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Daniel Lynwood Smith |
The Rhetoric of Interruption Speech-Making, Turn-Taking, and Rule-Breaking in Luke-Acts and Ancient Greek Narrative |
2012 | •• |
211452 |
Murray N. Rothbard |
A Grande Depressão Americana |
2012 | •• |
211451 |
Walter Mehring |
Der Kaufmann von Berlin Ein historisches Schauspiel aus der deutschen Inflation |
2009 | •• |
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Marco Puschner |
Antisemitismus im Kontext der Politischen Romantik Konstruktionen des »Deutschen« und des »Jdischen« bei Arnim, Brentano und Saul Ascher |
2008 | •• |
211449 |
John Van Maaren |
The Boundaries of Jewishness in the Southern Levant 200 BCE–132 CE |
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Martha M. Christy |
Your Own Perfect Medicine: The Incredible Proven Natural Miracle Cure that Medical Science Has Never Revealed! |
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Vilchez Caceda Arquimedes |
O Magnésio: Experimentando um copo da fonte da eterna juventude |
2019 | •• |
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Matthew James Crawford, Joseph M. Gabriel |
Drugs on the Page: Pharmacopoeias and Healing Knowledge in the Early Modern Atlantic World |
2019 | •• |
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Houvener, J.D. |
Bold Ideas: Physician's Guide to Patents |
2021 | •• |
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Allan Kardec |
O que É o Espiritismo |
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211443 |
Scott Sehon |
Teleological Realism: Mind, Agency, and Explanation |
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Jan Kühne, Jakob Hessing, Mark H. Gelber |
Kurzprosa und Nachlasstexte |
2022 | •• |
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Richard E. Sonntag |
Thermodynamics Databook |
2021 | •• |
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María Belmonte |
Los senderos del mar |
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211439 |
Douglas Tufano |
Estudos de Literatura Brasileira |
2014 | •• |
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211436 |
Michael K.W. Suh |
Power and Peril |
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211435 |
Sammy Gronemann |
Kritische Gesamtausgabe Hawdoloh und Zapfenstreich |
2020 | •• |
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Adalberto J. Campelo |
Mayatrix |
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211433 |
François Forestier |
Marilyn et JFK |
2008 | •• |
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Eva Edelmann-Ohler |
Sprache des Krieges |
2014 | •• |
211431 |
David Paul Moessner |
Luke the Historian of Israel’s Legacy, Theologian of Israel’s ‘Christ’ |
2016 | •• |
211430 |
Abha Misra |
2023 | •• |
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211428 |
D. Clint Burnett |
Beihefte zur Zeitschrift für die neutestamentliche Wissenschaft |
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211427 |
Sammy Gronemann |
Conditio Judaica |
2019 | •• |
211426 |
Daniel R. Langton |
Reform Judaism and Darwin |
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211425 |
Daniela Arbex |
Todo dia a mesma noite |
2018 | •• |
211424 |
C. S. Lewis |
Milagres |
2015 | •• |
211423 |
Eduardo Reina |
Cativeiro sem fim |
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Kristian Kniha, Karl Andreas Schlegel, Heinz Kniha |
Guided Surgery in Implantology |
2021 | •• |
211421 |
Ellinor Schöne |
Islamische Solidarität: Geschichte, Politik, Ideologie der Organisation der Islamischen Konferenz (OIC) 1969-1981 |
1997 | •• |
211420 |
Fabrício Carpinejar |
Olhos de raposa |
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Россия в наполеоновских войнах 1805–1815 гг. |
2014 | •• |
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Батина Л. Б., Симонова Т. А., Ячная Т. А. |
Английский язык. Тексты и упражнения для студентов 2 курса специальности Т.15.06. Часть 1 |
2002 | •• |
211417 |
Michael Cover |
Lifting the Veil 2 Corinthians 3:7–18 in Light of Jewish Homiletic and Commentary Traditions |
2015 | •• |
211416 |
Saurabh Kumar Dixit |
International Conference on Sustainable Tourism and Hospitality Marketing |
2018 | •• |
211415 |
Horst Bredekamp |
I coralli di Darwin: I primi modelli evolutivi e la tradizione della storia naturale |
2006 | •• |
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Севостьянов Г.Н. |
Москва - Вашингтон : политика и дипломатия Кремля Т. 1 : 1921-1928 |
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Basil the Great |
Homilien Zum Hexaemeron |
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211412 |
Kurt Aland |
Text Und Textwert Der Griecheschen Handschriften Des Neuen Testaments: Die Paulinschen Briefe |
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Juan Francisco Esquembre, José Morales |
Gerente profesional de proyectos Cómo gestionar con éxit o su proyect o de certifi cación profesiona l PMP |
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Эксплуатация и ремонт силового электрооборудования |
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211409 |
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Os brasileiros e a Segunda Guerra Mundial (Descobrindo o Brasil) |
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211408 |
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Dez Erros Filosoficos |
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211407 |
Гнеденко Б.В., Хинчин А.Я. |
Элементарное введение в теорию вероятностей |
1957 • | •• |
211406 |
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Новые методы нанесения и сушки лакокрасочных покрытии |
1959 | •• |
211405 |
Михельсон В.С. |
Элементы вычислительной математики |
1966 • | •• |
211404 |
Бамдас А.М., Сомов В.А., Шмидт А.О. |
Трансформаторы и стабилизаторы, регулируемые подмагничиванием шунтов |
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