73970 |
Dean P.J., Reed P.R. |
Practical Skills in Chemistry |
2001 | •• |
73969 |
Felig P., Frohman L. |
Endocrinology and Metabolism |
2001 • | •• |
73968 |
Berry R.S. |
Physical Chemistry |
2000 • | •• |
73967 |
Lehn J. |
Supramolecular Chemistry |
1995 | •• |
73966 |
Null L., Lobur J. |
The Essentials of Computer Organization and Architecture |
2003 | •• |
73965 |
Rothman K.J., Greenland S., Lash T.L. |
Modern Epidemiology |
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73964 |
Rouessac F., Rouessac A. |
Chemical Analysis. Modern Instrum. Methods and Techniques |
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Rhodes D., Butler D. |
Solaris Operating Environment Boot Camp |
2002 | •• |
73962 |
Hong B.J. |
Building a Server with FreeBSD 7. Modular Approach |
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Holmes K., Sparling P., Stamm W. |
Sexually Transmitted Diseases |
2008 • | •• |
73960 |
Atkins P. |
Physical Chemistry |
2006 • | •• |
73959 |
Paul W.E. |
Fundamental Immunology |
2008 • | •• |
73958 |
Levine I.N. |
Quantum Chemistry |
1999 • | •• |
73957 |
Cederholm D. |
Bulletproof Web Design: Improving flexibility and protecting against worst-case scenarios with XHTML and CSS |
2007 • | •• |
73956 |
Norris M. |
Gigabit Ethernet Technology and Applications (Artech House Telecommunications Library) |
2003 | •• |
73955 |
McMurry J.E. |
Organic Chemistry |
1995 • | •• |
73954 |
Gillam R. |
Unicode Demystified |
2002 | •• |
73953 |
Smale S. |
The mathematics of time: essays on dynamical systems, economic processes, and related topics |
1980 | •• |
73952 |
Papenfuss D., Luesst D., Schleich W.P. |
100 years Werner Heisenberg: works and impact |
2002 • | •• |
73951 |
Soifer A. |
Mathematics as problem solving |
2009 • | •• |
73950 |
Negm-Awad A. |
Objective-C und Cocoa - Band 1. Grundlagen |
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73949 |
Parry R. |
The tai chi manual: a step-by-step guide to the short yang form |
1997 | •• |
73948 |
Sawyer T.Y. |
Pro Excel financial modeling: building models for technology startups |
2009 • | •• |
73947 |
Berstel J., Perrin D., Reutenauer C. |
Codes and automata |
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73946 |
Stigler S.M. |
The history of statistics: the measurement of uncertainty before 1900 |
1986 • | •• |
73945 |
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2005 • | •• |
73944 |
Polack T. |
Focus On 3D Terrain Programming (Game Development) |
2002 • | •• |
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73942 |
Nozieres P., Pines D. |
The theory of quantum liquids |
1999 | •• |
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73940 |
Schechter M. |
Spectra of partial differential operators |
1986 • | •• |
73939 |
Sorace A., Heycock C. B., Shillcock R. |
Language acquisition: knowledge representation and processing |
1999 • | •• |
73938 |
Monelle R. |
The musical topic: hunt, military and pastoral |
2006 | •• |
73937 |
Sen P.K. |
Theory and applications of sequential nonparametrics |
1987 | •• |
73936 |
Piper R. |
Extraordinary animals: an encyclopedia of curious and unusual animals |
2007 | •• |
73935 |
Odersky M., Spoon L., Venners B. |
Programming in Scala |
2008 • | •• |
73934 |
Richter K. |
Semiclassical theory of mesoscopic quantum systems |
2000 | •• |
73933 |
Platt D.S. |
Why software sucks... and what you can do about it |
2006 • | •• |
73932 |
Nayfeh A.H. |
Wave propagation in layered anisotropic media: with applications to composites |
1995 • | •• |
73931 |
Swick E. |
German pronouns and prepositions |
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73930 |
McCrea W.H. |
Analytical geometry of three dimensions |
2006 • | •• |
73929 |
Shafranov V. D. |
Reviews of plasma physics. Volume 24 |
2008 • | •• |
73928 |
Nolting W. |
Grundkurs theoretische Physik 5/1. Quantenmechanik - Grundlagen |
2008 • | •• |
73927 |
Schwarz P.M., Schwarz J.H. |
Special relativity: from Einstein to strings |
2004 | •• |
73926 |
Neufeld G.G., Immers R. |
Inside Commodore DOS |
1986 | •• |
73925 |
Michaelides E.E. |
Particles, bubbles & drops: their motion, heat and mass transfer |
2006 | •• |
73924 |
Russo L. |
The forgotten revolution: how science was born in 300 BC and why it had to be reborn |
2004 | •• |
73923 |
Roberts M., Thomas J. (eds.) |
Chemical Physics of Solids and Their Surfaces |
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73922 |
Defonseca M. |
Surviving with wolves: the most extraordinary story of World War II |
2006 • | •• |
73921 |
Shoup V. |
A Computational Introduction to Number Theory and Algebra (Version 2) |
2008 | •• |