74123 Paul Messick Maximum MIDI: advanced music applications in C++ 1997
74122 John Strikwerda Finite difference schemes and partial differential equations 2007
74121 Smart J.K. Real delegation: how to get people to do things for you - and do them well 2002

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