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Ralph Kauz |
Politische Parteien und Bevölkerung in Iran: Die Hezb-e Demükrät-e Trän und • ihr Führer Qavämo s-Saltanä |
1995 | •• |
211252 |
Andy Mueller |
Beings of Thought and Action: Epistemic and Practical Rationality |
2021 | •• |
211251 |
AyÐe BaÐol-Gürdal |
„AllÁh ist das Licht von Himmel und Erde“ |
2008 | •• |
211250 |
Sir Isaac Newton |
As Profecias do Apocalipse e o Livro de Daniel |
2011 | •• |
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James D. G. Dunn, Carl R. Holladay, Matthias Konradt |
Mark and Paul |
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Mit Beiträgen, Manja Sirinjan |
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Maarten van Steen, Andrew S. Tanenbaum |
Distributed Systems |
2023 • | •• |
211246 |
Joyce Lee Malcolm |
Violência e armas: a experiência inglesa |
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211245 |
Francis S. Collins |
A LINGUAGEM DE DEUS Um cientista apresenta evidências de que Ele existe |
1998 | •• |
211244 |
José Manuel Salazar-Xirinachs, Raúl García-Buchaca, Sally Shaw |
Hacia la transformación del modelo de desarrollo en América Latina y el Caribe: producción, inclusión y sostenibilidad |
2022 | •• |
211243 |
André Rabelo |
Ser humano manual do usuário |
2021 | •• |
211242 |
Jose William Vesentini |
Geografia e Geopolítica, ensaios e resenhas |
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211241 |
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Общество и право: исследовательские перспективы |
2015 | •• |
211240 |
Keith Knight |
The voluntaryist handbook a collection of essays, excerpts, and quotes |
2022 • | •• |
211239 |
Joe Minichino, Joseph Howse |
Learning OpenCV 3 Computer Vision with Python |
2015 • | •• |
211238 |
Peter Frankopan |
O coração do mundo: Uma nova história universal a partir da Rota da Seda, o encontro do Oriente com o Ocidente |
2019 | •• |
211237 |
Günther Orth |
„Die Farbe des Regens" Entstehung und Entwicklung der modernen jemenitischen Kurzgeschichte |
1997 | •• |
211236 |
Dentes Leo |
Vizier The forbidden knowledge |
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211235 |
Devi Titus |
Escolhas inteligentes para melhorar sua vidа |
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Andrew Nagorski |
Batalha de Moscou |
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Компьютерное зрение. Анализ и обработка изображений |
2021 • | •• |
211232 |
Charlie McNabb |
QUEER ADOLESCENCE Understanding the Lives of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, Intersex, and Asexual Youth |
2020 | •• |
211231 |
Donna Woolfolk Cross |
Papisa Joana |
2012 | •• |
211230 |
Thomas K. Johnson |
The Protester, the Dissident, and the Christian |
2021 | •• |
211229 |
Raj Senani, Data Ram Bhaskar, Vinod Kumar Singh |
Gyrators, Simulated Inductors and Related Immittances |
2020 | •• |
211228 |
Richard S. Hess |
Joshua: An Introduction and Commentary |
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211227 |
João Luís Ribeiro Fragoso, Maria de Fátima Gouvêa |
O Brasil Colonial |
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211226 |
Robin A. Beck, Christopher B. Rodning, David G. Moore |
Fort San Juan and the Limits of Empire |
2016 | •• |
211225 |
Ahmed Fekry Ibrahim |
Child Custody in Islamic Law Theory and Practice in Egypt since the Sixteenth Century |
2018 | •• |
211224 |
Renato de Melo, Jorge Silveira |
Compliance, direito penal e lei anticorrupção |
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211223 |
R. J. Rivers |
Path integral methods in quantum field theory |
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211222 |
Jens Schröter, Benjamin A. Edsal, Joseph Verheyden |
Jews and Christians – Parting Ways in the First Two Centuries CE? |
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211221 |
Christian Wehde |
Autobiographische Argumentation und Selbstdarstellung im Galaterbrief |
2022 • | •• |
211220 |
Magnus Lie Hetland |
Beginning Python From Novice to Professional |
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211219 |
Petri Silén |
Clean Code Principles and Patterns |
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211218 |
Irlan Simões |
Clube empresa Abordagens críticas globais às sociedades anônimas no futebol |
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211217 |
Maurice DiGiuseppe, Christopher T. Howes, Jacob Speijer |
Nelson Physics 11 |
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211216 |
Колесников В.Л., Жарский И.М., Урбанович П.П. |
Компьютерное моделирование и оптимизация химико-технологических систем: Учеб. пособие для студентов химико-технологических специальностей |
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Тэарэтычная механiка. Практыкум. Частка 1 |
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Robert Hebdon, Travor C. Brown |
Industrial Relations in Canada |
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211213 |
D. J Dawe |
Matrix and finite element displacement analysis of structures |
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Национальная экономика Беларуси |
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Атрошчанка А.А., Машкоўскі У. П., Мінкевіч С. І. |
Лясная Бiаметрыя |
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211210 |
Henri Bergson |
As Duas fontes da moral e da Religião |
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211209 |
Арико С.Е., Смеян В. А., Симанович В. А. |
Дорожно-строительные машины. Лабораторный практикум : учеб.-метод. пособие для студентов |
2016 | •• |
211208 |
Katharina Pistor, Olivier De Schutter |
Governing Access to Essential Resources |
2015 | •• |
211207 |
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Технология производства резинотехнических изделий : учеб.-метод. пособие для студентов специальности 1-48 01 02 «Химическая технология органических веществ, материалов и изделий» специализации 1-48 01 02 05 «Технология переработки эластомеров» |
2014 | •• |
211206 |
Vernon Parrington |
The Beginnings of Critical Reaslim in America: Main Currents in American Thought |
2013 | •• |
211205 |
George Perkovich, Toby Dalton |
Not War, Not Peace? Motivating Pakistan to Prevent Cross-Border Terrorism |
2016 | •• |
211204 |
Edward J. Woods |
Deuteronomy: An Introduction and Commentary |
2011 | •• |