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ID asc desc pic Àâòîðû asc desc Íàçâàíèå asc desc Ãîä asc desc Äîï.
177313 Kallenrode M.-B. Space physics 2004
35019 Pilyugin S.Y. Space of Dynamical Systems with the Co-Topology 2008
157472 Larson W., Wertz J. Space Mission Analysis and Design, 1999
46926 Willey J.Larson, James R.Wertz, Kuwer Academic Space Mission Analysis and Design 2003
174111 Reshetnyak Y. Space Mappings with Bounded Distortion (Translations of Mathematical Monographs, Vol. 73) 1989
180535 Reshetnyak Y. Space mappings with bounded distortion 1989
173423 Perozzi E., Ferraz-Mello S. Space Manifold Dynamics: Novel Spaceways for Science and Exploration (Space Technology Proceedings) 2010
160899 Benesch K., Schmidt K. Space in America: Theory History Culture (Architecture Technology Culture (ATC) 1) (Architecture - Technology - Culture) 2005
48663 John Chilton Space Grid Structures 1999
165677 Evans K. Space Exploration: Triumphs and Tragedies, 2008 Edition (Information Plus Reference Series) 2009
137816 Evans K.M. Space Exploration: Triumph and Tragedies 2009
44791 Harvey B., Harland D.M. Space Exploration 2007
29620 Vandenameele P., Van Der Perre L. Space Division Multiple Access for Wireless Local Area Networks 2001
36114 Ghione F., Peskine C., Sernesi E. (eds.) Space Curves 1987
180653 Ghione F., Peskine C., Sernesi E. Space Curves 1987
6089 Hawking S. Space and Time Warps n/a
212807 Thorn C. E. Space and Time in Geomorphology 2020
74557 Schlick M. Space and Time in Contemporary Physics: An Introduction to the Theory of Relativity and Gravitation 2005
159554 Schlick M. Space and time in contemporary physics: An introduction to the theory of relativity and gravitation 2005
198275 Borel E. Space and time 1960
140790 Jenkins A. Space and the 'March of Mind': Literature and the Physical Sciences in Britain 1815-1850 2007
159488 Planel H. Space and Life: An Introduction to Space Biology and Medicine 2004
39900 MacCutcheon S. Space and Astronomy: The People behind the Science 2006
187096 Paton B. Space : technologies, materials, structures 2003
43053 Organization for Economic Cooperation Space 2030: Tackling Society's Challenges 2005
198015 Wesson P.S. Space - Time - Matter: Modern Kaluza-Klein Theory 1998
17471 SPA (December 2006) 2006
215588 Drecoll V.H., Scheerer C. Späte Schriften zur Gnadenlehre. De gratia et libero arbitrio. De praedestinatione sanctorum libri duo (olim: De praedestinatione sanctorum, De dono perseverantiae) 2019
216368 Strube J. Sozialismus, Katholizismus und Okkultismus im Frankreich des 19. Jahrhunderts 2016
216648 Strube J. Sozialismus, Katholizismus und Okkultismus im Frankreich des 19. Jahrhunderts 2016
157304 Johnson L., White P., Galloway R. Soybeans: Chemistry, Production, Processing, and Utilization 2008
49983 Heatherly L.G. (ed.), Hodges H.F. (ed.) Soybean Production in the Midsouth 1999
186919 Norman A. Soybean Physiology, Agronomy and Utilization 1978
40170 Rottman G.L. Soviet Field Fortifications 1941-1945 2007
216845 Louise Strong A. Soviet farmers n/a
80721 Zaloga S.J. Soviet Bloc Elite Forces 1985
151032 Jochen Andritzky Sovereign Default Risk Valuation: Implications of Debt Crises and Bond Restructurings (Lecture Notes in Economics and Mathematical Systems) 2006
144647 Chong C.T., Wicks M.J. Southeast Asian Conference on Logic: Studies in Logic and Foundations of Mathematics: Proceedings 1983
211166 James R. Rush Southeast Asia: A Very Short Introduction 2018
80403 Gin O.K. (ed.) Southeast Asia. A historical encyclopedia, from Angkor Wat to East Timor 2004
80240 Conboy K. South-East Asian Special Forces 1991
200662 Adluri Subramanyam Raju SOUTH ASIA AND CHINA n/a
79772 Pitta R., McCouaig S. (Illustrator) South African Special Forces 1993
33081 K.J.Devlin, H.Johnsbraten Souslin Problem 1974
175483 Bolten J. Sources of Weapon System Cost Growth: Analysis of 35 Major Defense Acquisition Programs 2008
32013 van der Waerden B.L. Sources of Quantum Mechanics, Vol. 5 1968
113882 Van Der Waerden B.L. Sources of Quantum Mechanics 1968
207478 L. Berggren, J.Z. Buchwald, J. Lutzen Sources and Studies in the History of Mathematics and Physical Sciences 2008
206960 Renzetti C.M., Edleson J.L., Kennedy Bergen R. Sourcebook on Violence against Women. 2018
8915 Dongarra J., Foster I., Fox G. Sourcebook of parallel computing 2003

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