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ID asc desc pic Àâòîðû asc desc Íàçâàíèå asc desc Ãîä asc desc Äîï.
194491 Poo D., Kiong D., Ashok S. Object-Oriented Programming and Java 2008
195915 J. M. Garrido Object-Oriented Programming (From Problem Solving to JAVA) (Programming Series) 2003
143689 Gifford M. Object-Oriented Programming in ColdFusion 2009
26686 Lavin P. Object-Oriented PHP: Concepts, Techniques, and Code 2006
159454 Lavin P. Object-Oriented PHP: Concepts, Techniques, and Code 2006
167480 Lavin P. Object-Oriented PHP: Concepts, Techniques, and Code 2006
14014 Rahayu J.W., Taniar D., Pardede E. Object-oriented Oracle 2006
30016 Lanza M., Marinescu R. Object-Oriented Metrics in Practice: Using Software Metrics to Characterize, Evaluate, and Improve the Design of Object-Oriented Systems 2006
172547 Bertino E., Urban S. Object-Oriented Methodologies and Systems: International Symposium ISOOMS '94, Palermo, Italy, September 21-22, 1994. Proceedings 1994
74454 Stefanov S. Object-Oriented JavaScript: Create scalable, reusable high-quality JavaScript applications and libraries 2008
137460 Konstantas D., Leonard M., Pigneur Y. Object-Oriented Information Systems: 9th International Conference, OOIS 2003, Geneva, Switzerland, September 2-5, 2003, Proceedings 2003
196631 Z. Bellahsene, D.Patel, C. Rolland Object-Oriented Information Systems: 8th International Conference, OOIS 2002, Montpellier, France, September 2-5, 2002, Proceedings 2002
131029 Bennett S., McRobb S., Farmer R. Object-Oriented Information Systems Analysis and Design Using UML 2001
28270 Garzas J., Piattini M. Object-Oriented Design Knowledge 2006
27434 Riel A.J. Object-Oriented Design Heuristics 1996
29209 Dale N.B., Joyce D.T., Weems Ch. Object-Oriented Data Structures Using Java 2001
21348 Züllighoven H. Object-Oriented Construction Handbook 2005
164394 Weske M., Liggesmeyer P. Object-Oriented and Internet-Based Technologies: 5th Annual International Conference on Object-Oriented and Internet-Based Technologies, Concepts, and ... (Lecture Notes in Computer Science) 2005
165255 Weske M., Liggesmeyer P. Object-Oriented and Internet-Based Technologies: 5th Annual International Conference on Object-Oriented and Internet-Based Technologies, Concepts, and 2004
28269 Schach S.R. Object-Oriented and Classical Software Engineering 2004
15820 O'Docherty M. Object-oriented Analysis And Design: Understanding System Development With UML 2.0 2005
28268 Booch G. Object-oriented analysis and design with applications 1993
29208 Booch G., Conallen J., Maksimchuk R.A. Object-Oriented Analysis and Design with Applications 2007
160775 Ramnath S., Dathan B. Object-Oriented Analysis and Design 2011
15594 Elst P. (ed.), Yard T. Object-oriented Actionscript for Flash 8 2006
30015 Elst P., Yard T., Jacobs S. Object-Oriented ActionScript 3.0 2007
170891 Briot J.-P., Geib J.-M., Yonezawa A. Object-Based Parallel and Distributed Computation: France-Japan Workshop, OBPDC'95, Tokyo, Japan, June 21 - 23, 1995, Selected Papers 1996
147885 Ciancarini P., Nierstrasz O., Yonezawa A. Object-Based Models and Languages for Concurrent Systems: ECOOP '94 Workshop on Models and Languages for Coordination of Parallelism and Distribution 1995
190073 Guerraoui R., Nierstrasz O., Riveill M. Object-Based Distributed Programming: ECOOP '93 Workshop, Kaiserslautern, Germany, July 26 - 27, 1993. Proceedings 1994
162722 Tokoro M., Nierstrasz O., Wegner P. Object-Based Concurrent Computing: ECOOP '91 Workshop, Geneva, Switzerland, July 15-16, 1991. Proceedings 1992
146549 Bertino E., Martino L. Object- Oriented Database Systems: Concepts and Architectures 1993
158256 Bertino E., Martino L. Object- Oriented Database Systems: Concepts and Architectures 1993
17865 Taylor A.D. Object Technology 1997
169430 Nishio S., Yonezawa A. Object Technologies for Advanced Software: First JSSST International Symposium, Kanazawa, Japan, November 4-6, 1993. Proceedings 1993
28272 Booch G. Object solutions 1995
178170 Hebert M., Ponce J., Boult T. Object Representation in Computer Vision: International NSF-ARPA Workshop, New York City, NY, USA, December 5 - 7, 1994. Proceedings 1995
163507 Ponce J., Zisserman A., Hebert M. Object Representation in Computer Vision II: ECCV '96 International Workshop, Cambridge, UK, April 13 - 14, 1996. Proceedings: v. 2 1996
19028 Tarr M.J. (ed.), Bulthoff H.H. Object Recognition in Man, Monkey, and Machine 1999
21772 Object Pascal Sprachreferenz 1999
179903 Garrido J. Object Oriented Simulation: A Modeling and Programming Perspective 2009
77231 Garrido J. M. Object Oriented Simulation 2009
153513 Demeyer S., Ducasse S., Nierstrasz O. Object Oriented Reengineering Patterns (The Morgan Kaufmann Series in Software Engineering and Programming) 2002
178391 Demeyer S., Ducasse S., Nierstrasz O. Object Oriented Reengineering Patterns (The Morgan Kaufmann Series in Software Engineering and Programming) 2003
167846 Hayder H. Object Oriented Programming with PHP5 2007
208608 Balagurusamy E. Object Oriented Programming with C++ 2011
210106 E Balagurusamy OBJECT ORIENTED PROGRAMMING WITH C+ + 2011
53597 Akin J.E. Object Oriented Programming via Fortran 90/95 2001
52352 Kendal S. Object Oriented Programming using Java 2009
10105 Schreiner A. Object Oriented Programming in ANSI-C 2001
20534 Fyfe C. Object Oriented Programming 1996

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