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ID asc desc pic Àâòîðû asc desc Íàçâàíèå asc desc Ãîä asc desc Äîï.
125237 Bouchaud J. P., Orland H. On the Bethe Ansatz for Random Directed Polymers 1990
38362 Ricciardi T. On the best Holder exponent for two dimensional elliptic equations in divergence form n/a
122063 Chayes L., Machta J. On the Behavior of the Surface Tension for Spin Systems in a Correlated Porous Medium 1995
44989 Fréchet M. On the Behavior of the nth Iterate of a Fredholm Kernel AS n Becomes Infinite 1932
125573 Abdel-Gawad H.I. On the Behavior of Solutions of a Class of Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations 1999
125362 Wolfgang Dreyer, Frank Duderstadt On the BeckerDoring Theory of Nucleation of Liquid Droplets in Solids 2005
23457 Carter D.M., Rovell D. On the Ball: What You Can Learn About Business from America's Sports Leaders 2003
123154 Forrester P.J., Jancovici B. On the Average Distance Between Particles in the Two-Dimensional Two-Component Plasma 1992
87545 Dieudonne J. On the automorphisms of the classical groups 1949
123553 Lebowitz J.L., Schonmann R.H. On the Asymptotics of Occurrence Times of Rare Events for Stochastic Spin Systems 1987
123052 Bellomo N., Lachowicz M. On the Asymptotic Equivalence between the Enskog and the Boltzmann Equations 1988
119752 Ayton G., Evans D.J. On the Asymptotic Convergence of the Transient and Steady-State Fluctuation Theorems 1999
119912 Fritz J. On the Asymptotic Behaviour of Spitzer's Model for Evolution of One-Dimensional Point Systems 1985
124839 Heyde C.C. On the Asymptotic Behavior of Random Walks on an Anisotropic Lattice 1982
126051 Weiss G.H., Masoliver J., Shuler K.E. On the Asymmetry of a Random Walk in the Presence of a Field 1990
41937 Bell E.T. On the Arithmetic of Abelina Functions 1927
35843 Hamilton W.R. On the Argument of Abel 2000
121150 Enting I.G., Guttmann A.J. On the Area of Square Lattice Polygons 1990
124301 Hunt F.Y., Miller W.M. On the Approximation of Invariant Measures 1992
44124 Blichfeldt H.F. On the Approximate Solutions in Integers of a Set of Linear Equations 1921
35863 Hamilton W.R. On the Application to Dynamics of a General Mathematical Method Previously Applied to Optics 2000
42539 Bridgman P.W. On the application of thermodynemics to the thermo-electric circuit 1929
40735 Michelson A.A. On the Application of Interference Methods to Astronomical Measurements 1920
41445 Moore C.N. On the Application of Borels Method to the Summation of Fouriers Series 1925
40734 Webster A.G. On the Angle of Repose of Wet Sand 1919
132366 Benfatto G., Gallavotti G., Nicolb F. On the Analyticity of the Pressure in the Hierarchical Dipole Gas 1988
125920 Blum L., Vericat F., Herrera-Pacheco J. N. On the Analytical Solution of the Ornstein-Zernike Equation with Yukawa Closure 1991
40733 Russell H.N. On the Albedo of the Planets and Their Satellites 1916
44988 Epstein P.S. On the Air Resistance of Projectiles 1931
41936 Luyten W.J. On the Absolute Magnitudes of the Class M Stars 1928
125101 Abel Klein, Lawrence J. Landau, David S. Shucker On the Absence of Spontaneous Breakdown of Continuous Symmetry for Equilibrium States in Two Dimensions 1981
123143 Fisher M.E., Li X., Levin Y. On the Absence of Intermediate Phases in the Two-Dimensional Coulomb Gas 1995
100000 On the Absence of Diffusion in a Semiinfinite One-Dimensional System 1976
119358 Picco P. On the Absence of Breakdown of Symmetry for the Plane Rotator Model with Long-Range Random Interaction 1983
44123 Clark G.L. On the Abnormal Reflection of X-Rays by Crystals 1923
96263 Sari R.R., Merlini D. On the ν-dimensional one-component classical plasma: The thermodynamic limit problem revisited 1975
99537 Gary R. Dowling, H. Ted Davis On the Statistical Mechanics of Rigid Particles 1972
43704 Murnaghan F.D. On The Field Of Values Of A Square Matrix 1932
105371 McCallum S. On testing bivariate polynomial for analytic reducibility. 1997
44119 Clark G.L. On Tertiary X-Radiation, Etc 1923
11140 Brown D.P., Jennings R.H. On technical analysis 1989
59113 Berry T., Wilson D. On Target: The Book on Marketing Plans 2001
79522 Verlinden F. On Target No. 1 Modelling Special: The German Tiger Tanks 1984
37574 Hamilton W.R. On Symbolical Geometry 1999
132356 Hasegawa M., Watabe M. On Surface Properties of a Weakly-Coupled Classical One-Component Plasma: The Size Effect in Finite Systems 1985
38357 Ferrero A., Gazzola F. On subcriticality assumptions for the existence of ground states of quasilinear elliptic equations 2001
149637 Toni Gilpin, Gary Isaac, Dan Letwin On Strike for Respect: The Clerical and Technical Workers' Strike at Yale University, 1984-85 1994
44118 Webster A.G. On Steering an Automobile around a Corner 1921
121908 Freidlin M.I. On Stable Oscillations and Equilibriums Induced by Small Noise 2001
120921 Horbacz K., Myjak J. On Stability of Some General Random Dynamical System 2005

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